
The golden human bear smacked his paw forward, directly knocking down the concierge. The two people woke up from their sleep, and saw a bloody mouth protruding forward. The two of them were so frightened that they collapsed and screamed in terror.

The human bear sat down on it, and a few crunching sounds were heard. I don't know how many bones of the two people were broken. Only the upper body was exposed, and the lower body was a bloody mess.


In this late night, this kind of shrill screams spread very far, and the two of them were frightened and cried out in fear.

The people in Zhuangzi were alarmed, and many people rushed towards him with weapons. When they arrived nearby, they were all surprised.

The golden human bear was biting and biting, eating the legs of the two people. The blood was dripping and the bones were stubbled, which was very scary.

After seeing these people arriving, the man-bear stood up, patted his big bloody paws, then flapped a pair of wings and disappeared into the night sky.

Ah, save us! the two people shouted miserably.

Everyone knows that these two people are finished and have lost their legs. In such a cruel Western Xinjiang, even if they survive, they are destined to be extremely miserable.

You deserve to be told to do nothing on weekdays!

Retribution, God is blind!

No one sympathizes with them at all, which shows how poorly they treat others.

Maoqiu, you are really... bad enough. When the little boy saw this, he glanced at the golden Zhuyan on his shoulder in surprise. He didn't expect that it actually ordered the human bear to do such a thing. It didn't kill two people, but It's more cruel than killing them.

Maoqiu waved his little golden paw, which meant that even a trivial matter would be punished by evil people.

Little brother, I heard from Grandpa Grandpa that the people who were bribed in the village are just clowns. The talents outside are very powerful, and there are terrifyingly powerful people. The pale child next to him said.

Don't be afraid, I have a way to deal with them. The little boy clenched his fists, guessing whether it was someone from Shi Yi's lineage or someone else. He was very sad and angry, and decided to go to war here.

But, they are really powerful, we are still young. The child next to him said timidly.

To deal with the most terrifying beasts, you don't have to fight desperately. Oh, I forgot, I often fight with ferocious birds and beasts, so I am used to saying this. The little one scratched his head in embarrassment, and continued: I have a way, they No one can escape, no matter how powerful they are, as long as they are in Western Xinjiang at this time, they will be in disaster and will be punished!

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Good guy, grandma, I originally planned to help the little one, seems that I won't have to do that now.

The Great Master - Muchen: Indeed, this monkey is quite ruthless...

Rebirth of Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): In a world where the weak eat the strong, this is normal. There is no right or wrong.

Super Beast Arms - Pluto: Fellow Beixuan is right, there is no absolute light or absolute darkness, there is only absolute strength!

Ye Fan: I look forward to the little one's growth. In the future, I will also fight against the Eternal Emperor Huangtian and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit in the Holy Ruins Era.

Luo Feng: I hope I can help you then.

Chen Nan: The same goes for Chen!

Your Majesty, spare your life--Lu Shu: +1

Yue Buqun: Yue, just watch the show...

Reincarnation of Immortal Grass - Lin Daiyu: I hope I can grow up enough to help the master.

Ma Daxian, who calculates all the worlds, said: Destiny and cause and effect can be said quickly or slowly. Like the world where the ancestor worshiping spirit lives, as long as the ancestor worshiping spirit wants to, one thought can span eternity. There is also a world where there are many members of the chat group. Supreme Boss, we can’t say for sure, but we still live in the present and watch the live broadcast.”

Li Qiye: What the group leader said is very good and worthy of praise. What we should consider now is to watch the live broadcast of the little one. This is especially true for some group members who are relatively weak. This is a good opportunity to broaden their horizons and improve themselves.


a perfect world.

In Chongyun Town, in a majestic mansion, a fat middle-aged man was walking. His name was Yumeng. He had a white face and no beard, and there were faintly frightening runes flowing in his eyes. He was a master of the Yu clan.

This time, he inspected Western Xinjiang on the order of the elder, because there are some industries of the tribe here, such as rare metal mines, tribute areas for rare birds and animals, etc.

Has Miss You Yu appeared? Yu Meng asked the official next to him while standing on a stone arch bridge in the garden, looking at a group of purple-scaled fish in the water. Taking advantage of the inspection, he also wanted to ask the envoy of Butian Pavilion for a talisman and give it to a great genius in the clan.

The genius was deeply loved by the elder, so he did not want anything to go wrong and hoped to get the talisman as soon as possible and send it back.

The steward was very respectful and said: I have been making inquiries, but I haven't seen Miss Xia come back yet. I will report to you as soon as I have any news.

It's really unsatisfactory. Elder Zong asked me to check the news about Shi Ziling in detail, but you didn't even find out anything about it. And you want to ask for a talisman, but you can't even see anyone! Yu Meng's face turned pale. Happy, he turned around and walked down the stone arch bridge, walked into a pavilion and sat down.

The steward's face turned pale, and he hurriedly followed, bowed and saluted, and said, My lord, please forgive me!

Soon after, the steward returned to a palace, sat on an armchair, rubbed his temples, became more energetic again, and shouted: Come here!

Suddenly, a group of people walked in quickly. These were strong men and extremely powerful.

For all these years, I have asked you to check for news about Shi Ziling, but you haven't even found any clues. You are a bunch of trash! The steward roared like an angry lion, which was very different from the groveling appearance not long ago. It was extremely powerful.

A group of people suddenly felt chills. They knew that this manager was not only vicious, but also a master with profound cultivation. He was definitely the number one person in Chongyun City.

The steward looked gloomy and said, Also, several old monsters in that broken village are dead. Is that child still alive?

Sir, we have already found out that the child is most likely a substitute, and there is no way he is the same Shi Hao. Someone responded bravely.

Idiot! The steward was furious and slapped hard, causing the wooden table to burst into pieces, and a wave of air surged down, shaking the diamond rock ground into pieces and sinking more than a foot deep, which shows how much cultivation he had. fear.

Even if it is fake, we must find a way to kill it. What kind of family is the Rain Clan? It is ancient and glorious, and has existed for a long time. It is older than the Stone Kingdom. Face is the most important thing. Keeping that brat alive is an insult to their face. ! The steward roared.

The group of people below showed fear and couldn't help but retreat. The gloomy man above them roared, which made their eardrums hurt.

Don't worry, sir. Several old monsters are dead. Who can protect him? There will be news soon. A group of people hurriedly expressed their stance.

I warn you, don't leave any holes, otherwise I will cramp your tendons and peel off your skin. If there is an accident, no one will survive!

We will make arrangements, either by letting him be accidentally bitten to death by poisonous insects, or by evil beasts rushing out of the mountains, frightening him, and slowly 'die' of illness. We can even invite some thugs and not attack him, but we can... …”

That's enough. Let's all go. I only want to see the results. The steward waved his hand and sent these people away.

The dilapidated Zhuangzi became even more desolate. The wind blew and the old-fashioned doors and windows creaked like ghosts crying at night.

Several old people have passed away, and no new criminals have been sent here in the past few decades. The place seems very secluded and lacks popularity.

When night comes, even the servants don't want to go out or walk around the village.

Your name... The little one scratched his head, they had the same name.

They have called me Shi Hao since I was a child. The child whispered, his head lowered, his expression gloomy. Several old people were dead, and he felt very lonely.

How about you give it this name and I'll change it to another one, said the little boy. This child had suffered a lot for him, and he didn't want to give up the name he had been using.

No, I can just change it. This name will always trigger a lot of memories for me, and I want to end it all. said the child next to him.

After thinking for a long time, he gave himself a name, Shi Qingfeng. He hoped to be as free as the wind in the future and leave this prison.

The two children, with bright eyes, looked at each other and laughed.

I want to see Dahei. Xiao Qingfeng said, with reluctance and nostalgia in his eyes, hoping to see his best friend before leaving.

For so many years, he has been really lonely. He has no peers to play with and no friends. Only the black tiger can bring him laughter. He is very pitiful.


In the chat group.

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: It's so sweet. I suddenly thought about Xiao Bu Dian and Qing Feng's CP?

Squirrel Airlines: Oh~ Xiao Ronger has been in the chat group for too long, and it has lost its classical charm.

Lu Shu: Indeed, but I think Qingfeng is really pitiful. The information uploaded by the group owner will have a good ending for him in the future, right?

Muchen: I can't remember clearly.

Ye Fan: It doesn't matter. With Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit and me, Qingfeng will be fine even if the predetermined destiny line is not good!!

Pleasant Goat Mr. Xi: Ever since Ye Fan received the system given by Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, he can pretend better than me...

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, grandma thinks so too.

Chapter 176 Urgent

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Stop being sweet and watch the live broadcast first...

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xianer: Yes, I'm really looking forward to the follow-up.


a perfect world.

There was a sound outside the gate, and a loud voice came, saying: Child, where are you? Uncle has picked you up. Leave this hellish place to avoid being bullied by those minions.

A middle-aged man entered Zhuangzi. He was tall, bearded, and very rugged. The little boy got up and hid out, not wanting to be seen.

Ah, it's Uncle Hai! Xiao Qingfeng said happily.

Uncle Hai is Grandpa Hai's son, and this family has always been very kind to him. Several elderly people passed away one after another. After discussing with his son, Hai LaoLao decided to adopt the child as he felt that he was too pitiful.

It's not good to leave here. A servant stood up to stop him.

No shit, the child will definitely not survive more than three months if he lives here. Don't you know why his foot is lame? As soon as the old man was critically ill, a rare poisonous dragon came out and bit him on the sole of his foot. Injury... Uncle Hai was angry, his beard trembling like steel needles.

Uncle Hai, I'll go see Dahei with you. Xiao Qingfeng ran over.

This is a village that is responsible for delivering prey, fruits, vegetables, etc. to the second ancestral land of the Stone Clan on weekdays. It is not big, with only a hundred households.

Roar... A loud roar came, and a giant black tiger appeared at the end of the village. It was three feet tall and six or seven feet long. It was very huge and ran towards him quickly. Behind it, there were four little tiger cubs, all cute and naive, running along with it.

Dahei... Xiao Qingfeng rushed over quickly, full of joy.

In the mountains and forests in the distance, the little one was startled. This tiger was not a simple tiger. It was full of vitality and had mysterious runes in its body. It was a ferocious beast.

In the distance, a young man with an indifferent expression saw this scene and said: Damn it, the Hai family father and son actually adopted him. These father and son are both strong men. They live in seclusion here and all the nearby villagers believe in him.

That night, the beasts in the mountains roared, and several huge black images rushed into the village like crazy, intending to wash the place with blood.


Oh, no, the evil beast is here and is going to kill people. Run away! The villagers were horrified.

Puff, Puff

In the darkness, the trembling sound of bowstrings sounded, and several glowing arrows with runes flew out, hitting the huge black figures. The roars of the beasts stopped immediately, and several giant beasts fell to the ground dead.

Soon after, the villagers calmed down.

Master Hai, you are so old and strong, you can easily shoot a vicious beast like Biao. The villagers sincerely thanked him.

The little boy nodded in the distant mountains and forests. The Hai family father and son were indeed strong men living in seclusion, with extraordinary skills and great abilities.

This old guy can shoot talisman arrows. He has profound skills. He must be an unparalleled master, right? In the distance, a group of people frowned, with murderous intent in their eyes.

In the next few days, poisonous insects and raptors appeared from time to time, plaguing the village. Although they were all killed by the Hai family and his son, they still made the villagers tremble.

It's hateful. This is forcing us to hand over the child. If we send it back, I'm sure he won't live for two months. Uncle Hai was angry.

Forget it, we have stayed here long enough. It's time for us to change places again. Let's take this child with us. Of course, before leaving, I am going to kill some people. Mr. Hai said coldly.

At night, when another ferocious beast attacks, two figures move out, as fast as ghosts, rising across the sky and disappearing into the distance.



Screams sounded one after another, not only beasts, but also people died. The masters sent by the steward were all extraordinary and powerful, and had bone inscriptions. Otherwise, how could they be responsible for tracking down clues and information about Shi Ziling and his wife if they were too ordinary. However, it was still not enough. All twenty people were killed, and no one could escape.

So strong! In the forest, the little one was surprised.

He has lived in the mountains all year round, fighting ferocious birds and beasts, so he naturally knows how to conceal his aura so that he will not be discovered.

In Chongyun Town, the steward's eyes were gloomy after receiving the news. Twenty experts died in one night. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Do I have to go there myself?! He stood up quickly, a powerful aura emitted, and the walls of the entire room cracked.

After dawn, in the magnificent mansion, Yumeng got up, walked in the garden, and asked casually: I heard that you lost some men?

The steward immediately bent down, not daring to look directly, and said: Yes, there are masters hiding there. They are very powerful. I am going to kill them myself.

Yu Meng Leng said quietly: Master, I like it. I recently raised a ferocious beast that needs the blood of a strong man. You can bring a few people around me to catch the father and son. I suspect They might have some background.

The steward was shocked and then overjoyed. Important figures in the Rain Clan took action. Who could survive? Even if the father and son were reclusive masters, they would die without a burial place.

He knew that things were not going well for Yumeng recently, and there was a feeling of anger in his heart that was about to break out, and it might stir up a terrible storm in Western Xinjiang!

In the village, Xiao Qingfeng was very grateful and said: Grandpa Hai, I can't leave with you. I have to leave with my little brother. He said he can cure my feet. You should leave quickly, otherwise those bad guys will not stop.

Finally, they met each other in the dense forest, and Xiao Shihao appeared.

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