He gently touched little Tingting's head and said, It's okay, Tingting, there will no longer be a Li family here~~

Although his tone was gentle, the old man did feel an undoubted chilling air from these words.

He already had a guess in his mind.

But it was not said.

He has roughly figured out Ye Fan's character. .

It’s no different to say more~

Tonight, Brother Ye will take you to watch the fireworks~A particularly beautiful evolution~Little Tingting will definitely like it~~

Really!! Brother Ye is so kind.

Xiao Tingting looked excited.

Master Ye, this...

Ye Fan waved his hand.

No words were spoken.

There was a hint of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

He didn’t know when Yanxia Cave Sky would come. .

But this Li family is in the town. .

so. . .

Let’s do surgery on the Li family first~~

In the afternoon, Ye Fan wandered around the town a few times and found out the Li family's property and where the restaurant and inn where the old man was robbed were located, and then indirectly learned a lot about the situation from other people.

Everyone has seen Ye Fan's supreme power and knows that he is an immortal cultivator who cannot be messed with. .

Of course I have nothing to say ~

The Li family on the other side had actually known about Ye Fan for a long time, but they did not dare to act and secretly communicated with Yanxia Dongtian's family. .

Waiting for it, looking for revenge on Ye Fan...


Several members of the Li family are practicing in the Yanxia Cave... There is also a person who is practicing in the Super Immortal Sect outside Yandi, and his achievements seem to be extraordinary? I wonder if he is a famous holy land sect.

Is it the Ji family or the Jiang family?

Ye Fan's vague impression seemed to be related to these two holy places.

Interesting, if so, that would be so interesting~

Since coming to the Beidou Star Territory.

In addition to meeting the empress, Ye Fan has been hanging around Novice Village.

Although Xiao Tingting is very important, this does not change the fact.

It would be interesting if it involves the Ji family and Jiang family~~

Ji Haoyue, who possesses the divine body of the Eastern Wilderness, is a talented and talented genius who can serve as her own warrior to establish the supreme heaven in the future.

The lovely Ji Ziyue, this little beauty is Ye Fan's favorite. When watching Zhetian in his previous life, the one Ye Fan remembers most is Ji Ziyue. He wants to change all tragedies.

And the Ji family involves the Emperor of the Void, one of the human emperors that Ye Fan admires the most~

Prove the Tao with infinite void and control the extremes of space. The Great Emperor of the Void has never been weaker than anyone in his life, quelling darkness and turmoil, suppressing the Immortal Mountain, fighting gods outside the territory, and never flinched. In his later years, he faked his own death and set up a trap to drag the two Supremes of the Immortal Mountain to their death together.

The life of Emperor Void was too tragic, and Ye Fan must change everything.

But this will have to wait until the later period, when the road to immortality begins, and the era of darkness and turmoil begins.


The same is true for the Jiang family.

There is the white-clothed god king Jiang Taixu! !

The most important benefactor in his predecessor was comparable to the great elder Meng Tianzheng who taught the arbitrary and arbitrary Eternal Desolate Heavenly Emperor. .

Now, although Ye Fan does not need the help of the peerless god king.

But for such a supreme figure, Ye Fan will save him!

Moreover, for such an amazing and talented person, his future achievements are also limitless.

It can also serve as the foundation for him to create the supreme heaven in the future.

Due to emotion and reason, Ye Fan went back to save him.

Because these people will become his own important combat force in assisting Emperor Huangtian in the future, and in the Holy Void Era, he can conquer the heavens and all the worlds!

There is also a chat group. .

The worlds involved in the chat group are equally mysterious.


In this way, Ye Fan's trip to Beidou has officially begun~

In fact, what he didn't know was.

He is already famous. .

The supreme holy power displayed in the tomb of the Demon Emperor.

It has spread throughout the five major regions of the Beidou Star Territory. .

The major holy land worlds of Eastern Wasteland, Western Desert, Zhongzhou, Southern Territory, and Northern Territory, ancient sects, and ancient families are inherited. . . . .

All are aware.

The tomb of Qingdi, the last monster emperor in the post-barren ancient era, appears, and the treasure of the Eastern Barren is revealed. .

Moreover, the legendary ancient sage appeared! !

The holy power illuminates a large area.

The supreme power that has not appeared in thousands of years, only exists in the realm of legends, is a real talent! !

Moreover, this senior took away the heart of the Demon Clan Emperor.


Night falls.

Ye Fan pulled Xiao Tingting. .

Flying to the sky thousands of feet high.

The little girl's face was flushed and excited.

It's so beautiful~~Brother Ye...

Xiao Tingting hugged Ye Fan's thigh intimately and looked down at the scene below.

Ye Fan smiled and said: Does it look good~~ Brother Ye wants you to see something more interesting, the fireworks that I promised you during the day~


Say it.

Ye Fan's whole body was filled with chaotic aura, and colorful rays of light lingered around him~~

At this time, Ye Fan was as ethereal as a fairy, like a god.

Auspicious colors descend from the sky, divine springs surge from the earth, lotus flowers bloom, and Yao grass roots sprout. Divine clouds fill the sky, dragons and phoenixes dance, longevity turtles spit out auspiciousness, auspicious lins receive energy, purple energy comes from the east, golden light comes from the west, five-color divine lights shine, and colorful rainbows cross the sky.

Many wonderful phenomena and endless methods are presented one after another, mysterious and mysterious, like the divine sounds of heaven and earth, and like the hymns of the great road.

It turned into a green lotus of energy.

Rushing towards all industries related to the Li family~



a moment~

The energy green lotus exploded like fireworks, emitting brilliant colors.

Does it look good, little Tingting~~

So... so beautiful, Brother Ye is so kind to me!!

Little Tingting's eyes were filled with little stars, and she couldn't take her eyes away from the gorgeous fireworks.

She had never seen such a beautiful scene in her life.

Seeing Xiao Tingting's happy look, Ye Fan was also extremely happy.

On this side, Xiao Tingting is happy. .

But the town below was indeed in chaos. .

Because all the property and people of the Li family were completely annihilated, as if they had never existed. .

All that can prove existence is nothingness.

Everyone in the town saw the supreme vision displayed by Ye Fan's divine power above the sky.

Gods!!! Gods have opened their eyes~~ This Li family has done many evil things, and today they have been punished by God~~

Bah, I thought something happened, but it turned out that the Li family was all blown up!! Great! God showed up~ This abominable Li family finally got retribution~~~

Could it be that one of the immortal cultivators has encountered injustice? Or is it the young man who met at noon today?

It should be!! That young master looks unusual at first glance. He looks like he stepped out of a painting. He must be from a family of immortal cultivators that we can't imagine. This Li family also has Yanxia Cave, he is nothing!

Shhh, keep your voice down, be careful of people's heart.

Well, that miracle in the sky must have been done by that young master!

Thank you, Lord God!



The people in the town talked to each other, and they didn't feel sad at all about the Li family's people and property being wiped out. Instead, they were extremely happy.

At the same time, everyone knelt down towards Ye Fan above the sky, constantly chanting thanks to the gods.

Ye Fan in the sky sensed all this and took back his own vision.

Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have changed Zhetian's original destiny line, gained the faith of the people in this town, the supreme emperor system, and the god-level amplification system have been triggered at the same time~

You gain a thousand rays of faith and trigger a ten thousand times increase at the same time.

Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Taiyin Holy Body permanent use card x1 (permanent).

Taiyin Holy Body Permanent Use Card: After using it, you will permanently obtain the Supreme Physique Taiyin Holy Body.

Taiyin Holy Body: It comes from the supreme power of the human race in the ancient times, the Taiyin Ancient Emperor. During the ancient years of enlightenment, he was revered as the Human Emperor and created the glory of the human race! Created the Taiyin Ancient Sutra, which expounded the great secret of the origin of heaven and earth.

When you practice to the extreme, you can catch stars and catch the moon, kill gods, and use methods that defy the heavens! He truly looks down between heaven and earth, swallows mountains and rivers with his breath, his eyes can shatter time and space, and he is supreme for eternity.


Ye Fan didn't expect that he would be rewarded for this.

Taiyin Holy Body permanent use card. .

It feels very good.

Looking at the cards inside the system backpack, they were as bright as moonlight.

Ye Fan has a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Taiyin Holy Body permanent use card. .

As the name suggests.

After using it, you can get the Taiyin Holy Body.

If you practice to the extreme, you can reach the legendary realm of Taiyin Human Emperor.

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