Emperor's Sutra: Emperor's Sutra Daogong Scroll, Xiantai Scroll, Dao Jing Lunhai Scroll

The supreme scripture at the quasi-immortal emperor level: the divine introduction chapter of the Tao De Zhen Jing

Imperial Weapon: Divine Mecha-Daoyan Immortal Clothes (Level 7)

Supreme magical powers: Kunpeng Bao Shu, Divine Elephant Prison Suppressing Power - Youth Edition, Feixian Jue, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist,

Multiverse-level law techniques: Pregnancy Gaze, Fetus Gaze.

Quasi-immortal emperor's weapon: Bronze Ring (Shengxu Era)---more extraordinary than an immortal weapon. It can be transformed into a sword, a ring, or a great vase. It is condensed from the most ordinary bronze as a mother weapon and becomes an immortal weapon. Add fairy gold essence to achieve the supreme treasure

Props: Dacheng Holy Body Experience Card (23 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds), ancient bronze lamp (Buddhist instrument), demon saint level blood essence

Chaos Green Lotus elixir (immortal level): the true form of the Qing Emperor, the supreme elixir born at the end of the Wanmei era. If the laws of the world are perfect, taking it can extend your life by millions.

At the same time, you get ----- Chaos Green Lotus Body (Immortal King Potential), which can be transformed into Green Lotus and has the power to bring back the dead. It is immune to divine soul attacks and plague virus. At the same time, it can also practice the Green Lotus incarnation, and its physical limit can reach the tenth-level immortal. king.


Look at your personal information.

Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction.


It's approaching noon.

Because of this incident, the small restaurant was stunned and there were no customers at all.

Little Tingting didn't cry, but her cute little face was full of tangles~

She felt that she had harmed Mark. .

Ye Fan, on the other hand, returned to the forest and compressed the several hill-like monsters he had hunted, turning them into snacks that were as delicious as jerky~

Relying on the eyes of a Confucian and Taoist saint, Ye Fan preserved all the essence and spiritual power of the monster to the extreme.

This is definitely a great tonic for Xiao Tingting. The Taiyin Holy Body is quite special.

When Xiao Tingting embarks on the path of spiritual practice, Ye Fan still has to worry about it.

At that time, it will depend on the situation and I will transition to Xiao Tingting’s Chaos Green Lotus elixir’s fairy energy every day~

That should be fine.


Because I am worried about the safety of Xiao Tingting and the old man.

Ye Fan compressed the monster into dried meat and returned directly to the restaurant.


Big brother... Seeing Ye Fan come back, the tears in Xiao Tingting's eyes suddenly rolled out again, and she started to cry loudly.

Seeing how cute and sensible little Tingting, who was only five or six years old, was pointed on the forehead and fell to the ground, with sad tears covering her little face, really made people feel heartbroken and pitiful.

Ye Fan regretted a little.

Those people shouldn't be allowed to die so happily.


He gently rubbed little Tingting's head.

The golden light in his hand continued to emerge, and rays of divine light poured into Xiao Tingting's body.

There was even a trace of chaos flowing in.

The combination of the lunar holy body and the sun holy body will produce a flawless chaotic body. .

It can be said that he has the strongest physique in the world~

Ye Fan transferred a breath of his flawless chaotic body and his own divine power to Xiao Tingting. .

It will allow little Tingting to make rapid progress on her future cultivation path without any obstacles.

Xiao Tingting narrowed her eyes in enjoyment: Wow~ It feels so comfortable, Brother Ye, I feel warm inside my body...


The old man was not good at talking. Although he didn't know what Ye Fan had done, he knew that he must have endured Tingting. .

. . . . .

Watching the old man hesitate to speak.

Ye Fan smiled and said: Old man, you don't need to say anything. A meal is indeed nothing, but the intention and friendship are very important.

And I don't have a sister. I fell in love with little Tingting the first time I saw her and regarded her as my biological sister~~

at the same time.

Ye Fan has also completed the transition of breath.

Crouch down.

He gently pinched Xiao Tingting's cheek and said: Tingting, be good, don't be afraid of those bad guys, Brother Ye will help you make them stupid, and he won't make you lose any weight~

Big brother... Little Tingting's eyes turned red again, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly and tears fell down. She lowered her head and looked at her patched shoes.

He whispered: But... there are too many bad guys, Brother Ye is too dangerous...

Don't be afraid, Brother Ye will not let those bad people bully Tingting anymore. Ye Fan touched her head with pity. It was really hard to calm down for such a cute and sensible little girl to be bullied like this.

Ye Fan felt more and more that it was too clear to directly kill those B's. .

Child, don't mess around. Although I can guess that you must be a genius of a famous cultivating sect, but as the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake~~ The old man was experienced and felt Ye Fan's determination.

He was afraid that this young man would cause a big disaster due to his impulse. Although this young man might have a very profound background, he still couldn't bear it for fear of getting him involved.

The old man sighed and said: I am already so old, and I really don't want to leave my hometown. After all, I have lived here for decades. The older I get, the more nostalgic I become, and I have an inseparable feeling for this place. But now I have to I won’t leave. For Tingting, I decided to let go of everything here. Even if I am begging for food and leaving my hometown, I will not stay here any longer.”

I have to say that this old man is so kind. .

Grandpa... Two more lines of tears suddenly appeared on Xiao Tingting's face.


Ye Fan let out a long sigh.

Tingting, be good and don't cry. Don't talk about leaving your hometown yet. Ye Fan comforted little Tingting.

Know what the old man is thinking.

He opened his mouth and said: Don't worry, old man. Ye went out to practice, and his family left me with a rich heritage. Even the most famous Holy Land family and the Ancient Ancient Family in the Eastern Wasteland can't do anything to me~~

He doesn't want to say that he is a saint, it is meaningless.

Therefore, it is the safest way to comfort the old man. .


After hearing Mark's words, the old man felt much more at ease.

However, he still kept telling Ye Fan to be careful.

This made Ye Fan feel very warm~

The little Tingting on the side was also lively and happy, regaining the innocence that a girl should have.



Ye Fan bought a lot of gorgeous and beautiful Hanfu in the system mall, as well as a few clean clothes~

Let Xiao Tingting and the old man change~

The little girl is as delicate and cute as a porcelain doll~

After putting on the gorgeous Hanfu, you feel like a little fairy walking out of a myth~

And the old man looked several years younger after putting on a clean pair. .

Ye Fan knew that with his temperament and temperament, he would never wear too gorgeous clothes~

So I got a few clean ones.


Regarding the fate of Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang, Ye Fan's memory has been blurred.

Except for people, no one knows anything about the power of the so-called Immortal Cultivation Family.

In fact, he can search the soul memory.

But it's not necessary.

. . . . .

By asking the old man.

He got it. .

The middle-aged Huanglian man and a few young minions he killed. .

The largest household in the town is the Li family.

Three or four members of their family are practicing outside. Immortal cultivators are very mysterious to ordinary people and cannot be seen at all on weekdays. Therefore, people in the town are very afraid of the Li family.

Old Uncle Jiang's son and daughter-in-law are actually practitioners. A few years ago, they were very valued in a certain immortal sect. Even the Li family in the town had a good relationship with them and did not want to offend them easily.

The sect that the old man's son belongs to is actually one of the six cave heaven paradises in the Yan Kingdom - Yanxia Cave Heaven, which is only more than 200 miles away from the town.

Several members of the Li family also practiced in the Yanxia Cave. One of them started practicing at the same time as the old man's son, but his achievements were far behind.

That kid from the Li family had evil intentions, misbehaved, and did something evil. My kid was too upright, so he couldn't help but take action, and he ended up with a big feud...

Tingting's father had extraordinary talents and was particularly valued in Yanxia Cave. He was not afraid of the disciple of the Li family who started at the same time as him. But something unexpected happens. Tingting's parents died tragically at the claws of a lightning bird when they went out to collect elixirs two years ago.

When I heard Zapdos.

Ye Fan looked a little weird. .

He also ate a Lightning Bird before~~ The meat was firm, delicious and full of magical power. .

Unexpectedly, Tingting's parents were killed by this bird. .

Ye Fan decided that when he saw the lightning bird in the future, he would just start eating regardless of the situation.

Eat raw, stir-fry, braise, steam, shabu-shabu~


Take back your thoughts.

Hearing what the old man said, Mark had an impression.

If he remembered correctly, Tingting's parents probably did not die of natural causes. .

Chapter 207 Rebuilding the secret realm, the mysterious old man suddenly appears

But he was framed to death. .

But none of this matters anymore.

My old friend is gone~

Next, we have to look at Yanxia Dongtian’s attitude. .

If you have a bad attitude. .

Then, Yanxia Cave Heaven can be destroyed directly. . .

After Tingting's parents died, the Li family no longer had any scruples. They first robbed the old man's restaurant, and then his inn, forcing the poor grandfather and grandson to where they are now, and they still refused to do so. Let it go.

Ye Fan listened to the old man's tearful story.

At this moment, Xiao Tingtingwen came back from washing the towel. She looked like a porcelain doll, wearing exquisite Hanfu.

With a hopeful look on his face, he said: Originally, I thought that good people in this world are bullied and bad people live forever... But after meeting Brother Ye, I feel that everything is hopeful~~

Listen to her childish words.

Ye Fan's heart suddenly tightened.

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