The gods outside the world will help them.

But they also need to strengthen themselves.

The little boy recalled what Liu Shen had said before.

When encountering a crisis, after the gods outside the world help to tide over the crisis.

I have to practice and break through.


The little boy entered the mountain alone and began his journey to break through. There was no problem in breaking through. He was thinking about how to break out in the Cave Heaven Realm and advance to the ideal height.

The drizzle was falling and rustling on the leaves. He sat cross-legged on a rock and remained unmoved, listening to the natural sounds of the world. He felt surprisingly peaceful.


A bright light flashed across the gray sky, thunder sounded, and streaks of lightning passed across the sky, dancing like silver snakes, stunningly gorgeous and making a deafening roar.

In the mountains, various animals roared, birds of prey roared, and there was a commotion.

The little one was still very peaceful, sitting there cross-legged, not moving despite the deafening thunder. There was no joy, anger, sorrow, or mood swings. His eyes were very peaceful.

He is studying the Dharma and comprehending the various fruits and mysteries of the Cave Heaven Realm. He may break through at any time and be promoted to a new level of life.

In this way, the little boy went out early and came back late, leaving behind all ties, forgetting the reality of the bandit's future invasion, and devoted himself to practice, preparing for a major transformation.

He even forgot about time and remained motionless for several days, sitting in the mountains and forests, watching the sun, moon and stars, and listening to the roars of ancient beasts. His whole spirit was attached to the mountains and rivers.

He was so involved that he disappeared for several days, which made the tribe very uneasy. Fortunately, he finally appeared in time.

The little one seemed to be crazy. He left everything behind and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his own field of transformation, constantly studying the Dharma and studying the mysteries of runes.

More than ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, no matter the wind or rain, the little one is always as peaceful as before, undisturbed by the outside world, immersed in a world of practice, and even the runes of disillusionment appear when he opens and closes his eyes.

On the fifteenth day, the little boy was holding the white sky bone, as if he was isolated from the outside world, studying the original true explanation, and comprehending the Illustration of the God of War above. Among them were the battle between the Chilong and the Suanni, and the five-color peacock god king against the Taotie. , as well as the bloody scene of Zhen Jian slaughtering the gods.

The treasure bones were shining brightly, exuding auspicious clouds, and filled with chaotic energy. The little one felt so peaceful and quiet this time, and was completely immersed in it.

At the moment when he was about to break through, he realized part of the true meaning of the Illustration of the God of War in the original true interpretation. His whole person was sublimated. His whole body was crystal clear, his mind was pure, and there was no trace of impurities. He was contained by the runes.

At this moment, his body was splendid, as if it were made of seven-colored divine gold, with precious light flowing, and the immortal furnace evolved into runes one after another shimmering in his flesh and blood, tempering the creation of heaven and earth, and making final preparations for his advancement.

Cave Heaven is a realm and a means of practice. It is like reenacting a small world by absorbing the essence of the big world, understanding the true meaning of Taoist Talismans, and understanding the order of the world and the changes in rules.

This is the cave-heaven realm, which opens up an immortal passage, a pure land, or a world inside or outside the human body.


Suddenly, a huge sound came out, shaking the vast wilderness. The mountains trembled and the peaks resonated, as if the sky had collapsed and the temples of the gods fell down.

A rune appeared, densely packed and dazzling, seemingly made of immortal gold, imprinted on the world, completely submerging the little thing.

A stream of blood energy soared into the sky, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, breaking away the clouds in the sky. Finally, a cave appeared above the little guy's head, like a volcano.

It is so real, as if it is really carved out of rock. It is grey-brown, majestic and simple, hanging above the small Tianling Cap, three inches above its head.

In this cave, which is like a crater, there is vigorous vitality inside. It is bright red and brilliant, dazzling, and really like magma.

The little boy broke into the realm of cave heaven, his life sublimated, and he completed a transformation. His strength improved by leaps and bounds, a lot higher than before, and the whole world resonated with him.

On its head, there is a gray-brown crater with bright red essence billowing inside. This is the power of the natural order of heaven and earth, drawn from the outside world, smelted and connected with itself.

Opening up a cave and entering this realm is tantamount to taking over the creation of heaven and earth, constantly and directly absorbing the essence of God from the endless outside world to replenish one's body.

At this time, communicating with the boundless void and tempering the divine marrow of heaven and earth from it is equivalent to causing the rune power in one's body to skyrocket, far better than before, and naturally one will become extremely powerful.

From then on, the continuous, continuous, and constant extraction can keep the human body's vitality strong. As long as there is no too fierce battle, it is difficult to exhaust one's own strength and maintain it in its peak state.


Above the little one's head, the thick, solid, ancient volcanic crater was constantly surging with bright red essence, then flowing downwards and falling down.

After this manifestation occurred, the energy in the depths of the wilderness suddenly became thinner, and was all plundered by the crater. The bright red energy was like magma, penetrating into the top of the little guy's head, and was completely submerged.

This is to plunder directly, quickly, and almost violently from the outside world to supplement one's own needs and maintain the peak state of this realm.

This is the Cave Heaven Realm, it turns out this is what it feels like. Xiao Dodian murmured, closing his eyes, immersed in this realm, it felt extremely wonderful.

This is a powerful feeling, as if it is about to become a feather and soar. The whole body is comfortable and full of explosive power, and the whole person seems to be flying.

The cave heaven realm is far more than that. There are various mysteries in opening up the world inside or outside the human body, such as: warming and nourishing treasures in the cave heaven, worshiping the most powerful runes, etc.

Before the little one could explore more, his body trembled violently, and he roared again, with a ray of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and a deafening rumble.

On the left side of his body, another gray-brown volcanic crater appeared. It was very real and manifested in the void. The essence in the crater was boiling and silvery, just like weird magma.

The little one transformed, and another mouth of cave heaven appeared, manifesting on his side, making his body brilliant, light raining down, and the scene beautiful, like endless crystal clear and holy petals flying.

Hey, another bite! The little one was surprised. Is this what Liu Shen meant by accumulation? He thought that the cave sky was as deep as the ocean, but it turned out that he had reached a higher level.

Under normal circumstances, it is a blessing to be able to break into this realm. Many monks are unable to enter it throughout their lives, but the little one opened two caves as soon as he broke in.


However, things did not stop there. The runes were all over the sky, surging like a vast ocean, forming an boundless realm of order here, gushing with clouds of auspicious clouds.

Another cave is formed!

It transformed on the right side of the little boy's body. The crater rumbled and trembled, and inside was a stream of purple magma that spewed outward.

At this point, three gray-brown craters were formed three inches above the head of the little boy, on the left and right sides of his body. They continuously drew power from the void, and red, silver, and purple magma surged into his body. middle.

Yeah, I didn't break through immediately. I kept accumulating, and then refined the five-color Peacock King's eggs. The accumulation in this way really worked.

The little boy was extremely happy, with a sweet smile on his face and his big eyes bent into the shape of crescents. He was suddenly promoted to a master in the middle stage of the cave world.

If this spreads out, it will definitely cause a big sensation and jaws will drop. It is already very difficult to break into this realm. It is rare to hear of people breaking through the realm in succession. It is extremely rare to open two caves in a row at this moment. It must be done by a celestial figure. If the outside world knows about it, it will scare people and leave them speechless.

The little one opened three caves at this moment. This is definitely a strange news. It is estimated that not many people will believe it!

This is a wonderful feeling. The little body is light and nimble, but with just a slight movement, explosive force will be generated, and the whole person will fly.

The essence of the three volcano-like cave heavens was billowing, and the magma flowed downwards and submerged into the little boy's body, making him full of vitality and always in a state of prosperity.

A beast roar came, and a huge creature appeared in this mountain range. It was more than thirty meters long, with shiny silver fur like silk and satin. It had a pair of unicorn horns on its head, and its eyes were as big as a basin and as red as blood. , looked at him coldly.

It looks like a white tiger, but it has a pair of unicorn horns, and there are dozens of sky-high bone spurs on its back, which are snow-white and crystal clear, and each one is ten feet long, like a war spear.

This is a real ferocious beast that understands the secrets of runes and is entrenched in this mountain range. It is unknown how many ferocious birds and beasts it killed to consolidate its dominance. It was alarmed by the huge noise and felt that its dignity was offended. Come for the kill.

If it were in the past, Xiaodian would definitely have chosen to run away immediately, but now he was not afraid. He stood calmly on a piece of bluestone, his big eyes were very clear, and he looked at it quietly.

This ferocious beast was full of murderous intent at first, but after a confrontation for a while, it suddenly roared, turned and ran away, and smashed a boulder weighing tens of thousands of kilograms into powder with one claw. Then, it jumped up, its body flowing with glow, like a silver chilong, crossing the mountain. It was angry in its heart, opened its mouth and spat out white light. The entire mountain forest was razed to the ground, and the silver body disappeared deep into the mountains.

There were a few small black dots in the distant sky, rushing towards them quickly, and several raptors appeared, with runes all over their bodies flashing, emitting a dazzling light. A powerful aura suppressed them, making all the beasts tremble in shock, which was extremely terrifying.

They are full of murderous intent and will swoop down at any time.

The little boy raised his head, two astonishing beams of light shot out from his eyes, and two runes appeared in his eyes, forcing people to do so.

Several ferocious birds screamed, fluttered their wings, and rushed up to the clouds. They were frightened, angry, and even more frightened. They stayed for a moment, then quickly flew to the horizon and disappeared from here.

In the nearby mountains, several powerful beings at the top of the food chain did not dare to challenge the little one and all retreated.

Shi Hao frightened away several terrifying overlords in the mountain without taking any action.

He sat down cross-legged and quietly realized the feeling of the cave-heaven realm. He was immersed in it, and the magma surged out and submerged him. There was a steaming light and mist, which looked extremely mysterious.

After a whole day and night, the little boy stopped, stood up, faced the morning glow, and breathed in the sunlight. He felt that it was finally completely consolidated. The three craters were introverted and gradually disappeared. He strode towards the stone village.

In the chat group.

Squirrel Airlines: As expected of Shi Hao, he is like the Three Cave Heavens in one go. I have seen the file uploaded by the group leader. He is truly worthy of being the chosen one!

Yue Buqun: You too, but it's just a little bit worse, but it's not what a low-level group member like Yue can achieve!!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, pull me down, you are just lazy. Look at Madara. Although he started higher than you, he is just like that in the chat group. Look at Madara now. Not to mention that he is on par with Pluto and senior Yang Jian. , but my own strength has improved by more than one dimension!!

Chapter 182 Beat the young one to the old one

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: That's right, only if you don't give up on yourself can you grow!

Lu Bu, the great filial son of the Three Kingdoms: Yes, Yue Buqun, look at me, I can destroy mountains and rivers now, so don't always be pessimistic.

Yue Buqun: It's true that I... was a little slack.

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe - Pluto: Watch the live broadcast. The vicious bandits that Madara eliminated last time are coming for revenge this time.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Grandma Dryad: Jie Jie, it's true that you beat the little one to get old. But this time, it seems that we won't be needed, the little one can do it himself! Don't rush to do it yet.


a perfect world.

Wow, little one is back and actually hunted a leopard!

The children screamed, and the little one carried back a giant beast, more than ten meters long, with the body of a leopard, but with a terrifying dragon head. Even after it died, it still exuded fierce power.

My child, have you made a breakthrough? the patriarch was surprised.

Otherwise, this leopard would not have been hunted so easily. It was extremely powerful, and the fact that the little one came back so easily was enough to explain the problem.

Yes! Xiao Shihao nodded, his eyes were clear and very pure, and his small body was very crystal clear in the morning glow. It made people sigh that he was just a baby, but he was already a master of the cave heaven realm.

Many people find it difficult to reach this level in their lifetime, but he has quickly reached this height in just a few years. Even if you look at it with the most demanding eyes, you will be amazed.

Little one, are you sure you can defeat those vicious bandits? A group of children ran from the lake and surrounded him. They all clenched their little fists and their eyes shone with hope.

The clan elder was whipped away, and the whip marks on his father's face are still there. This kind of humiliation is really sad and infuriating, and it is difficult to swallow this breath. Moreover, the survival of the clan members has become a big problem. They may all die and be mercilessly killed by the fierce bandits.

I will try my best, don't be afraid of them! Xiao Shihao's eyes flashed with electricity.

Two days later, there was a rumble on the horizon, and a group of iron cavalry came running towards them. They were all savage beasts with thick scales. Although there were only dozens of them, they were like a torrent, with a violent aura coming towards them.

The deadline has not yet expired, but the fierce bandits have appeared early, with murderous intent. Those huge beasts have sharp fangs, bloody mouths, and black and thick horns, which are very ferocious.

A small group of evil bandits came, but the main force and the sacrificial spirit did not arrive, but even so, the evil energy surged, causing the temperature near Shicun to drop suddenly.

Wild people, you actually killed all our men last time? Who was it? A man in black armor shouted on top of a beast, pointing at the villagers with an iron whip in his hand.

The villagers didn't respond, they all stared at him.

Are you mute? Why don't you speak?! There are only two days left before the deadline. If you don't have black gold in your hands now, I don't think you need to wait until two days later! The leader was very angry and his eyes were full when he spoke. They all stood up.

A leader spoke, his face darkened, and his eyes grew colder, saying: You really don't know how to live or die, do you think you can survive like this?!

Some of the fierce bandits were smiling, with white teeth, and looked very cruel. Sitting next to them were several huge mastiff dogs, two to three meters high and five to six meters long, with canine teeth like daggers. , snowy white and scary.

This type of mastiff that grows in the wilderness is ferocious and keen, with the most powerful sense of smell. They believe that even if the villagers leave the village, it will be difficult for them to truly escape.

If you are captured, I will make you understand deeply what life is worse than death! A leader said solemnly, making people feel a biting chill.

Hey, that's... Suddenly, a fierce bandit spotted the unicorn that had disappeared in the village, and his eyes suddenly glowed fiercely, showing a look of surprise.

It is a variant of the scaly horse - a unicorn. It has a strong body and a shiny silvery body. It can travel thousands of miles in a day and is an incredibly fast mount!

Not just one, but so many!

The last time the unicorns were hidden in the nearby mountains and forests, they didn't see them. This time they were seen clearly, and the villains all narrowed their eyes, extremely excited and excited.

This kind of spiritual beast is not very powerful, but it is fast and very rare.

If they ride on a unicorn, they will really be able to come and go like the wind from now on, move faster, and can move across this vast wilderness, invincible.

Well, you are being ridden by a group of children. Are you ready to escape at any time? A leader stared coldly, then looked at a group of adults at the head of the village and said, Let them come over and offer the unicorn.

However, no one responded. A group of strong men at the head of the village looked at him indifferently.

Wild people, are you all mute? Didn't you hear what I said? Let those children bring the unicorns and present them to us, or else we will immediately wash away the village with blood! Another leader threatened, wearing black armor. , his eyes were as terrifying as knives.

He urged the beasts to come forward, waved the riding crop in his hand, and struck the faces of Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao, and others. It was him last time who made long wounds on the faces of a group of men, and a lot of blood flowed out. This time he was still brutal and arrogant. He would hit him every time he came up and his cruelty was astonishing.


The little boy stepped forward, grabbed the riding crop, and stood in front of everyone.

Eh... The leader was surprised. He knew how powerful his whip was. He knew best that he could catch a child at once.

With a buzz sound, he lightly shook his wrist, and the runes spread forward along the tip of the whip. However, when they met the little one's palm, they were immediately extinguished.

Baby, you're a little weird! He was startled and kicked down, trying to crush the little kid's face. It was very cruel.

A bright light flashed in the little boy's big eyes, and he was faster than him. He grabbed his ankle with a bang, pulled him off the mount with a little force, then violently wheeled him and smashed him directly to the ground.

Ouch... the leader screamed.

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