Sitting on top of the Golden God is a young man of twenty-four or five years old. He is dressed in white and looks very elegant. He has a gentle smile on his face. He is very handsome. His eyes are like water, and there is a faint flow of divine glory. He can be called the God of Feng. Like jade.

On both sides of him there were two more horses riding forward side by side. On the left is a green beast, shaped like a liger. The green fur is very long, very clean, as crystal clear as jade, flowing with clear light and shining brightly.

And there is a jade horn on its head, which is actually blooming with five colors of divine light. This five-colored strange beast is also walking in the air without actually stepping on the ground. It is an extraordinary horse. Sitting on it was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, dressed in Tsing Yi. He looked very handsome, but he had a faint sense of arrogance and looked at everything in the town with disdain.

On the other side, there is a gleaming silver beast, shaped like a sacred deer, covered with silver scales, with a vertical eye in the center of its forehead, and a holy light shining all over its body. It walks in the air and is spotless. Sitting on it is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with skin as smooth as gelatin, eyes as misty as autumn water, and dotted red lips. She is very beautiful, but gives people a feeling of being unattainable, with a hint of pride.

The dozen or so exotic beasts behind the three people are also extraordinary. They are all very rare and exotic species. Some have dense scales, or their bodies are like jade, and they all have shining lights. The people on the mounts range from twenty to forty years old. , both men and women have a chilling air, and a strong fighting spirit condenses around them.

Ye Fan could sense that this wave of people was not an enemy.

It is very likely that he is not from Yanxia Cave Sky.


Think of this.

Ye Fan waved his hand gently.

A book appeared in the void. .

The book is called Covering the Sky.

Ye Fan bought this in the chat group. . .

It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember the plot. .

Just open it and see if it's OK.

Chapter 210 Old Monster

That's it, that's it~

When Ye Fan turned to the fifth line of page 298, he finally read the plot.

This group of people came from the Jiang family.

The ancient Jiang family where the white-clothed god king Jiang Taixu lived.

They came to look for Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang. .

However, the development of the plot was not all about family reunion and perfection from the beginning.

The Jiang family is also divided into several factions~

But these are not important anymore. .

As long as Ye Fan is here, he will not let Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang have any problems. .

He's been here long enough.

After settling Tingting and Uncle Jiang, it's your turn~


Why did such a group of strong people come to the small town to look for Jiang? Ye Fan couldn't calm down. He was afraid that Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting would be involved.

There have never been so many strange beasts in Qingfeng Town. The scales of more than a dozen mounts flashed and their divine radiance shone, making people on the street extremely frightened and quickly dodge backwards.

A middle-aged knight of about thirty years old was sitting on a strange beast covered with green scales. He tried his best to show a friendly expression and said: You don't have to be afraid. We have no ill intentions. We are just asking if there is anyone with the surname Jiang in this town. .”

Although he tried to look calm, these people were obviously knights who had experienced hundreds of battles. They had been tempered by swords and blood, and they naturally exuded a murderous aura that would make ordinary people feel frightened.

An old farmer pointed to West Street, his lips were trembling and he couldn't speak clearly, and said: That where the biggest house is.

Thank you. These people drove the wild beasts and slowly moved towards the West Street of the town.

Old man Jiang is not the only one with the surname Jiang in Qingfeng Town~

There are other people named Jiang~~

The old man is not referring to Old Man Jiang, the small restaurant where he and Xiao Tingting are.

But another Jiang family.


Ye Fan withdrew his spiritual perception.

Called Mr. Jiang and Xiao Tingting over.

Child, what happened? The old man walked out of the courtyard.

Little Tingting was holding a lollipop in her mouth, her big black eyes blinking with curiosity, and asked: What's wrong with Brother Ye?


Ye Fan briefly explained to Mr. Jiang and Xiao Tingting.

Comfort them both not to be afraid.

It all depends on your own actions.

The two of them are inseparable.

In their hearts, Ye Fan is heaven. .


I'm not afraid of Brother Ye, but I don't know if those strange beasts are delicious~~ Little Tingting's big, watery eyes glowed with many little stars, and she ran out of the small restaurant and looked towards the end of the street curiously. , a trace of drool overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan's mouth kept twitching.

He regretted~

Xiao Tingting's painting style has changed. .

I catch exotic animals for little Tingting to eat every day~

Little Tingting now reacts the same way as she does when seeing strange beasts, she doesn't think they are cute or scary.

It’s about whether it tastes good or not. .

Steaming or grilling, braised or shabu-shabu?


They're coming~ behind me.

Ye Fan gently reminded Jiang and Tingting.

Old man Jiang heard this.

Pulled Xiao Tingting behind Ye Fan.


The entrance of the small restaurant.

I saw a dozen riders rushing over quickly. There was no dust flying. All the strange beasts were three inches above the ground and walking in the air.

Oh~ Brother Ye, they are so fierce.

Little Tingting hugged Ye Fan's thigh, feeling a little scared.

Ye Fan gently touched Xiao Tingting's head. .

Don't be afraid, Brother Ye is here.

Little Tingting, whose head was touched by Ye Fan, felt that her heart suddenly calmed down for some reason and she was no longer afraid~

Yeah, brother Ye is here, I'm not afraid!!

Xiao Tingting nodded heavily, her delicate little face full of determination.

. . . . .

This cannot be blamed on Xiao Tingting. .

Because the bloody and murderous aura of these dozen knights is too strong~

Old man Jiang on the side was a little out of breath.

Ye Fan slightly released his aura and resisted this pressure.

At the same time, do not let the other party find out.

This is too simple for Ye Fan. .


More than a dozen wild beasts stopped in front of the small restaurant. They shook their heads and swung their tails. Their scales flashed and emitted various lights. They were very powerful. However, the divine brilliance could not cover up the blood evil aura on their bodies. It was obvious that they had all gone through bloody battles. Not a pet animal kept in a greenhouse.

Is this the Jiang family? The young man in the center who looked very elegant and handsome asked. He was dressed in white and his eyes were like water. Occasionally, there would be a little bit of divine light. Sitting on the golden god, he had a unique look. The aura of Chuchen was very different from those knights filled with murderous aura.

Ye Fan stepped forward.

He nodded slightly and said, Yes, what do you do for a living?


The young man's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Mark.

Because although Ye Fan has concealed his saintly pressure and realm.

But that kind of supreme temperament is unstoppable, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

Moreover, the auras revealed by the two supreme physiques were even more frightening to everyone.

Is your surname Jiang?

The young man asked with a kind face.

The sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy sitting on the five-color exotic beast interjected: It must be so. With such a temperament, he must be a descendant of my Jiang family!!

The young man glanced at the boy, and the boy suddenly did not dare to speak.

Ye Fan shook his head and pointed at Old Man Jiang behind him and said, This old man is.


The old man was already over seventy years old. His face was engraved with the wind and frost of the years, and wrinkles had already appeared. His old eyes were a little cloudy.

Seeing him so old and looking like he was dying, the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy sitting on the five-colored beast couldn't help it anymore.

Frowning, he said: This is just an ordinary old country man who is about to expire. He cannot be the person we are looking for.

I think this young man is the person we are looking for~

As he said that, he glanced at Mark again.


The young man on the Golden God frowned slightly and his face became a little cold. The young man on the Five-Colored Beast seemed to be a little scrupulous and stopped talking and said nothing more.

Uncle, have you been living in Qingfeng Town?

Yes, I almost never travel far away. The old man replied truthfully.

Did your ancestors live here, or did you move to this town later? The young man on the Golden God continued to ask.

My father's generation moved here and I was born here. What's wrong with you...? Old Man Jiang looked puzzled.

Hearing these words, the young man on the Golden God immediately jumped down. He was dressed in white clothes fluttering in the wind, and even his boots were spotless. He looked extremely handsome and could be called a rare handsome man. He was as rich as jade. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it.

Old man, I want to ask you some questions. I hope you can answer them.

Old Uncle Jiang looked at Mark.

Ye Fan nodded slightly: Tell me, Uncle Jiang, this is related to your and Xiao Tingting's life experience.

With Ye Fan's permission.

Only then did the old man tell his story.

Little Tingting on the side was clinging tightly to Ye Fan, very nervous.

Worried about whether they would hurt Old Man Jiang. .

First of all, please forgive me. I would like to ask, is your father still alive today? The man in white asked slightly nervously.

Old Uncle Jiang was confused at first, and then replied: He has been dead for more than fifty years.

What... The man in white was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on Ruyu's face, and then he sighed.

I told you a long time ago, this is just an ordinary bad old man... The young man on the five-color beast looked impatient, as if he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

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