Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan returned to the room and fell asleep.


The next day.

early morning.


The old man's voice came.

Holding two hot steamed buns and a poached egg in front of the door. .

Master Ye, are you awake? I've prepared breakfast for you.

Ye Fan opened the door. .

He took the food brought by the old man and said with a smile: Thank you, uncle~


The old man quickly waved his hand and said: Master Ye, you can't say that. The exquisite food you gave us is worth thousands of gold, and I can't repay it~

The little girl Jiang Tingting tugged on the old man's clothes, looking very cute with a sleepy look.

Looking at Ye Fan, his tone was like coquettishness: Brother Ye's Kuole is so delicious, I just don't know why I can't sleep after drinking it~

Look at the little girl looking so cute.

Ye Fan couldn't help but knelt down and pinched the little girl's face and said with a smile: Don't drink at night. Drinking too much will cause tooth decay~

Afterwards, Ye Fan simply washed up.

Get ready to eat with everyone.

On the table. .

A small pot of white rice porridge and a plate of pickles, very simple, because their conditions are really limited.

The little girl was very sensible. She had already laid out the bowls and chopsticks, and then filled a bowl of porridge for Ye Fan, and a full bowl for her grandfather. However, when it came to herself, she only filled a little bit. Originally, she used a small bowl. As a result, the serving was so small that I finished it in a few bites and then put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Isn't there braised eggs and king of kings? Why do you eat so little, little Tingting~~

Ye Fan was a little confused.

Although the little girl was wearing patched clothes, she was as beautiful as a delicate porcelain doll. She patted her belly and said, I'm full.

Looking at the little girl's face, Ye Fan knew that she was reluctant to eat~

Little sister, you can't lie~~

Ye Fan smiled softly.

This child is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

The old man was also very distressed.

Good boy, Mr. Ye left a lot of food. Eat some. You are still young and need to grow up~~

I'm not worried. I'm really full. Yesterday's instant noodles were filled with braised eggs, king of kings, and a big bottle of Kuola. It overwhelmed me. Grandpa and brother Ye, you need to eat more... The little girl opened her small bowl. The two halves of the poached eggs in the big bowls of the old man and Ye Fan were poured into the bowl.

Unable to stop him, the old man said nothing and just sighed.

Ye Fan clapped his hands gently, and there were a lot of snacks of various kinds in the corner of the room, including ready-to-eat and heated foods. .

At the same time, a steaming bowl of eight-treasure porridge and a pancake fruit appeared in front of the old man and the little girl~

These things require almost no points for Ye Fan.

The points earned from group sign-in every day are enough to buy tons of these foods~~


It's okay. Brother Ye has enough delicious food here. Little sister, don't wrong yourself~

This operation completely confused the little girl~~

This is so happy~

The old man was even more excited and wanted to kneel down again, but was stopped by Mark.


Thank you Brother Ye, you are so kind to me. It would be great if you were my biological brother~~ Then no one would bully me and grandpa...

Huh? There are still people bullying you??

Ye Fan frowned slightly!

He vaguely remembered that Jiang Tingting and the old man would be bullied in the plot, but he didn't expect it to happen so early. .

The old man quickly covered the little girl's legs and waved his hands: No, no!

Jiang Tingting looked at her grandfather as if she had thought of something and hesitated to speak.

Ye Fan frowned, and his temperament changed slightly.

Like a god.

Little sister, don't be afraid. Tell Brother Ye that no one in the entire Eastern Wasteland is Brother Ye's opponent, even if he is from the Holy Land Sect and the Ancient World!

The old man was so frightened that he quickly walked up to Ye Fan and said, My benefactor, don't say that. The old man and the children are already grateful for the care you take. Why do you have to cause trouble for us~~

Ye Fan shook his head.

Old man, you are worrying too much. Little sister, please tell me. Brother Ye will make the decision for you~

Ye Fan leaned down and looked at Jiang Tingting with a smile, his tone was calm, but his temperament suddenly changed.

It is ethereal and fairy-like, filled with the aura of chaos, and the rays of light are auspicious, like gods walking in the world.

The old man who saw this scene no longer stopped him. He knew that the young master in front of him was a supreme being even among immortal cultivators!

The little girl's rosy face looked at Mark with a look of admiration.

His voice was very childish, and he said: Brother Ye, they robbed my and grandpa's restaurant, and now they come here every day to cause trouble. We can't do business at all. Now we can hardly even eat, and they won't let us go~

Ye Fan touched the little girl's head.

He said in a gentle tone: Keep talking, Brother Ye will help you solve any problem~~

Although Ye Fan's tone was gentle, the divine power in his body had begun to flow crazily.

He's a little angry~~

Such a cute little girl. .

His future apprentice’s wife!

Being bullied~~

He absolutely couldn't bear it. .


The little girl looked enjoying herself.

He nodded heavily and said: Brother Ye is the best!!

The old man on the side was a little at a loss.

He knew things couldn't get any better.

This Mr. Ye is definitely going to help them~


There was a moment of silence.

The old man began to tell Ye Fan about the origin of the little girl~

As Ye Fan knows.

The old man's surname is Jiang, which is a very ancient surname. It has a lot of history in retrospect. However, the old man is very ordinary. He is just one of the many living beings. Nowadays, life is very difficult. A sensible and beautiful little girl named Tingting. Her parents passed away two years ago, leaving her and the old man to depend on each other.

Although Ye Fan knew everything, he still listened quietly to the old man's words.

a long time.

Ye Fan nodded slightly and said: Don't worry, old man, I will take care of Tingting and your affairs~~ Needless to say, even if the Holy Land Sect Master comes, he will not dare to provoke you two!

The old man spoke a lot to Ye Fan with a grateful look on his face. He knew that persuasion was useless, and he only hoped that Ye Fan would be safe.

Jiang Tingting, on the other hand, looked at Ye Fan with eyes full of stars.

My heart is filled with admiration.

The town where the old man lives can be considered large or small, with more than a thousand households and nearly 5,000 people. At the most prosperous intersection, there are several restaurants and inns, and grocery stores are mostly concentrated there. Most other places are residential areas.


After that, Ye Fan planned to fight some monsters for Xiao Tingting to replenish her body. After all, as the Taiyin Saint, you can't eat junk food all the time~~

So, some things were explained.

Ye Fan turned into a rainbow light and flew to the nearby mountains and forests to look for monsters.

Before leaving, Ye Fan used his divine power to cast two jade talismans and gave them to the old man and Tingting.

If the two of them are in danger, Ye Fan can sense it instantly. .


About half an hour. .

Ye Fan found two Dao Palace Extreme Realms and a monster beast that stepped into the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

In this way, Tingting can embark on the path of spiritual practice~

Looking at the three monsters as tall as hills in front of him, Ye Fan looked happy.

Now he regards Tingting as his biological sister, so of course he is happy.



Ye Fan frowned.

Through the divine power of the jade talisman.

He sensed that the old man and Tingting were in danger! !

That blind loser!

Ye Fan was extremely angry.

With a gentle wave of his hand, divine power surged around his body.

A crack appeared directly in the void.

Ye Fan took one step forward and returned to the old man's restaurant.

From a distance, he saw a lot of people gathered there. Tingting's helpless cries came through the crowd. Ye Fan's heart suddenly thumped and he rushed over quickly.

The old man's gray hair was hanging down, and there was a lot of blood on his face. He sat weakly on the ground, and his patched clothes were stained with a lot of dust. Little Tingting cried sadly and wiped the blood on the old man's face with her small sleeves. She cried to the people in front of her who were making harsh remarks: You are bad people. You robbed grandpa's restaurant. Now we don't have anything. After the meal is over, we won’t be spared…”

A middle-aged man with a yellow face knelt down and tapped Xiao Tingting's forehead hard, making her fall to the ground and said: What do you know, little girl!

Come to me if you have any problems, don't do this to your child... Old Uncle Jiang protected Tingting behind him, wiped the blood on his face, and said, What do you want?

We don't want to do anything. We come here to eat, and you actually say there is no food. What do you do with a restaurant? In this case, just close it.

Bad guys, you come here every day to eat for free, how can we have the money to support you... Little Tingting cried behind Old Man Jiang.

Many people in the onlookers couldn't stand it, but they didn't dare to come forward. They had no choice but to persuade Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang, please close this shop and take your granddaughter out of here.

Yes, there is someone who cultivates immortality in his family. We mortals can't afford to offend him. You'd better leave as soon as possible.

“Even though you have to leave your hometown, it’s better to leave.”

What are you talking about? The yellow-faced middle-aged man stood up and glanced at the people around him. Those voices suddenly fell silent.


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