How dare you, a loser, bully my old man and Tingting?


Ye Fan was extremely angry.

The whole body's divine power explodes.

He pointed his finger at the yellow-faced middle-aged man. .

An extremely bright golden light directly exploded the head of the middle-aged Huang Lian.


This...this is!!!


Who, who is it!!!

Everyone was extremely frightened.

The yellow-faced middle-aged man who was so arrogant just now is gone~


Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a crack appearing in the void.

Standing in the sky was a majestic man with waterfall-like black hair, peerless appearance, and an aura of chaos surrounding him, like a supreme god.

However, this stalwart man seemed unhappy at this time, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Are you... a person who cultivates immortality~

It seems so, and it's very powerful!

Now Mr. Jiang and Xiao Tingting are saved~~


the other side. .

Xiao Tingting, who was sobbing, saw Ye Fan above the sky.

Looking happy.

Brother Ye!! It's Brother Ye~~wuwuwu~~

When Old Man Jiang saw Ye Fan appear, he immediately killed the yellow-faced middle-aged man. .

He was also extremely happy, but at the same time a little bit of worry arose in his heart.

This time I completely offended the people of the Immortal Cultivation Family~

It doesn't matter to him~~

But what about Xiao Tingting and Ye Fan. .

Ye Fan did this for himself and Xiao Tingting. .

Although he thinks Mark is very powerful. .

But behind this dead yellow-faced middle-aged man, there is a family of cultivators. .


Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back, his face as calm as ever.

Step by step, he walked down from the void.

Every step has a lotus flower constructed with golden divine power.

Everyone present was trembling all over and did not dare to speak.

In this way, Ye Fan walked in front of Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang. .

He gently helped the two of them up. .

Then he looked indifferently at the few people following the yellow-faced middle-aged man. .

These people were already frightened and their whole bodies were trembling.

Ye Fan clapped his hands gently.

An inexplicable luster emerged, and these people instantly exploded into a mist of blood.

I, Ye Fan, are right here. The so-called Immortal Cultivation Family, please come and apologize to me!

Chapter 206 Daoyan Immortal Clothes

Ye Fan knew that everyone present must have the details of the previous cultivating family.

What he does will definitely lead to the emergence of this so-called immortal cultivating family.

This is what he wants~

The predecessor Ye Hei missed a lot of things when he was weak in the early stage. It may be because of these things that the flesh and blood of the world that covers the sky is highlighted~

But he doesn't need to! !

He wants to change everything that is not perfect.

Let the world of Zhetian become a perfect world.


Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan's whole body was filled with divine power.

All these corpses turned into nothingness, their souls scattered.

Then he gently picked up little Tingting. .

Help Old Man Jiang up. .

Walking towards the direction of the small restaurant.

No one dared to say anything.

After Ye Fan left for a long time, he tremblingly dispersed~

Because the endless pressure brought by Ye Fan was too terrifying.

Although they have not entered the realm of cultivation.

But they know.

Ye Fan is definitely not an ordinary cultivator.

It is very likely that it is a task for the geniuses in a large sect's holy land.


Return to the diner. .

Little Tingting, who was covered in pudding, was buried in Ye Fan's arms, whimpering in pain~

It's extremely distressing.

Ye Fan patted Xiao Tingting's back gently.

He comforted: Tingting, be good, it's okay. As long as Brother Ye is here, no bad person will dare to bully you!!

Little Tingting didn't speak, she just kept sobbing.

Ye Fan felt very distressed.

Such a sensible little girl actually received such bullying.

That cultivating family really deserves to die!

Uncle Jiang on the side looked complicated, and his heart was extremely tangled.

He was very grateful to Ye Fan for his selfless help.

He also felt sorry for his little granddaughter Tingting, who suffered so much for such a young and incompetent person.

In the end, he was very worried about Mark.

After all, Ye Fan was just alone, and he offended the entire cultivating family!


Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully changing his fate and preventing little Tingting from being bullied. The host will be rewarded with the seventh-order early emperor-level emperor weapon - Daoyan Holy Cloth!

Daoyan Immortal Clothes (seventh-level emperor level): Emperor Daoyan's imperial weapon, a god-level mecha. It can withstand the emperor-level attacks of the ancient emperor and heavenly master level. It is an unparalleled defensive treasure.


Suddenly, the system sound appeared again.

Ye Fan found that there was an extra mecha card in the system backpack that exuded a mysterious aura.

This is a divine mecha, an emperor-level imperial weapon.

The supreme treasure that can withstand the explosion of the universe~


Speaking of Emperor Daoyan, Ye Fan was still vaguely impressed. .

Emperor Daoyan, one of the two great emperors of the Eternal Ancient Star, attained enlightenment two million years ago. His imperial weapon is Daoyan Immortal Clothes.

It was this extremely mysterious mecha that I obtained~

Emperor Daoyan is a very miraculous emperor. He not only created the divine mecha and the strongest physical evolution fluid, but he was also the only person in the ancient times who became an emperor after attaining enlightenment.

In the ancient times, all the powerful people who achieved enlightenment were called emperors. Only Emperor Daoyan called himself the emperor, just like a time traveler, the same title used by later generations of enlighteners!

As one of the only two people who have attained enlightenment in the Eternal Star Territory, he was born in the Eternal Star Territory and left behind the divine mecha. Therefore, it is obvious that Emperor Daoyan’s path to enlightenment is the path to the mecha.

In addition to mechas, the Eternal Immortal Realm has another thing that is also very magical, which is the strongest physical evolution fluid. After people drink it, it can maximize the potential of the human body and gradually strengthen their own physique until they become the most powerful thing in the world. The strongest physique in the world, this evolutionary fluid was also created by Emperor Daoyan!

The path taken by the Eternal Star Territory is different from that of other worlds. They take the path of mechas, relying entirely on the strength and power of external objects.

In the great world of fantasy and cultivation, the Great World of Zhetian, it can be said to be an alternative existence.


In any case, the Daoyan Immortal Clothes obtained by Ye Fan is indeed an emperor-level imperial weapon, although it looks like a future technology mecha.

But the defense and combat power are very exaggerated. .

For Ye Fan, he has another layer of heritage.

Although he is now in the realm of a saint, his foundation is probably inferior to that of the Great Emperor and the Forbidden City Supreme~~

Regarding the realm, Ye Fan does not have too much pursuit, because what he needs now is for each secret realm to reach unprecedented perfection.

Lay a solid foundation for yourself to reach a higher level in the future.

after all.

My end is not just to cover the world.

There are also Wanmei, Shengxu, and all the worlds in the chat group.

The foundation is not strong enough, and we will still suffer a lot of trouble in the future~


Host: Ye Fan (Future Emperor of Heaven)

Realm: Peak of the fifth level (the fifth stage of Xiantai - saint, the twelfth level of essence - the road-level immortal emperor) - wave the hand to break the stars, travel across the universe

Physique: Ancient Holy Body (Immortal King in Nine Heavens, Yin and Yang Life and Death Diagram, Green Lotus Seed of Chaos, Stars Shining in the Sky, Splendid Mountains and Rivers, Immortal Golden Body)

The flawless chaotic body (the curtain of the avenue, the blessing of the will of the universe, the inspiration of the will of the Emperor of Heaven)

Characteristics: Physically invincible, invincible at the same level, invincible to all evil

Inner world: Small Thousand Worlds (one hundred thousand rays of faith can be blessed at any time)

Lifespan: 25/eternal (the ancient holy body has been activated, the flawless chaotic body has been activated, and the will of the emperor of heaven is clearly understood, transcending the long river of time)

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