In fact, the Stone Kingdom was at its peak, far from the time when it was necessary to quell the chaos. Especially in the past few hundred years, the Human Emperor's runes reached the sky, his power was unparalleled, and the country became more and more prosperous. No one dared to betray it.

Only in this border area may it be less stable, because from time to time aliens come to knock on the gate, plunder the human race, and devour the living beings, but for this vast ancient country, some small battles are nothing.

Chongyun Town can actually be called a city because it has a population of 80,000 and its geographical location is very important. It is an important town in the west and a dangerous pass under the huge city in the center of this area.

In the past hundred years, strong men from other races have invaded from time to time, but as long as they pass by here and want to invade in large numbers, they have never succeeded.

On the way, the little boy met some people one after another, most of them businessmen. They went into the primitive mountains and forests to buy animal skins, elixirs, etc. from distant tribes. Although the round trip was dangerous, the profits were extremely considerable.

Well, go back early. I heard that the peace has been uneasy recently. The Wood Clan in the wilderness has been wanting to send troops. Moreover, it is said that an ancient relic came from the depths of this mountain range. It has just settled here, and it wants to show off its power. In order to intimidate them, they will probably come to Chongyun City to cause trouble.

The little boy listened carefully. He was obviously conspicuous when riding alone, but no one made things difficult for him on the road. It's definitely not easy for a child to dare to walk alone like this with blood all over his body. In fact, these people often go to the primitive old forests and have seen a lot. They think that most of them are the children of big families who come out to experience.

Oops, no, there seems to be a small wave of beasts. Could it be that ancient relic that launched in advance and came here to establish its power?

Probably not, he's probably just an ordinary beast king. There aren't that many beasts in the herd. Let's run away!

Along the way, they could already see Chongyun Town. The city wall was majestic, blocking the front like a mountain range. It was made of huge stones like Diamond Rock. It was completely black and exuded an astonishing luster like metal.

In front of the city, there was a group of ferocious birds and beasts, a large black mass. They did not go around the city. They obviously wanted to establish their power here. Their roars shook the sky, and they actually wanted to attack the city. It was terrifying.

Hurry and escape, I hope the spirit worshiper can kill all these evil spirits!

This group of people quickly fled and rushed into the distance. They did not dare to enter the city at this time for fear of being targeted by the beasts and suffering misfortune.

In that city, there was a mountain of earth next to the city gate. There was a plant growing on it. It was four to five feet high and could be clearly seen outside the city. It was dark green all over and had huge leaves, shaped like cattail fans.

This is the Sacrificial Spirit of Chongyun Town, a plant that even people in this city cannot accurately name. It is called Lord Sacrificial Spirit, or Lord Chongyun.

It has bursts of fragrant fragrance, and there are three strange flowers between its huge dark green leaves. Each one is as big as a millstone, with gorgeous petals and shimmering rays of light. One is surrounded by red light, one is as white as jade, and the other is as white as jade. The purple mist is thick.

The herd of beasts obviously saw the people outside the city, and a group of them immediately rushed towards this side, roaring and arriving at great speed.

Master Sacrificial Spirit, help! the group of people shouted.

The little one was ready to fight, but at this moment, there was a flash of red clouds, and the plant on the earth mountain in the city, the flower with the flashing red clouds bloomed, and the petals stopped closing, and there was an astonishing fluctuation.


A ray of red light rushed out, then circled and slashed towards the area. The dozens of ferocious birds and beasts that rushed towards them were immediately thrown into chaos. They roared continuously, and the blood light appeared one after another, and the beasts suffered heavy losses.

The little boy's eyes revealed a strange light, and he was surprised to find that this so-called red light turned out to be a flying sword, all red and crystal clear like fire jade.

A flower holds a flying sword?

Not long after, these dozens of ferocious beasts and exotic birds all fell in a pool of blood, or their heads were chopped off, or their bodies were cut off. It was very domineering!

It's much more powerful than the God of Suan Village. Before Auntie Green Scale Eagle ate Suan Ni's flesh and blood, she would definitely be far behind. The little one whispered, the red light was too fast, and it only took a moment to make these The evil thing will be killed.

With a flash of light, the red sword flew towards the city.

The businessmen who collected animal skins and elixirs all had pale faces. After coming back to their senses, they kowtowed to Chongyun Town and thanked them for their great kindness.

Ah, it turns out that its stamen is exactly the same as the flying sword. The little one was surprised. The flying sword was just a stamen, shaped like a sword. It flew back and inserted into the petals, flowing with dazzling light, and then the whole flower closed again. .

Lord Chongyun has been guarding this place for hundreds of years. It started from a small town with a population of less than a thousand people, and now the city's population has exceeded 80,000. He is indispensable.

In terms of strength, Master Chongyun is capable of guarding a huge city. He is no weaker than the sacrificial spirits of the huge city, but he has always been reluctant to leave.

These people talked a lot, and the little one was surprised when he heard it. This plant is indeed very powerful.

This sacrificial spirit is extraordinary. In the city, a slightly fat middle-aged man said to himself, his face was white and beardless, and his eyes were shining.

It's very strong. This kind of sacrificial spirit is rare. If you, sir, come forward and invite me, maybe this sacrificial spirit will join our Rain Clan. A young man next to him said.

The slightly fat middle-aged man shook his head and said: Forget it, it's not good to spread the word, but business is more important. I don't know if Miss Xia Youyu is back. We are here to ask for the talisman. Beast outside the city The flock never dispersed, and there were ferocious birds wandering around here, not flinching because of the death of a group of their own kind.

In the city, on the earth mountain, the tree for worshiping the spirit is four to five feet tall, with a dark green body and three millstone-sized flowers that look like peonies. The sunlight is flowing, very gorgeous, and there are bursts of fragrance.

The more the sacrificial spirit behaved like this and did not take the initiative to attack, the more restless the beasts outside the city became. They were very afraid of this sacrificial spirit that had taken root here for many years. Although they did not flinch, they did not dare to attack for a while.

Suddenly, a long cry came, its sound was like thunder, shaking the leaves in the dense forest and falling. A huge black shadow appeared in the sky, and a ferocious bird fifty or sixty meters long came across the sky, with a body of black light flashing and energy billowing. The silver eyes were as sharp as lightning, the runes flashed, and there was an oppressive aura coming down from the sky.

Ah, the leader of the group of ferocious birds and beasts has appeared. It turned out to be a ferocious bird. What a terrifying wave! People were surprised.

This time the beast tide was led by this powerful ferocious bird. It roared, and all kinds of beasts on the ground immediately began to attack. They were frightened by its power and no one dared not to obey.


In the city, on the earth mountain, the sacred tree once again bloomed with red clouds, the red flower was in full bloom, and a red lightning shot up, slashing across the sky, extremely sharp.

Puff, puff...

The beasts that rushed at the front fell down immediately and were hit by red flying swords. Their forehead bones were all cut apart, and bright red blood flowed out, causing a panic and chaos.

It is obviously a plant, but it can produce such a domineering red sword. This sword-shaped stamen can be called a shocking weapon, indestructible, and the attacks of all beasts and exotic birds have been slowed down.

With such a sacrificial spirit sitting in charge, it can withstand thousands of troops. The ordinary beast tide cannot shake the foundation of Chongyun City, making it impregnable.

In the sky, the huge fierce bird that was fifty or sixty meters long screamed, black light flashed, and mysterious ripples appeared all over its body. When it opened its mouth, a large firelight fell down and attacked the plant. It took action on its own, otherwise the beast tide would collapse.

The red sword flew back, and the dark green plants shook and glowed. A piece of green mist rose up and rushed into the sky, blocking the large firelight and making a chilachila sound. Soon the fire became smaller.

The black ferocious bird in the sky has a pair of silver eyes that are blazing with light. It shoots out beams of light, clanging like huge silver arrows, all of which are more than ten meters long, shooting towards it.

Bo, Bo...

The dark green leaves of the plant in the city trembled, and three flowers as big as millstones bloomed at the same time. Three kinds of light, red, white, and purple, burst out, the light mist rolled, and the auspicious clouds were gorgeous, emitting an astonishing wave.

The red sun flickered, and the sound of the sword was deafening. The red sword was the first to rush up, flying to the sky, and drew a bright red light, like the sunset. Then there was a flash of white light, and a white jade sword soared into the sky. Then, purple air steamed up, and a purple sword roared.

The three flying swords shot up from the ground together, like comets across the sky, swaying out a long tail light, illuminating the entire sky. The light was astonishing, penetrating the sky and the earth!

In the sky, ferocious birds hovered like a dark cloud, menacing and menacing. From the silver pupils, silver beams of light rushed out, only to be killed one after another.

The three-handled swords clanged loudly, the sound of the swords moved the sky, the runes spread, and finally dispersed the remaining firelight, and struck at the vicious bird.

The ferocious birds flapped their wings and struggled to fight. Brilliant runes erupted there, and they clashed fiercely.

Accompanied by bursts of sonorous sounds, and finally a pop sound, the huge vicious bird's body was split open, and a large rain of blood fell in the sky. The giant bird's head was cut off and fell to the ground.

The beast tide collapsed immediately, the leader was killed, and fled in all directions, rushing towards the distant mountains.

In the super dimensional chat group.

The group members who saw this scene also started talking about it.

Yue Buqun: ...I don't know what to say about these lives. just the lower realm. The level of fighting is not even comparable to the highest level of martial arts in the legend.

Chapter 173 Nobita is not simple

Your Majesty, have mercy on me - Lu Shu: The Stone Kingdom is hundreds of millions of miles away... There are more than a few powerful ancient countries like the Stone Kingdom in the Eight Realms of the Lower World. The earth's surface area is 510 million square kilometers, of which 71% is ocean and 29% is The land is worthy of being the fantasy world where Master Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit lives.

Dragon Ball - Frieza: ..., Lu Shu, you are quite strict.

The Great Master - Muchen: The issue everyone is concerned about is wrong, isn't it? What we should be concerned about is that Little One's growth is too exaggerated. In the blink of an eye, I am no longer Little One's opponent.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, in the magnificent fantasy world, I have the advantage of being the son of supreme destiny in the world where Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit lives. It's normal that you are not my opponent...

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I can't imagine that in the blink of an eye, the cute and lovable little one is also cute and lovable now, but killing mythical beasts and raptors is just like playing, alas... human beings The differences between people are indeed different.”

Swallowing the Starry Sky--Luo Feng: It's a great world that makes people yearn for, but unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary warrior.

Xiao Longnu: Ordinary Warrior, look, is this human language??

Yue Buqun: Strongly agree with Xiao Longnu!

Ma Daxian, who has calculated all the world, said: Ahem, continue watching the live broadcast. If you want to go to the perfect world, you can go at any time. I have enabled the chat group's travel permission. There is no need to buy a travel charm, but you have to do what you can, such as Nobita, Tutu, Xiao Huang Rong and the like, let’s forget about it and improve ourselves.”

Doraemon·Nobita: ...

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: Don't underestimate Nobita, this boy is not simple.

Li Qiye: It is indeed not simple. Although I have not recovered my cultivation, but... through the nature of cause and effect, I can find out what is behind this child. Forget it, I won't talk about it anymore...

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Huh? Even Master Ji Ling and Senior Qiye said so. It seems that Nobita is really not simple. Unfortunately, I am not very talented and have little knowledge, so I can't tell.

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Eh? Is Nobita so powerful?

Doraemon Nobita: Master Ancestor Spirit praised me, I'm so happy, but... I'm just an ordinary elementary school student, so I'm a little embarrassed to say this. Shy smile.jpg.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Since the ancestors of the ancestors said so, it seems that Nobita will indeed be very powerful in the future. If you think about it carefully, the world in which Nobita lives is too unreasonable.

But let's talk about this topic later. The little one is about to start here. Let's watch the live broadcast first. You can go if you want.


a perfect world.


The city gate opened wide, and a group of strong men rushed out, chasing after each other. Clusters of arrow feathers were thrown into the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, and then fell into the fierce birds and beasts. Blood suddenly spattered, leaving behind a body. Another corpse.

In the distance, the little boy witnessed the battle just now, and felt quite uneasy in his heart. The sacrificial spirits are really all kinds of weird, and there are all kinds of species. Without exception, they are all extremely powerful.

It's just a plant with three flowers as big as a millstone, but it actually gave birth to a pistil sword, which is really amazing.

This battle touched him a lot. Xiao Shihao murmured, The runes can indeed be used in this way. A sharp weapon can be produced in the body and used for impact. It is indestructible, just like what Liu Shen said.

He was thinking whether he should follow suit and condense a sharp weapon using runes.

In the city, the slightly fat middle-aged man witnessed this battle and said to himself: This spirit-sacrifice plant is really not simple. It actually grows several flying swords. Its future achievements are limitless.

The three swords were all rare treasures, priceless, which made him tempted, but he also knew that no matter how powerful the Rain Clan was, there were some things he couldn't touch.

Well, by the way, is there any news in that shabby village? After the middle-aged man came to his senses, he asked a steward next to him.

No, that couple never came back after they left. The steward responded. He was in his forties and had stayed in Western Xinjiang all year round. He was usually very powerful, but at this time he nodded and bowed, exactly the same as before.

Shi Ziling is a very scary person. The clan members are worried and don't want him to appear again. Pay more attention and report any news immediately. A look of anger appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

Yes, as long as there is any trouble, I will report it immediately. The steward looked loyal. He had had enough of staying in this wilderness and wanted to return to the imperial capital.

By the way, is that child still alive? the middle-aged man with a pale face and a slightly fat face asked casually.

The steward responded hurriedly and said: He is very weak and won't live long.

The middle-aged man said Huh without comment.

The steward's face suddenly turned pale and he added: Those old monsters have all passed away one after another, and the last remaining one can't live for a few days, and that little bastard probably won't live long either.

Don't mess around. No matter how dilapidated that place is, it still has an extraordinary meaning. If it really causes trouble... Hey! the middle-aged man warned.

Don't worry, sir. This child may accidentally fall into a well, fall off a mountain, or be attacked by a bird of prey and die in the future. It is an accident and there will be no trace or flaw.

Stop being so smart! The middle-aged man glared at him fiercely.

Yes! The manager bowed quickly, not daring to argue.

When the middle-aged man left to rest, the steward immediately straightened up, sat on the armchair, with a straight face, and with a strong aura and dignity, said: Here comes someone!

Outside Chongyun City, businessmen who had gone to primitive tribes to purchase animal skins and elixirs emerged from the dense forest and returned one after another toward the city gate.

The little boy watched in the distance for a while, then drove the unicorn away quickly. He did not enter the city, for fear of something happening, because someone was checking at the city gate.

The unicorn was moving very fast, and he was going to bypass this area and go to the second ancestral land of the Stone Clan.

The terrain was steep and treacherous, and the detour actually cost more than a thousand miles. First there were cliffs blocking the road, and then there were swamps.

However, after 300,000 miles, he didn't care about taking an extra thousand miles of detours, and finally successfully entered the Stone Kingdom and rushed to the ruined ancestral land.

At noon, we finally arrived at our destination. The sun was strong and there was plenty of sunshine, but the dilapidated village seemed gloomy and many buildings were about to collapse.

The little one didn't approach immediately, but let go of the unicorn from a long distance away, letting it run into the forest on its own, with only the fur ball to carefully observe. He had to be careful. The Stone Clan was too huge. If someone were to wait here and wait for him to fall into his trap, it would be extremely dangerous and life-threatening.

For several days, Xiao Shi Hao did not act rashly, wandering around the nearby area and detecting many things.

There are four villages and a town gathered around it, which is naturally very special in this vast and sparsely populated Western Xinjiang. Normally, you have to walk through mountains and mountains before you can see a village.

These villages were originally mainly to support this dilapidated ancestral land, and finally formed such a gathering place.

This is a place of exile, but ordinary people cannot enter. Only people with prominent status in the Stone Clan and who have committed serious crimes will be sent here.

Oh, it's getting more and more lifeless. Several old monsters have died one after another. What will happen to the poor little one left? What a sin. An old man drove a beast cart and left the dilapidated village. He was bringing fruits and prey. Waiting for food to come.

Although there are some servants in Zhuangzi, the place still looks deserted, like an abandoned land, desolate and lonely.

Grandpa Hai, you must bring Dahei next time and let him play with me for a while. In the dilapidated village, a thin child sat on the stone steps, waving hard and coughing as he spoke. His face is as white as snow.

Okay, when Dahei gives birth to the litter of tiger cubs, I will send them over immediately and let them play with you. The old man who drove the beast cart away shook his head and whispered: What a poor child. , I have no relatives, no playmates, and I stay in this cemetery-like old village all day long. My childhood was too gloomy.

It wasn't until the old man drove the beast cart far away that the child stood up reluctantly, with a slight limp, holding on to the wall, and slowly moved towards the village.

In the distance, the little boy stood in the forest, staring blankly at all this, almost crying, and said to himself: Is that the other me? He is lonely and unhappy here instead of me, and his health is so bad that his feet are lame. Yes, were you hurt?

The little boy touched the talisman in his arms that looked like gold but not gold and looked like stone, and whispered: I want to send you to Butian Pavilion. No matter how far away, I will go with you.

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