He was about to take action.

Jiang Caixuan on the side stopped her and said, Senior, this kind of garbage is not worthy of your help. Let me do it~~

Ye Fan nodded slightly.

He can't take care of Xiao Tingting all the time.

After killing these wastes, it was time for him to leave.

Although he will leave a lot of backup for Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang~

But he has to leave eventually. .

After all, the person who accompanies Xiao Tingting the most is not herself.

Therefore, he agreed to Jiang Caixuan's proposal.

Jiang Caixuan's pretty face showed a cold look as she said: A small family is now only two people, and they still dare to bully the weak. In the fish and meat village, they really don't know how to live or die.

She waved her hand gently, and everyone flew out like fallen leaves, hit the wall, fell to the ground and could not get up again. These were all important people of the Li family, screaming in agony.

As soon as the light flashed, two figures rushed out and came to the front yard. It was the two people from the Li family who knew how to practice. When they saw the situation in front of them, their colors changed.

Friends, who are you? Have we done anything to offend you? Why are you disturbing our rest? Both of them were around 27 or 28 years old. They were frightened and angry, but they did not dare to have an attack.

You don't deserve to know. Jiang Caixuan sneered.

Jiang Yifei asked calmly: Were Tingting's parents killed by you?

You...what are you talking about? Don't slander anyone! The expressions of the two men changed drastically. When they saw Old Man Jiang being crowded in the center, they felt a little chilled in their hearts.

Who are you talking about? A knight walked out, his eyes as sharp as a knife, and he came to his eyes like light. With two crisp sounds of pop, he flew the two of them away, and the faces of the two Li family members appeared. The two bloody palm prints swelled up instantly.

They were immediately shocked and angry, covered their faces and backed away, saying: Friends, don't go too far. We are disciples of Yanxia Cave Heaven, and several immortal masters are sitting in our house!

Immortal Master? What a big statement! We are about to go to Yanxia Cave, let the Immortal Master you call us lead the way.

What a loud tone! The two monks from the Li family looked ugly and said, You...do you want to trigger a war between sects?

Are you qualified for a sect war? I'm afraid you're not good at all. The knight covered in armor said indifferently.

Okay! Okay! Okay! You have courage, but you just don't know if you can get out of Yandi! The two monks of the Li family looked gloomy, with cold light flashing in their eyes. Their minds were spinning, and they were ready to provoke the anger of the elders of Yanxia Cave.

Do you still want to keep us in Yan Land? The knight sneered and said: For you idiots like you, even a hundred or eighty thousand yuan is not enough.

You... The monk of the Li family felt humiliated, but at the same time he was shocked. He felt that the other party seemed to have a great background, otherwise how could he dare to speak so wildly. But they had no way out. They had to be tied together with Yanxia Dongtian to have the possibility of destroying each other. They gritted their teeth and said: Since you don't take Yanxia Dongtian in your eyes, I will report it truthfully. The elders in the sect will naturally make you understand that the sky is high and the sky is high. !”


I'm not very capable, but my tone is quite good~~

Right now.

Ye Fan slowly walked towards the two Li family monks.

The knights divided their ways and bowed respectfully.

Jiang Yifei and Jiang Caixuan both retreated respectfully.


Ye Fan said calmly: Do you know why your Li family was destroyed out of thin air, and why your second young master disappeared??

That's exactly what I did~

I told you to ask the head of Yanxia Cave to come and kneel down to apologize to Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang. Why haven't you come yet?



It was you who killed the second young master, and it was you who destroyed my Li family!!!

Damn it!!! This hatred is irreconcilable!!


Are you losers worthy enough?

Ye Fan looked indifferent.

He lightly snapped his fingers.

The two members of the Li family flew out like scarecrows and hit the wall heavily. Their bones cracked and blood began to flow from their mouths, noses and ears at the same time.

You...who are you?!!!

Tell me the reason why little Tingting's parents were killed!

Ye Fan's tone was calm, but he was very dignified. .

They were not even qualified to look up to the majestic man in front of them. .

Say...let's talk~~

Please let us go!!


Who is so arrogant that he doesn't even pay attention to my Yanxia Cave? At this moment, a middle-aged man strode into the front yard. When he saw Ye Fan and a dozen strange beasts, he couldn't help but change his color. , said: Do you have any advice? Why did you destroy my Yanxia disciple?


Kneel down!


Mark's tone was calm.

Endless pressure emerged.

The middle-aged man felt instantly overwhelmed by a sacred mountain, with a pair of huge eyes staring at him like a god. .

This terrifying pressure made him kneel to the ground.

The bones all over his body were rattling.

But I couldn't raise my head.

I told you that the head of Yanxia Cave should come and kneel down to apologize. Why don't you come?

What does this senior mean? Does he look down on me, Yanxia Cave Sky, so much? the middle-aged man asked.

While speaking, the middle-aged man was surprised.

There was indeed a letter coming to Dongtian to report a few days ago, but they thought it was just a joke by someone who didn't know how to be generous. . .

I didn’t expect it to be true~~

Ye Fan hasn't spoken yet.

A knight appears.

He said in an indifferent tone: How presumptuous! Do you dare to compare with Senior Ye in this mere Yanxia Cave? These two are beasts that harm people's lives. It is their honor to allow Senior Ye to take action!

The world of cultivation.

Strength is respected.

Except for this knight, all the practitioners of the Jiang family present felt endless awe in their hearts when they learned that Ye Fan was an ancient sage.

It can be said that he has become Ye Fan's little fan. .

After all, this legendary existence, even thousands of years ago, was a supreme powerhouse and a living legend.

Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction.

It seems.

Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang should be able to entrust them.

He can just arrange a few more back-ups.

Think of this.

Ye Fan called Xiao Tingting to come over~

Using the divine power throughout his body, he was given the mark of the Nine Saints. .

Each one is equivalent to his full blow.

At the same time, Ye Fan also taught Xiao Tingting the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the Tao Jing. .

Then Ye Fan gave Xiao Tingting a storage bag.

The bag contains one thousand cubic meters of divine energy, 100 tons of snacks, and even the leaves of the elixir of immortality.

Ye Fan gently touched little Tingting's head and said softly: Tingting, be good~ Take good care of grandpa. There are some things that Brother Ye must do, but Brother Ye will see you often~ Okay, when things are finished, Ye Fan Brother will definitely be with you every day~~

Little Tingting's eyes were red, her little face like a porcelain doll was full of reluctance, but she still nodded heavily.

The sensible ones also make people feel distressed.

Yeah! Tingting listens to Brother Ye~


Tingting is good~~

Ye Fan then arranged a Tao Yun divine pattern of his own will for Xiao Tingting.

If all the resources are exhausted.

He can also come as soon as possible~


Tingting will be entrusted to you. What to do next, I want to see your performance ~ Tingting must not be aggrieved at all in the future, otherwise, the Jiang family will disappear in Donghuang...

Ye Fan's tone was calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.


Jiang Yifei said respectfully: Senior, don't worry~ Yifei will definitely make you feel at ease.


Say it.

Jiang Yifei turned around and looked at the middle-aged man in Yanxia Cave.

His expression was calm, but his words were a little cold, and he said: They have been doing evil for many years and have not been dealt with by you in Yanxia Cave. Now they still want to excuse themselves and try to cover up. It seems that I really need to go to Yanxia Cave to ask for help. An explanation.

You are so loud. You think that I am Yanxia Cave. Why don't you leave Yandi without taking pictures? The middle-aged man stared coldly at the people in front of him.

Ye Fan did not take action.

To be honest, he kind of wanted to slap this middle-aged man to death and then directly destroy Yanxia Cave.

But he endured it~~

Ye Fan wanted to see how Jiang Yifei handled it to judge whether Tingting would be offended when she went to Jiang's house in the future.

Jiang Yifei naturally knew Mark's intentions.

He sneered and said: Is Yanxia Cave Heaven very powerful? Unfortunately, I have never heard of it. I will definitely go and learn about it soon.

You are so arrogant. The middle-aged man said coldly: Yanxia Dongtian is one of the six sects in Yandi. If you insist on causing trouble, a war between the sects will inevitably occur!

Jiang Yifei shook his head and said: The Eastern Wilderness is vast. It's hard to count how many countries there are. The Yan Kingdom is just a small place. I have never heard of the sects here.

You are so arrogant, I want to teach you how powerful you are.

The middle-aged man rode the rainbow, rushed into the air, opened his mouth and spit out a purple-gold shield and a bloody spear.

A roar of a savage beast sounded, and a knight rode the beast into the air, rushing past like a ray of green light.


The middle-aged monk in Yanxia Cave let out a scream on the spot. The purple-gold shield was instantly cut open, and the blood-red spear was also broken into two parts. His chest and abdomen were almost completely cut open, and he fell on the spot. He fell down, and blood flowed gurglingly.

If an ordinary person would have died unexpectedly at this moment, the monk's physique was particularly strong. He quickly stopped the bleeding and stabilized the injury. His face was extremely pale and he stepped aside.

At this moment, the immortal masters who heard the noise could no longer bear it and walked out from the backyard.

Who are you? One of the old men frowned. He had just heard the words of the people in the front yard. These people did not take Yanxia Cave into their eyes at all, which made him feel very annoyed and uncomfortable.

Can you please help me lead the way and take us to the Yanxia Cave for a walk? Jiang Caixuan said with a sneer on her beautiful cheeks: Please, please.

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