Li Qiye just smiled at the Great Elder's words, and then said: However, before going to the Nine Saint Demon Sect, I have a little request. No one knows whether going to the Nine Saint Demon Sect will lead to life or death, so, I need to learn some exercises and have one or two weapons to protect my body.

You should be smart and take advantage of the situation. Elder Xiong, one of the six elders, snorted, also dissatisfied.

The great elder was not unfair and nodded and said: Let's do this. You can choose one of the techniques and weapons under the sect's hall master. What do you elders think?

Although the other elders didn't like Li Qiye's bargaining, they still agreed to the great elder's proposal. They all understood that the chance of Li Qiye passing the examination was zero, and the weapons and techniques he brought out were equivalent to beating a dog with a meat bun, but they still did not give up and wanted to give it a try!

Elders, you are too worried. How dare you speak so loudly? Li Qiye certainly knew what the six elders were thinking. He smiled and said calmly: I heard that there is a strange sect in the sect. The Gate Sword has a quick effect, so I will choose this technique, and how about choosing a pair of swords that can match this technique?

When Li Qiye said this, the six elders present couldn't help but look at each other. They thought that Li Qiye would open his mouth like a lion and even want imperial skills. They didn't expect that he would actually want such a skill. 'Qimen Sword'? After hearing Li Qiye's words, the Great Elder pondered for a moment and said.

Another elder said: Brother Hui Gu, that is a martial art within the sect, not a Tao. He is responsible for the distribution of the sect's skills, so he is very clear about some of the sect's skills.

Hearing what the elder said, the elders who were unfamiliar with the Qimen Sword couldn't help but be startled. Martial skills, for a monk, are indeed not worthy of the Tao. Any ordinary technique is better than martial arts! Now Li Qiye actually chose a martial art, which made the elders stunned. In their opinion, waste is waste and they don't know what to do!

No problem, Huairen, you can send the secret manual of the 'Qimen Sword' to Gushan and choose the best pair of swords suitable for this technique for him. The great elder immediately agreed to Li Qiye's request. .

Do you have any other small requests? The elders present were quite satisfied with the fact that Li Qiye didn't speak loudly like a lion, so they asked this question.

The kid is gone for now. Li Qiye smiled and said.

Okay, go back and prepare well. We will start in three days! When you come back, I will let you worship the ancestor! the great elder said in a deep voice.

Of course, whether he can come back alive is still unknown!

After Li Qiye returned to Gushan, Nan Huairen sent Li Qiye the secret book of the Qimen Sword and a pair of very handy swords.

Li Qiye weighed the crescent-shaped dagger and was satisfied. The moon arc of this sword has a faint cold light. Although this sword is not a real weapon or a treasure used by monks, as a short sword made from a mortal body, it is mixed with a little red moon gold when it is made. Such a short sword, in In the mortal world, it can be regarded as a sword that blows hair and cuts off hair. However, to a monk, it is nothing at all.

After Nan Huairen left, Li Qiye slowly turned over the Qi Men Dao and read it word by word. As Li Qiye read word by word, the skills of each sentence appeared in his mind.

Back then, when he transformed into the Dark Crow, he later used a shocking trick to get rid of the control of the Immortal Demon Cave. However, his state was still unstable and was sometimes affected by the Immortal Demon Cave. Therefore, once his state was not stable, , he sealed himself and let himself fall into a deep sleep.

He has experienced suffering from life to life, and has gone through countless years, entering the immortal land, and being buried. In the wild era, he once fell into the hands of an invincible strong man and experienced countless hardships. It is precisely because of this that he has been exposed to countless techniques, even some imperial techniques and immortal secrets.

He was afraid that one day his state would be unstable and he would be unable to control himself, and would be brought back to the Immortal Demon Cave. Therefore, in every life, he would erase his memory of various skills and secrets to prevent some shocking skills from being obtained by the Immortal Demon Cave. However, he, Medicine God, Blood Seal Immortal Emperor and others used an extremely mysterious method. Although these memories have been erased, once there is an opportunity to read these exercises again in the future, all the secrets of this exercise will emerge again!

As Li Qiye read Qi Men Dao, all the secrets about Qi Men Dao that had been erased slowly emerged in Li Qi Ye's mind again!

After spending a lot of time, Li Qiye finally recalled the mystery of the Qi Men Knife that had been erased. Li Qiye took a deep breath and carefully compared the secret manual in his hand. After comparing it, Li Qiye It was discovered that the Qi Men Dao in his hand was missing something, which made Li Qiye worried about something.

In fact, it is normal for skills such as Qimen Sword to be lacking. After all, martial arts are not worthy of the Tao. In the eyes of monks, they are just trivial skills. For millions of years, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has I'm afraid there are very few disciples who have practiced Qimen Sword!

It didn't take long for Li Qiye to fully understand all the secrets of Qimen Sword that came to his mind. After understanding the secrets, Li Qiye just smiled.

Although his physique, longevity wheel, and life palace are at the level of a mortal, not worthy of being a Taoist, and not comparable to those geniuses, but in the memory of life after life, he has come into contact with countless secrets of techniques, and even shocking immortals. Although all the secrets of these skills have been erased, Li Qiye's insights, understanding, and perspective on training are far beyond what those geniuses can compare to.

What's more important is that, after turning into a crow, he experienced countless sufferings and was even imprisoned for tens of thousands of years without seeing the light of day! After experiencing countless tortures, this gave him an unparalleled Taoist heart. His Taoist heart was as solid as a rock, and nothing could shake it!

Caressing the Qimen Knife in his hand, Li Qiye couldn't help but sigh. This brought back some memories in him. Qimen Sword has a secret that is unknown to everyone, even the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect don't know about it.

Before Immortal Emperor Akihito practiced Taoism, he was a boy who was keen on practicing martial arts. He practiced the martial arts Qimen Sword. Later, after Immortal Emperor Akihito carried the destiny and came to the Nine Realms, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful for the youth. He later polished the Qimen Sword he had practiced in his youth.

Of course, this kind of martial arts cannot be compared with the imperial arts created by Immortal Emperor Akihito, let alone the secret arts of destiny. Of course, Immortal Emperor Mingren did not want his descendants to practice martial arts, so this Qimen Sword was haphazardly placed in the Scripture Collection Pavilion of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. For millions of years, there have been very few disciples who have practiced this sword technique, let alone comprehend its true meaning.

When Immortal Emperor Akihito was polishing the Qimen Sword, Li Qiye, who was a crow, joked with Immortal Emperor Akihito that although your Qimen Sword could kill princes if you reached the peak of practice, your martial arts skills are just mediocre. , I’m afraid that no one in future generations will be willing to practice!

Regarding such words, Immortal Emperor Akihito just smiled. However, Li Qiye was right about this point back then. It is true that few people from the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect have ever practiced the Qimen Sword.

Li Qiye retracted his thoughts, took a deep breath, held the dagger in both hands, and slowly practiced Qimen Sword Technique. Li Qiye practiced this sword technique one move at a time. He did not pursue quick results and was strict with the moves. Incomparably, every move and every move is just right.


In the chat group.

With the emergence of the Qimen Sword in the imperial world.

The Qi Men Dao technique also appeared in the chat group shopping mall.

Chapter 184 Expect Senior Li Qiye to kill indiscriminately

This is a book of magical powers that can be practiced to the extreme to open a mountain.

In addition, it is the technique of Emperor Domination of the Great World, which is as mysterious as it is mysterious.

Once published.

Many group members purchased it.

Everyone is very happy.

Watching live broadcasts can be such a good thing.

It happened that Li Qiye was practicing this method during the live broadcast.

So after many group members bought it, they started learning from Li Qiye.


The great world of Emperor Domination.

At the beginning, Li Qiye was still very unfamiliar. Even though he knew all the secrets of sword skills, he still trembled when he used the sword and could not achieve the requirements of perfection.

However, Li Qiye was not discouraged and practiced his sword skills over and over again. As Li Qiye practiced hard over and over again, he slowly became more proficient. In just one night, Li Qiye practiced it 300 times. , he has slowly mastered the secret of this sword technique, and slowly, the sword is extremely accurate!

Although Li Qiye has countless memories and countless shocking secrets in his heart, his extremely firm Taoist heart makes him know that if he wants to conquer the Immortal Demon Cave in this life, he must pay ten times or even more than others. It is a hundred times more effort, otherwise, no matter how many resources he has, he will not be able to defeat the Immortal Demon Cave. In this world, no one knows the Immortal Demon Cave better than him!

Within three days, Li Qiye stayed at home and practiced swordsmanship hard in the courtyard. Li Qiye also understood that going to the Nine Saint Demon Gate this time would be dangerous, and he needed to be prepared!

After three days, Li Qiye set off for the Nine Saint Demon Gate! Along with him, in addition to Nan Huairen, who had been responsible for delivering messages for Li Qiye, there was also Protector Mo.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, this is interesting, the line of fate is about to begin.

Great Master - Muchen: Senior Li's world, even if it is just starting out, is still exciting.

Lu Shu: Although it is a clichéd plot, the world is real. I look forward to Senior Li Qiye killing people indiscriminately.


The live broadcast continues.

The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has a total of six elders, twelve protectors, and thirty-six hall masters! Today we went to a huge sect like the Nine Saints Demon Sect, but there was only one guardian leading the team. This is really unreasonable.

Just the three of us? Before setting off, Li Qiye looked at the meager team and said.

Protector Mo, who leads the team, is a man of few words. At the same time, he is also Nan Huairen’s master! Protector Mo glanced at Li Qiye and didn't bother to say anything else.

Nan Huairen was a man of graceful appearance and good at dancing. When Li Qiye said this, he laughed dryly and said with a smile: Brother, the elders have been practicing in seclusion recently and don't plan to go.

Li Qiye smiled and said calmly: Practice in seclusion? Is it because you are afraid of losing face? Anyway, I have no chance of passing the test. As elders, if they appear in person, failure will be a small matter, but they cannot afford to lose face.

After being told by Li Qiye, Nan Huairen couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. Li Qiye was really right about this. Li Qiye didn't even get started in cultivation, so he went to the Nine Saint Demon Sect to take the exam? I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself again and again.

For the six elders, it is definitely impossible for Li Qiye to pass the assessment. For them, failure is already doomed, but they cannot afford to make a fool of themselves and lose face.

Senior brother, you are worrying too much. Nan Huairen laughed dryly, and then said: The Nine Saint Demon Sect is not very friendly to us. The elders are not willing to conflict with them, so they will not attend this matter.

Li Qiye smiled calmly and said: It's just the Nine Saints Demon Sect, it's not a Tao. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is no longer what it used to be. Back then, even if the Nine Saints were still alive, they could only worship the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

Regarding Li Qiye's arrogance, Protector Mo snorted coldly. He glanced at Li Qiye and didn't bother to say anything more.

Nan Huairen just smiled awkwardly, fearing that Li Qiye would become more arrogant as he spoke, so he changed the subject and introduced Li Qiye: Brother, this is my master, the protector of the sect.

Please also protect Dharma Mo to take care of me during this trip. Li Qiye bowed his head, being polite, decent, and at ease.

Protector Mo glanced at Li Qiye and didn't bother to say anything more. He said, Let's set off. He turned around and left. Protector Mo is the protector of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. In fact, he is relatively older among the protectors and has good moral conduct. Unfortunately, he is a man of few words and is not good at socializing. Therefore, he is the protector of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Pai's status is very ordinary and cannot be compared with other protectors. Otherwise, he would not be leading the team on this drudgery mission to the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

The senior officials of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect knew that this trip to the Nine Saints Demon Sect would definitely make people laugh. Li Qiye would definitely make a big fool of himself, and might even be killed if he was not careful. This trip could be said to be a disaster. It was destined to fail. Not only were the six elders avoiding it, but even the other guardians were unwilling to lead the team. In the end, this mission fell on the shoulders of Guardian Mo.

Protector Mo also knew that this errand would definitely cause a big scandal. How could he be in a good mood? So he was even more taciturn and didn't even bother to say anything.

Protector Mo led Li Qiye and Nan Huairen into the Taoist platform of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The Taoist platform is huge and can accommodate ten thousand people. Such a huge Taoist platform is really intimidating. Looking at the vast area, I am afraid that few inherited sects can have such a huge Taoist platform.

The Taoist platform is extremely ancient, built with sacred stone pillars, with the Immortal Emperor's writings inscribed on it. It is majestic and unfathomable. Each chapter of the Immortal Emperor's writings can erase time and space! This Taoist platform alone is enough to show the foundation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

This is the Taoist platform built by Immortal Emperor Akihito himself. This Taoist platform was once used by Immortal Emperor Akihito to launch an expedition to the eight wastelands and span the nine realms! Such a Taoist platform, in the vast domain, I am afraid that only the Immortal Sect Emperor Lineage can possess it!

With a buzz sound, as the Taoist platform was opened by the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, a huge Taoist door was erected inside the Taoist platform. The Taoist gate is polished with divine gold, and has profound imperial inscriptions inscribed on it! There are rows of grooves left above the gate, and these rows of grooves are used to embed the walls with soil.

The Jingbi is a crystal stone condensed by the essence of heaven and earth. The Jingbi has great uses, one of which is to open Tao gates and cross the airspace. The more crystal walls there are, the higher the level, and the farther the airspace spans.

Unfortunately, among the rows of pits in this Taoist gate, there are only a few pits with fine walls embedded in the soil, and the levels of the fine walls are limited!

Seeing this scene, Li Qiye sighed softly in his heart. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was indeed in decline. Back then, this door was filled with essence walls from the Immortal Land! This Taoist gate once could cross the nine realms. You want to reach wherever you want to go, as long as you have detailed coordinates!

Let's go - Protector Mo took Li Qiye and Nan Huairen into the Taoist gate and were instantly teleported out!

The Great Central Territory is huge, hundreds of millions of miles wide, and there are so many monk sects in the Great Central Territory that there are even dozens of kingdoms. Just behemoths like the Xianguo, Shangguo and Gugu are tens of thousands of miles or even hundreds of millions of miles wide.

Therefore, if you want to cross borders, unless you are a real holy emperor, even a heroic prince will have to fly for a long time. What's more, the Great Central Region is just a part of the Human Emperor Realm.

The Human Emperor Realm is also called the Imperial Realm or the Imperial Territory. In this vast imperial territory, there is the vast ocean in the north, red land in the south, hundreds of cities in the east, wilderness in the west, and the Great Central Region in the middle!

If you want to cross borders or domains, you cannot rely on flying. You must use Taoist gates to cross the airspace. Of course, there are not many sects that have Taoist platforms across various domains. Most of these sects dominate the territory of the upper country!

With a buzz sound, in the blink of an eye, Li Qiye and the three of them were teleported to the Nine Saint Demon Gate and walked out of the Daotai Gate inside the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

As soon as they walked out of the Taoist door, both Protector Mo and Li Qiye immediately felt the rich essence of heaven and earth that was difficult to dissolve. Looking around, it was a scene of an immortal family!

The sect of the Nine Saint Demon Sect can be said to be thousands of miles wide, with majestic mountains and rivers, flying springs hanging in the sky, sacred trees reaching into the sky, and ancient palaces and jade jewels floating in the clouds. In the deepest part of this sect, there is a The divine light of Tao soared into the sky, and one did not expect to know that there were many amazing treasures hidden there!

In the Nine Saint Demon Sect, there are longevity spirits coming in and out of the Xia Cave, puffing out haze, there are celestial beasts flying across the sky, flying in the nine heavens, and the aura of wild floods is rolling in the clouds!

This is the atmosphere of a large sect. With such an atmosphere, it is no wonder that it can dominate the country! Compared with the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect in such a situation, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect looks more like a dying old man! Incomparable.

Seeing such a great scene, both Protector Mo and Nan Huairen couldn't help but lose their minds for a moment. This was not their first time to the Nine Saint Demon Sect, but seeing the scene of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, they felt sad in their hearts. I think back in those days, even a behemoth like the Nine Demons Sect had to worship the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

Unfortunately, the glory of the past is no longer there. Today, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has declined, and it even needs to rely on the Nine Saint Demon Sect to rest!

It turns out that Brother Mo is here in person. Brother Mo, it's been a long time. When Protector Mo and the three of them came down from the Taoist platform, an old man and a disciple from the Nine Saint Demon Sect were already there to greet them.

The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Sect have communicated about the assessment, so the Nine Saint Demon Sect has already made preparations.

The person who greeted him was a hall master from the Nine Saint Demon Sect, named Fu. This hall master had a cold face, and it was difficult to squeeze out a smile. This hall master Fu's whole body was filled with precious light, and his eyes were filled with tears. There is a terrifying cold light, and every cold light is as real as the essence, which makes people feel frightened.

Excuse me, Brother Fu. Brother Fu welcomes you in person. Mo is honored. When he saw Hall Master Fu, Protector Mo hurriedly said to the chief inspector. Unconsciously, his momentum was much lower than that of the other party.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Although Hall Master Fu is just a hall master, it can be seen from the precious light he swallows that he is already a powerful hero. Just imagine, only the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect have the strength to be named heroes, and one of their hall masters already has such strength.

Protector Mo said to the hall master: Brother Fu, we are here for the assessment this time.

Hall Master Fu squeezed out a three-pointed smile, which was half-hearted, and said: The elder has given instructions on this matter. At this point, he glanced at Li Qiye, and then didn't bother to take another look, and said: This is The chief disciple of your sect.

Exactly, Li Qiye is the chief disciple of our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Protector Mo had no choice but to force out a smile and said. A qualification like Li Qiye's is really nothing to be proud of.

The assessment is just a matter of friendship. Hall Master Fu said with a smile, Brother Mo, there is no need to force it. At this time, in his eyes, Li Qiye was just an ant. .

It's just an assessment, what's the Dao? Li Qiye said calmly, not bothering to look at Hall Master Fu.

Hall Master Fu snorted coldly, ignored Li Qiye at all, and said to Protector Mo: Brother Mo, please come with me. For him, talking to a junior like Li Qiye would be a loss of his identity.

And Protector Mo couldn't help but glare at Li Qiye!

Chapter 185 Lu Shu: I’m already looking forward to it

Hall Master Fu took Protector Mo and the others into a small courtyard. With such specifications, according to the Nine Saint Demon Sect, it was just a residence used to entertain ordinary guests.

The Nine Saint Demon Sect only sent one hall master to host the marriage, and they also entertained Protector Mo and the other three as ordinary guests. It could be said that they did not take this matter seriously at all.

After settling down Protector Mo and the other three, Hall Master Fu just said a few polite words and then left. His attitude could be said to be very cold. As for Protector Mo, when he took charge of this errand, he was mentally prepared to make a fool of himself, so there was no anger, only silence.

After the Hall Master Fu of the Nine Saint Demon Sect settled Protector Mo and the three of them, he hurriedly entered the depths of the Nine Saint Demon Sect's sect. In the ancient palace, he met an elder of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. This elder was tall. Sitting in the void, rounds of divine light were emanating from the back of his head. Chains of divine laws were passing through his body. He was extremely powerful, like a generation of gods!

How are you, the great disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect? The elder's voice sounded like thunder. However, this terrifying thunderous sound was only limited to the ancient palace.

Hall Master Fu, who was so majestic outside that he could be called a hero, was just trembling with fear at this moment. He bowed his head and said: Elder, I am just an ant, a mortal, an ignorant and arrogant junior, not worthy of the Tao. !”

Understood, let's go down. The elder's voice was powerful and thunderous, making people tremble. Even if he didn't open his eyes, it would still make people tremble!

Hall Master Fu did not dare to make any mistakes and carefully withdrew. After exiting the ancient palace, he was soaked to the skin. As the leader of the hall, it can be said that he is rarely qualified to meet the elders. Even if he has such qualifications as a prince, the elders may not meet him!

If you choose a layman with a mortal body, a mortal wheel, and a mortal life as your chief disciple, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect will be hopeless. After Hall Master Fu withdrew, the elder seemed to have said to a certain person.

It's a pity that Immortal Emperor Mingren's imperial art. It is said that Immortal Emperor Mingren's secret art of destiny may still be in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. At this time, a mysterious and majestic voice sounded.

The elder said: Back to Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, as long as Immortal Emperor Akihito's imperial arts are still in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, given time, we can seize them in one fell swoop! Ordinary people like the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect are not worthy of us. Descendants of the Holy Demon Sect!”

The mysterious voice did not sound again, and the elder did not speak again. If there were any outsiders here, they would be secretly shocked. You must know that the Demon Emperor of the Nine Saint Demon Sect is an extremely terrifying figure.

Legend has it that the Demon King of the Nine Saint Demon Sect has a great background. In his hands, the Nine Saint Demon Sect is like the sun in the sky. The Nine Saint Demon Sect controls a vast country like the Ancient Niu Kingdom. No sect can shake it. It's because of the power of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, among which the Demon King of the Nine Saint Demon Sect also plays an important role! In the ancient Niu Kingdom, no one dares to challenge the power of the Demon King!

After the three of Protector Mo were settled in the small courtyard, Protector Mo simply closed the door and stayed indoors alone, while Nan Huairen, who was good at dancing and had long sleeves, slipped away to someone unknown.

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