At night, the medicine cauldron glows and rumbles, and bursts of sacrificial sounds are heard. Various divine birds and strange beasts appear on the cauldron, lifelike, as if they are about to rush out through the cauldron wall.

Maoqiu frowned and covered his big eyes with one small paw. He reluctantly bit the other small paw open, and two drops of golden blood fell into the cauldron.

Then... it seemed as if its arm had been broken, and screamed like it was killing a chicken and a duck. It quickly jumped back on the little one's shoulder, covering one eye and peeking.

A group of people couldn't help but laugh. This golden ball as big as a fist was weird, very lively and made people laugh.

The medicine cauldron glowed, becoming even more mysterious. It began to smelt the precious medicine, exuding a rich fragrance, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, which was very magnificent and mysterious.

Don't be nervous, Qingfeng. You will definitely succeed in reconnecting the broken tendons. With these precious medicines, we guarantee that your tendons and bones can be regenerated. Xiao Bu Dian comforted.

This process was very painful. The scar on Qingfeng's foot was peeled back and blood flowed. He screamed in pain and tears kept rolling down, but he did not struggle. Shi Feijiao helped him apply the precious medicine.

The muscles and bones have been aligned, and they will definitely regenerate after applying this rare medicine. Don't worry! the clan leader comforted.

No one else touched this pot of medicine, leaving it all to Qingfeng. He smeared part of it on his feet, and then took a lot of it. For several days, his soles became itchy, and the muscles and bones regenerated and connected.

It is indeed Zhu Yan's blood! A clan elder exclaimed.

It only took a few days for the broken tendons and bones of Qingfeng's feet to be reconnected. After a period of time, there would be no problem and it would definitely be cured.

Everyone looked at Maoqiu with strange eyes.

It screamed suddenly, rolled over on the little boy's shoulder, and finally stretched out its little paws, gesticulating and shaking vigorously, which meant that in the future, don't come to me for this kind of thing, and you won't do it again even if you beat me to death.

In addition to precious medicines, Xiao Doandian also used runes to treat him every day. After half a month, Qingfeng recovered and his muscles and bones healed quickly.

The treasure medicine is really powerful. It has magical effects. It's cured so quickly. Everyone was amazed, but they didn't know that the original true understanding practiced by the little one also played a great role.

In the days that followed, a small figure appeared by the lake, practicing with the children. Everyone was surprised to find that, apart from being a bit thin, he also knew bone inscriptions. Although he was not as sophisticated as the little one, he was still very good. powerful. In the words of the old patriarch, this is a genius who was only hindered by his body before.

After a period of self-cultivation, Qingfeng gradually recovered, her pale face turned red, and she began to run around wildly with the children of Shicun. Her physical strength was completely gone.

In the days that followed, the little boy went out early and came back late, staying alone in the mountains to study the original truth, and from time to time confronting ferocious beasts to test what he had learned in his heart.

The next realm is called Dongtian, which is very important for practitioners. The deeper the accumulation in the blood-moving realm, the more terrifying the explosion in this realm.

The little one has been accumulating, hoping to soar to the sky in this realm and perform amazingly.

In the evening, the sunset glow was like blood, dyeing half of the sky red. The fire clouds surged and were inlaid with golden edges. Even the stone village seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious brilliance.

Ermeng yelled loudly, causing the tribesmen to look sideways and towards the lake. I saw him sitting on a unicorn and running wildly. His speed was too fast. His face turned a little pale and he did not dare to get down.

It's not Xiaobai who was tamed by the little one. It's another unicorn. Ermeng is really capable. He actually wants to subdue a precious colt! A group of adults marveled, but even they couldn't do it.

Hearing these words, Ermeng almost burst into tears. On the back of the shining silver unicorn, he cried and said: Who wants to subdue it? I was feeding Xiaobai Berry, and it came over, too. He wanted to eat, but he wasn't afraid of me, but... I got itchy for a moment, so I sat on it, and then, it went crazy!

The tribesmen all laughed when they heard this.

Recently, Xiaobai has returned to the herd, and he is not restricted when entering and leaving the village. The villagers also feed him berries and other animals from time to time. This greatly reduced the vigilance of the group of unicorns, and from time to time one or two came over to eat and drink.

Just as the little one said, gradually, these unicorns will accept their tribesmen and sooner or later they will become rideable ponies.

Er Meng, work harder. It didn't attack you, which means it is relatively friendly to you. Don't fall down and embarrass yourself. Hold on. Stone Forest Tiger shouted.

In this way, the unicorn ran around the big lake for dozens of times. It was not tired, but Ermeng almost vomited, as if it was flying in the clouds.

Finally, the unicorn stopped, stood up, threw him to the ground, and then trotted towards the herd of animals.

It's a good sign. This unicorn is obviously playing with the children and will integrate into our stone village sooner or later. Shi Yunfeng, the patriarch, looked on and laughed.

As for a group of big men, they were already breathing heavily and wished they could get the treasure immediately.

Sure enough, over the next few days, the unicorn relaxed more and became closer to the children, allowing them to climb on his back and carry them around the edge of the large lake.

This made a group of strong men envious and jealous, but they were helpless. They were too big to gain the trust of unicorns easily, and they were still very wary of them.

A group of clan elders all laughed. Shi Cun is really getting stronger and stronger. He will definitely conquer dozens of unicorns in the near future. Just thinking about it will make him laugh.

Such spiritual beasts are difficult to capture. Not to mention a village, even a powerful tribe can hardly have a few, but they will have dozens of them!

Half a month later, a group of children howled and screamed. A total of more than a dozen people rode on the unicorns, and they were ready to ride. The prerequisite was to send a large number of berries to feed them.

Haha, great. How about we have a race, little one? Let's see whose unicorn runs faster. Pihou and the others winked, very pleased.

I still want to practice practice. Xiao Dian said.

Come on, practicing every day is too boring. Let's go relax and hunt some ferocious beasts in the mountains. Isn't that also practicing? It would be great to come back in the evening and barbecue delicious food. An older child encouraged.

Okay then. The little one thought for a while and nodded.

A group of adults were jealous again. None of them got on the unicorn, but these little bastards got on it one by one. Many children got their own ponies.

Dazhuang, hurry up and I'll tame you. I'll let you ride for two days, or I'll skin you. Shi Dazhuang's father said angrily.

Next to him, the Stone Forest Tiger also roared: Tiger, did you hear that? You should tame it quickly. Don't just worry about yourself. If you don't let me ride on you, I will deal with you later.

Haha... A group of people laughed. I am jealous of my son. This is really speechless.

And a group of old people were smiling from ear to ear. The best situation they had expected finally appeared gradually. Shicun was recovering and becoming stronger, and maybe one day it could really recreate its ancient glory.

The villagers were relieved that the little boy had even traveled through the wilderness of 300,000 miles. With him following him, there should be no danger in wandering around.

Let's go! Er Meng yelled, rushing out at the lead.

Slow down, wait for me. Snotlout was last, wiping his nose and chasing after him. Even he gained the trust of a unicorn, leaving a group of older children who were temporarily without mounts speechless.

The silver hooves of more than a dozen unicorns tumbled, flying off the line like sacred arrow feathers, drawing out streaks of silver light and sinking into the mountains.

Come on, little one, let's compare. Pihou started to get upset again.

None of your unicorns can outrun Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai said. Originally Xiao Bai was the strongest unicorn he selected. Then he ate five-color peacock eggs and drank Zhu Yan's blood, making him even stronger. , the whole body flows with silver light, and the divine horse is extraordinary.

The unicorn ran so fast that a group of children shouted and rushed hundreds of miles away. Sure enough, Xiaobai was far ahead and waiting at the front.

Let's go hunting. It's time to show off our skills. Huzi suggested.

咻, 咻...

The iron arrow streaked through the mountain forest, causing a roar of beasts. A moment later, a group of children fled in panic on unicorns, because they encountered a big guy and they couldn't deal with it.

As powerful as a little boy, he also drove Xiaobai to run away, and a spiny beast rushed out from behind. It was completely black, with bone spurs all over its body, shining with black light and extremely sharp.

This spiny beast has a dragon head, a body like a hedgehog, and a crocodile tail. It is huge, seventy or eighty meters long, and spits fire from its mouth. It immediately melted a mountain and caused the lava to roll.

The faces of a group of children turned green at that time, and they galloped wildly, no longer daring to be frightened.

The little one is last, taking care of the snotty baby and so on. Fortunately, the thorn beast didn't move very fast, so it got away after a while.

Oh my god, it's so scary. When I walked out of the village on a unicorn, I thought I had become a big hero. But now it seems that I am still a little bear that needs to be tempered.

After escaping for hundreds of miles, they stopped, gasping for air and looking frightened.

You're really good, little one. It's really scary for a person to cross 300,000 miles across such a terrifying mountain range!

They had only been out for a few hundred miles when they encountered such a big guy. If they had been slower, they would have been eaten alive and died without a burial place.

What's the matter? When my little brother came back from protecting me, I saw a beast as big as a giant mountain. It crushed a mountain with one claw. Qingfeng said.

The children were speechless and in admiration.

No, I have to practice hard. I must practice bone writing to perfection and become a great master as soon as possible. Pihou vowed.

Da Zhuang, Er Meng, Hu Zi, Snot Baby, etc. all nodded. The brief thrill made them realize the importance of being strong and the need to work hard and fight on a daily basis.

Where are we? It's probably six or seven hundred miles away from the village. Hey, there's smoke on the other side of the mountain. Ermeng pointed forward.

Huzi rolled his eyes and said, Is the smoke from your kitchen so thick and strong? You can see it from a mountain away. It's a fire. Come on, let's go take a look.

Like a silver whirlwind, more than a dozen unicorns rushed up the mountain in front of them. Looking down through the branches of ancient trees, they were suddenly surprised.

It was a village with more than 200 households, but at this time every house was set on fire, with flames reaching into the sky and black smoke billowing.

There were no calls for help in the village, which was lifeless except for the flames and thick smoke.

Look! Da Zhuang pointed into the distance.

On the horizon, a huge figure was retreating. In addition, there were some people riding beasts, holding bloody blades, retreating. From such a distance, people could feel the strong aura of hostility.

Who are those people? They destroyed this village? Da Zhuang and others were surprised and felt a chill.

The little one said nothing, staring at the huge figure. It was a ferocious beast with runes flashing on its body. It was surrounded by a group of people and was actually highly respected. He felt that it looked like a sacrificial spirit.

It wasn't until the beast and the group of people disappeared that the children looked at each other in shock.

Go down and take a look.

They rode unicorns and rushed below. As soon as they approached the village, they smelled the pungent smell of blood. They walked forward and saw that what they saw was horrific.

One corpse after another fell in a pool of blood, including a white-haired old man whose head was cut off and thrown on the roadside, and an infant in swaddling clothes who was beheaded together with his mother.

It's so cruel, even the elderly and children are not spared!

When a group of children saw this tragic scene, their bodies went cold and they were extremely angry. How could people be so inhumane? Even women, children, old, weak, and people who had no ability to resist were brutally killed. What was the reason for this?

Some children's eyes were red and they couldn't help crying.

What kind of people are these and how could they do such a thing?

The fire burned and all the buildings were ignited. There was a fierce resistance in the east of the village. It was a group of strong men, but they were all cut into pieces. They died miserably and their weapons were broken.

Ah, this is the village's sacrificial spirit, and it was killed. A child said in shock.

In the center of the village, there is an altar, and next to it is a giant beast that looks like a lion, but has eight legs and a pair of black horns on its head. It was dripping with blood and fell beside the altar. Half of its body had been eaten clean, and the original precious bones in its body were also missing.

The ferocious beast that left just now ate half of its body. The children were furious, as a sacrificial spirit actually became food.

The village was ablaze, and even the streets were scorching hot. The unicorn was a little impatient and didn't want to stay here.

Suddenly, a weak moan came from a white-haired old man. His stomach had been cut open, blood and intestines flowed all over the floor, and he still hadn't died yet.

Old man!

The children jumped off the unicorn and hurriedly knelt down to check his injuries. They were heartbroken. It was impossible to survive such a serious injury.

I hate it. Those people were so cruel... They didn't even spare children a few months old and massacred our entire village. The old man wailed.

Not far away, several children were thrown to the ground alive. It was hard to see and so cruel that they were heinous.

Who are they and why do they do this? Huzi asked.

A group of fierce bandits suddenly appeared once and asked us for black gold. When the deadline came and we couldn't pay it, they massacred the village and even our sacrifice souls were killed. The old man said, crying. At such an old age, his white hair is stained with blood and tears, which makes people sad and angry.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I hate it... The old man looked back. After saying this, he immediately gave up. Finally, there were tears on his face, mixed with blood and flowed down, and he became motionless.

Finally, the children left, and when they looked back, the fire gradually died out, and the entire village was reduced to ruins and scorched black.

With heavy hearts and no intention of hunting, they quickly returned to Stone Village on their unicorns and told the news to the adults.

Could it be that group of people...the crisis is coming. The clan leader coughed and put his hand on his chest, thinking of what happened back then. A group of brothers went out to explore together, but he was the only one who escaped alive.

Grandpa Patriarch, who are they and why are they here? asked the little boy.

A group of terrible people came here to find a place where the Supreme God could hide. The old man sighed, with worry written on his face as he looked at the distant land.

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who has calculated all the world, said: Everyone, please pay attention, a more important destiny point is about to appear. The group members should pay attention to the world at any time and protect everyone in Shicun. And this is not only good for Shicun, it is also good for you. This involves the Supreme Divine Treasure!

Great Master - Muchen: Don't worry, I will not let you go as a disciple of Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, even if it is not beneficial.

Chapter 180 Shicun is in danger! Immortal Law·True·Infinite Sky Impedes Zhenxing

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Muchen is right. Being able to join the chat group is a blessing. Moreover, the little one is also a disciple of Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit. Why should he care about interests when he joins the group?

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Hahaha, Bu thinks so too. Everyone said that this is in Bu's heart.

Luo Feng: Let's see what happens first.


a perfect world.

There is a legend on this land that there was an unparalleled Supreme Being who left a legacy here and was buried in an ancient cave, recording his Taoism.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many people have come to search for it but all have failed. But one day, thunder fell from the sky and shattered a mountain range, revealing a corner of the cave.

We are both lucky and unfortunate. The patriarch Shi Yunfeng's eyes showed sadness and vicissitudes of life. All his good brothers back then were dead, and he was the only one who survived. There was endless pain in his heart.

Senior Liu Shen said about this at that time. They can go, but Senior Liu Shen will not provide any help, because this is the fate of cause and effect. If they don't go, they can save their lives, but... that is the passion of young people.

We joined a sect and practiced bone inscriptions together. For a young man who came out of a village, I had pretty good qualifications and had reached the cave heaven realm. When the thunder from the nine heavens came down, I happened to go to the trial with a group of brothers. I saw that cave.

And the disaster began here. They unearthed many bone books, but they could not open the real door of the cave and could not enter the core area.

The news leaked out, and they encountered an endless pursuit. All forces took action to seize the bones.

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