Thank you Master Hai, Uncle Hai, please leave quickly. If you leave this village, there will be a big earthquake in Western Xinjiang. Xiao Budian said.

You're an interesting doll. You told us such news as soon as we met. The old man said with a smile.

Baby, are you being alarmist? Uncle Hai said.

It's true. The little one said seriously with her big eyes flashing, but no matter how she looked, she looked like a beautiful and cute porcelain doll, which was not very convincing.

What's going to happen? the old man asked.

All bad guys in Western Xinjiang must be severely punished! Xiao Dodian clenched his fists.

What are you going to do, baby? Old Man Hai asked.

The little boy took out a few corpses of the old man and the master whose son had been killed, and said, Wait a moment.

Finally, he rushed towards the broken village with the body.

What does he want to do? The father and son pursued Xiao Qingfeng, very puzzled.

Soon after, they felt chills all over their bodies and felt terrified.

In the distance, the fire was raging, a group of servants ran out, and the Zhuangzi was engulfed in the fire.

Uncle Hai's scalp was numb and he said: This is the ancestral land of the Stone Clan. It is usually desolate and unmanaged. But whoever dares to burn it all will cause huge disasters!

Hurry up, the prince will definitely come in person soon! Old Man Hai also had a headache. He never thought that the little one dared to do this. He was really bold.

Ah, little brother actually did this. Xiao Qingfeng was also shocked.

The little boy came back, very calmly, and said: I only have one ancestral land, not this one. I have nothing to do with the Shi Kingdom clan anymore.

When he was young, his Supreme Bone was taken away from him. The people there were very indifferent and persecuted his family. And here, his substitute suffered such a miserable fate, and no one cared about him. This happened again and again, and he had no sense of belonging to the Stone Clan in the imperial capital.

Although he is kind, he is not timid and dares to act.

Let's go! Old Man Hai's scalp was so frightened that he didn't dare to stay for long.

Soon, several people disappeared.

What, the Stone Clan's ancestral land was completely burned down?! When the steward learned about it, his face turned pale.


When Yumeng heard about it, he let out an earth-shattering roar. He knew that it was over, and a catastrophic disaster would occur. He was in Western Xinjiang, and he had shown up before. Once investigated, he would never be able to escape.

Idiot! Yu Meng yelled, and slapped the highly skilled steward away. His teeth fell out and were stained with blood.

Sir, I didn't order anyone to do this! The steward was so frightened that he knelt down with a thud.

No matter who does it, it will cause a huge disaster. The Stone Kingdom will send at least a few princes to investigate all the way to the end. Naturally, some of your small actions in the past cannot be hidden, and we will also be implicated... Yu Meng He was furious, with veins bulging on his forehead, and a great fear in his heart.

The real princes will come in person... The steward was dumbfounded, trembling and kneeling there, almost scared to death.

The real prince will appear. After hearing this, the steward immediately collapsed there, his face was pale, without any blood, his body was trembling, and even his teeth were chattering.

He was extremely frightened. If he continued to investigate carefully, all the people involved would be killed. It was already foreseeable that heads would be rolling in and falling in pieces soon.

When the prince is angry, he bleeds and floats in the oars. His body lies thousands of miles away. No one can stop him! He has no way to survive, and there is no place for him in the world!

Not to mention him, even Yu Meng was in panic, walking around, fearful to the extreme. If the matter got serious, it was beyond his control. It was the ancestral land of the Stone Clan and should not be desecrated.

I didn't do it, so what should I do... The steward sat there paralyzed, his eyes dull, he kept repeating, and he no longer had the usual majesty.


Yu Meng was furious and kicked him on the body. Broken bones were heard immediately. The steward screamed and coughed up blood. He flew up and hit the rockery not far away.

With a boom, the rockery collapsed, burying him underneath, and smoke and dust rose up.

Yu Meng's face was white and beardless, and when he was not showing off his power, he was not as sharp as a strong man, but at this moment, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he wanted to kill the manager several times. But in the end, he hesitated. It was useless to kill the steward. With the Stone Clan's huge strength, he wanted to thoroughly investigate the events here and nothing would be missed.

Then, he shuddered. At the same time that he wanted to silence him, was the elder of the clan also thinking about something similar? Would he get rid of him directly? Because this matter is really big, extremely serious and excessive.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: I'm so anxious, hahahahaha, I'm laughing so hard, this prince is so anxious!

Chapter 177 The little one who loves to share animal milk

The Great Master - Muchen: Deserves it...

Reborn Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): This is far from enough. He is worthy of being the future Huangtian Emperor. I like this kind of character.

My Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: Hahaha, everyone, please continue to watch this kid looking so angry.

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Jian: Such an evil person should be dealt with like this!

Mr. Pleasant Goat: “I agree!”

Arbitrary through eternity.

Li Changsheng nodded slightly.

The little one has gradually grown up.

The Willow God he arranged was also protecting the little one in an orderly manner.

Wait until the fate line of Virtual God Realm.

He was about to cross the boundary sea and think about the Immortal Emperor.

Perfect world. .

In a huge city in Western Xinjiang, several strong men sacrificed rare primitive bones, and the runes flashed, creating a simple little altar. They placed a letter on it.

There was a flash of light and the letter disappeared.

At the same time, in the vast stone country, in its imperial city, several pieces of precious bones from ancient relics glowed, turning into a larger altar. The glow flashed on it, and a letter appeared.

What, the second ancestral land was destroyed and burned completely by a fire. How brave!

After a clan elder read the letter, he immediately became furious. The Shi Kingdom, which controlled hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, was in its heyday, but something like this happened, which is unimaginable!

Send the letter out! He shouted. Many copies of the letter were copied. The original copy would naturally be shown to the emperor, and the others would be given to the prince named Shi. This matter was too big. He thought it was a disservice to the entire Shi clan. provocation.


On this day, the imperial capital seemed to explode into the country, causing an uproar, and then completely boiling over. Many people were talking about it, and they couldn't believe it.

Who did this? Is it going to defy the heavens? The Human Emperor is at its peak, and its power is unparalleled. Someone actually set fire to the place where the Stone Clan is rejuvenating. They are too brave!

Could he be the sworn enemy of the Stone Clan? That's not the case. Even if they fight, they will fight against living people. Who would do this?

Could it be Taotie, Chilong and other ancient relics? They hate the Stone Kingdom and ordered the evil birds to set this fire.

The news spread quickly, and the entire imperial capital knew about it. People found it incredible and were talking about it from top to bottom.

Get to the bottom of it! The Human Emperor gave a reply with only four words. When this oracle was revealed to the outside world, it emitted light soaring into the sky, and the four words were like a fairy sword, scattering the clouds over the imperial capital, and the murderous intent was overwhelming.

The golden light surged like lightning across the sky, rumbling and rumbling, causing all parties to be silent. At this moment, the entire imperial capital became quiet, and there was no sound of discussion.

It took a long time for the imperial capital to recover.

In the Stone Kingdom, precious sacrifices were offered to the ancient altar. This was a place for worshiping the ancient gods. At this time, several precious bones of ancient relics glowed.

There was a buzz sound, as if an ancient god had awakened, filled with a terrifying aura, and then opened a golden passage.

Get on the road! shouted a sect elder. Then, one team after another, powerful warriors stepped onto the altar and stepped onto the golden passage. They were all wearing shiny armor, holding iron swords and spears, and filled the sky with murderous intent.

Finally, three more princes appeared, all radiating bright light, like three suns, with terrifying fluctuations that shocked the world, and they stepped into the golden passage together.

This time, three princes were actually dispatched, and they will be responsible for investigating to the end.

It wasn't until everything calmed down that the elders of the royal family led everyone to worship at the altar. Chaos and mist filled the air, and there seemed to be an ancient god there, accepting their great gift.

In fact, there is nothing there!

Everyone in Prince Wu's Mansion was alarmed, and more than a dozen clan elders had been invited because the ruined Zhuangzi was too sensitive when it came to people of their lineage.

Where is Yi'er? Did one of his men do it?! The fourth master, who was like a golden lion, shouted.

Impossible. Although Yi'er is young, he is wise and steady. How could he do such a stupid thing? I think there must be someone else. A sect elder said.

Soon, there was news in Western Xinjiang. Preliminary investigation showed that the arson may have been caused by some grudges and may be related to a certain large clan in the Stone Kingdom.

The news came back and caused a sensation.

Isn't this looking for death? No matter what the grudge is, if you dare to do such a thing, you will die. Do you want to be exterminated?!

This is a lesson. He must be a child of a certain prince's family. He doesn't know how high the sky is and goes to the Western Border to cause chaos. Isn't this a trick on the ancestors? Everyone in the whole clan will be taken in.

There was a lot of discussion in the imperial capital, and many wealthy families were in danger, fearing that their own children would cause trouble.

Alas, Yu Meng has returned the news. Although my Yu Clan did not do the matter, the small actions of my men in Western Xinjiang must not be hidden, and they will also cause dissatisfaction among the princes of the Stone Clan.

A clan elder of the Yu Clan sighed, it was unthinkable that such a disaster would happen. If we really carry out a thorough investigation, some people in the Rain Clan are destined to look very disgraceful.

Brother, you are putting it lightly. No matter what, we all have to bear part of the consequences of setting fire to the Stone Clan's ancestral land. I think it was probably the intensification of the steward who caused others to take the risk and burn the Royal Clan's ancestral land. land.

Give all the interests of Xijiang out, and kill the other people with them. I think this is enough, and try to keep Yumeng back.

There are a lot of people in Western Xinjiang. It's not easy to train them. How about letting them kill them all? Someone objected.

We can't take the trouble ourselves. I think it was probably Shi Ziling who did this to frame our clan!

Yes, it can work like this. Tell Yumeng that he must bite him, that he has discovered Shi Ziling, and try to find some clues about him as much as possible.

Everyone in the Yu tribe discussed countermeasures.

In Western Xinjiang, those generals were all extremely powerful like wolves and tigers, with eyes like lightning. They found clues the next day and took the steward away.

This investigation revealed a lot of shady things. Although they did not set the fire, it was obvious that they might have been the cause, and they dared to collude with the servants in the ancestral land. This was already treason.

That day, heads were rolling in. All the servants in Zhuangzi who had colluded with the outside world were interrogated and their heads were chopped off. Their bodies were covered with blood and lay everywhere!

Immediately afterwards, after the steward confessed, he was executed by Ling Chi, and his clan members were also imprisoned. It was because he did not commit suicide in fear of crime that he did not immediately kill his clan.

Two days later, Yumeng was escorted to Jucheng. When he was arrested, he still wanted to argue, but was whipped in the face by a general, causing blood to spatter on the spot.

He is usually very arrogant, but the prince's trusted generals are even more arrogant than him!

Yu Meng was confused and was taken to a magnificent hall in the giant city. There were three bright suns above, rumbling and rumbling, all emitting avenue runes, making it impossible for people to look at them.

He knew that he was a real prince, who ruled an area and controlled the life and death of billions of people. He was the most powerful person under the Human Emperor, terrifying the world!

The three-wheeled sun released its divine radiance, and runes condensed one after another, imprinting on the void, seeming to refine the whole world. The three kings sat cross-legged on the throne, and none of them could see their true bodies.

Only three pairs of eyes are visible. They are more brilliant than the steaming light mist. They are made of runes. The sun is destroyed and the moon is sinking. Stars are reborn. Chaos energy fills the air. They are clearly three pairs of eyes, but they make people feel like Saw the sight of the sky opening.

It has nothing to do with me. I think this matter may have been done by Shi Ziling. Yumeng said as soon as he came in. He followed the order of the clan elder and tried every means to clear himself.

Bullshit, kill! A prince said coldly, his eyes shot out a rune, which was so terrifying that everyone below the hall trembled.

A warrior stepped forward, drew out a sharp blade, and swept it forward.

Prince, calm down. Yu Meng shouted, but no one paid any attention. The sharp weapon in the war general's hand flashed past, and there was a splash of blood, and one of his arms fell.

He screamed, never expecting that the prince above would be so domineering and fearless, and cut off one of his arms first. Why?

Your Majesty, I am a descendant of the Rain Clan, I...

I don't want to listen to nonsense, I'll kill him again! A cold voice came from the throne again.

With a pop, blood flew up, and Yu Meng's other arm also fell to the ground. He screamed in pain, his face turned pale, and he almost fell to the ground.

He never thought that such a day would come. He was a direct descendant of the Rain Clan and his status was not low, but someone would dare to treat him like this, without treating him as a piece of cake.

He wanted to yell angrily, you are a prince, you should consider it because I am a member of the Rain Clan! But as soon as the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again, for fear of causing greater pain.

Then, he shuddered. Could this be targeting the Rain Clan? Otherwise, how could they dare to act like this? Thinking of this, a chill arose in his heart.

Say, don't say a word that is false. The man above spoke ruthlessly and concisely.

Yumeng endured the severe pain, flashed runes on his broken arm, stopped the bleeding by himself, and then began to confess and tell everything. Of course, he would never admit that he had made a big mistake and work hard to resolve it. He even wanted to divert the trouble away.

I just want to hear the facts, not your arguments.

Above the main hall, a prince snapped his fingers, and a vast sea of ​​silver light suddenly surged in. Two pop sounds were heard, Yu Meng's legs exploded, and he flew out.

Ah... He couldn't bear it and was going crazy. How could this be? This prince is so merciless. No matter how great his crime is, he shouldn't be like this. His methods are so sharp and terrifying.

Yumeng felt discouraged for a while. The weight of the prince was too heavy. It was really easy to kill him. He could just crush him to death and no one could stop him.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and said everything, truthfully.

Pull him out and kill him. A ruthless voice came from above.

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