After Li Qiye settled in, he didn't waste a quarter of an hour. He immediately started practicing the Qimen Sword hard. He understood that the Nine Saint Demon Sect would never let him go easily, and he had to be prepared.

Li Qiye practiced his sword skills over and over again. Every move and move required him to perform to the best of his abilities without making any mistakes!

Li Qiye practiced over and over again. His clothes were wet with sweat, then dried again, and then wet again. In the end, his own nerves were almost numb, but he still kept practicing hard.

Having lived for countless years, Li Qiye understands better than anyone else that understanding the secret is one thing, but performing it to the best is another. Even if you are a peerless genius who can comprehend peerless magic right away, if you don't practice hard again and again, you may not be able to reach your peak!

After countless tortures, countless hardships, and experiencing countless storms, Li Qiye has developed a mentality of pursuing perfection and endless pursuit!

Chi, chi, chi... The short blade in Li Qiye's hand came out and danced like a butterfly. The two scimitars were intertwined and had the potential to appear and disappear.

Li Qiye didn't know how many times he had practiced the same move. However, when the two scimitars flew back to his hands, Li Qiye finally sighed softly, even though he had already mastered the secrets of the Qimen Sword. He knew it well, but he still couldn't bring it to perfection. Just like this move, in his opinion, he was still not even close to achieving the exact position he wanted!

Excellent sword skills, senior brother is really diligent. Compared with senior brother's efforts, I feel ashamed. Nan Huairen just came in from the door, and there was a young man beside him.

Seeing Li Qiye practicing so diligently, Nan Huairen couldn't help but said with emotion, Nan Huairen's words were indeed spoken from the bottom of his heart. Although, before this, he was not optimistic about Li Qiye's qualifications, but seeing how hard-working and diligent Li Qiye was, his favorable impression of Li Qiye also increased a lot.

Hard work can only be compensated by hard work. Li Qiye withdrew his short sword. Even though he was covered in stinky sweat, he was still very calm.

Nan Huairen couldn't help but laugh and said: Senior brother, I have remembered these words and encouraged myself. After saying that, he introduced the young man next to him to Li Qiye and said: This is the Nine Saint Demon Senior Brother Zhang from the sect is my good friend.

Nan Huairen cannot be said to be a genius in terms of qualifications, and he can only be said to have average qualifications. However, what is completely different between him and his master, Protector Mo, is that Protector Mo is a man of few words and not good at communicating. Nan Huairen On the contrary, he is a well-rounded man, good at dancing, and has a wide circle of friends.

As the envoy of the outer hall, Nan Huairen had come to the Nine Saint Demon Sect several times to deliver letters to the elders. Therefore, he made many friends in the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Of course, they were not big shots, just ordinary disciples.

This disciple named Zhang is not a big shot in the Nine Demons Saint Sect, but in his eyes, a mortal like Li Qiye is not worthy of the Dao. Even ordinary disciples like him are too lazy to look at him. At first glance, he just nodded towards Li Qiye in response to Nan Huairen's affection. In his eyes, people like Li Qiye who practice martial arts are insignificant.

This is my first time for Senior Brother to come to the Nine Saint Demon Sect. How about walking around with us and getting familiar with the environment? Nan Huairen had good intentions and invited Li Qiye.

When Li Qiye heard Nan Huairen's words, he couldn't help but think of something, smiled and said, That's fine.

Nan Huairen hurriedly said to the disciple named Zhang: Brother Zhang, I will help you be the tour guide this time.

Brother Nan, you're welcome. The disciple could only nod his head and said. He didn't bother to take another look at Li Qiye. If it weren't for Nan Huairen's affection, he wouldn't want to be with Li Qiye!

In fact, as the host, the Nine Saints Demon Sect should have done their best to familiarize Li Qiye with the environment. However, the Nine Saint Demon Sect didn't take Li Qiye seriously at all, and even skipped the most basic etiquette.

If it weren't for the promise made by the Nine Saints and Great Sages back then, I'm afraid that the Nine Saints and Demon Sect today would not recognize this marriage at all. It was precisely because the Nine Saint Demon Sect was unwilling to marry that they made the request to evaluate Li Qiye. This was to give up the idea of ​​a marriage between the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

As the host, this disciple named Zhang took Nan Huairen and Li Qiye around the Nine Saint Demon Sect! Of course, this disciple was not willing to talk to Li Qiye at all. He only occasionally talked to Nan Huairen and treated Li Qiye as transparent.

However, as they walked on the mountain path of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, they attracted many instructions from the Nine Saint Demon Sect's disciples, and many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect looked sideways and whispered.

Is that the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect? A disciple glanced at Li Qiye from a distance and frowned when he saw that Li Qiye was a mortal.

There were also disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect who sneered contemptuously and said, The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is already an inferior sect. An ordinary person can be the chief disciple. Their chief disciple is too worthless.

Bah, such a vulgar person is enough to marry Senior Sister Li. This is simply like a toad wanting to eat swan meat and not peeing to show off his bear appearance. Some disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect said disdainfully.

Li Shuangyan, the descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, is not only extremely talented, but also has unparalleled beauty. In the Nine Saint Demon Sect, countless young disciples are in love with him. Even looking at the entire ancient Niu Kingdom, young heroes who want to pursue Li Shuangyan can come from the east. Line up to the west!

Hmph, is this kind of mortal qualified to be called Senior Sister Li's fiancé? It's just a daydream! Some disciples were indignant, and some even wanted to rush up and spit on Li Qiye's face.

As a tour guide, disciple Zhang was even more embarrassed. Of course he saw the expressions on his fellow disciples, so he walked faster and faster, leaving Li Qiye far behind, as if this person had nothing to do with me.

As for Li Qiye, the old god was there, leisurely and leisurely. He didn't take these people to heart at all, and carefully browsed the mountains and rivers of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

Brother, you have to be careful. The descendants of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have countless suitors. Be careful that they are not good for you. Nan Huairen kindly reminded Li Qiye in a low voice.

It's just a woman, what about it? Li Qiye glanced at Nan Huairen and said calmly. He has seen women no matter how stunning or peerless they are, but he doesn't take his so-called fiancée to heart at all. This is just a trivial matter.

Li Qiye's words shocked Nan Huairen, and he quickly whispered: Senior brother, this is the Nine Saints Demon Sect, no mistakes are allowed.

Li Qiye smiled and was too lazy to say anything else. Since the members of the Nine Saint Demon Sect are assessing him, he also wants to see how much of the Nine Saint Demon Sect’s heritage is left!

Unknowingly, Li Qiye and the others arrived at the duel ground of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. This is also a place where everyone in the Nine Saint Demon Sect can come. When you step into the duel arena, you immediately feel alienated!

The duel field is huge. Standing alone in this vast duel field, one feels extremely empty, like an ant standing on the vast earth.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Granny: When I saw this scene, I knew that Senior Li was going to start the road of killing in a cup.

Lu Shu: Indeed, I have begun to look forward to it.

Chapter 186 Familiar routines

The great world of Emperor Domination.

The duel field is filled with mysterious and powerful power. The entire empty duel field is paved with black rocks. Each black rock has the inscriptions of the great sage flowing on it. The power that permeates the duel field comes from these pieces. Emitted from the black rocks, the entire duel field was shrouded in this power to prevent it from being shattered during the battle!

A duel ground of great virtue level! This was not the first time he came to this duel ground, but Nan Huairen was once again shocked by the empty and majestic atmosphere.

The disciple named Zhang couldn't help but feel a little proud, saying: This duel field was built by our ancestor himself, and it can withstand the power of the Great Xian's battle!

The Great Sage-level duel field can indeed show the profound foundation of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. This is indeed something to be proud of for many sects.

We, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, also had a duel field in the mythical era - Nan Huairen couldn't help but say, but his voice was very low, and then he stopped, unwilling to say any more.

Indeed, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has a duel field that is even more powerful than the one in front of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Legend has it that Immortal Emperor Akiren moved this duel field directly back from the far, far away depths of the starry sky. Legend has it that this duel field can even Withstand the invincible power suppression of the Immortal Emperor!

Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, this duel ground was closed, and no one from the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect could ever open it again!

Four-Elephant Stone Man. Li Qiye, who was standing beside them, didn't hear their words at all. His eyes fell on the huge stone sculptures in the four corners of the duel field.

On the four corners of the duel field, there is an extremely tall stone sculpture standing in each corner. Each stone sculpture is hundreds of feet tall, like a giant. These four stone sculptures have different expressions, but each one is extremely lifelike, as if they were made by a famous master, and their sword skills are natural!

This is what Li Qiye wants to see the most. He has never been to the Nine Saints Demon Gate since the Nine Saints passed away, and he is too lazy to come again. Unexpectedly, after countless years, these four stone figures are still there!

He was chatting with his friend in Nan Huairen and didn't notice Li Qiye for a while. However, after a while, the disciple named Zhang could not help but frown and said: What is that idiot doing!

Nan Huairen couldn't help but look over. He saw Li Qiye climbing up a huge stone sculpture in the east corner. However, Li Qiye's strength was limited. The stone sculpture was a hundred feet high. Li Qiye tried to climb up several times but failed.

At this time, many disciples were standing outside the duel venue. They saw Li Qiye squeezing and touching the huge stone sculpture like a country bumpkin, even whispering and mumbling, as if he had never seen such a huge stone sculpture in his life. Many of them The disciples standing nearby laughed heartily.

Such a scene made Nan Huairen embarrassed. Although these four stone sculptures were not sacred objects of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, Li Qiye was like a country bumpkin, touching and pinching here and there, and even trying to climb on top of the stone sculptures. Go, it doesn't matter if he calls Zhi Li Qiye or not.

Just when Nan Huairen was embarrassed, Li Qiye waved to him and asked him to come over. Under the gaze of many people, Nan Huairen didn't care whether he went or not. He had no choice but to go to Li Qiye.

This stone sculpture is a bit high. Send me up. Under the crowd of so many people, Li Qiye remained calm and ordered Nan Huairen.

Uh-- Nan Huairen was speechless. He really doubted whether Li Qiye was crazy or an idiot. With so many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect watching, he actually wanted to climb up this huge mountain like a country bumpkin. The stone carvings, isn’t this throwing away the face of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect?

Are you going to send me up, or continue to let everyone watch the monkey show? Li Qiye didn't care. He looked calm and calm, as if he was the real theatergoer.

Under the gaze of so many people, what else could Nan Huairen do? He could only bite the bullet, pull up Li Qiye, and climb onto the huge stone sculpture in one breath.

And Li Qiye is the old god, sitting on the shoulders of the huge stone sculpture, looking at the Nine Saint Demon Gate, taking in the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away.

Nan Huairen was not as shameless as Li Qiye, so he jumped down and stood aside. At this moment, he wanted to leave, but he couldn't leave Li Qiye here alone. Otherwise, if Li Qiye didn't come and left him hanging, he would even lose the face of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. .

As for Nan Huairen's friend surnamed Zhang, he didn't want to be embarrassed by staying here. He turned around and left without even saying hello.

Hmph, the people sent by Cleansing Incense Ancient are just rude and rude country bumpkins! Some disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect said disdainfully when they saw Li Qiye sitting on the stone sculpture.

A disciple of the Nine Saints Demon Sect snorted and said, Bah, he really thinks he is some big shot. He dares to sit on it and not urinate to take a look at himself!

Many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect are very dissatisfied with Li Qiye's outrageous behavior! Li Qiye, on the other hand, didn't care at all. He sat on the stone man's shoulders, swaying his feet leisurely and chattering as if he was chatting with the stone man.

Li Qiye's behavior is considered an idiot in the eyes of others! Things that don’t know whether to live or die!

This scene made Nan Huairen standing aside very embarrassed. He wanted to leave now, but he couldn't leave Li Qiye alone.

But Li Qiye sat on it, but he didn't feel ashamed at all. He was leisurely and chatting with the stone man, as if he was talking to the stone man.

I don't know how difficult this time was, making Nan Huairen feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. It wasn't until a long time later that Li Qiye seemed to be tired of sitting. Finally, he waved to Nan Huairen.

Nan Huairen was relieved and immediately jumped up and brought Li Qiye down. After coming down, Nan Huairen hurriedly said: Brother, it's getting late, let's go back first. He didn't want to continue to take Li Qiye around, he was really afraid that Li Qiye would do something outrageous again.

Regarding Nan Huairen's attitude, Li Qiye just laughed and nodded gently.

“Bah——” Seeing that Li Qiye was still so calm, a disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect couldn’t help it anymore and said to Li Qiye with a sneer: “The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is just a small sect that is not popular. A turtle bastard wants to eat swan meat like a toad. Bah, he's just a idiot and wants to marry our senior sister!

Provoking himself on the spot, Li Qiye slowly turned his head, looked at this disciple, and said slowly: Marry your senior sister? This is too flattering on your own face. Even if the fairy wants to marry me, I still have to consider it. Do you want to marry her right away! Let alone your senior sister!

Things that don't know whether to live or die - Li Qiye's words immediately aroused the anger of the public. Many male disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect present could be said to be Li Shuangyan's admirers, so countless eyes immediately glared at Li Qiye.

Peace is the most precious thing. Peace is the most precious thing. This scene scared Nan Huairen so much that chills ran down his spine. He immediately pulled Li Qiye and turned around to leave. He didn't want Li Qiye to stay any longer!

Rat, don't run away if you can! The disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect couldn't help but feel aggrieved and said angrily. If Li Qiye and the others were not guests, they would immediately hunt him down and beat Li Qiye into a cripple!

Nan Huairen dragged Li Qiye back to the small courtyard and escaped in one breath. Nan Huairen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but feel a little scared. At this time, he even doubted whether Li Qiye was arrogant. Arrogant, an ignorant and fearless fool.

Brother, the Nine Saint Demon Sect is not something we can afford to offend. Just take a step back and the sky will be brighter, and it will be over with patience. Nan Huairen couldn't help but persuade Li Qiye. This was not just for Li Qiye, he didn't want to risk his life. Lost in the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

There is nothing to be tolerated. Li Qiye smiled calmly and said: The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!

Nan Huairen was immediately convinced that taking on such a master was simply asking for trouble. At this time, he couldn't help but regret taking on this task.

In fact, there are many younger generation disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect who are extremely dissatisfied with the marriage between the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Li Shuangyan was the proud daughter of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. She was so high and mighty that she was admired by countless male disciples of the younger generation. Now Li Shuangyan might be betrothed to the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, which of course made countless male disciples of the younger generation angry.

In the eyes of the younger generation of disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is already a declining and low-ranking sect, and they are not qualified to marry with their Nine Saint Demon Sect, not to mention that the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is still a Mortal waste!

The marriage was an insult to the dream lover of many young disciples. I don’t know how many male disciples of the younger generation wanted to squeeze Li Qiye to death.

Du Yuanguang is one of the disciples who dislikes Li Qiye. Du Yuanguang is an outside disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. He has very good talent. He is known as the little genius of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. He has only been a member of the Nine Saint Demon Sect for five years, and he is already a palace-level disciple. The pinnacle of realm. After passing this year's assessment, he can become the key training disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect!

Among the Nine Saint Demon Sect, Du Yuanguang is definitely one of the disciples who has the greatest admiration for the goddess Li Shuangyan of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Because when the Nine Saint Demon Sect was selecting its disciples, when Du Yuanguang became a member of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, it was Li Shuangyan who presided over the selection of disciples.

Du Yuanguang was shocked when he first met Li Shuangyan. He was selected by Li Shuangyan to join the Nine Saint Demon Sect. He thought that Li Shuangyan favored him.

Du Yuanguang, who is very talented, is very confident. He looks forward to one day practicing Taoism with Li Shuangyan and becoming a Taoist couple.

Now, there was an inexplicable marriage between the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, which made Du Yuanguang feel resentful towards Li Qiye, whom he had never met before. Especially today, Li Qiye's disdainful words towards Li Shuangyan in the duel field made Du Yuanguang furious.

You little beast who doesn't know how to live or die. A mere mortal waste dares to speak so arrogantly and ignorantly. If you don't teach him a lesson, you won't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is! So, after hearing this, Du Yuanguang's eyes widened. Cold, murderous intent is rising!

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who calculates everything in the world, said: Familiar routines, you can tell that this Du Yuanguang is about to take a break.

Chapter 187 Killed with one sword

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Yang also sees it this way...

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, I look forward to senior Li Qiye filling the cup!

The great world of Emperor Domination.

Li Qiye got up early and asked Nan Huairen to go for a walk around the Nine Saint Demon Gate. He wanted to see what kind of foundation the Nine Saint Demon Sect had left!

Nan Huairen was completely unwilling. Regardless of whether Li Qiye was an idiot or a bigot, his intuition told him that Li Qiye was definitely a troublemaker. If he walked with him, he would not get any good results.

However, Li Qiye turned around and left regardless of whether he wanted it or not. Nan Huairen had no choice but to follow him with a grimace. After all, he came here for the assessment. Before the assessment, if anything happened to Li Qiye, he would not be in good condition either. explain.

However, Li Qiye and the others were blocked not long after they went out. The person blocking Li Qiye and the others was Du Yuanguang, an outer disciple who is known as a little genius!

Moreover, it was not just Du Yuanguang who blocked Li Qiye and the two of them, but also a dozen disciples from the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have long been dissatisfied with Li Qiye, but they have never been able to teach him a lesson. Now that Du Yuanguang is taking the lead, many disciples are of course willing to follow him and teach a loser like Li Qiye a lesson.

It turns out it's Brother Du. I've admired my name for a long time. I've admired my name for a long time. Seeing that Du Yuanguang's group of people came with bad intentions, Nan Huairen's expression changed and he hurriedly took two steps forward to greet Du Yuanguang to show his good intentions.

Du Yuanguang didn't even look at Nan Huairen, and said coldly: Nan Huairen, it's none of your business here. You go aside and cool down, otherwise, I'll deal with you too.

Such words made Nan Huairen's expression change. However, he was a good dancer, so he held it back and quickly leaned over and said, Brother Du, what happened?

Du Yuanguang didn't even look at him. He stared at Li Qiye coldly, his eyes cold and murderous.

Li Qiye just glanced at him, walked up slowly, and said calmly, A good dog doesn't block the road. If you don't want to be a dog, just get out of the way!

As soon as Li Qiye said these words, Nan Huairen immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure enough, Du Yuanguang and the others could kill Li Qiye with their eyes.

Those who don't know how to live or die, even a low-level sect like the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect dares to roam around in our Nine Saint Demon Sect. It seems that you are impatient with life! A group of ants also dare to speak so loudly! A disciple shouted angrily!

Li Qiye was about to speak, but Nan Huairen was holding Li Qiye tightly, and hurriedly persuaded Li Qiye in a low voice: Brother, forget it, don't be familiar with them. Du Yuanguang is an outer disciple trained by the Nine Saint Demon Sect. , he is the closed disciple designated by Protector Xu of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. If he passes this year’s assessment, he will become an inner disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.”

Nan Huairen's words were a reminder to Li Qiye that they could not afford to offend someone like Du Yuanguang, who was backed by Protector Xu from the Nine Saint Demon Sect. You know, the guardians of the Nine Saint Demon Sect have a higher status than the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

Du Yuanguang flashed a cold light, but before taking action, he said coldly: Our Nine Saint Demon Sect is the leader of the ancient Niujiang country. Although the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is only a small sect, we will not neglect our guests. But , our brothers lost a treasure recently.

Du Yuanguang's slow words made Nan Huairen's face change greatly. He couldn't help but said: Brother Du, what do you mean by this!

Du Yuanguang glanced at Nan Huairen coldly and said, It's not interesting. It's just that there haven't been many outsiders in our Nine Saint Demon Sect recently. In the past two days, you, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, are the only guests here!

This statement couldn't be more clear. Du Yuanguang was directly referring to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect as thieves. This was not a personal honor or disgrace, but an insult to the reputation of the entire Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Even a well-rounded person like Nan Huairen couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Extremely difficult to see.

Brother Du, please be careful with your words! Nan Huairen wanted to smooth things over, but the reputation of the entire Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was at stake, so he couldn't just make peace with it!

Du Yuanguang glanced sideways at Nan Huairen and Li Qiye, and said disdainfully: Watch your words? The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is already dilapidated and impoverished. Who can guarantee that your Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect will not be infiltrated by sneaky people? Even a good-for-nothing mortal can be the chief disciple of your Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, so it’s not surprising that your Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect accepts some sneaky gangsters as disciples!

Nan Huairen's face turned red with anger. This was an insult to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Faced with such a thing, even the bloody Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect disciples could not bear it.

Brother Du, we want to see your future Hall Master. No matter what, we must give an explanation to our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect! This matter is related to the eternal reputation of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and Nan Huairen will never back down!

Du Yuanguang was full of confidence, smiled coldly, and said: Meet Hall Master Fu? Nan Huairen, it's not that I don't show you favor, but just because you and your chief disciple are useless, you are not qualified to meet our Hall Master Fu. Hey, you, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, are just a small, low-class sect. My hall master can be called a hero, and if you elders ask to see our hall master, you can barely do it, but you are not qualified, especially trash! As he spoke, he stared at Li Qiye coldly.

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