Smoke and dust rushed up, and his head and face were in close contact with the ground. Blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, especially his mouth, which was covered in blood and flesh, and more than a dozen teeth fell out.

This turn of events was shocking. The bandit didn't expect that someone in this weak village would dare to resist, and he was still a child, so he was a little confused.

The leader was frightened and angry, his whole body was glowing, and the runes were intertwined, and he wanted to break free. However, under the power of the little one, his resistance was useless. His ankle was grabbed by the little hand, as if it was trapped by an iron ring, and was almost broken.

The little one picked him up like a scarecrow and smashed him to the ground again, simple and violent.


The sound of shattering flesh and blood was heard, and the leader screamed. This time he hit a boulder, his bones were broken in many places, and his body was in tatters.

The little one threw him at the end of the village like a dead dog. Shi Linhu stepped forward, stepped on his chest with a big foot, and shouted: Aren't you arrogant?

You dare to slap me in the face with a whip, I've tolerated you for a long time! A group of old men came over and stamped down with their big feet.



The leader's face was immediately deformed and turned into a rotten watermelon.

Everything happens in an instant. A group of fierce bandits were stunned. All this happened so suddenly. Last time, the villagers were as weak as sheep and did not dare to resist. Why is even a child so fierce today? Those adults are even more crazy!

Kill me! Another leader shouted hurriedly, ordering the bandits to take action and start killing everyone at the head of the village.

The sound of Qiang Qiang was heard endlessly, and a group of people drew their sharp weapons and rushed forward to wash away the stone village with blood.

Xiao Budian shouted loudly and slapped the people rushing in front. The runes spread, and the palms of his hands seemed to be enlarged to the size of a millstone. Bangs and bangs sounded one after another, and the vicious bandits flew up one by one, and they were all knocked away.

This was an astonishing divine power. Everyone's bones were broken. After being knocked away, they could no longer get up or move.

And this was still a casual blow from a small boy, without using much force at all, but it caused such great damage.

The remaining leader scolded lightly, his palms glowed, and a blazing light burst out, illuminating the village head. He used the runes and performed the fire technique.

In the past, they burned, killed, and looted, and he was one of the main force. He was responsible for burning down the village, and many people were killed in the sea of ​​​​fire, relying on this fire technique.

However, it was of no use to the little one today. Xiao Shi Hao calmly pushed out a palm, and the runes flew across the sky, directly extinguishing the blazing fire. Then, with a bang, it crashed like a towering mountain, sending the leader flying. Go out dozens of meters away.

There was a crack-crack-crack sound, and most of the leader's bones were broken, and he could no longer get up.

Rogue bandits, where is your tyranny, where is your arrogance?!

Shi Feijiao and others stepped forward, holding heavy weapons in their hands, and smashed forward. A string of blood splashed every time.

The group of thugs lying on the ground each had at least dozens of lives in their hands. They were usually brutal and violent, but now they were all frightened, their eyes were wide open, and they were shouting for mercy.

It was easy for Little Thunder to deal with this small group of thugs. He knew that the real enemy was the sacrificial spirit, and this small group was nothing.

A group of children were very excited and excited. They immediately ran over and surrounded Xiao Shihao, talking among them.

You are so powerful, little one. You defeated these people one by one with one slap. Even the leader who knew the magic of fire and light was not able to hold on.

When can I kill these bandits like grass?!

Dozens of people were killed. Shi Feijiao and others showed no mercy and threw them into the mountains to feed the ferocious beasts. The hands of these vicious bandits were covered with blood. Letting them go was tantamount to punishing good and promoting evil. More people would be killed. Disaster.

As for the mounts of these people, some were too ferocious and could not be tamed. They were killed directly and would become the rations of everyone in Stone Village. However, there were more than a dozen beasts that were ferocious but relatively docile and became the mounts of the villagers.

Haha, little one, you have done a great job. These strange beasts are all good horses. The only disadvantage is that they are cruel and have to eat flesh and blood every day.

Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others were very happy. Although they had not yet ridden the unicorn, it was not bad to have a group of excellent beasts to take their place first.

The mounts of these fierce bandits are naturally not too bad, and are most suitable for traveling in the wilderness. Although they have bloody mouths, fangs, and dense scales, they are really strong. Once tamed, they will indeed be good horses.

The red sun was setting in the west, and the tribesmen were very happy. They cooked the killed beasts thoroughly in the disaster, and roasted them on the fire. The golden butter was shiny, and the aroma of the meat came out, which made people salivate.

While they were eating meat, they talked about the gains and losses of the day. The thieves and bandits who came were all killed, which made them feel bad. Finally, they vented some of the depression they had been feeling for the past few days.

It's so satisfying. These vicious bandits have harmed countless small tribes and killed countless people. I can kill them today without feeling any guilt.

Well done, little one. I saw you easily cracked the leader's terrifying fire technique when you dealt with him. It's really not easy. Our milk-sucking baby is getting more and more powerful, haha...

A group of adults laughed and teased Xiao Shi Hao.

Come on, drink the animal milk. A middle-aged man with an unshaven beard came over.

The little one was very embarrassed, but he picked up the clay pot skillfully and poured it into his mouth. As soon as he took a sip, he shouted: Liar, it's berry juice.

Haha... A group of people couldn't help but laugh.

In the chat group.

All the members couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

Grandma Dryad is indeed right!

The little stone has grown up! They don't need to take action.

Chapter 183 The World of Imperial Domination: [Traditional Fantasy Cup-slapping Routine] + [The Peak of Invincible Style] Law of Order

The incident involving the little boy has come to an end for the time being.

Li Qiye's fate of pretending to be slapped in the face is about to begin.

Most of the group members rushed into Li Qiye's live broadcast room.

After all, this is the chat group, and Luo Feng and others have not grown up to be almost the strongest and most decorated boss.


The great world of Emperor Domination.

However, the six elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect received news from the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

What, the Nine Saint Demon Sect is going to take an assessment! Upon receiving the news, the six elders couldn't help but be shocked.

After receiving such news, an elder was dissatisfied. He snorted and said, The news from the Nine Saint Demon Sect is too fast. As soon as Li Qiye became the chief disciple, they couldn't wait to take the assessment. !”

Another elder said: The Nine Saints Demon Sect wants to go back on the promise made back then. Li Qiye has just become a disciple. There is no way a waste like him can pass the assessment of the Nine Saints Demon Sect! Therefore, as soon as they heard that the chief disciple After being born, of course I can’t wait to take the test.”

We have no choice. The Great Elder was silent for a moment, and finally said helplessly: Now the Nine Saint Demon Sect is the leader in ruling the country. If it is no better than it was then, what qualifications do we have to negotiate terms with them?

The great elder's words immediately caused all the elders to fall into silence. In the early years of the era of the emperors, their Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was so invincible. They once intimidated the nine realms and swept across the eight wastelands. They were unstoppable in the vast and vast Central Region, and they controlled the worship of all religions. ancient country.

However, millions of years have passed, and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has declined and lost its prestige. Now, let alone being in charge of an ancient country, it doesn’t even have the strength to rule a border country, let alone conferring others the title of a heroic prince!

What should we do now? An elder couldn't help but ask. Everyone knows in their hearts that it is impossible for a waste like Li Qiye, who has just entered the mortal body, mortal wheel, and mortal life, to pass the assessment of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

A dead horse should be treated as a live doctor! Finally, an elder said: If this thing really comes true, then we can marry the Nine Saints Demon Sect. If this is really the case, neither the Tiansheng Sect nor the Baosheng Kingdom would dare to do so. Trouble with us!

Regarding such words, the other elders couldn't help but smile bitterly. There was no chance at all. However, despite this, the elders still wanted to give it a try.

Li Qiye on the lonely peak had not yet waited for the day of the ancestor worship ceremony, but he was waiting for Nan Huairen.

Senior brother, the elder asked you to go to the ancestral hall. Nan Huairen couldn't help but said when he saw the leisurely Li Qiye.

A big deal? Li Qiye glanced at Nan Huairen's expression and asked casually, looking like he didn't care at all.

Nan Huairen couldn't help but be surprised, but he didn't hide anything. He nodded and said, To be honest, senior brother, the Nine Saint Demon Sect has sent news. At this point, he gave Li Qiye a strange look and said, I heard, Senior brother’s fiancée wants to test senior brother.”

Nine Saint Demon Sect. When Li Qiye heard this name, he couldn't help but bring back some memories of Feng Chen.

Nan Huairen was afraid that Li Qiye didn't know about the Nine Saint Demon Sect, so he explained to Li Qiye: The Nine Saint Demon Sect is also a famous sect in today's Zhongda Region. They are in charge of the ancient Niujiang Kingdom, and they have made marquises and kings. Speaking of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, it has a great connection with our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The founder of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, the Nine Saints Great Sage, was once the number one general under our founder Immortal Emperor Mingren, and he once swept through the Nine Saints with his ancestor. Realm. Back then, when our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was in charge of the ancient country, the Nine Saint Demon Sect came to worship our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

I've heard of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Li Qiye couldn't help but smile and calm down. Of course he is familiar with the Nine Saints Demon Sect, and of course he knows the Nine Saints Great Sage.

In the early years of the Emperors' Era, he led Akihito to practice Taoism. He spent a lot of effort. He subdued the Nine Saints, an old monster, and protected Akihito's way!

What's going on with my fiancée? Li Qiye looked at Nan Huairen and asked.

Nan Huairen said: Legend has it that when our founder Mingren carried the destiny and became the Immortal Emperor, the Nine Saints once made an agreement with our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. If the successor of their Nine Saints Demon Sect is a female disciple, their Nine Saints The Demon Sect is marrying the chief disciple of our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. At this point, he couldn't help but say softly: At that time, their Nine Saint Demon Sect could be said to be on top of us.

Laojitou seemed to have a female disciple back then. Hearing Nan Huairen's words, Li Qiye remembered something. In his impression, the Nine Saints seemed to have accepted a female disciple, but then he fell asleep. , I never asked about these little things again.

What did senior brother say? Nan Huairen couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Li Qiye came back to his senses, shook his head and said, Nothing. So, the current successor of the Nine Saint Demon Sect is a female disciple?

Nan Huairen said: I heard that the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Sect have not been married for a long, long time. Their successor in this life happens to be a female disciple. When he said this, he glanced at Li Qiye and said: I heard that Li Shuangyan, the descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, was born with an imperial body!

When Nan Huairen said this, Li Qiye suddenly understood. Now that the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has declined, the Nine Saint Demon Sect is certainly not willing to marry such a promising successor to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

It's interesting. Li Qiye couldn't help but smile, and he suddenly understood the cause and effect.

Nan Huairen couldn't help but be surprised. Li Qiye was so calm and composed, he didn't look like a waste no matter how he looked at it. What was even more strange was that he was clearly thirteen years old, but his calmness made people think that he was a good-for-nothing. A prince who has endured many storms!

From Nan Huairen's point of view, anyone else would be at a loss when hearing such news. However, Li Qiye in front of him didn't care at all, which made Nan Huairen feel a little weird.

Did Huairen tell you the specific situation? When Li Qiye arrived at the ancestral hall, all six elders were present, and the elder said coldly.

To be honest, the six elders do not like to see a waste like Li Qiye. However, today, they hope that Li Qiye is not a real waste. They hope that he can pass the assessment of the Nine Saint Demon Sect. Today's Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect , there is a great need for a behemoth like the Nine Saint Demon Sect as a marriage alliance! Of course, the elders also knew that the chance of this was zero, but they still did not give up and wanted to give it a try.

Return to the elder, I understand. Li Qiye nodded and said.

Very good, as long as you can pass the assessment of the Nine Demons Saint Sect, the sect will reward you greatly. The great elder said coldly.

Li Qiye smiled and said slowly: I am willing to take the assessment, but I have three conditions!

Presumptuous - another elder present shouted coldly: You are allowed to negotiate terms in front of the elders!

At this moment, Liu Shen was not here. .

Because He is traveling through the nine realms of the great world of Di Di Ba.

Understand the laws of this world for me.

However, Li Qiye remained calm and unhurried.

See this scene.

In the chat group.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: The taste is so right, Senior Li Qiye looks so calm and composed!

Ma Daxian, who calculates the world, said: The familiar routine of fate is really addictive, and senior Li Qiye became enlightened because of it.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, it's true. Senior Li Qiye seems to have a kind of magical power. If grandma doesn't look at it, it can really be said that she feels uncomfortable all over!

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Keep watching, the line of fate is about to begin.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: Interesting, is this the legendary [traditional fantasy cup-slapping routine] + [the peak of invincible flow] order law? It's so mysterious and mysterious!

Arbitrary through eternity.

Li Changsheng sees the essence through fate, cause and effect, and plot.

The reason why Li Qiye is unfavorable.

It is these two supreme laws of order that control it.

This law of order is like the God of 404, the River Crab Divine Beast, or the cause of his supreme Tao, Fruit, and Fruit.

Mysterious and mysterious, incredible.

It is beyond the reach of Him now. .


The great world of Emperor Domination.

Li Qiye didn't pay attention to the chat group.

Other disciples would have been frightened by the elder's angry shouting. However, Li Qiye just smiled and said calmly: Elder, please stop being angry. Junior Brother Nan also told me the specific situation. If I really passed the assessment , for the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, that is a great contribution, and those who have merit will be rewarded, I will make a condition, this is what it should be.

Then let's wait until you pass! The elder said coldly, very dissatisfied with Li Qiye's provocative behavior.

You can mention this. The great elder just nodded and said: Don't worry, as long as you pass. Except for the secret technique of destiny and the core immortal emperor technique, you can choose the other techniques in the sect! The premise is that you can pass the assessment! I think all the elders will have no objection to this.

The other elders present looked at each other. If Li Qiye could really pass, such a request would not be too much. However, the chance of Li Qiye passing was basically zero!

You can wait until I pass the other conditions. Li Qiye smiled and said: However, I need to mention one of the conditions now. I hope all the elders are prepared. After I reach a certain level of body, I need a Eucharistic Unction!”

The lion opens its mouth! After hearing Li Qiye's words, the expressions of the six elders changed, and one of them shouted fiercely.

Li Qiye was unmoved and said calmly: Elder, this has been said. Just imagine, having the Nine Saint Demon Sect marry us is such a great achievement. Although the anointing of the Holy Body is precious, but... I think it’s worth the money!”

Hmph, holy body anointing, easier said than done! The elder was very dissatisfied and snorted coldly!

The Great Elder looked at Li Qiye for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: If you succeed, a portion of Holy Body Ointment is not too much. However, now the sect cannot satisfy you. Now the sect has refined a portion The Eucharist ointment still lacks a lot of elixir!

Looking at the Great Elder, Li Qiye couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart. It seems that he still overestimated the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect today. Today's Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has really declined. Back then, Immortal Emperor Mingren established the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and the treasures it possessed were so rich, not to mention the mere Holy Body Ointment, even the Immortal Body Ointment was no problem.

Okay, I'll take a step back. I want Imperial Body Cream, the best Imperial Body Cream! Li Qiye had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

The six elders looked at each other, and finally the elder nodded and said: I can promise you this, provided you can succeed!

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