Ye Fan's eyes were cold.

I want to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

But he hasn't taken action yet.

The man in white taught the young man a lesson.

Shut up! The man in white turned his head and glared at him, then turned around and continued to ask: Old man, please forgive me, is your father's name Jiang Zhe? do you know? Old Man Jiang looked shocked.

The girl sitting on the shimmering sacred deer looked surprised and said: It seems that we have really found it. She has a slender figure, skin as white as jade, a beautiful face, and a touch of pride between her eyebrows. It gives people a feeling of being unattainable.

The young man on the five-color exotic beast frowned and said: How could such an ordinary old country man have the blood of our Jiang family? If he is really a descendant of Mr. Jiang Zhe, how could he not understand the method of cultivation? He must have the same name as him. surname……


You talk too much~~

Ye Fan's eyes were cold, divine power surged around his body, and the saint's power was awe-inspiring.

The colorful beast fainted immediately. .

The young man also fell to the ground, sweating profusely and trembling constantly, but he couldn't get up. .



The girl sitting on the shining silver sacred deer and the man in white were extremely shocked.

Ye Fan's pressure was only aimed at young people.

But they also felt this terrifying power.

It's like facing a towering sacred mountain!

The dozen or so knights also lost their so-called murderous aura at this time.

Even if the coercion is not directed at them.

Their whole bodies were also trembling unconsciously.

This is the instinctive gap in life levels.

All the strange beasts knelt on the ground.


Senior... We don't mean any harm, we are just looking for relatives. I hope you don't mind the young man's jokes~

The man in white was sweating profusely, but he still endured the terrifying oppression and maintained his grace.

Neither humble nor arrogant. .

Only then did Mark put away his pressure.

Young man, you are already 15 years old, be careful that trouble comes from your mouth~

After saying that, Ye Fan stopped talking.

The young man breathed heavily and gradually recovered.

The eyes looking at Ye Fan were full of fear.

Just now, he felt like he was facing a supreme god, and he couldn't even breathe.

The same is true for the cavalry.

Thank you, senior!

The man in white bowed respectfully to Mark.

The beautiful girl riding on the sacred deer also put away the pride in her eyebrows at this time.

The eyes looking at Ye Fan were full of awe.

. . . . .

Ye Fan waved his hand.

Xiao Tingting, who was beside Ye Fan, looked at Ye Fan with eyes full of stars.

Brother Ye is so handsome!! He is indeed the most powerful!

This is what Xiao Tingting is thinking.

In her eyes, there are extremely terrifying alien beasts, knights and annoying boys.

He was like an ant in front of Ye Fan.


Ye Fan didn't intend to kill the boy at the beginning. He just felt that he was too pretentious and too talkative, so he gave him a lesson.

Plus the attitude of the man in white is okay. .

So Ye Fan didn't go too far. . .

After all, he couldn't stay with Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting for the rest of their lives. .

It doesn't matter to him that he offended the Jiang family, but what about Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang?

You guys go inside and talk...

Ye Fan said to the man in white.

Thank you, senior!

The young man in white had a gentle attitude and saluted Ye Fan respectfully.

Then he helped Old Man Jiang walk into the small restaurant. .

All the knights were standing outside.


After that, the arrogant and talkative young man lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ye Fan and followed him in.

The very beautiful and charming girl bowed to Ye Fan gracefully. .

He called Senior sweetly and followed him in.


Ye Fan didn't say anything and pulled Xiao Tingting in.

He will leave as soon as Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang are settled.

Do Mr. Jiang Zhe have a few red moles on his left arm?

There are five in total. How do you even know these? Old Man Jiang looked surprised.

Old Master Jiang Zhe actually lived in seclusion in Yandi. He didn't want to die more than fifty years ago... The man in white sighed softly and said, Old man, maybe I should call you uncle.

Don't dare, don't dare! Seeing that the other party bowed to him, Old Man Jiang hurriedly pulled the man in white up.

Why don't you two come over and pay me a visit? The man in white turned around and said to the two people behind him.

Greetings to my uncle. The beautiful girl aged sixteen or seventeen bowed Yingying.

The young man was a little reluctant.


Ye Fan coughed lightly.

The frightened young man suddenly became alert. .

The knees went weak.

Suddenly he knelt down. my uncle.

The nervous child trembled. .

The girl on the side couldn't help laughing. It was so embarrassing for this kid to be scared like this. .

The man in white was also speechless.

I didn't expect this child to be so afraid of Mark. It was indeed a flower in the greenhouse. .


Old man Jiang was a little confused.

Little Tingting was also very confused, her long eyelashes kept blinking, and her big, spiritual eyes were full of confusion.

Big brother, big sister, do you know my grandfather?

Ye Fan nodded and said: Old man Jiang comes from their ancient family, the Jiang family, and he has a very high seniority! In today's era, the Jiang family is one of the top powers in the Eastern Wasteland.


Xiao Tingting nodded and said: So that's it.

Hearing Ye Fan speak.

Everyone was extremely surprised.

The man in white was very shocked.

Senior, how do you know the internal affairs of my Jiang family?

The talkative boy and the beautiful girl were also extremely surprised.

This senior is too mysterious.

The terrifying strength may be even stronger than the head of the family.

He looks so young and knows so many things, even the secrets within the Jiang family. .

Could it be some old monster? ?


More than four thousand years ago, an unparalleled powerful man appeared in your Jiang family, the peerless god king Jiang Taixu. Have you ever heard that he and I have some connections?



The man in white, the girl, and the boy were extremely shocked~

This senior is actually related to the legendary existence of their Jiang family~~

How many years did this senior live?

They were silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

As the Jiang family, an ancient family inherited from ancient times, Jiang Taixu is definitely a legendary existence.

He used his Dacheng Divine Body to coordinate with the Holy Law of Fighting to travel across the Eastern Wasteland.

Definitely the most legendary existence in the Jiang family.

It's a pity that four thousand years ago, Jiang Taixu was exploring Zishan, but unfortunately he was trapped in it and ran out of oil.


Chapter 211 True Dragon

Ye Fan said calmly: Little Tingting is also a bloodline of your family. Now she has been assisted by me to open the secret realm of the wheel sea. There are many factions in your Jiang family, and I don't want to get involved.

But when Xiao Tingting and Uncle Jiang go to your Jiang family, they must enjoy the best treatment, otherwise, your Jiang family will be gone~

Also, Xiao Tingting is the Taiyin Holy Body, you know what to do!!


Ye Fan's series of words made everyone confused and shocked.

They didn't expect that Xiao Tingting was actually the Holy Body of Taiyin!

The legendary supreme physique of the Holy Emperor of the Human Race!

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