Old Chicken Tou mentioned this matter back then. It was already after Immortal Emperor Akihito had received his destiny. At that time, his condition was very unstable and he was about to fall into deep sleep. Old Chicken Tou said something half-jokingly. However, at that time, he Even the Immortal Emperor can be cultivated, but he has no interest in this matter, so he has not explicitly agreed to this matter!

At this time, all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were looking at Li Qiye, because very few people knew about this matter.

That's right - Li Qiye's words cheered up the Lunri Demon Emperor and said, If Mr. Li can open the Holy Cave, I, the Nine Saint Demon Sect, will thank you very much.

Li Qiye turned his head and thought for a while. He carefully recalled what Old Chicken Tou said back then, and finally nodded and said: Open the Holy Cave, I can give it a try, but if it is opened, I have a condition. One thing must belong to me, and the other things belong to your Nine Saint Demon Sect.

This... Li Qiye said this, even the Lunri Demon Emperor couldn't help but ponder for a moment, and some elders couldn't help but said: Your Majesty, maybe this matter needs to be discussed.

Chapter 193: All the heavens and worlds have different dimensions and different worlds

No - Lunri Demon Emperor said decisively, Okay, open the Holy Cave and let Mr. Li take one of the things in the Holy Cave!

Smart man. Li Qiye nodded and said, When you are ready, come back to me. I will go back first. After saying that, he turned around and left the Heavenly Palace.

Lunri Demon Emperor ordered Yu He to escort Li Qiye back.

After Li Qiye left, an elder in the Heavenly Palace couldn't help but said: Your Majesty, the matter of the Holy Cave was even rushed.

Not necessarily. Lunri Demon Emperor's words rang out and he said: Since the establishment of our Nine Saint Demon Sect, who has opened the Holy Cave? The Holy Cave has always been closed and no one has ever opened it! Or, this is an opportunity , This is consistent with a mantra left by the master.

The Great Elder nodded, supported the Lunri Demon Emperor, and said: You might as well give it a try. Since His Majesty has decided, let Li Qiye give it a try.

Your Majesty, why haven't we heard about the patron saint? Is the patron saint of our Nine Saint Demon Sect a heavenly beast or a longevity spirit? Another elder couldn't help but ask.

I don't know this either. Lunri Demon Emperor said: There are very few records about the patron saints of our sect. There are only a few sentences mentioned in the secret book of the ancestor. The ancestor only said that only our nine When the Holy Demon Sect is facing the disaster of annihilation, the patron saint shows his magical power. This secret book can only be read by the masters of the past generations.

But this time, he showed his magical power. Another elder couldn't help but said.

This is what I don't understand. Lunri Demon Emperor said: The patron saint chose him because of the guardian saint's reason.

This kid is really evil. Elder Yun, as the great elder, couldn't help but said: According to what Yu He said, he walked through the Chaotic Heart Forest with ease first, and twice with ease! This is completely impossible, and now the guardian God chose him again, it really doesn’t make sense!”

Such words made other elders unable to help but remain silent. As elders in Luan Xin Lin, they knew it very well. After completing Luan Xin Lin on the fourteenth floor, they knew what this meant!

This is really an evil sect. Some elders couldn't help but say: Our Nine Saint Demon Sect can be said to be prosperous today. Among the younger generation, in terms of Taoism and deeds, Master Nephew Leng is the most important. In terms of talent and potential, the princess is the most important. . However, the patron saint neither chose Master Leng’s nephew nor the princess, but chose a junior who has not practiced Taoism and is still a mortal with a mortal body!”

Having said this, the elder couldn't help complaining that the patron saint of his sect chose an outsider. Taking a step back, even if their patron saint chose an outsider, what if they chose an unparalleled genius? That's all, at least they were convinced in their hearts, but they chose a boy who was called a waste.

Things of eternity cannot be understood by us one by one. In the end, Lunri Demon Emperor had to be convinced. Everything that happened today was really weird. He was a man of great ability and had experienced countless major events. However, , he also couldn’t figure out what happened today.

Your Majesty, let's take a step back. Li Qiye really opened the Holy Cave and let him choose a treasure? Another elder couldn't help but said.

Yes, Your Majesty, I heard that there may be an Immortal Emperor's treasure in the Holy Cave. Some elders were unwilling to accept it. After all, it was an Immortal Emperor's treasure.

If he can really open the Holy Cave, that's his destiny. Lunri Demon Emperor said: Jian Lao has said that no one in our life can open the Holy Cave! Li Qiye may even be a miracle. Since If he can’t open it, why not let him try.”

Hearing Jian Lao from the Lunri Demon Emperor's mouth, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect stopped saying anything, because among the Nine Saint Demon Sect, no one is more authoritative than Jian Lao!

The order goes down. No disciple is allowed to reveal a word about the sect today. Otherwise, this is an iron rule! Finally, Lunri Demon Emperor issued such an order!

Regarding the patron saint of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, the Nine Saint Demon Sect is not willing to let outsiders know too much.

When Li Qiye returned, their living place had been changed. They had been taken into the residence of the Nine Saint Demon Sect to meet the most distinguished guests. Such treatment could only be given by the king of the upper country and the emperor of the ancient country.

Nan Huairen and Protector Mo were flattered by this kind of treatment. Not to mention small people like them, even the elders and even the leader of their Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect came in person, but they did not receive such treatment.

Now, both Protector Mo and Nan Huairen understand that such treatment is all because of Li Qiye.

When Li Qiye was sent back by Yu He, Protector Mo and Nan Huairen couldn't help but look at Li Qiye, but they were speechless for a long time.

At this time, even Protector Mo did not dare to ask what Li Qiye had discussed with the Lunri Demon King in the Heavenly Palace. After all, this was no longer something that he could ask at his level.

Now, Protector Mo and Nan Huairen were speechless. In the past two days, Li Qiye had spoken too wildly. He first killed Du Yuanguang, then despised Xu Hui, and even uttered arrogant words to destroy the Nine Saint Demon. Door. Especially today, Protector Mo felt several times that this kid Li Qiye was simply insane and horribly ignorant!

However, now they think about it carefully and calm down to reflect and reflect. Now they understand that Li Qiye is not ignorant at all, nor is he talking arrogantly. He is just telling a fact. He has already been confident.

Nan Huairen couldn't understand, and Protector Mo couldn't understand either. How did Li Qiye walk through the fourteenth level of the Nine Saint Demon Sect's Chaotic Heart Forest in one breath? Why did that invincible stone man protect Li Qiye? Their master and disciple couldn't understand everything here.

However, Nan Huairen finally understood one thing at this time. Li Qiye wanted to climb on the shoulders of the giant stone man that day, and it was not just for fun. Li Qiye was simply prepared.

Now that he thinks about it carefully, Nan Huairen can't help but feel that his knowledge is still superficial.

If you have anything to say, just say it. Seeing Protector Mo and his disciples hesitate to speak, Li Qiye smiled and sat at the top, as if nothing had happened.

Protector Mo opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't know what to say. He was a man of few words. In the end, he simply sat aside and said nothing.

Compared to Protector Mo who was taciturn, Nan Huairen was much more flexible. He looked at Li Qiye, opened his mouth and then closed it. Best of all, he mustered up his courage and said to Li Qiye: Then, then Is it done?

That thing? What happened? Li Qiye was stunned by Nan Huairen's words. He didn't know what Nan Huairen was referring to.

Just, just, it's about the marriage, marrying Princess Li. Nan Huairen stuttered a bit when he spoke.

You're talking about Li Shuangyan, right? Li Qiye couldn't help but smile, shook his head, and said, I haven't asked about this matter, and I don't bother to ask about it. She's just a woman, so why bother.

Li Qiye's arrogant words made Nan Huairen speechless. You have to know what kind of person Li Shuangyan is, the descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, the future demon emperor, and the princess of the ancient Niu Kingdom. Not to mention her peerless appearance, just because of her With her talents like Imperial Body, Imperial Wheel, and Holy Life, I don't know how many people were amazed by her.

You know, let alone the Ancient Niujiang Kingdom, even in the entire Greater Central Region, the young heroes who want to marry Li Shuangyan can line up from the east to the west of the Ancient Niujiang Kingdom.

It's good now that Li Shuangyan, a goddess who is admired by thousands of people and admired by countless people, turns out to be an insignificant woman in Li Qiye's mouth. She is as arrogant as she can be, and she is as overbearing as she can be.

However, now, Nan Huairen doesn't think Li Qiye is arrogant. Now, no matter how arrogant Li Qiye says, Nan Huairen doesn't think it is arrogant, he will take it for granted.

What Li Qiye did today completely subverted his concept and completely broke his common sense!

Nan Huairen had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, but he still couldn't help but glance at the snake-beating stick on Li Qiye. This inconspicuous wooden stick whipped Xu Hui, a master of the real life realm. His skin and flesh were so torn that he couldn't even get up. This left a deep impression on him.

If you want to see it, just take it and see it. Li Qiye saw Nan Huairen's strange eyes and was very generous. He took off the snake beating stick and threw it to him, saying calmly.

Nan Huairen took the snake-beating stick, held it in his hand, and looked at it carefully. At this time, even his master, Protector Mo, couldn't help but lean over, and the master and apprentice studied the snake-beating stick.

However, no matter what happened to the master and apprentice, this was just an ordinary wooden stick.

Is this really the fire stick in the ancestral palace? Nan Huairen couldn't help but ask Li Qiye. He couldn't believe that just this fire stick could make Xu Hui cry like a wolf and howl like a ghost!

That's right. Li Qiye nodded and said.

Nan Huairen swallowed his saliva, plucked up the courage, and said to Li Qiye: Brother, I, can I play a trick?

Look at how timid you are. Hearing Nan Huairen's words, Li Qiye couldn't help but laugh and said, Just play around.

Seeing Li Qiye's promise, Nan Huairen immediately started playing with the snake-beating stick. Protector Mo was also looking at it, wanting to see what magic this fire-burning stick had!

However, Nan Huairen played a trick. In his hand, the snake-beating stick was not as powerful as Li Qiye's. This snake-beating stick in his hand was not like Li Qiye's ability to point where to hit.

Brother, why did it turn into something magical in your hands? Nan Huairen couldn't understand why such an ordinary stick became so powerful in Li Qiye's hands.

Li Qiye glanced at him, and then said slowly: Sincerity leads to wisdom. He stopped at that point. He could not easily tell others the true meaning of the snake-beating stick.

Of course, the snake-beating stick in Nan Huairen's hands cannot exert the same power as Li Qiye. After all, the snake-beating stick was brought out from the ghost forest by Li Qiye. No one in the world knows this strange stick better than Li Qiye!

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: This wave of little fate lines is almost over. Senior Li Qiye can be said to have performed the trick of pretending to be a cup and slapping someone in the face to the extreme.

Luo Feng: I've been taught, but I don't seem to be comfortable with this style.

Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit: All the worlds have different dimensions and different worlds. It's normal that Brother Feng from fellow Taoist Li Qiye is not suitable for little friend Luo Feng. He can adapt to little friend Beixuan, even Lu Shu, and Squirrel Hang can also learn from it. , but some are not applicable, which is normal and understandable!”

Muchen: I don't understand the world view. Each has a different destiny line, different styles of heaven and luck, and different needs?

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: Yes!

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I see, I have learned a lesson.

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: I really want to understand something.

Ma Daxian, who has calculated all the world, said: Okay, let's continue watching the last journey of Senior Li Qiye's destiny line. I just received a notification from the chat group. After the completion, the chat group mall will add some products from the Emperor's Domination World. This is not This fantasy world is weaker than the world view of the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit and even stronger than the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit. Although the added products are probably only what we have seen in the live broadcast, it is still very good.


The group leader said this.

The crowd members continued to watch the live broadcast with anticipation.

The great world of Emperor Domination.

The next day, the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were ready, so they invited Li Qiye to go. Chief Protector Yu He works as a driver for Li Qiye! Send Li Qiye into the deepest part of the Nine Saint Demon Sect’s sect!

Yu He was a prince in terms of strength. Not only in the Nine Saints Demon Sect, but also in the entire Ancient Niu Kingdom, he was a big shot in suppressing one side. He was at the level of a prince and could make the earth tremble with just one stamp of his foot.

However, today, a big shot like Yu He could only work as a coachman for Li Qiye. If such a thing were told, no one would believe it.

The Nine Saints Demon Sect was founded by the Nine Saints Great Sage. After being managed by the ancestors of the Nine Saints Demon Sect for generations, the Nine Saints Demon Sect is already very powerful today. The strength of the entire sect is definitely top-notch in the Central and Greater Regions!

The veins of the Nine Saint Demon Sect are vast and majestic, and the essence of heaven and earth is permeated. It is very rich, shrouding the Nine Saint Demon Sect like a mist, and it is difficult to disperse for a long time, especially within the territory of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, the essence of heaven and earth is It's so rich that it can't be melted away.

In the deepest part of the Nine Saint Demon Sect's territory, there is a solitary mountain. On this solitary mountain, there is an ancient cave. The ancient cave has been sealed for an unknown number of years. The old vines beside the ancient cave are as entangled as dragons. , Zizhi is as big as an umbrella. Before the ancient cave, it was already mottled and old, eroded by countless years.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Among the Nine Saint Demon Sect, only people above the elder level can come here.

The Holy Cave, this is the place that the Nine Saint Demon Sect has always been itching to visit, because there are shocking treasures hidden in the Holy Cave. This cave was left by the Nine Saints, the founder of the Nine Saints Demon Sect. For millions of years, the powerful leaders of the Nine Saints Demon Sect have not been able to open this cave.

Legend has it that after the Nine Saints Great Sage established the Nine Saints Demon Sect, although he left behind his Taoist traditions and passed on many of his lifelong skills and secrets to his subsequent disciples, the Nine Saints Great Sage still sealed some things in the Holy Cave. .

There is a legend that the Nine Saints are afraid that their descendants will be unfilial, so they still have some information. If the Nine Saints Demon Sect declines one day, as long as the Holy Cave is still there, the Nine Saints Demon Sect will one day rise.

As for what treasures are left in the Holy Cave, this is one of the puzzles speculated by the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect in the past. However, the heads or elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect in the past generations believe that there is definitely something in the Holy Cave. The treasure of the Immortal Emperor.

Because it is said that the Immortal Emperor Mingren carried the destiny of heaven and came to the world. In order to reward the Nine Saints for their great service in protecting the Tao, he specially gave the Immortal Emperor a treasure. However, the Nine Saints later did not pass this Immortal Emperor's treasure to his disciples and descendants. Therefore, all the disciples of Immortal Emperor Mingren in the past generations guessed that there must be an Immortal Emperor's treasure in the Holy Cave!

The Immortal Emperor's treasure weapon is an invincible weapon made by Immortal Emperor Akihito himself. He once accompanied Immortal Emperor Akihito in the battle of nine heavens and ten earths. This Immortal Emperor's treasure weapon is far more powerful than the Great Xian's real weapon.

Although this is not the real weapon of the Immortal Emperor, it alone has filled everyone with yearning for it.

In front of the Holy Cave, all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect held their breath. The Holy Cave was mottled and extremely ancient. The old trees outside the cave had reached the sky and were extremely tall. The cracked bark was like dragon scales.

There is a line of words left on the left side of the extremely ancient holy cave. Although the holy cave is mottled and old, this line of words is still shining.

I am the only demon in heaven! These four words are engraved on the left side of the holy cave. They are majestic and majestic. Each word is as if it can penetrate the sky. Although it has experienced countless years of erosion, it still permeates the air. Daxian's breath.

These four characters were left by the Nine Saints with their own hands. All the disciples of the Nine Saints Demon Sect believe that when the Holy Cave is opened, these four characters are Guan Jian.

On the left side of the Holy Cave is Heavenly Demon Only Me, but on the right side it is blank. Therefore, all the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect believe that this may be a couplet, and as long as they are matched, the Holy Cave can be opened.

However, some people believe that the four words Heavenly Demon Only Me contain the supreme Taoism, because every word of these four words is in harmony with the Tao. As long as one understands the meaning of these four words, The true secret can open the holy cave.

No matter what kind of conjecture it is, all the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have tried it. Some of the most talented disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have achieved enlightenment here. If they want to understand the ultimate meaning of these four words, there are also disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect who want to understand the ultimate meaning of these four words. The disciple, who once entered the mortal world, invited the most talented scholars to match the couplet on the right.

No matter which method is used, no one has been able to open the Holy Cave for millions of years!

I am the only demon in heaven. Li Qiye couldn't help but smile when he saw these four words, and the scene from that year couldn't help but come to mind. Back then, he asked the Nine Saints to come out to protect Immortal Emperor Mingren.

At that time, the Nine Saints were not called the Nine Saints. He called himself the Nine Saints. He was domineering and arrogant. The Nine Saints refused the invitation of Li Qiye, a dark crow, at that time. His slogan was extremely arrogant, praising: I am the only demon in heaven!

Therefore, Li Qiye couldn't help but smile when he saw this matter again today. After Immortal Emperor Akihito carried the destiny, his state was unstable. He was preparing to enter a deep sleep and seal himself up.

When he locked the gate, the Nine Saints Great Sage once hoped that his Nine Saints Demon Gate could continue. Therefore, he left the Holy Cave and told Li Qiye that he hoped that Li Qiye would remember his love in the future. Go up and take care of the Nine Saints and Demon Gates.

As soon as he saw these four words, Li Qiye immediately knew how to open the Holy Cave. However, under the watchful eyes of the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, he certainly could not open the Holy Cave at once.

Li Qiye approached the Holy Cave, touching here and knocking there, with a serious look. Li Qiye tossed about for a long time, shook his head, and finally, with an extremely serious look on his face, pondered: The Heavenly Demon is the only one. These four words.

Seeing that Li Qiye had been struggling for so long, there was still no movement in the Holy Cave, which made the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect a little bit uneasy. However, they still did not make a sound, holding their breath and staring at Li Qiye's every move.

In the end, Li Qiye simply sat down in front of the Holy Cave, looking like he was in meditation. Time passed moment by moment, from morning to afternoon. Finally, the sun set in the west and the sunset dyed the sky red.

Li Qiye sat like this for a whole day. Finally, even the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect could no longer hold their breath.

Is this okay? An elder couldn't help but muttered: This kid is not pretending to be a ghost!

Seeing that Li Qiye didn't move, the other elders felt uncertain in their hearts. However, they had to admit that Li Qiye's evil sect had first passed through the fourteenth level of the Chaotic Heart Forest, and then he could communicate with the Guardian God. This was really incredible. It doesn't make sense, it's completely evil.

Hmph, maybe he was just lucky for a moment. An elder said dissatisfiedly. After all, the Holy Cave is the forbidden area of ​​the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Now that an outsider is allowed to understand it, this has already made some elders dissatisfied.

Bring me a pen and ink! Finally, when the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were restless, Li Qiye stood up and said calmly. After sitting here for a day, his buttocks hurt.

An elder immediately sent him pen and ink. Li Qiye pretended to be a ghost, shook his head and said: So that's it, that's it! The Nine Saints are really amazing. As he said that, he dipped his pen in the ink and wrote on the right sill.

It's just chicken feathers all over the place! Li Qiye's handwriting cannot be said to be the work of a famous artist. He wrote casually, which cannot be compared with the aura of the Nine Saints and the great sages.

I am the only one in the world, and all the chicken feathers are on the ground! A completely mismatched couplet and two completely inconsistent fonts are as funny as they sound. In the eyes of others, this is a complete spoof!

When Li Qiye wrote the four words chicken feathers on the ground, the expressions of some elders suddenly changed. These four words simply insulted their Nine Saint Demon Sect. The four words Heavenly Demon Only Me in front of the cave are not worthy of it.

You are so presumptuous, you are humiliating our Nine Saint Demon Sect! an elder shouted with an ugly look on his face.

Li Qiye glanced at him and said calmly: You are a martial artist, but you know nothing about the essence of writing. You don't even know the conscience of your ancestors, why are you shouting here!

You—— Li Qiye was so arrogant that the elder's face turned red, his eyes sharpened, and he suddenly wanted to go crazy.

Roa - ro - ro - Just when the elder was about to get angry, a heavy sound sounded, and the holy cave slowly opened.

For a moment, the eyes of the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were wide open. They could not believe their own eyes. The successive heads and elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect had once allowed the most talented disciples to comprehend the Heaven. The profound meaning of these four words, The demon is my only, has also invited the most talented scholars to try to match the couplet The demon is my only. However, neither method will work!

However, today's crooked words chicken feathers on the ground can actually open the holy cave, which is completely unbelievable! The four words chicken feathers on the ground are incompatible with the four words the demon is the only one in heaven in every aspect. However, something completely impossible has actually opened the holy cave.

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