Young Master, the last ancestor is about to pass away. He only has a few days left to live. Your life will be difficult in the future. A servant in the porter said, sitting there with a prickly look on his face, showing no respect at all no matter how he looked at it. , with a bit of joking.

You are talking nonsense, Grandpa will not die! The pale child retorted loudly with tears in his big eyes, coughing continuously.

Then we'll wait and see. The servant didn't care.

Another servant said: I heard that the young master is not the heir of Shi Ziling. His true identity is actually the blood descendant of the old monster who is about to pass away. He is just a replacement here.

It's possible that if they were the descendants of Shi Ziling, they would be in even more trouble than this. The servant sitting there nodded, facing the young master, he did not stand up from the beginning to the end, showing lack of respect.

In the forest in the distance, the little boy saw all this and clenched his fists. It was similar to what he had learned in the past few days. In this cage-like village, some of the servants had already been bribed by outsiders. After the ancestor passed away, he became a little unscrupulous.

In the chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: It's so helpless, I can't bear it anymore. These little servants, just let me bang! Those who agree put their agreement on the public screen!!

Great Master - Muchen: Agree!

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I agree! But grandma, you are not cruel enough. You should detain these three souls and seven souls! Then torture them immeasurably! This way you can relieve the hatred in your heart!

Chapter 174 Ancient Immortal Technique·Fate-defying Retrospective·Immortal Vitality Tongxuan

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: It is indeed very irritating, but there is no need to worry, because the little guy is Shi Hao, the future supreme Huangtian Emperor. You can see from the current state of the little guy that he is just a servant and not worth mentioning!

Xiao Longnu: Even so, I still look angry!

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Don't worry, with Senior Liu Shen, the incarnation of Master Ancestor Sacrificial Spirit, there will be no hindrance to the already invincible Huangtian Emperor. If you are interested, you can go to the perfect world to experience it. Of course, you have to Do what you can.”

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Yang should wait until the little one goes to the upper world to practice...

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, grandma took another look. If she couldn't bear it anymore, she traveled through time and killed these little servants.


Perfect world.

In the concierge, the two servants were sitting there looking like that. They had no respect for the so-called little master. They said carelessly that the ancestor was going to die and gloated about his misfortune.

You are not allowed to talk nonsense! The pale child was very weak and his big eyes were full of tears. He felt sad and desperate.

He was really afraid that his only relative, his grandfather, would pass away, and he couldn't let go of that kind of family affection. And these servants are so abominable, how should he live in the future?

Young Master, you are actually suffering a lot while living in such a sick condition. I see, to pay my last respects to the old man, you also...that something. One of the concierges laughed dryly, but did not say it out loud. After all, it was too explicit.

Okay, don't say any more. It will happen sooner or later. Judging from his appearance, he won't live long. He must be a short-lived ghost. Another servant whispered, with a sneer.

You are disgusting, I will never forgive you! With tears in the child's eyes, he held on to the wall and walked lamely inside.

He was very lonely, walking in a huge manor, with no relatives or playmates, only deserted and dilapidated buildings, and some old windows creaked after the wind blew.

The child walked all the way in and came to a fairly spacious yard. He pushed open a maple door with the paint already peeling off and called out softly: Grandpa.

Lying on that ancient bed was a white-haired old man, with a face as golden as paper, a breath as fine as gossamer, and a pair of dim eyes that had lost the brilliance of the past when he was so powerful.

Child...if I die, the only person I won't worry about is you. The old man raised his arm with difficulty and reached forward, trembling a little, and only touched the child's hand several times.

Grandpa, you will not die. The child cried.

Child... don't cry. The old man rubbed his pale face with rough palms, and tears fell from his muddy old eyes, feeling very reluctant.

Grandpa! The child cried, very helpless, lying on the bedside, grabbing the old man's hand hard and refusing to let go.

The old man held his little hand with his rough big hands, looking left and right, full of affection, but his eyes were dim, and he opened his mouth to say something, but his chest heaved and he was a little speechless.

Grandpa, you can't leave me. What will I do if I'm left alone? The child looked sadly and shook the old man's arm.

In the past few years, several old men have passed away one after another, which made him extremely sad. Only the last old man left, the person closest to him, was about to die at this time, which made him terrified.

Child... The old man opened his mouth, but all his words were reduced to these two words. He could no longer say them. His eyes were dull and he could only breathe heavily.

Outside the door, the little boy's big eyes were red. He sneaked into Zhuangzi silently. After several days of observation, he was convinced that there were no masters here.

He pushed the door open and walked in, wiped away his tears, looked at the old man on the bed, and choked with sobs: Grandpa.

Ah, you... The pale child was startled.

The old man on the bed was puzzled. On his deathbed, he unexpectedly saw such a child he had never seen before, and called him such a name. He looked at it in confusion.

The once all-powerful generation of strong men could not withstand the passage of time, and their situation was very bleak in their old age.

Grandpa, I am the child from back then. Look, you are here! The little boy choked with sobs. Through Liu Shen, he saw what happened back then. He knew that several old people who were exiled here were very good to their family, and they were responsible for the child next to them. Come out to replace him.

Hearing these words, the old man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes. His originally dim eyes suddenly glowed with a compelling light, and he said in a trembling voice, Are you...really him?

He actually spoke, his voice was urgent and his eyes were scary.

It's me, Grandpa, I see you're here. The little boy grabbed his hand, his voice choked with sobs. The other old people had left, and he didn't even have time to show off.

Your injury... The old man breathed heavily and asked a little urgently, but he could only say these few words and could not say anything else.

My injury is healed and I'm over it. Xiao Budian said. He knew what the old man wanted to hear most right now, so he said softly: I can now wield a hundred and eight thousand kilograms of supernatural power with one arm.

He told the truth. Sure enough, after the old man heard this, his eyes widened in shock, his lips kept moving, and he pulled one of his arms, as if to confirm something.

Yes, it's just the power of one arm! Xiao Budian nodded vigorously with tears in his eyes.

Haha... At the last moment, the old man burst out laughing as if reflecting on his past, and his muddy old tears rolled down his face. His face was full of surprise and relief, as if he had no regrets.

The little one cried. He knew that the old man had exhausted his last energy and could not be saved even with the holy medicine.

This old man is a biological brother of Shi Hao's grandfather. In terms of blood, they are really close to each other. He is indeed very kind to him, unlike the people in the imperial capital who are so indifferent.

Grandpa... The child next to him cried loudly.

The old man's eyes lost all brilliance. He used his last strength to grab the child's hand, then looked at Xiao Shi Hao, opened his mouth, and wanted to put the little hand in his, but he had no strength.

The little one burst into tears, stretched out a hand, took the initiative to grab the little hand, squeezed it hard, and then put it together in the old man's rough hand, and said softly: Grandpa, please don't worry, I will take good care of him. !”

The last drop of turbid old tears fell down the old man's face, and he remained motionless. With a smile on his face, there was a sense of relief and a sense of satisfaction after being relieved.

With joy, relief, and regret, he passed away and closed his eyes.

Grandpa! The child next to him cried loudly, and suddenly threw himself on the old man, heartbroken and heartbroken, with tears rolling down his face in strings.

The little one also shed tears, and finally picked up the child, warned him in a low voice, and then left.


In the chat group.

Little Lolita from Peach Blossom Island - Huang Rong: Uuuuu~~ Grandpa is so kind, I really don't want him to die!

Great Master - Muchen:'s really embarrassing.

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Can't you resurrect the old man?

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Yang is okay, but it involves too much.

Big-eared Tutu: Is it really not possible? Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Tutu thinks this old man is as good as Grandpa Niu. Is it really impossible to resurrect him?

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: It's self-evident. Although this affects the little one's established destiny line, I can resurrect it and trace it back to the parallel perfect world dimension.

Luo Feng: As expected of the Lord Sacrificing the Spirit of the Ancestors, he takes part in creation.

Tomb of the Gods - Nangong Xian'er: The supreme quasi-immortal emperor, Lord Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit is the best!




a perfect world.

Li Changsheng's incarnation as the Willow God in this time and space used the ancient immortal method, fate-defying retrospection, and immortal dimension to connect the mysteries.

After resurrecting it through great creation, it was sent to the eternal perfect world of parallel time and space. .

Enjoy carefree happiness without any burden.

Liu Shenye informed the little one. .

After the little one found out, he wasn't so sad anymore.

The group members expressed their emotion that the ancestor worshiping spirit has great power.


The live broadcast continues.

a perfect world.

As the supreme Immortal King, Liu Shen can resurrect the old man very easily, shape memories, and follow the laws of heaven in the lower realms. It is also very simple.

So except for the little ones and the chat group members.

The fate line still develops as it was originally planned.

Therefore, the old man still died.

But this death is just the death of the original destiny line.

What should have been resurrected has been resurrected.

How to describe this?

It shields the mysterious synaesthesia of heaven and modifies the secret of heaven.

So to speak.

Because although the old man has a very important influence on the fate of the little one.

But the old man himself was like that.

It is still easy for Liu Shen to create a false destiny line.


Two days later, the old man was buried, and the child was crying hard in front of the grave. A group of servants couldn't pull him up, and he fainted several times.

Finally, he was carried away by two loyal old servants.

It wasn't until everyone left that he came to the grave, whispered softly, and worshiped seriously.

Young Master, one of your feet is lame. Walk slowly and be careful not to fall. Still at the concierge, the two servants became even more unscrupulous and laughed loudly. Several old men are dead, what kind of trouble can a little poor man cause? Aren't the people outside always trying to kill him? It's easy to think about it.

You... The child was angry, with a white face and big red eyes, staring at them.

You two bastards have gone too far. This is a young master, how can you talk?! the two old servants shouted.

Old guy is meddling in other people's business. This dilapidated place is like a prison. How can there be a young master? Calling him that way is just to put money on his face. The two servants in the concierge turned against each other.

The two old servants were trembling with anger. They took the child's hands and left angrily.

In the evening, the little boy appeared in the child's room and whispered, What is your wish now?

I want to see Dahei and the tiger cubs he gave birth to. The child said with tears. Dahei was a black tiger raised by Mr. Hai, who was usually responsible for delivering prey to Zhuangzi. He usually lacked playmates and was very worried. Lonely, every time Haiye comes to deliver prey, only Dahei plays with him for a while.

Chapter 175 Shi Hao and Qingfeng

The little one was a little sad.

Although Senior Liu Shen is an old man.


He can't talk about it now.

Don't you want to punish the two servants of the porter? asked the little boy.

I want to, but I don't want to make things bigger. The child said with red eyes. Those two people were very mean. After several old people passed away one after another, they did a lot of bad things in Zhuangzi.

Squeak! The fur ball screamed. It also saw everything in its eyes and was very angry. It meant that it wanted to teach him a harsh lesson.

Maoqiu, you go ahead and do it. Xiaodian said. He had other things to do. He wanted to see who bribed these servants. Although he had guessed a few things, he still wanted to confirm it and take some action because The other party is bullying others too much!

Don't cry. Forget everything here. From now on, I will take you to a place called Butian Pavilion. No one will dare to bully you anymore. Xiao Budian comforted him.


In the middle of the night, a ferocious beast flew over and landed outside Zhuangzi. It was a one-horned human bear, three feet tall, with a light golden color, a golden horn on its head, and a pair of wings on its back, which could fly into the sky.

This kind of creature can cast runes, but it cannot form primitive treasure bones. Just like the unicorn, it has a certain strength, but it is not a truly powerful beast.

Sitting on its head was a small beast as big as a fist. It was fleshy, round, and shining with golden light. When it arrived, it ran away with a whoosh without a trace. It was Furball, and even the little one didn't expect that it could tame such a ferocious beast after going out for a while.

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