Once it is revealed, it will be the result of cheating the master and betraying the family! Only a madman or a fool could do such a thing. Protector Mo felt that he was crazy, but his intuition told him that if he followed the thirteen-year-old boy in front of him, his future would be bright! This is just intuition.

Nan Huairen couldn't help but feel shocked. This was an extremely important choice in his life. He knew what it meant when his master said such words.

As long as senior brother gives the order, I will go through fire and water! Nan Huairen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

If he called Li Qiye senior brother before, it was because of the sect's rules. But today, when he calls Li Qiye senior brother, it has a completely different meaning!

A thirteen-year-old boy dares to clamor for the Nine Saints Demon Sect, dares to look down on the elders of the Nine Saints Demon Sect who can be crowned princes, and even faces the Demon Emperor, but he doesn't care! If it were anyone else, this would be ignorance, arrogance, arrogance, and overestimation. However, Li Qiye penetrated the inner forest and destroyed Xu Dharma Protector. This made Nan Huairen understand that Li Qiye was not ignorant and arrogant at all, and he was not overestimating his abilities at all!

A thirteen-year-old boy, born in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, killed the protector of the Nine Saint Demon Sect and demoted the Nine Saint Demon Sect’s princess as a maid. This is such great courage. From the moment he stepped into the Nine Saint Demon Sect, he was already Be confident! He already knew he could escape unscathed.

Nan Huairen was all-rounded. At this moment, he thought a lot. In the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, he had worked hard all his life to reach the top, but it was only at the elder level. Or, the appearance of Li Qiye would be a breakthrough. !

Regarding Protector Mo and Nan Huairen's surrender, Li Qiye nodded gently and said: One day, you will understand that today's choice is the most correct decision in your life!

How should I report when I get back? Protector Mo said thoughtfully. This time the marriage assessment involved too many things, and at this moment, even he felt a little inferior to himself.

Li Qiye looked at Protector Mo, smiled, and said, Since Elder Yun has talked with Protector Mo, I think Protector Mo is also confident.

Li Qiye's words shocked Protector Mo. Indeed, before leaving, the Great Elder of the Nine Saint Demon Sect had talked to him. In fact, the Nine Saint Demon Sect did not want the matter of the Guardian God to be spread. go out! However, Protector Mo did not directly agree to Elder Yun's request.

In the past, as the protector of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, he would not have been able to meet the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, let alone the great elders. In fact, when the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect came in person, they were just the protectors of the Nine Saint Demon Sect receiving him!

I understand. Finally, Protector Mo had a comprehensive argument in his heart. Such an argument was not only beneficial to Li Qiye, but also beneficial to him...

Finally, Li Qiye and the others left the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and Yu He personally saw them off. As the Chief Protector Yu He can be said to be one of the most powerful princes today. He personally saw off Li Qiye and the others, which can be said to be a rare thing for the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

After opening the Taoist platform and erecting a Taoist gate to connect the Nine Saint Demon Sect and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Li Qiye and the others finally set foot on their way home. When they came out of the Taoist gate and stepped into the land of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Protector Mo and Nan Huairen couldn't help but take a deep breath. Breathing in the essence of heaven and earth of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, they couldn't help but feel enlightened. .

What happened in the past few days is just like a dream. Huang Liang's dream is really incredible, but this is not a dream, this is a fact that really happened!

Returning to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Protector Mo, as the person in charge of this marriage, immediately had to report to the six elders, while Li Qiye returned to Lone Peak.

Standing on the solitary peak, overlooking the entire Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, he could not help but remain silent for a long time. In fact, back then, when Immortal Emperor Mingren was still there, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect's territory was millions of miles wide! The essence of heaven and earth is like a vast ocean.

Unfortunately, today's Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has declined and has no energy to defend its vast territory. Therefore, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect's territory has been shrinking, and the essence of the Heaven and Earth of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect seems to have dried up. Anyone in this land can feel that the essence of heaven and earth here has become extremely thin.

Today's Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is like a candle in the wind, like an old man who is dying, and will come to an end at any time.

Li Qiye couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart. He didn't choose Suppressing Tianhai City, didn't choose the War Temple, or even the Nine Saint Demon Sect, but chose the declining Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

Li Qiye, who had turned into a crow, had always been unwelcome to all the previous leaders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Back then, he had hoped that another disciple of Immortal Emperor Mingren would be in charge of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Although that disciple was not as talented as the eldest disciple, he was more optimistic about this disciple's nature. Unfortunately, later, after he fell into a deep sleep and was born, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect The sect was led by the eldest disciple of Immortal Emperor Mingren. From then on, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was regarded as a great orthodoxy, and the atmosphere of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was also sanctimonious.

Li Qiye has always disliked those who thought he was the orthodox defender, so from then on, Li Qiye never returned to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, nor did he ask about the ups and downs of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

In this life, he took back his body and returned to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect! Back then, he personally trained Immortal Emperor Mingren and built the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect with his own hands. Today, he will build the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect again. One day, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect will sweep the world under his hands and dominate the nine realms!

Li Qiye stood on the lonely peak and was lost in thought for a long time, thinking about many things. He didn't even notice Nan Huairen's arrival.

Brother, the elders want to see you. Nan Huairen said hurriedly after seeing Li Qiye come to his senses.

Li Qiye nodded and followed Nan Huairen to the Ancestral Palace. In the Ancestral Palace, the six elders were present. At this time, the six elders were all staring at Li Qiye.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the ancestral palace became strange and solemn. Protector Mo has already reported the marriage to the six elders.

Protector Mo's report was ambiguous. Protector Mo only mentioned that Li Qiye passed the assessment this time. He mentioned in detail that Li Qiye passed through the Chaotic Heart Forest. As for the duel with Xu Hui, he only briefly passed it by, and even He didn't mention the snake-beating stick and the four-elephant stone man. Ultimately, he believed that Li Qiye's victory over Xu Hui was just a coincidence and luck!

Have you passed the assessment? At this time, the Great Elder stared at Li Qiye and said in a deep voice. In fact, the six elders had no hope at all for this marriage! However, what is incredible is that Li Qiye passed this test. What is even more incredible is that he actually passed through the Chaotic Heart Forest.

Back to the elder, yes, I think I should get my reward! Li Qiye replied calmly, not caring at all about the strange and dignified atmosphere.

There are rewards, but there are some things that I need you to talk about. The Great Elder said solemnly: I know that Xu Hui is a leader among the younger generation of disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and his Taoism can even rival Our Hall Master, you have just entered my sect and have not yet entered Taoism, how can you possibly defeat him!

Elder, the Taoism is complex and the martial arts is simple. I cultivate Qimen swordsmanship and follow a strange path. As long as there is a flaw, I can give the enemy a fatal blow. In a life-and-death fight, the brave one will win. Li Qiye He said calmly.

Absurd! Elder Xiong among the six elders shouted coldly and said in a cold voice: For a mortal to dare to kill a master in the realm of true destiny, that is arrogance and ignorance!

This elder Xiong had always supported Li Qiye before, but today he gave him a cold shout and was dissatisfied with Li Qiye's performance. The contrast was huge.

Li Qiye glanced at Elder Xiong and said: Elder, what I said is the truth. Just because others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. At this point, he looked at the six elders present and said calmly: Elders, today I am a meritorious official of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. If you suspect me of cheating, Protector Mo has seen all this with his own eyes, and so have the people of the Nine Saint Demon Sect!

You elders know very well that this marriage is a disaster. If I go to the Nine Saints Demon Sect, I will die. However, for the sake of the reputation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, I still go there even though I know that I will die. ! Today, I came back as a hero, but the elders doubted me? Is this the Cleansing Incident Ancient Sect’s way of treating heroes? If so, it is really disappointing. Who else is willing to serve the sect in the future? Who is willing to serve the sect in the future? Will you die for your sect?

Li Qiye said slowly and in a deep voice: Before this marriage, the elders made an agreement with me. Did the elders go back on their word today? If so, I can only say that it was a mistake to join the sect. We, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, are the Immortal Sect of the Eternal Emperors. If all the elders do not keep their word, how can our sect have any credibility?

The credibility of the sect does not need to be criticized by you! An elder shouted coldly.

Regarding the elder's anger, Li Qiye calmly looked at the six elders and said: I risked my life to enter the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and my merits are complete. If the elders fulfill their promises that day and do not doubt the meritorious officials, I will receive all the rewards I deserve. Give it to me, then I don’t need to blame you! If not, then I should blame you, I paid for it with my life.” After saying this, he looked directly at the six elders.

This language is strong! At this time, an elder coughed and said, looking a little embarrassed.

The great elder also said: Qiye, we don't doubt you, it's just that this matter is a bit strange. Xu Hui's matter is reasonable, but Luan Xinlin's matter, I would like to hear your thoughts. As he said that, he His gaze sharpened, staring at Li Qiye, as if he wanted to see through Li Qiye.

At this time, not only the Great Elder, but also the other five elders were staring at Li Qiye! If it can be said that beheading Xu Hui can be said to be a miracle, after all, horses and horses will stumble, and people will stumble. Take a step back and say that Xu Hui was arrogant and unprepared, and was successfully attacked by Li Qiye!

However, this is not the case with the Chaotic Heart Forest. All the six elders know that for millions of years, no one of the younger generation of disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect has been able to pass through the Chaotic Heart Forest, unless they are great sages!

The six elders stared at it. At this time, Protector Mo and Nan Huairen couldn't help but secretly sweat for Li Qiye.

Returning to the elders, those who confuse the Heart Forest aim to confuse the mind. This is not a place to test Taoism. As long as the Taoist heart is firm enough, you can pass through the Forest of Chaos Heart. This has nothing to do with the level of Taoism! In response to the great elder's question, Li Qiye said slowly said.

Hmph, can you, a mere mortal, be more determined in your Taoist heart than the prince? Elder Xiong said with a cold snort, dissatisfied.

Li Qiye raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and said: Elder, whether the Taoist heart is firm or not has nothing to do with Taoism! Being high in Taoism does not mean that the Taoism is firm! Throughout the ages, how many real saint emperors have been born because of their Taoism. If you are not strong, you will eventually become possessed and play with fire and burn yourself!

I don't know how high the sky is! Is the real Holy Emperor something you can comment on? Elder Xiong shouted in a deep voice.

Li Qiye didn't bother to look at him again and said calmly: What I said is just telling the truth. If you elders think what I said is false, you can go to the Nine Saint Demon Sect for verification!

Elder Xiong glared at Li Qiye for daring to openly talk back. Just when he was about to get angry, the Great Elder coughed and said, Let's let this matter go. I wonder how your marriage to Princess Li is going?

Even if the killing of Xu Hui is justified, the matter of passing through the Luanxin Forest cannot be justified. Not even the Holy Emperor can pass through the Luanxin Forest, let alone a mortal. However, for the Great Elder and the others, these are not important now. What is important is when will the Nine Saint Demon Sect and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect be able to get married! Today’s Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect needs a giant like the Nine Saint Demon Sect as its backer!

You need to ask the Nine Saint Demon Sect about this. It's not something I can make the decision on. At this time, Li Qiye was not interested in talking anymore and simply didn't bother to talk anymore.

Forget it. The Great Elder had no choice but to force Li Shuangyan to marry Li Qiye. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was not qualified to bargain with the Nine Saint Demon Sect!

The great elder nodded and said: You have made a great contribution this time. According to the previous agreement, what should be given to you will still be given to you...

Brother Gu—— When the Great Elder said this, Elder Xiong couldn't help but change his face and said hurriedly. However, the Great Elder waved his hand gently to stop Elder Xiong from speaking anymore.

The Great Elder looked at Li Qiye and said: First, when you reach the realm of body, the sect will prepare an imperial body ointment for you; second, the sect's martial arts, life skills, physical skills, and longevity skills You can choose one of each. Of course, you can choose others, but it cannot exceed three skills! You will be satisfied with this.

Yes, but I still have one condition. The sect agreed to my three requests at that time. Li Qiye nodded.

The great elder nodded and said, Okay, you can say it.

I need a weapon to protect my body, so I need to choose a treasure or a real weapon in the sect! Li Qiye said in a deep voice.

The great elder nodded and said: Okay, you can choose any of the treasures and real weapons on the lower three floors. You can also choose the longevity treasure!

Thank you, elder. Finally, Li Qiye bowed his head, then turned and left.

Huairen, you go with Qiye. Li Qiye left, and the great elder ordered Nan Huairen.

After Li Qiye left, Elder Xiong said in a deep voice: Brother Gu, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this kid, maybe he's a spy sent by the Nine Saint Demon Sect!

Brother Cao Xiong, what do you mean by this? An elder shook his head gently and said, I can't see that the Nine Saint Demon Sect is much stronger than us today. Now the Nine Saint Demon Sect is in charge of the ancient Niujiang Kingdom. It’s already a behemoth, why do we need to send people undercover to spy on our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.”

Brother Sun is right. An elder said, Does our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect still have plans for the Nine Saint Demon Sect?

That's not necessarily true. Maybe the Nine Saint Demon Sect is trying to master our imperial arts, especially the secret arts of destiny! Elder Xiong said in a deep voice.

Elder Xiong's words made the other five elders look at each other involuntarily, because they knew the situation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect very well.

I don't think it's necessary. Elder Sun, the fourth among the six elders, shook his head and said: Li Qiye holds the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense. If he really wants to take away our imperial skills, he will ask for it, and we will give it to him or not. What? To say the least, if the Nine Saint Demon Sect really wants to seize the Emperor’s Art, and the Lunri Demon Emperor personally takes action, I think it’s hard for anyone in our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect to be able to stop it!”

Elder Sun's words made the other elders feel silent. If the Nine Saint Demon Sect really wanted to take away the imperial arts of their Cleansing Incense Sect, they could definitely kill the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The Lunri Demon Emperor would personally take action and cleanse the sect. Who can stop the Yangu sect? In fact, even if the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect take action, their six elders are no match!

Brother Gu, I think it's better to be careful if you have to be on guard. Finally, Elder Xiong said in a deep voice.

Report this to the leader. Finally, the great elder said in a deep voice, and he did not make any further statement.

In response to such words, Elder Xiong just snorted, or maybe it was dissatisfaction with the leader.

The elders and others suspect that the senior brother is a spy sent by the Nine Saint Demon Sect. After leaving the ancestral palace, Nan Huairen whispered to Li Qiye. He is an all-rounder and is best at figuring out other people's thoughts. Of course he can guess what the six elders are thinking.

Whatever they want. Li Qiye just smiled and shook his head slightly. The decline of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is not unreasonable. Although the six elders hold the position of elders, not only are they unable to ascend to the throne because of their Taoism, but more importantly The thing is, you can't stand alone.

Speaking of this matter, Li Qiye asked: How is Elder Xiong? When he was about to become the chief disciple, Elder Xiong still supported him, but today the contrast in his attitude was too great.

Be careful Elder Xiong. Nan Huairen looked around and whispered to Li Qiye: Second Elder Cao Xiong always wanted to compete with the leader for the position of leader, but he never succeeded. Later, he once He wanted his disciple He Yingjian to become the chief disciple, but unfortunately, he was rejected by the leader. He has never given up on the position of leader. Even if he cannot be the leader, he still hopes that his disciple He Yingjian can be the leader. Moreover, , Cao Xiong has the support of Ke Qing behind him.

I understand. If I were a waste and became the chief disciple, I would have no chance of becoming the leader. However, if I were to marry Li Shuangyan, it would be hard to say. Li Qiye smiled and said. He understood why there was such a big contrast between Cao Xiong's attitude before and after.

Nan Huairen nodded lightly and said in a low voice: Elder Cao has been paying attention to the headmaster in the past. He was afraid that the headmaster would recruit a talented disciple and the position of the chief disciple would always be vacant. He discussed it with several elders several times. I hope that He Yingjian will become the chief disciple, but the leader has always refused.

What about the leader? Li Qiye couldn't help but feel a little strange. After he joined the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, he had never seen the leader, Su Yonghuang. The leader, Su Yonghuang, seemed to be a transparent existence.

Nan Huairen shook his head and said: The leader has never lived in the sect. He has always practiced outside. In fact, I have not seen him a few times.

At this point, Nan Huairen saw that there was no one around and said in a very low voice: There are rumors in the sect that the leader was forced to leave by the elders. No one knows the specific details. In short, the leader is very Shao is within the sect, and when the leader left the sect, he also took some of the protectors and hall masters with him.

Li Qiye couldn't help but touch his chin and said: So, our sect is divided into several factions. It seems that the situation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is more complicated than he imagined.

Some people say that there are four factions. Nan Huairen said: There are some guardians and hall masters who follow the leader, and some hall masters follow Elder Xiong. They always hope that Elder Xiong will be the leader, and some of them He comes from the lineage of the Great Elder, and speaking of it, most of the other four elders are probably neutral.

The Great Elder wants to compete for the position of leader? Li Qiye asked.

Nan Huairen shook his head and said: No one knows what the Great Elder thinks. I heard that he may not support the leader, but he has never fought for the position of leader. However, the Great Elder is in the sect. He has great influence, he is in charge of the law enforcement team in the sect, and he is very strict, so many disciples are afraid of him.

When Nan Huairen said this, Li Qiye had a certain understanding of the situation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Thinking of this, Li Qiye smiled and said nothing more.

The Divine Crow Peak is an important place of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. It can even be said to be a forbidden area. No disciple can go to the Divine Crow Peak without the permission of the leader and elders.

At the same time, the Divine Crow Peak is also the tallest and largest main peak of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. There is an ancient triangular courtyard on the Divine Crow Peak, which houses all the secrets of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect's techniques, real weapons, and rare golden sacred stones...

The Divine Crow Peak is extremely well guarded. It can be said that there is a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps. Not even a mosquito can fly in. The entire Divine Crow Peak is guarded by the elite disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Moreover, the six elders usually There will be two elders taking turns guarding the Divine Crow Peak.

For the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, the Divine Crow Peak is so important that it can even be said that everything in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is stored in the Divine Crow Peak.

At the same time, there is also a legend about the Divine Crow Peak. Legend has it that before Immortal Emperor Akihito became the bearer of destiny, he received instructions from God. A divine crow fell from the sky and landed on this peak. Immortal Emperor Akihito received the divine decree. Therefore, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was established here!

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, this divine crow should be senior Li Qiye.

Chapter 196 Chen Nan has broken through the mystery

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: According to the fate of the Emperor's World, Senior Li Qiye has planned it for tens of millions of years, so it must be the case.

The Great Master - Muchen: Looking forward to it.

The great world of Emperor Domination.

When Nan Huairen introduced the Divine Crow Peak, Li Qiye couldn't help but smile when he heard this story. The so-called Divine Crow Peak was nothing more than a few god generals under Immortal Emperor Mingren who took it in memory of his Dark Crow. Just a name.

The triangular ancient courtyard on the top of Shenya Peak is not big, but the entire ancient courtyard is inky black. The entire ancient courtyard seems to be made of dark iron and is extremely heavy. In fact, even the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect throughout the generations do not know it. What kind of sacred material is this ancient courtyard built with?

When Li Qiye and Nan Huairen stood in front of the Triangle Ancient Courtyard, Li Qiye looked at the dark Triangle Ancient Courtyard in front of him and felt quite emotional in his heart. Countless years have passed and this ancient courtyard is still standing. Of course, this ancient courtyard is still standing. The mystery of the ancient courtyard is far beyond the imagination of the world. People in the world simply cannot imagine the origin of this triangular ancient courtyard!

Just when Li Qiye couldn't help but sigh, his eyes were attracted by the huge shrine in front of the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard. In his impression, there was no such shrine when the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard was built.

Li Qiye's eyes fell on the shrine. There was a person sitting cross-legged in the shrine, a very tall man. At this time, it was impossible to see the age of this man. He had unkempt hair and a very long beard. The messy beard completely covered his face. The man was sitting cross-legged in the shrine. He didn't know how many years he had moved because there were weeds growing on his body.

The man had his eyes closed. If he hadn't breathed evenly, others would have thought he was a dead man!

This is not surprising. What is surprising is that his hands and feet are actually locked with thick iron chains! Others may not know the goods, but Li Qiye is the one who knows the goods. He knows that this thick iron chain is made of black spider cold iron, which is extremely rare and precious divine iron!

What kind of person deserves to be locked here with the cold iron of the black spider? Moreover, the man in front of him seems to be locked here willingly, rather than being forced!

Seeing that Li Qiye noticed the man in the shrine, Nan Huairen whispered to Li Qiye: This is the guardian of the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard. No one knows his specific origins.

Why are you locked here? Li Qiye asked the man who was sitting cross-legged in the shrine with his eyes closed.

Nan Huairen shook his head and said: No one knows, I'm afraid no one in our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect knows. I heard that he has been locked here for a long, long time. Even my master doesn't know that he is locked here. How long have you been here? Some people say that he is a disciple of the sect, a sinner, and has committed a heinous crime, so he has been locked here.

Li Qiye nodded gently, and without saying anything in the end, he and Nan Huairen walked into the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard.

After Li Qiye and Nan Huairen entered the Triangle Ancient Courtyard, the person locked in the shrine suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, his eyes were extremely terrifying, as if his eyes could travel through eternity and cut through chaos. His gaze would make even the real prince tremble. However, after he opened his eyes, he quickly closed them again, as if nothing happened.

The Triangle Ancient Courtyard does not look big from the outside, but once you step into the Triangle Ancient Courtyard, there is a different world. Inside the Triangle Ancient Courtyard, it is very vast, covering an area of ​​10,000 acres, and has three majestic ancient buildings. Put together, they were built into a triangular ancient courtyard.

There is no doubt that the triangular ancient courtyard covering an area of ​​10,000 acres looks like a small courtyard from the outside. That is because there is a cave inside, which is refined by supreme magical power!

Stepping into the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard, Nan Huairen introduced Li Qiye: This side is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, that side is the Tibetan Soldier Pavilion, and the last side is the Hidden Treasure Pavilion. The three ancient buildings in the Sanjiang Ancient Courtyard are respectively It contains the secret manuals, treasures, and sacred materials of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

Nan Huairen said: Every ancient building has a protector who is personally responsible for it. No matter if any disciple borrows or borrows secret books, treasures, or sacred materials, the protector must personally see them. At this point, Nan Huairen asked Li Qiye: Senior brother, what should you choose first?

Let's enter the Sutra Pavilion first. Li Qiye just glanced at the three ancient buildings and said casually without saying anything.

Nan Huairen and Li Qiye entered the Sutra Pavilion. There were eight powerful disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect sitting in the Sutra Pavilion. At the same time, there was also a Dharma Protector who was in charge. After Li Qiye and Nan Huairen obtained the elder's warrant, the guardian in charge of the Sutra Pavilion allowed them to go.

As soon as you enter the Sutra Pavilion, you immediately feel like you have entered a vast library. The entire Sutra Pavilion is so vast that you can't see the end. Just looking at the size of this Sutra Pavilion, one can imagine how glorious the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect once was!

When Li Qiye and Nan Huairen stepped into the Sutra Pavilion, they discovered that there were far more than just the two of them. There were also many disciples in the Sutra Pavilion who were selecting their own secrets.

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