The Li family spends a lot of money during the day, mainly to collect elixirs and send them to the immortal cultivators in their family. A while ago, it seems that they collected some 'source'. It is said that a herb collector found it in an ancient cave in the mountains. There are great benefits to being a monk.”

According to ancient records, in the era when the heaven and earth combined to create all things, vegetation flourished, creatures were powerful, and elixirs were endless. Many sources were produced, which were as crystal clear as amber, but contained a large amount of life essence.

There are even some rare divine sources that contain powerful creatures from the original era of heaven and earth. Once such sources are mined, they can provide massive amounts of life essence.

Ye Fan is not talented, he has 100,000 cubic meters of divine source. .

Don't care about this source at all. .

What he cares about is the disgusting young master of the Li family and Yanxia Cave Sky.


Because my home is gone. .

The young master of the Li family walked towards the small restaurant.

That is where Mr. Jiang, Xiao Tingting and he are.

. . . . .

See here.

Ye Fan withdrew his spiritual perception.

He didn't expect that the fish would come to his door~

Then he doesn't have to be so polite. .



A sudden voice interrupted this warm atmosphere and said: We haven't seen each other for two years. This little girl has grown up and can do some things.

The seventh young master of the Li family walked in with a faint smile on his face. He glanced at Old Man Jiang and Ye Fan contemptuously, and then stared at little Tingting.

Uncle, who are you? Do you know me? Xiao Tingting's mouth was very sweet. Although she felt a little unkind, she still called her uncle obediently.

Of course I do. I've known you since your parents were alive. The young man's face was fair and his lips were thin, giving people a sinister feeling. He did not shy away and directly mentioned that Xiao Tingting's parents were dead. .

The little girl's big eyes suddenly turned red. She still vaguely remembered her parents. She used to wake up crying in her sleep. Later, she and Old Man Jiang depended on each other. As time went by, she finally stopped crying in her dreams.

Good guy. .

Ye Fan didn't expect it. . .

This kid started pretending as soon as he arrived~


Ye Fan is not polite either. .

Kicked the young master of the Li family to the ground.

Stepping on his head and laughing: Your horse is gone, your father is gone, your family is gone, do you know who did it?

The seventh young master of the Li family went from being confused to angry: Yes...yes...

The words are not finished yet.

Ye Fan stepped heavily on the chest of the seventh young master of the Li family again. Blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth, and he was speechless.

There is no reason why Mark Ye is so cruel. .

The seventh young master of the Li family entered the Yanxia Cave at the same time as Xiao Tingting's father. Because of his qualifications, he was left far behind by Tingting's father.

Moreover, this person had committed evil deeds and was severely punished by Tingting's father, resulting in him becoming jealous.

When Tingting's parents died, it was he who allowed the Li family to seize Old Man Jiang's restaurant and inn, forcing the grandfather and grandson to almost have no way of survival.

And the death of Tingting’s parents was also caused by this guy! !


I was the one who destroyed the Li family, you trash~

Ye Fan's eyes were cold.

But he did not kill the seventh young master of the Li family. .

Your backstage is Yanxia Dongtian~ Go away and let the head of Yanxia Dongtian come over and kneel down to apologize to Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang!

Say it.

Ye Fan kicked the seventh young master of the Li family out of the restaurant like a dog. .


This is also Ye Fan's deliberate control of strength, otherwise the seventh young master of the Li family would have died long ago~~~

Rao is so.

The seventh young master of the Li family is so relieved that he has not lost his temper~

Ye Fan possesses two supreme physiques at the same time.

Without using any of his inner strength, he could stand up to saints of the same realm or even saint kings by relying solely on his physical strength. .

Don’t talk about this ant who has just entered the realm of spiritual practice~~

a long time.

The seventh young master of the Li family has finally regained his composure~

He glanced at Mark with a bitter look and limped away.


Big brother... Xiao Tingting had some worry on her face.

She was afraid that Ye Fan would be retaliated~

Old Man Jiang said guiltily: It's us who have caused you trouble.

Ye Fan chuckled.

He responded: You don't have to say that, old man and Tingting. It's just a haze in the sky. I'm not afraid even of the Void Ji Family~

But there is really no need for this kind of trash to live. He can die after he reports to Yanxia Cave.


At night.

Ye Fan directly used his spiritual thoughts to kill the seventh young master of the Li family~

Before killing.

Ye Fan used Soul Search on him.

I learned the truth~

Tingting's parents were indeed killed by several monks from the Li family. They exchanged a rare drug from other monks at a high price, which could trigger the violent rage of powerful beasts. They spread it on Tingting's parents without anyone noticing. As a result, they were frightened when they went out to collect the elixir. The lightning bird tore it into pieces.

There are also some dirty deals and dark tricks inside, which makes people angry when they hear about it.

Ye Fan didn't feel too much.

Even the river crab society has an unimaginable dark side. .

What’s more, it’s the world of cultivation~


With the Immortal Seal of Reincarnation, he has experienced endless reincarnations of life and death.

My state of mind has reached the realm of mortal immortals~

If he hadn't deliberately cut off some unnecessary memories, Ye Fan would really be indifferent to all living beings.

Xiao Tingting is his apprentice’s wife, and she is also one of his causal destiny lines~

Of course he wants to help. .


the following few days. .

Qingfeng Town is very peaceful.

But the seventh young master of the Li family seemed to have disappeared from the world.

No one knows where it is~~

It wasn't until the other two monks from the Li family rushed back from the Yanxia Cave with great momentum and caused chaos that everyone was affected.


Have you heard that the reason why the monks from the Li family came back so aggressively this time is because the seventh young master of the Li family is missing...

Missing...?? I guess he's dead~~

I saw him going to Old Man Jiang's restaurant two days ago. He was probably looking for trouble again, but he didn't know Mr. Ye was inside and was beaten half to death. In the past two days... tsk tsk~

Shh~~~~~Don't say it, this bastard and the Li family are not good people. Usually in the Fish and Meat Village, Mr. Ye does a good thing...

Yes, yes, we must not expose Young Master Ye...

Haha, Mr. Ye is the genius of the Great Holy Land. What are you afraid of? What does the Li family and Yanxia Cave mean?

Master Ye can say that, but you can't. Be careful, walls have ears!

Speaking of this, I think Mr. Ye is the person who cultivates immortality in my mind. He is gentle to others, like a person who walked out of a painting. He is like an immortal, and he is very decisive in dealing with garbage. I love all men. !”

...There's something wrong with you, Lao Litou...


The people in Qingfeng Town were talking a lot, and this matter was getting bigger and bigger.

After all, the huge Li family suddenly evaporated, and as soon as the seventh young master of the Li family came back, everyone was gone, so it was probably a disaster.

The two remaining monks from the Li family were extremely angry~


Ye Fan was a little disappointed.

No one comes to Yanxia Cave~

These two remnants of the Li family are only a little stronger than the seventh young master. .

But what makes Ye Fan interesting is.

The two Li family monks did not come to the small restaurant. .

But waiting for something.

Ye Fan had some guesses and did not take action directly.

Little Tingting and Old Man Jiang were a little scared.

Ye Fan comforted the two.

With him there is no need to worry.



Ye Fan felt a good aura~

The good here refers to the monks of the Li family.

In Ye Fan's eyes, he is still a weakling.


Ye Fan used his spiritual consciousness to sense the incoming person.


There are about a dozen riders and horses, all of them are extremely mysterious beasts, with thick scales and armor, and majestic heads and horns.

The mount in the middle is the most extraordinary, covered with golden scales, shimmering with brilliance, as if golden flames are burning.

It looks like a golden god, but it has two more horns on its head, which are bifurcated and surrounded by golden light. It is very majestic and mighty. Its four hooves did not step on the ground, but were more than three inches above the ground. It was completely walking on the air. One can imagine how powerful and terrifying this strange beast was.

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