They don't know that although this part of the bone book is very precious, it is not the true inheritance of the cave. They chased us all the way, and we fled deep into the wilderness. There is no way to go to the sky and no door to the earth.

Shi Yunfeng was desolate. A group of good brothers died one after another. After all the hardships, only he and one other person escaped and survived.

Afterwards, they went to look for the ruins, only to find that the time had passed, as if ten thousand years had passed, and nothing existed anymore.

It should be the mysterious power of the bone inscriptions that caused the divine treasure to sink into the ground and drift into the distance. No one knows where it is. The clan leader sighed.

Even so, they were later endlessly hunted. A group of extremely powerful bandits appeared, followed by sacrificial spirits, and they began a long escape.

Later, a lot of things happened, and it was many years before we got rid of it and escaped back to Stone Village with injuries.

In the end, only he survived, and the other died soon after returning to the village.

The clan leader did not go into details about the past, but there must be many hidden secrets and many stories in it. Being able to avoid being hunted by those people for many years certainly made him not simple, and he also felt guilty for Senior Liu Shen. .

We encountered a mist invasion in front of that cave, and we were injured. Later, we were chased, which made the strange injury worse. If it weren't for Senior Liu Shen... I might have been a withered skeleton.

Shi Yunfeng said it very simply, but it can be expected that there were too many dangers back then, but he talked about it in a few words without going into details.

The most powerful force at that time had dozens of vicious bandits under its command, responsible for exploring that supreme treasure. I feel like they have appeared again now and have never given up searching.

Everyone was surprised. This was the first time that the clan leader confided his true feelings in front of them, telling the secrets of the past. Although it was very concise and did not go into details, they could feel the tense atmosphere and terrible killings in the past.

With the involvement of many major forces, it must have stirred up a huge storm that year.

I think that supreme place should still be in this area. Even if it later sinks into the ground and floats away, it shouldn't be too far away.

The land with a radius of 100,000 miles was once bloodbathed by the four great creatures. Now there is no grass and no life. It will be extremely difficult to go deep and search.

However, the murderer appears again, which means that they may have made a new discovery, and there will be no peace in this place.

Be prepared for the worst! Shi Yunfeng ordered. Liu Shen was sleeping deeply. If the evil bandit found this place, they would have to rely on themselves.

It's a pity that Aunt Qinglinying took Ziyun, Dapeng, Xiaoqing and others to sharpen and practice. I don't know where she is, otherwise she must be a very strong fighting force. Xiao Budian regretted.

The situation was more critical than they expected. A few days later, Pihou and Huzi brought back bad news. They rode unicorns to explore and found another village six hundred miles away that had been wiped out with blood.

We found a living person, but he only lived for half an hour and died in the end.

He said that those people were only asking for original treasure bones and precious rare metals, and did not ask them about the earth and mountains.

Children report. The clan leader frowned when he heard this and said to himself: Did I guess wrong that they were not the same band of thugs back then? But that group of people also plundered black gold back then.

Half a month later, smoke and dust were flying on the horizon, and a group of people riding fierce beasts appeared, galloping towards Shicun.

No, get ready to fight!

The villagers were anxious. Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others all held dragon-horn bows and pointed them into the distance. They stood at the edge of the village and watched closely, determined to defend the village to the death.

This was a group of very violent people, with no one knows how many lives on their hands. Each of them had a fierce look in their eyes, and it was obvious that they were not kind people, so they rushed to the front of the village.

You group of rural savages, do you want to resist? I will kill you and bury you in one impact. A man with a scar on his face said coldly on top of a beast, without paying any attention to the villagers. , shockingly violent.

There are not many people in this group, there can be more than a hundred, but they are all people who are accustomed to fighting, especially the leaders, who have powerful secret power of bone inscriptions.

Boom, Boom...

At the same time, there was a terrible sound behind them, the ground was shaking and rumbling, and a huge thing appeared.

This is a pangolin, with a light golden color all over its body. It is huge and tens of meters long. It is coiled there like a golden mountain of meat. It has a pair of eyes like golden lanterns, looking at Shicun with a very evil aura.

Everyone's hearts froze when they saw this ferocious beast. This was a sacrificial spirit. How could ordinary people resist? !

Generally, sacrificial spirits guard the human race and are stationed in a village or town. They accept human sacrifices and will not leave easily, but this one is actually acting on its own.

In particular, this sacrificial spirit has a very violent aura, and there is a faint layer of blood on its pale golden scales. It must have carried out endless killings and devoured other sacrificial spirits. It is the most difficult to mess with!

Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others felt a sense of powerlessness. As soon as they saw it, they knew that there was absolutely nothing they could do to this dozens of meters long sacrifice spirit, and it would be a waste for the whole village to come together.

The frightening blood energy, the monstrous fluctuations, and the terrifying runes were awe-inspiring. As soon as I saw it, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

Do you feel your own weakness? They are just a bunch of aphids, and you want to compete with the real beast?! A leader sitting on the beast sneered.

Put down your ridiculous bows and arrows. What can you do? It's of no use at all. Follow our orders and spare your life! Another person said indifferently.

What do you want? A very old clan elder stepped forward and asked tremblingly.

Old guy, you just need to follow the order, don't say anything. A leader scolded, then raised his hand and waved his riding crop, a rune flashed, and the clan elder immediately flew up, splashing blood.

Third Master!

A group of people in the village rushed forward and picked up the old man. The children had tears in their eyes, while the adult men all had red eyes and were ready to rush forward and fight for their lives.

Stop! the clan leader shouted softly, not letting them take action immediately.

Don't worry, the old guy won't die. I'm just teaching you a lesson. The person who took action laughed and said: We are not unreasonable, and we don't want to kill casually. As long as you meet our requirements, you will be safe.

The villagers glared angrily and looked forward, but none of them spoke.

I'll give you twenty days to hand over five hundred kilograms of black gold. If you have enough, you'll be lucky. But if you don't, go find the source of the mine as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the time comes, if you don't hand it over, you will be killed without mercy! That one! He said coldly.

Did you hear that? If we can't do it, in twenty days we will bloodbath your village and kill them all. No one will be left alive! Another leader shouted loudly.

At the same time, the pale golden sacrificial spirit also raised its head and roared, shaking the mountains and valleys. Waves of golden mist rose from its body, which was gorgeous, misty, and breathtaking.

The villagers did not move rashly, and looked miserable. The difference was the difference. It was really difficult for them to compete, and they were far from the opponents of this group of fierce bandits.

The little faces of a group of children were very tense, they were shocked, scared and angry. They had never encountered anything like this before. They were bullied to the end of the village, but they could not resist.

The God of Willow passed down the Dharma to the ancestor worship spirit, just like an ordinary dead tree. The villagers lost their shelter, felt depressed and uncomfortable, and wished they could fight directly with the opponent.

Some children's eyes were red and they were about to shed tears. The other party was so powerful and bullied them in front of their homes, but they had nothing to do.

They are just a group of barbarians who dare to resist with bows and arrows. They don't know whether to live or die. Do you know that in this area alone, we have wiped out not ten but eight villages like yours. One person snorted coldly and glanced at the village.

Shi Feijiao and others were angry, but the clan leader Shi Yunfeng ordered them not to act rashly. Everyone clenched their fists and felt extremely uncomfortable. Have they ever been humiliated like this? !

Remember, you only have twenty days, otherwise you will be exterminated! A leader shouted, and then whipped hard.

The runes flashed, and a blood mark appeared on the faces of Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao. The skin and flesh cracked, blood spattered, and the wounds were deep.

The eyes of a group of strong men were about to spit out fire. The soldiers could not be killed without humiliation. If they were left to their own devices, they would have to fight with all their might immediately.

However, the clan leader still held them back and stopped them from fighting with stern eyes.

Haha... Several leaders laughed, then turned the beast's head around and were about to walk away.

Right now.

A bright light appeared in the void.

An ethereal yet powerful voice appeared.

You...have gone too far!

Immortal magic, truth, infinite sky hinders the earthquake star!

Say it.

The originally clear sky turned dark.

I saw hundreds of round meteorites like mountains appearing in the sky.

Exuding extremely terrifying coercion!

Chapter 181 Pseudo·Single Universe·Uchiha Madara, Sandongtian

The visitor is none other than someone else.

It was Uchiha Madara. .

After a long period of baptism in chat groups.

Uchiha Madara is not at the level of the original plot.

The six spots are also indescribable.

It can be said that the current Uchiha Madara is the first person in the history of Naruto world.

Dai·Hokage, the Lord of Heavenly Way.

Divided according to the vertical and horizontal levels of the heavens and the world.

It can be said to be at the pseudo-single universe level.

Even if the fantasy world has laws to suppress it.

Uchiha Madara destroyed this group of little ones just like they were playing.


It's Madara-senpai!

Great, we are saved!

Senior Madara! We must kill these people!

Uuuuuuuu~~ They bully the old man and bully us!

Be careful, Madara-senpai!

Everyone in Shicun saw that the person coming was the outsider god summoned by Senior Liu Shen last time.

Infinite hope immediately arose.

After all, they still know Uchiha Madara's strength.

And the sky-filled sky is no joke.

Uchiha Madara didn't answer.

He looked at the people who bullied Shi Cun and the spirits with cold eyes.

The pale golden sacrificial spirit was frightened.

His whole body was paralyzed, and he couldn't use any of his divine power.

Not to mention these leaders riding fierce beasts.

These hundreds of thousands of sky-blocking earthquake stars are like meteorites all over the sky, blocking the sunlight.

It gives people an extremely hopeless and depressing feeling.


Uchiha Madara clapped his hands.

The earthquake star fell from the sky.

All the enemies present turned into powder!

Everyone in Shicun didn't have time to say thank you.

Uchiha Madara returns directly.

Before returning, he left behind a few bottles of high-quality healing elixir purchased in the chat group.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Nice job, actually grandma was just thinking about it, but she couldn't move as fast as Banzi!

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I can only be very happy, my friends!

Lu Shu: But this kind of fantasy world fights the young and the old, I'm afraid it will never end!

Yang Erlang: “It doesn’t matter if it’s not over, Yang is just trying to stretch his muscles and prepare to cut down the mountain to save his mother!

Dragon Ball - Frieza: I can't hold it any longer!


a perfect world.

Faced with Uchiha Madara who suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly.

Everyone in Shicun was very grateful.

Especially thanks to Liu Shen.

Because they know that if it weren’t for Liu Shen.

I am afraid...

But this matter is definitely not over yet.

Everyone in Shicun did not relax.

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