For a moment, all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were dumbfounded.

This, this, how is this possible! An elder murmured. He couldn't believe his eyes. This thing was too outrageous.

Li Qiye raised his lips, smiled, and said calmly: That's because your ancestor is a chicken spirit, so he is just a chicken feather!

Of course, Li Qiye couldn't tell them the secret. At that time, the Nine Saints were arrogant and refused Li Qiye's invitation. However, this arrogant and powerful Nine Saints finally fell into the trap of turning into a crow. In the hands of Li Qiye, he was suppressed by Li Qiye. At that time, Li Qiye forced him to reveal his true form, stripped off all his chicken feathers, and jokingly called him chicken feathers all over the place!

In the chat group.

See this scene.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejiejiejiejiejie, there are chicken feathers all over the ground, grandma, I still have a leaf here, haha...

The Great Master - Muchen: It's better to keep a low profile, Grandma Dryad, you are not someone you can afford to offend.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Granny: What are you afraid of? It's not from the same world.

Chapter 194 Just a red and pink skull

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: That does make sense.

Squirrel Hang: But it's better to be careful. After all, Senior Li Qiye's world is not a simple world.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Keep watching the live broadcast, Bu hasn't seen enough yet...


The great world of Emperor Domination.

Yes, the Nine Saints were indeed a pheasant who cultivated Taoism, and became one of the most powerful sages of that era. He once swept across the world and was arrogant for a while, but in the end he fell into the hands of Li Qiye , finally agreed to go out to protect Immortal Emperor Akihito!

I am the only demon in the sky, this is the slogan of the Nine Saints, and chicken feathers on the ground was a ridicule made by Li Qiye at that time. The world does not know the secret behind this!

Such an outrageous scene made it difficult for the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect to believe that the successive heads and geniuses of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were pondering the ultimate meaning of the words The demon is the only one in heaven. However, they did not expect that, The ultimate secret is chicken feathers in one place!

Li Qiye called their ancestor a chicken spirit, which was disrespectful. However, now that the elders think about it carefully, there is indeed truth in it. Their ancestor, the Nine Saints, was indeed a pheasant who became enlightened!

Let's see what good things your ancestors have left for you. Li Qiye smiled leisurely and walked into the holy cave regardless of the reactions of the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

The elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect came to their senses and immediately followed into the holy cave!

There is only one treasure room in the holy cave. As soon as you step into the treasure room, you will be dazzled by the divine light, the vast celestial light, and the radiance of the treasure room.

In the treasure room, there are treasures hanging, fairy iron hidden, even sacred stones, and ancient boxes containing treasure books... Suddenly, the colorful lights in the treasure room make people feel confused.

The old chicken spirit has quite a lot of treasures. Li Qiye glanced over and murmured. The Nine Sages were indeed one of the most powerful sages at that time, and the treasures he collected in his lifetime were indeed astonishing.

What did you say? The great elder who was closest to Li Qiye couldn't help but ask after hearing Li Qiye's words.

Li Qiye shook his head and said: I didn't say anything, I was just talking to myself. His words made the great elder look at Li Qiye suspiciously. He felt that the thirteen-year-old boy in front of him was really... How evil!

Purple Dragon Swords - An elder saw the treasures suspended in the treasure room, and couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment: Demon Slayer Tower, Nine Star River Spoon, Holy Sky Wooden Boat... These, these are all A treasure recorded by the sect!”

This, this is the ancient secret of Qingmu... Some elders couldn't help but said in surprise when they saw the secret book on the bookshelf in the treasure room.

At this time, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect could not help but lose their minds for a moment. Their master had only passed down half of the treasures and techniques back then!

In fact, the Nine Saints did have a lot of treasures back then. In addition to what he earned in his life, Immortal Emperor Mingren, after receiving the destiny, also gave him many treasures because of his hard work and meritorious service in protecting the Tao all the way!

Immortal, Immortal Emperor's treasure! At this time, the great elder's eyes fell on the jade case in the center of the treasure room. There was an extremely ancient ancient box in the jade case. Although the ancient box was locked, it was still unable to Seal the breath of the Immortal Emperor within the ancient box.

Although the Immortal Emperor's treasure inside only reveals a wisp of Immortal Emperor's aura, this wisp of Immortal Emperor's aura is higher than the sky. The wisp of breath escapes, as if the nine heavens are pressing down on the top, and the destiny is ups and downs. The world returns to the sect, and all the creatures in the world bow down to this wisp of Immortal Emperor's aura!

Immortal Emperor's Treasure—— At this time, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and were very excited! The Immortal Emperor's treasure, this is the treasure left by the Immortal Emperor, and it was made by Immortal Emperor Akihito himself!

Don't forget, I will get a treasure first. At this time, when the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were excited, Li Qiye said leisurely. His words were like a basin of cold water pouring on the Nine Saint Demon Sect. On the old head.

The elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect couldn't help but stare at Li Qiye with their fiery eyes. If Li Qiye really chose the Immortal Emperor's treasure, they were not just dreaming in vain.

Facing the fiery gazes of the elders, Li Qiye still stood there calmly and calmly. He was not afraid of the Nine Saint Demon Sect's repentance at all. Even if all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were here, he was still extremely calm.

Finally, the Great Elder took a deep breath and said: Our Nine Saint Demon Sect is true to our word. Since our Majesty has promised, our Nine Saint Demon Sect will never break our promise! At this point, he finished all his words. It's bitter, this is the treasure of the Immortal Emperor, but the Lunri Demon Emperor has made his word first, and they can't go back on their word!

You are quite brave. Li Qiye remained calm and said slowly and calmly: I do appreciate your Lunri Demon Emperor.

Li Qiye's arrogant words immediately left the elders of the Nine Saints Demon Sect speechless. Their Demon Emperor was a generational hegemon with extraordinary talents. Not to mention looking at the entire territory, even looking at the entire empire, their Demon Emperor would be the capital of every turn. He's an incredible person.

Today, a thirteen-year-old boy actually said nonsense that he admired their Majesty the Demon Emperor. If outsiders heard this, they would simply laugh out loud.

This is not the first time that the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have witnessed Li Qiye's arrogance. In response to his arrogance, what else can they do besides being speechless?

Pah - pah - pah - Just when the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were speechless, Li Qiye applauded three times. When his applause fell, an ancient box flew up from the treasure room, and the ancient box fell. into his hands.

Li Qiye put the ancient box into his arms without even looking at it, and said calmly: It's just a treasure of the Immortal Emperor, why should I be so nervous? After saying that, he turned around and left.

For a moment, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were unable to react. There were two reasons for their inability to react. First, Li Qiye applauded three times, and the ancient box actually flew into his hands. This was too evil. At the same time, They were curious about what was in this ancient box; secondly, in Li Qiye's mouth, the Immortal Emperor's treasure seemed to be less important. Anyone with a little common sense would know what it means to be an Immortal Emperor's treasure. However, Li Qiye spoke of it in a nonchalant manner. This is too crazy!

When the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect came to their senses, Li Qiye had already left. After the elders came to their senses, they were also busy registering the ancient secrets of the treasures in the treasure room, and collecting the sacred gold of the treasures one by one. Among the treasures of the Holy Demon Sect...

When the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect finished everything, it was already three days later. In these three days, the Nine Saint Demon Sect entertained Li Qiye and the three of them with the highest standards.

Three days later, Yu He came to invite Li Qiye again. As the Chief Protector, Yu He once again carried Li Qiye to the Heavenly Palace. As a prince who could be crowned, Yu He was reduced to a groom and coolie today. However, he had no complaints. Today, he understood the importance of Li Qiye to the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

In the Heavenly Palace, all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were present, but the Lunri Demon Emperor still did not show his face. Today, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect looked at Li Qiye with strange expressions. They could only say that it was too evil!

After Li Qiye sat down, the voice of Lunri Demon Emperor sounded again: I haven't come out of seclusion and I haven't been able to see Young Master Li. This is really a pity.

Lunri Demon Emperor, what a figure. In his time, he could be said to be the overlord of the generation who looked down upon the Central Territory. Today, he spoke so politely to a thirteen-year-old boy. When word of this spreads out, it will definitely shock the entire Empire!

The days are long, don't be in a hurry. Even when facing a generation of demon emperors, Li Qiye still took his time and sat there leisurely and comfortably, without any stage fright.

Lunri Demon Emperor was silent for a long time, and then his voice came out again: How about Young Master Li staying with our Nine Saint Demon Sect? Whatever the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect can give to Young Master Li, I, the Nine Saint Demon Sect can also give it to you!

When the Lunri Demon Emperor said such words, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were very calm. There is no doubt that the Lunri Demon Emperor had already discussed this matter with the elders.

The Lunri Demon Emperor's words made Li Qiye silent for a moment. There is no doubt that in comparison, the Nine Saint Demon Sect has more advantages than the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Today's Nine Saint Demon Sect is infinitely more powerful than the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. ! For any monk, especially the younger generation of disciples, if they had to choose between the Nine Saint Demon Sect and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, they would definitely choose the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

In the end, Li Qiye smiled, shook his head slightly, and said, I thank the Demon Emperor for his kindness. I have a fate with the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Since I am the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, I will serve as the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect for the rest of my life. A disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!”

Li Qiye had too many feelings for the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Although he later did not like to see the leaders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, especially the eldest disciple of Immortal Emperor Mingren. After Immortal Emperor Mingren left, he never returned to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, but after all, it has Built by His hands!

Although the Nine Saint Demon Sect is far more powerful than the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect today, there are advantages and disadvantages between the two. What’s more, he doesn’t care about rebuilding the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

He did not choose to stay in Zhentian Haicheng, let alone the Nine Saint Demon Sect. He chose the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect for his own reasons.

Hmph, how can the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect be compared with our Nine Saint Demon Sect! An elder snorted dissatisfied!

This is indeed not to blame for the dissatisfaction of the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Today, their Nine Saint Demon Sect is in charge of the ancient Niujiang Kingdom, ordering hundreds of religions, demarcating borders and making kings. I don’t know how many people want to join the Nine Saint Demon Sect. However, , Today they, the Demon Emperor of the Ritual, personally asked Li Qiye to stay, but Li Qiye didn’t even stay. This was too disrespectful.

Regarding the words of the elder of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, Li Qiye just raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly: A truly strong person does not care about the strength of the sect. A truly invincible person does not care about his origin as a prince!

As soon as these words came out, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect couldn't help but suffocate. They spoke calmly and in a calm tone, but they said the most domineering and confident words!

However, such words came from a thirteen-year-old boy. However, Li Qiye's calmness and his Qiye's calmness were completely unlike those who spoke arrogantly and were arrogant and ignorant!

Just as the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were suffocated, Li Qiye said calmly: Since the matter here is over, let your descendants come out to see you. In my eyes, there is no such thing as a heaven-defying genius. What’s so pretentious!”

Li Qiye's words made all the elders look at each other. The thirteen-year-old boy said such arrogant words. The problem is that when he said the most arrogant words in his mouth, it made people take it for granted. This made them a little bit Speechless.

Shuang'er, please meet Mr. Li. Finally, Lunri Demon Emperor gave such an order with his golden words.

When Li Shuangyan, the descendant of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, appeared in the Heavenly Palace, people's eyes immediately lit up. She was a peerless beauty, and people couldn't stop praising her.

A young girl, twenty-nine years old, with a face that can be called a masterpiece, with dark eyebrows, bright eyes like the moon, and a hint of crimson on her lips, which makes people ecstasy and extremely charming. However, a woman with such an alluring appearance is as cold as ice and snow. , between the brows, there is a certain aura of coldness and arrogance. Dressed in white, he looks even more like a cold plum and proud snow, with a formidable aura.

Li Shuangyan, as her name suggests, is a descendant of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, and can be called the most beautiful woman in the ancient Niu Kingdom. At the same time, Li Shuangyan's talent and virtues are not inferior to her beauty!

Born with an imperial body, the life wheel is of the imperial level. What is even more touching is that Li Shuangyan’s life palace is of the holy level, also called the holy destiny! A young monk with an imperial body, an imperial wheel, and a holy destiny can be said to be a great genius of his generation. Whether it is his bones, his talent, or his understanding, it is difficult to find fault with him.

It is normal for such a proud daughter of heaven to be unwilling to marry Li Qiye, who is the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. .

Li Qiye was not too surprised by Li Shuangyan's peerless appearance and proud talent. He had seen too many beauties over the course of thousands of years. Can a woman compare with Xiushui Immortal Emperor and Bingyu Immortal Emperor?

Not bad - Looking at Li Shuangyan, Li Qiye nodded gently.

In the chat group.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: I'm speechless. As expected of senior Li Qiye, sister Li Shuangyan is so pretty, but she's just okay.

Beixuan Immortal Lord (Chen Fan): Miss Esdeath can't use your dimension to figure out the insights of senior Li Qiye. For this kind of problem of vision, the higher the height, the higher the vision naturally. For example, my previous life In order to survive the tribulation period, looking at that mortal woman, no matter how good her skin is, she is nothing more than a pink skeleton and microorganisms in my eyes.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, Beixuan Immortal Master is right. This is how grandma sees it, so there is no pressure to eat these people.

Super Beast Pluto: It can't be the case.

Beixuan Immortal Lord (Chen Fan): Indeed, people like Xiao Huang Rong who are loved by heaven and destiny will be good-looking even if they are mortals. This should be why the gods in the heavens and the worlds can travel through many realms. Probably because I like it...

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: I would rather not be like this.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Okay, let's continue watching the live broadcast. Senior Li Qiye probably doesn't have much of a destiny line left, and it's almost over.


Li Qiye's first words made Li Shuangyan have a good impression, but Li Qiye's next words made Li Shuangyan go crazy. After taking one look, Li Qiye didn't take a second look. He said calmly: Being my wife is still a little bit worse. Qualifications like Shengming are indeed good. I lack a sword attendant by my side. Please be my sword attendant. !”

You—— As soon as Li Qiye said these words, not only Li Shuangyan was about to get angry, but even the other elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect lost their temper. Li Shuangyan was not only a descendant of their Nine Saint Demon Sect, but also a descendant of their Nine Saint Demon Sect. She is so proud that everyone in the Nine Saint Demon Sect has great expectations for her! Today, Li Qiye made arrogant remarks and asked Li Shuangyan to be his maid. This was simply insulting.

Before the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect got angry with Li Shuangyan, Li Qiye said slowly: I don't force others to do anything. You should think about it carefully. If you are willing, come to me at the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. At this point, he said again. He looked at Li Shuangyan.

Li Qiye's words made Li Shuangyan tremble with anger. She is the proud daughter of heaven, the darling of heaven. She has enough pride. With her appearance and strength, no matter where she goes, she is praised by all the stars. Yue, there are enough young men who want to marry her to line up from the east to the west of the ancient Niu Kingdom.

Today, a thirteen-year-old child whose hair has not even grown yet dares to utter such arrogant words and ask her to be a maid? A thirteen-year-old boy looked somewhat cute, but at this moment, Li Qiye looked as hateful as possible in Li Shuangyan's eyes. It could be said that his face was abominable!

You are too presumptuous! An elder from the Nine Saint Demon Sect shouted in a deep voice. The descendant of their Nine Saint Demon Sect is only assigned to a thirteen-year-old kid as a maid? This is too crazy, and it also insults the face of their Nine Saint Demon Sect!

Earn the opportunity by yourself. I have given you the opportunity. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own destiny. Li Qiye did not even listen to the words of the elder of the Nine Saint Demon Sect and looked at Li Shuangyan. One glance, then turned and left.

Li Shuangyan was so angry at Li Qiye's words that her pink face turned red and her breasts heaved. She had seen people no matter how crazy they were, but this was her first time with someone as crazy as Li Qiye. What's even more disgusting is that Li Qiye is just a thirteen-year-old brat. She is five years older than him. Such a brat actually speaks in an old-fashioned way in front of her! This makes her angry! Everyone says that children are cute, but today, in Li Shuangyan's eyes, Li Qiye is the most hateful child in the world!

Your Majesty, he humiliated our Nine Saint Demon Sect so much, we must not let him off lightly! Some elders were indignant.

However, Lunri Demon King was silent for a long time, and finally his voice sounded: It's a true dragon, it will eventually soar to the nine heavens, it is a divine phoenix, it will eventually conquer all desolations! Whether it is a dragon or a phoenix, we will wait and see!

When Li Qiye returned to his residence, Nan Huairen hurriedly came up to him and asked: Brother, how is your marriage with Princess Li?

In fact, at this time, even Protector Mo was looking at Li Qiye. Now the Nine Saint Demon Sect attaches great importance to Li Qiye, and Li Qiye has passed the assessment of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. They also feel that the relationship between Li Qiye and Li Shuangyan There is still drama in the marriage.

Today, the Nine Saint Demon Sect solemnly invited Li Qiye. They all thought they were talking about Li Shuangyan's marriage.

Marriage? Li Qiye glanced at Nan Huairen leisurely and said, I didn't say I would marry her. If she is willing, I can accept her as a maid.

Waiter...waiter...waiter-maid! Nan Huairen stammered and was speechless for a moment. In the end, he was frightened by such words.

Not to mention Nan Huairen, even Protector Mo was frightened.

Li Shuangyan, who is she? The descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, a proud daughter of a generation, and the princess of the ancient Niu Kingdom. Although she is young, she is famous in the Great Central Region and has countless suitors.

Such a proud daughter of heaven, I don’t know how many young heroes wanted to marry her but couldn’t. Today, Li Qiye actually made arrogant words and asked her to be a maid. No one would dare to think of such a thing!

You, are you confused? If it were in the past, Protector Mo would definitely scold Li Qiye, but now, he feels that he is half a generation shorter than the thirteen-year-old boy in front of him. The young man was too evil, so Protector Mo did not dare to scold Li Qiye like an elder.

It's just a woman, why make such a fuss. Li Qiye didn't care at all and just said this. Although Li Yanshuang is worthy of cultivation, compared with the Bingyu Immortal Emperor back then, he is far behind!

Li Qiye's arrogant words left Nan Huairen and Protector Mo speechless for a long time. Nan Huairen himself was completely dumbfounded. Li Shuangyan, a goddess in the eyes of many people, today, in Li Qiye's eyes, she can only be a maid. That’s all.

Nan Huairen couldn't help but look at Li Qiye like a monster. He couldn't understand where Li Qiye, a thirteen-year-old boy who was much younger than him, got his confidence from!

In the end, Li Qiye shed blood with the Four-Elephant Stone Man. After what happened here, Li Qiye's trip can be said to have come to a successful end. Therefore, he also set off to return to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

During this period, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect never showed their faces again, and Li Shuangyan, the descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, also never showed his face again. As for her plans, Li Qiye didn't care at all.

How should I report when I go back? Before setting off to return to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Protector Mo hesitated and asked Li Qiye.

Li Qiye looked at Protector Mo and couldn't help but smile. He said comfortably and leisurely: It depends on how you choose, whether you stand on my side or on the side of the elders and the others.

Li Qiye's words shocked Protector Mo. Li Qiye said something calmly, but the meaning of these words was completely different. Protector Mo was not a fool. He could become a Protector. Of course he had seen a lot of them. scene.

At this time, Nan Huairen couldn't help but look at his master. Needless to say, Nan Huairen was good at dancing and well-rounded. He was better at figuring out other people's thoughts than his master.

At this moment, Nan Huairen understood that not only he, but also his master were also standing at a crossroads of choices. Li Qiye said this, which meant that either they took refuge in Li Qiye, or they were still on the side of the six elders.

If we say that one of them is the envoy of the outer hall and the other is the protector, no matter their status or status, they are not low in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Especially Protector Mo, whose status in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect goes without saying. One of the twelve guardians, only lower than the six elders! It sounds ridiculous for a Dharma protector to take refuge with a new disciple in the sect.

Protector Mo remained silent, but Nan Huairen felt as if he had caught a ray of light at this moment. In this moment, he vaguely saw a door opening in front of his eyes.

Master. Nan Huairen took a deep breath and finally called Protector Mo softly.

Protector Mo couldn't help but feel shocked. Nan Huairen was his apprentice. How could he not understand his apprentice? However, this matter sounds very unreliable. He, a dignified Dharma protector, actually took refuge in a disciple who had just started. Such a thing is too ridiculous, unless he is crazy!

What you say, I will do as you say! Finally, Protector Mo took a deep breath and made the most important choice in his life, a choice of extraordinary significance!

At this time, Protector Mo felt that he was crazy. He was a Protector, and his master was one of the six elders. He actually took refuge with a new disciple and hid something about what happened here...

Chapter 195 Divine Crow

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