This item is very strong though.

But it didn't have much effect on Ye Fan.

Because Ye Fan already has two supreme physiques at the same time~

Of course, what will happen if you use the Taiyin Sacred Body Card to gain another physique?

Ye Fan didn't know.

But now Ye Fan doesn't want to use it.

Moreover, his own will of the Emperor of Heaven told him that although the Taiyin Holy Body and the Sun Holy Body were terrifying, they could not compare to the Flawless Chaos Body. .

Therefore, there is a high probability that even if it is used, it will be assimilated by the flawless chaotic body.

You must know that the flawless chaotic body is a supreme body that is born holy and born for the Tao.

If the system had not just obtained the flawless chaotic body in order to avoid some unpredictable things happening. .

He immediately became a saint. . .

There is no need for system rewards at all.

But no matter what, Ye Fan still likes this permanent use card of Taiyin Holy Body.

You can be a grandfather if you have the opportunity, or you can trade when a big boss appears in the chat group in the future.

Or you can hang it in the group mall.

But Ye Fan doesn't have so many ideas now.

Because there is nothing in the chat group that is worthy of his heart.


Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan took Xiao Tingting to visit the great rivers and mountains.

By the way, I helped him guide the power of Yuehua.

Not surprisingly.

Little Tingting will soon start her journey~


Unlike his ancient holy body, Xiao Tingting's lunar holy body is more or less influenced by the current era.

But overall, God still shows mercy~~

Therefore, there is no need to spend too much effort and massive resources like the ancient holy body.

late at night.

Ye Fan took Xiao Tingting back to the small restaurant. .

Old Uncle Jiang knew that Ye Fan did what happened to the Li family. . .

There wasn’t too much to ask.


After Ye Fan greeted Old Man Jiang, he entrusted Xiao Tingting to the old man.

He returned to his room to practice realm cultivation and rebuild the secret realm.

Ye Fan possesses the secret realm of the system-level Dao Palace, although he has reached the realm of a saint.

But the limits of Taoist Palace are far from being fully developed.

What is system level? ?

It's like making something out of nothing.

There is no existence between heaven and earth.

Started by him.

It's the system level. .

No one can reach the Dao Palace Secret Realm system level except the Emperor Huangtian who has been dictatorial for eternity. .

Ye Fan was lucky, he realized the will of the Emperor of Heaven in the Shengxu era.

Combined with the system, the secret realm of the Dao Palace has also reached this level.

But there is still a long way to go before true understanding and development.


Ye Fan sat cross-legged.

The divine introduction chapter of the Tao De Zhen Jing, a quasi-immortal emperor-level exercise that combines two Tao scriptures, was put into operation~~

Start looking inside.

The vast and endless golden sea of ​​suffering is like a scorching sun, illuminating all the illusions in the darkness.

The copper block of the ancient Heavenly Court Immortal Grade Green Cauldron that was previously obtained from the Demon Emperor's tomb was stored in the Secret Heart of Ye Fandao Palace.

Ye Fan used his divine power to put it into his golden sea of ​​suffering.


The Sanskrit chants of the Tao Te Ching turned into endless Taoist rhyme and spread in the golden sea of ​​suffering, and the immortal green bronze seemed to sense it.

It exudes a simple yet mysterious atmosphere.

The golden sea of ​​suffering actually experienced a subtle change.

The Sanskrit chanting sounds of the Tao Te Ching turned into small golden characters, which circulated around the simple and majestic copper block like runes, as if they were about to produce some change.

But it was still a little bit close after all. .

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Communicate with the heaven and earth within yourself. .

He took down a branch of the Nine Wonders Elixir, the roots and leaves of the Chaos Green Lotus Elixir, and the Bodhi Seed obtained in Yinghuo. .

Keep it by your side. .

The Nine Wonders of Eternal Medicine is an elixir of immortality with nine roots. Different fruits in the nine branches grow in reincarnation, and each fruit has a different effect. .

It contains the mysterious laws of the Nine Middle Schools.

The Chaos Green Lotus elixir grew up in chaos. It is very likely that it contains the laws of the great road before the mythical era and has great mystery. .

As the saying goes, there is a lotus in the sky forever.

the last one. .

It is the Bodhisattva. .

It is as big as a walnut, with natural lines on it, and the pattern formed when connected together is a Buddha.

The Buddha's picture is made in heaven and evolved completely naturally. It is dark, simple and natural, with a faint Zen charm coming out of it.

The bodhi tree also has other names, such as the tree of wisdom, the tree of enlightenment, and the tree of thinking. It is said that it can open up people's divinity and awaken their bodies.

The reason why Ye Fan did this was because he felt like he had realized something.

But I can't catch it. .

He will use these three divine objects to help him.

Although he obtained the divine introduction to the Tao Te Ching, he was unable to understand its true meaning.

Today, Ye Fan has a feeling that he is about to truly understand the divine introduction of the Tao De Zhen~~


The Taoist charm flows around Ye Fan's body, and the yin and yang qi and the chaotic aura constantly alternate, exuding an inexplicable charm.

The golden lotus is planted in the sea of ​​suffering, the yin and yang diagram of life and death, the immortal king comes to the nine heavens...

All kinds of terrifying visions are looming in the secret realm of the wheel sea, the secret realm of Tao palace, and the secret realm of Xiantai in Ye Fan's body.

At this time, Ye Fan felt that his heart was empty and very peaceful.

At the same time, the Shen Yin chapter of the Tao De Zhen actually evolved endless visions and appeared in front of Ye Fan. .

Ye Fan was suddenly startled.

Only an old man appeared in front of him.

This old man is nine feet long, yellow, with a bird's beak, a nose, five-inch long eyebrows, seven-inch long ears, and a forehead with three lines from top to bottom, enough to have Bagua.

With the divine tortoise as the bed, the gold tower and the jade hall, the silver as the steps, the five-colored clouds as the clothes, the overlapping crowns, and the sharp swords, there are a hundred and twenty people from Huangtong, with twelve green dragons on the left, and twenty-six white tigers on the right. There are twenty-four Suzakus.

There are seventy-two Xuanwu in the back, twelve Qiongqi in the front, and thirty-six in the back to ward off evil spirits. Thunder and lightning are above, shaking Yuyu.

you are.....

Ye Fan was very confused.

The old man in front of him gave him a vague feeling, which was extremely mysterious.

For some reason, Ye Fan had an inexplicable admiration for this old man.

As if this is a given.

Just when Ye Fan wanted to continue asking questions. .

The old man smiled slightly.

It turned into mysterious golden ancient characters.

The ancient characters turned into divine flowers and kept imprinting themselves on his mind, shining like stars. .

Chapter 208 Heavenly Emperor Cauldron

Being born before the Supreme Nothing, originating without a cause, going through heaven and earth, it is indescribable in the end. It is infinite and extremely infinite. It turns into a wheel with the great road, establishes roots for heaven and earth, spreads Qi in all directions, and embraces morality. It is so pure and so vast that it cannot be named.

This extremely mysterious chanting sound echoed in his mind, rumbling in Ye Fan's heart.

Ye Fan's expression was in a trance, as if he was in a state of intoxication, just like encountering nectar falling in a long-drought desert, gradually becoming full of life in the long yellow sand, meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Ye Fan felt that many doors were opened in an instant, and all kinds of divine lights shot towards him. He tried hard to catch something, but the light passed through his fingers, making it difficult to grasp.

Ye Fan was vaguely aware of it. .

This old man is the incarnation of the Shen Yin chapter of the Tao De Zhen. He wants to tell himself something, but he can't grasp the key point~


He was like a dream, and the scriptures kept echoing in Ye Fan's mind~

Although I still can't understand it.

But the golden sea of ​​bitterness, which is like a vast sea, does emit extremely bright golden light, illuminating all the hidden treasures and secret realms of Ye Fan's body.

Even the three major gods in Sendai are looming.

The divine introduction of the Tao Te Ching seems to have spanned the long river of time, reversing the ages, forming a magnificent picture that constantly impacts Ye Fan's mind~

At dusk. .

Ye Fan returned to his previous life, and his ordinary experiences seemed to have no meaning. Day after day, year after year, he seemed to have no pursuit or hope for life.

Just immerse yourself in the world of fantasy.

Only then could a glimmer of brilliance appear in his dull eyes.

That is the light of hope, that is the light of fantasy~

That's the meaning of living!

The screen changed again.

He became an office worker. .

Three o'clock and one line every day, without the slightest expectation or pursuit of life.

I spent my life just like that.

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