Why do you guys? Yu Meng was anxious and was completely willing to fight.

Just because I am a prince! The person above said indifferently, and the light was so strong that it flooded the entire magnificent building complex.

The shock of these words made Yumeng's whole body go weak, almost making him paralyzed, full of despair.

Two generals stepped forward, pulled him up, and dragged him out of the palace like a dog to death, not taking him seriously at all.

Yumeng screamed in fear, You didn't take me back, but just killed me hastily like this. What will the people in the imperial capital say? You have no irrefutable evidence. This is a waste of human life.

The Human Emperor ordered us to come and investigate. He has complete trust. Who dares to disobey? Such a majestic voice came from the palace.

Before he died, Yu Meng suddenly woke up and vaguely guessed the identity of a person in the palace, who should be the King of War. It was said that he admired the young prodigy Shi Ziling.

He shivered, and it was too late to say anything now.

With a pop sound, a human head flew up. Yumeng was immediately beheaded and died in Western Xinjiang. The news spread back to the imperial capital, causing shock. This is the face of the Rain Clan.

Then, when people learned that it was the King of War who did it, they were all relieved. From his title, you can tell that there is nothing he dare not do.

In the western border, in the giant city, the war king stopped moving after beheading the people. A prince next to him spoke and said, This matter may have something to do with Prince Wu's Mansion.

Well, there should be something going on with the marriage between the Yu Clan and Prince Wu's Mansion. Another prince nodded.

Yes, let's investigate. No matter what, we must give you a warning. The King of War expressed his stance.

A Shi Yi came out of Prince Wu's Mansion. He was extremely talented, rising like a scorching sun, shaking the vast earth. There are also geniuses among the descendants of these three princes. They are all princes of the Stone Clan. They are qualified to compete for that person's throne in the future. They are competitors. If they have the opportunity to block them, they will naturally not let it go.

This incident caused a big fuss, and the Yu clan was unwilling to accept it, because all the people in Xijiang were beheaded, and there were so many heads that even the important disciples of the family could not escape death, so they went to the Human Emperor.

As for Prince Wu's Mansion, it was also very passive and was implicated in some things.

The imperial capital was shaken, causing a big disturbance. Finally, the Human Emperor came forward, reprimanded some of the people involved, and even killed many people. Only then did the disturbance gradually subside.

But all this has nothing to do with the little boy. He took Qingfeng into the wilderness. They had already separated from the Hai family and his son.

This is snow leopard milk. It's the best. I'm adding some of the divine candy Liu Shen gave me. Try it. It's very sweet. In fact, it's not even the best. I'll take you back to Shicun when I have the chance and let you try it. Taste Liu Shen's Wangzai milk, it's delicious. The little girl's face was dirty, only her big eyes were bright. When she entered the wilderness, she couldn't avoid fierce battles with ferocious beasts, and there were a lot of bloodstains on her body.

I'm over seven years old and I don't drink milk anymore. Xiao Qingfeng felt embarrassed.

It's okay, no one saw it, it's really delicious. The little boy held the bamboo tube and took a big sip. He was very intoxicated and his big eyes narrowed into a crescent shape.

Really? Xiao Qingfeng blinked.

Really! Xiao Bu nodded seriously.

In another mountain range, the Hai family and his son have been paying attention to the situation outside. These days, their hearts have been in ups and downs and it is difficult to calm down.

That kid is really a talent, no, he is a genius. He has endless potential in his cultivation. Uncle Hai sighed.

If we meet again one day, I believe that he will already be famous in the vast mountains and rivers, and his name will be spread all over the world. Old Man Hai also sighed.

Roar... Beside them, a black tiger roared.

Chat group. .

Squirrel Hang: It's so funny that the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, who will be arbitrary for eternity in the future, still likes to drink animal milk!

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: It's not funny. Beast milk is really delicious. I've drank it too. What's more, the world where the little one lives is a fantasy world. The ancestors sacrificed the spirits and became enlightened because of it. It's conceivable that The quality of the animal milk is so high!”

Chapter 178 Returning from Three Hundred Thousand Miles in the Wilderness

Ye Fan: It sounds like it really makes sense.

Li Qiye: Indeed, for the little one, the role of animal milk is immeasurable, and it is an important driving force for his continuous progress in the early stage.

Chen Nan: I understand, let's hunt the mythical beast.

Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit: We don't understand the world, and the line of fate is different from the line of fate. It is meaningless to repeat Hao'er's path. Just like Ye Fan, he will like to grill monsters very much in the future, and others will not be able to repeat it. Engraved.

Chen Nan: That's it. Thank you Lord Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit.

Squirrel Air: The clown is actually me!

Lu Shu: We are all clowns...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Watch the live broadcast. The little one should go back to Shicun next. The wonderful line of fate is about to begin. The Virtual God Realm is about to open. There are two real Immortal Kings there!

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe - Pluto: The Immortal King... is really exciting.


a perfect world.

Little brother, can my foot injury really be cured? Xiao Qingfeng's eyes were full of hope. For such a young child with a limp foot, he was naturally sad and eager to recover.

Yes, with some precious medicine, it will definitely be cured. The little one looked at the hair ball on his shoulder.

The fur ball was sleeping soundly. It shivered, woke up from its sleep, quickly jumped up from his body, jumped to an ancient tree, and looked down warily.

Maoqiu, don't be so stingy. Qingfeng is already like this. Don't you want to help it? The little one smiled and waved to it.

Squeak! Furball shouted, refusing to come down.

Qingfeng's left foot was bitten by a poisonous dragon. Although the wound healed, it was scary. It looked like a sarcoma growing there, which was very incongruous compared to his delicate little face.

The poisonous dragon is not a real dragon, but more like a poisonous snake. It is only a few meters long and has a single horn on its head. It is highly poisonous and those who are infected will die. That day, Qingfeng was bitten. If his critically ill grandfather had not ignored his own condition and used his essence to prolong his life and detoxify him, he would definitely have died.

It's so cruel. They couldn't bear to do anything to such a young child. Xiao Budian sounded like a young adult, completely forgetting that he was not very old.

When he said these words, a storm surged in Western Xinjiang, and a great earthquake occurred in the imperial capital of the Stone Kingdom, triggering a massacre. But the person involved, the little one, had no consciousness at all. He was aloof from the world and had long forgotten those things.

Little brother, where are we going? Qingfeng asked.

Go back to our clan's true ancestral land, wait for you to recover from your injuries, and take care of your body. When I am stronger, we will go to Butian Pavilion.

Ah, the real ancestral land? Xiao Qingfeng opened his eyes in surprise.

Herod... The unicorn raised its head and hissed. Its body was silver-white, its scales shone brightly, and it took off into the air carrying the two children, crossed the stream, and headed into the distance.

There are many ferocious beasts in the wilderness, and there will be bloody battles along the way, but the little boy has already walked through it once, and this time he went back much more smoothly.

When Qingfeng heard on the road that his little brother had traveled 300,000 miles alone in the wilderness, his mouth opened wide with a look of shock. He felt that if the news was reported back to the Stone Kingdom, it would definitely cause shocking waves.

There is a huge bird's nest there, built on the top of the mountain, covering the entire mountain!

Deep in the mountains, on a majestic mountain, there is a crow's nest. It is huge and over a hundred meters in diameter. It is built on the top of the mountain and has a compelling aura.

In the distance, a huge ferocious bird flew in like a dark cloud. It was nearly a hundred meters long, and its wings were spread out for two to three hundred meters. Its ferocious aura was shocking, and its black feathers were all made of metal, shining A terrible light.

Along the way, Xiao Qingfeng exclaimed from time to time. He had never been in the wilderness and had never seen such terrifying creatures.

Yeah, that tree ate a huge fire rhinoceros!

Not long after, they saw a towering ancient tree. The branches could actually move, piercing a several-foot-long fire rhinoceros and drawing blood. It was so terrifying that the entire tree turned red.

The wilderness is very scary. There are all kinds of strange creatures. We must be careful, otherwise if we relax even a little bit, we will be killed. Xiao Budian warned.

This is a strange world, but also a terrifying world. The natural living environment is harsh and competition is cruel. The human race must fight to survive.

Along the way, they were very careful and avoided many desperate places. Those places were not something they could forcefully break into now. The fog was thick, and terrifying figures could be seen appearing from a distance, which was shocking to the soul.

Of course, bloody battles are inevitable after all. There are too many ferocious birds and beasts along the way. The little one has to go through many fierce battles every day and bathe in the blood of the beasts.

Finally, after more than twenty days of trekking, the two children approached Shicun. The animal skin clothes on their bodies were covered in strips and strands, and there was blood everywhere.

Wow, savages, two savages are here!

By the blue lake, a group of children saw two bloody figures. They all screamed and quickly gathered around them.

No, that black and red horse is a unicorn. Little Dot is back. When they approached the lake, the children finally recognized it.

The little ones were in a very embarrassed state. Even the unicorn was dyed black and red by the animal blood. The silvery scales were covered with blood stains, even the fur ball was no exception. This shows how many bloody battles they encountered on the way.

Oh, little one, you are back. The clan members are almost worried to death. You have been gone for more than fifty days!

Little one, you are so miserable, I can hardly recognize you!

A group of children quickly gathered around him, and they were all very affectionate. Regardless of the fact that he was dirty and bloody, they put their arms around his shoulders and neck, as if they had endless words to say.

Who is this child? They naturally saw Qingfeng and couldn't help but ask.

His name is Shi Qingfeng, and he will be our younger brother from now on. The little one introduced.

A group of adults were alerted and rushed out quickly. Shi Linhu and others were very excited, and even a group of very old clan elders ran out.

A young child traveled alone across the wilderness, bravely traveling 300,000 miles, and came back alive. This is a miracle!

Great, my child, you are finally back. I wish you could come back alive. Even the usually steady clan leader's voice trembled. He was really worried these days.

This trial was too difficult. Even if they were accompanied by strong adults, they would still have a narrow escape, but the little one succeeded.

This was once a cruel test for the cubs of the most powerful ancient ferocious beasts, such as the Horned Dragon and Ya Sui. Even the cubs of those terrifying ferocious beasts might die midway.

The little one succeeded and came back guarding a child.

My child, it's amazing. You have completed the most terrifying test, and you will surely soar into the sky in the future! Even Senior Liu Shen will be proud of you! A group of clan elders trembled, extremely pleased, and some even had a look in their eyes. Tears.

For many years, the legend of Shicun has been listened to as a story, and people no longer believe in the glory of the ancient times. But now, because of the rise of this child, it is possible to regain its former glory.

Child, have you made a breakthrough? the old patriarch asked with concern.

No, I'm going to retreat in the village. Breaking through is not a problem. I want to reach higher. The little one replied.

Everyone nodded, happy for him.

You have done well. You have successfully completed the terrible trial in the ancient times. I will reward you with several cans of Wangzai milk in a few days. Willow sent the message, and the tribesmen immediately paid homage together after hearing it.

Xiao Qingfeng was surprised and looked at it curiously.

The little one looked happy.

I want to convey the heavenly induction to my ancestral sacrifice spirit. I will fall into a state of slumber for the next period, but it will not be long... Liu Shen told such a piece of news, which shocked the hearts of the villagers.

Dear Lord Liu Shen, are you okay? a clan elder asked tremblingly.

It's okay, but you don't have to worry too much. Your friends from outside the world who have been here before will keep an eye on you at any time. Liu Shen Chuan said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

You are very good. Don't waste your talents. The ancestor sacrifice spirit asked me to protect you. When I finish preaching and enlightening you, I will let you see a different world, a future you, a young man in the wilderness. Rise up and slay all enemies, you who are above all the heavens for eternity. This was God Liu's instruction to the little one, and it was also what the ancestor worshiping spirit said.


I am about to attack the Immortal Emperor.

Just like that, from this day on, the willow tree became dim, and the green branch no longer glowed at night, and it fell into a deep sleep.

Plop, Plop

A beautiful lake, blue and clear, a group of children jumped in one after another, swimming around happily, shouting and having a great time.

The little one even stripped naked and plunged in to wash away the blood on his body. Qingfeng watched with envy on the shore. He couldn't swim.

Come down, it's okay, we will teach you how to swim together. A group of older children shouted.

Ah, I can't. I'm afraid of water. Qingfeng flinched, but was still pulled down. Under the protection of a group of children, he struggled for half an hour and finally learned to swim.

It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful here. Qingfeng was very happy. In the azure lake, fish with dense golden scales on their bodies shimmered, emerging from time to time and leaping out of the water. There are green grass on the shore, and groups of birds are walking around. There are many kinds of birds, with bright wings and flowing brilliance. They are not surprised when they meet people, and they are extremely beautiful. There are also groups of unicorns running on the shore, which is extremely holy.

Qingfeng felt that this was simply the world he had imagined in his heart. It was quiet and peaceful, without any disturbance. If he lived here for a long time, he would definitely be very happy.

In the evening, a group of children came ashore, sneaking around, and Furball was even more cunning, hiding in the grass and looking around.

What are they doing? Xiao Qingfeng asked Shi Hao in confusion.

Xiao BuDian whispered: They are going to steal bird eggs. They are eggs of very rare rare birds. They are born by little Luan birds. They are a great tonic. Under normal circumstances, the clan leader will not let them mess around.

Qingfeng was surprised and found it very interesting at the same time.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a lot of chaos and chaos on the shore of the beautiful lake. A group of children and Furball found a bunch of bird eggs with colorful markings, put them in the fire and started roasting them.

In the distance, the roar of the Stone Forest Tiger came: You little bastards, don't do this again, otherwise, if things go on like this, all these rare birds and animals will be scared away.

I know! The children laughed, eating the fragrant eggs and taking a bite of the grilled golden and shiny asparagus, which was extremely satisfying.

It's so nice here! Xiao Qingfeng was very happy. He felt very happy to have so many playmates and so many interesting things.

Chapter 179 The Supreme Divine Treasure

Everyone in the chat was very happy to see Qingfeng like this.

After all, they watched the whole process.

Qingfeng endured too much for the little one.

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