I guess you heard this name from some news, right? Shuhang gave up, not wanting to waste his brain cells on this issue.

Yurouzi dragged her big suitcase to the taxi aisle.

Within a moment, several taxis were speeding toward Soft Feather - it turns out that a pretty face is an advantage no matter where you go. Otherwise, just her huge suitcase will make many taxi drivers give up the idea of ​​taking passengers.

Girl, where are you going? The red taxi took the first place. The driver was an old man with a Chinese character and spoke Mandarin with a Jiangnan accent.

Master... do you know where the Ghost Light Temple is? Yurouzi asked, her voice soft and soft, completely different from her lively and youthful appearance. But this is more contrasting and cute.

The man with the Chinese character’s face thought hard for a long time and shook his head: “I’ve never heard of Ghost Lantern Temple.”

When she saw the Chinese-faced man shaking his head, Yurouzi's heart sank, her face turned slightly red, and she was extremely disappointed.

Fortunately, the man with the Chinese character face immediately asked again: Do you know which neighborhood it is in?

I know, it's Luo Xin Street! Yurouzi immediately replied.

I know the Luoxin neighborhood. I am familiar with it. I live in that area. But girl, did you remember the name of the temple wrong? I have lived there for several years and have never heard of Ghost Lantern Temple. Uncle Face replied seriously.

Because of his profession, he knows the surrounding area very well. Especially in the Luoxin neighborhood where he lives, to exaggerate, every inch of land has his footprints, but he has never heard of the name of Ghost Lantern Temple.

Ah? Yu Rouzi's little face turned red again, but she immediately replied firmly: Then master, please take me to Luo Xin Street!

She was going to inquire about it when she got there, but if it didn't work...she would have to bite the bullet and call her father. But that is a last resort and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Girl, are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, you can take a bus to Luoxin Street. Taking a taxi will be a bit expensive, and it's more than two hours' drive. The man with the Chinese character face explained.

It's not that he doesn't want to make the money, but the two-hour drive costs a lot. The other party obviously doesn't know the distance. If the distance and price are not explained clearly before getting on the bus, disputes will easily arise after arriving at the destination.

It doesn't matter, just take me there. Yurouzi showed a shy smile. Money was not a problem for her at all.

After the Chinese-character-faced uncle confirmed it, he was also very happy. You can make a lot of money by driving this road.

Okay, then you get in the car and put the suitcase in the trunk. The man with the Chinese character said, opened the trunk, then opened the door and prepared to get out of the car to help carry the suitcase.

After all, the suitcase was huge. How could this little girl find the strength to carry it?

However, when the man with the Chinese character face opened the car door and turned around, his mouth opened in an O shape and could not be closed for a long time.

He saw the soft-looking little girl holding up the huge suitcase with one hand... holding it up, not lifting it, picking it up, or lifting it up. Instead, he gently lifted the suitcase with one hand like a small plate and put it into the trunk.

Could it be that the box looks big but is actually very light?

Just as he was thinking this, he felt the butt of the car sink slightly. The uncle has been working as a taxi driver for many years and has already reached the point where man and car become one. As soon as the car's butt sank, he could roughly estimate the weight of the object.

This box probably weighs more than sixty kilograms, right? Even heavier, almost the weight of an adult man.

This girl does weightlifting? He was really born with divine power. The man with the Chinese character face secretly swallowed his saliva. Fortunately, he is a kind driver. If he meets a guy with evil intentions and lust, he will definitely be killed instantly when he meets this girl, right?

Yurouzi didn't know how shocking her unintentional move was. After putting her suitcase away, she took two steps back to the back seat of the taxi and sat down.

Girl, you're pretty strong, sit tight. The man with the Chinese character smiled and stepped on the accelerator. The red taxi drove out of the driveway and headed towards Luoxin Street.

In the super dimensional chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, this driver made grandma laugh to death!!

Muchen: The strength of this girl Yu Rouzi is not comparable to what I am now...

Nobi Nobita: Shivering.

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Interesting system of fairy magic.

Ye Fan: Brothers, I will start my Beidou journey right away!

Lu Shu: You, the ancestral sacrifice spirit master, personally did this for me. I just want to watch Brother Song's live broadcast right now. Please step aside first...

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: Rong'er just wants to see Brother Song's world now.

Squirrel Airlines: Thank you for everyone's love, and thank you to the world I live in...

Ye Fan: ...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world: Xiao Song will be mistaken for a senior next, everyone, watch carefully...


The world of cultivation chat groups.

Jiuzhou No.1 Group

Yurouzi of Lingdie Island (online status on mobile phone): Senior Beihe, I am heading to Luo Xin District, but the taxi driver doesn't know about Ghost Lantern Temple. I am planning to ask the local residents when I arrive in Luo Xin District, maybe someone will know.

Okay, I asked a few people, but no one knows yet. Anyway, I will contact you if there is news. Beihe Sanren replied.

Thank you, senior. Yurouzi smiled back and secretly clenched her fists. After receiving the reply from Beihe Sanren, her uneasy mood calmed down a little - speaking of it, this was her first time traveling alone. In the past, he was always accompanied by his father, or he only moved around the area around Lingdie Island.

It always feels a bit exciting.

Song Shuhang didn't see the above chat record for the time being...because he had nothing to do, so after checking out the super-dimensional chat group, he went to the bookstore to read some books.

He picked up the thick book he rented last time. He has not finished reading this book yet. For him, the taste of books would be much worse if he didn't read them.

Just like the same 'Kang Shuaiguo' instant noodles, the taste is completely different when eaten dry and soaked.

Before going out, he accidentally brought his mobile phone with him - Song Shuhang generally did not have the habit of carrying mobile phones.

Today's mobile phones have more and more functions, and their sizes are correspondingly getting larger and larger. Nowadays, if you want to find a mobile phone that only has the function of making calls, you can't find it. Because the mobile phone was too big, Song Shuhang used it as a landline phone.

Seven percent power should be enough.

It doesn't have much power, but it should last him an afternoon if he's just answering calls or text messages.

With this in mind, he took his mobile phone and the rented books to the rental bookstore to read happily.

time flies.

About an hour and a half later.

It's strange. Did you wake up in the wrong way this morning? Song Shuhang doubtfully put the thick books in his hands back on the bookshelf - he couldn't even read them!

No matter it was novels, driving theory, comics, or classics, he couldn't read them all. This was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a thing.

It's evil. Song Shuhang murmured, sighed, picked up a book and headed to the book rental desk.

If you can't read it, there's no point reading.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a walk around the university town to relax.

Speaking of relaxing, we have to mention a resort near Jiangnan University Town - a paradise for foodies.

Go eat something delicious!

Foodie Paradise is a prosperous food district, two blocks away from Jiangnan University Town, and it takes more than 20 minutes to walk. But this distance cannot stop foodies at all.

Here, you can see everything except planes with wings in the sky and benches with four legs on the ground. Satisfy all kinds of appetites.

This place has always been known as a ‘foodie’s paradise’ or ‘gourmet paradise’, but its original name has been forgotten.

What's the name here?

Song Shuhang raised his head and looked at the block sign - Luo Xin Block welcomes you. The seven bright gold-lettered signs are shining brightly in the sun.

Oh, by the way, this is called Luo Xin Street. What a good name.

Shuhang thought like this as he entered the neighborhood.

After taking two steps, he jerked. He quickly returned to the big signboard and stared at the seven golden characters of Dujin.

Luoxin Street welcomes you!

That's right, Luo Xin Street.

Song Shuhang was speechless.

Shuhang thought about it for a long time, wondering where he had heard the name Luo Xin Street, but he couldn't remember it. It turns out that we are here, a famous foodie paradise!

No, isn't the Luo Xin neighborhood that Yu Rouzi in the group mentioned is in J City? This is the Jiangnan area.

Could it be that Yurouzi remembered the wrong place?

Or maybe there is a Luoxin neighborhood in J city and Jiangnan area?

This is also normal. City and county names are rarely repeated.

But there are a lot of repetitions in town names, neighborhoods, villages and the like. The place Yurouzi wants to go must be the one in J City, and she probably won't come to the Jiangnan area.

Because he came out to relax, Shuhang didn't think much about it.

He ate while walking and ate while shopping.

In the super dimensional chat group.

From a high-latitude perspective, the group members naturally knew that Squirrel Air was right.

But they don't tell.

This is so as not to disrupt its crucial line of destiny.

I don’t know how long I’ve been shopping, but after I felt a little tired, I bought two more crispy chicken rolls, sat down on the rest seats on the edge of the block, and rested.

Opposite the rest area is a large square in Luoxin District, full of people coming and going.

Chapter 172 In a perfect world, it’s time to consider becoming an Immortal Emperor and heading to the Holy Ruins Era

Song Shuhang's fate line is about to open.

Let’s not mention this for now.

Because the destiny line of the little boy Ishimura in the perfect world is about to begin.

He has emerged from the wilderness.

Because the chat group time and the timeline of each group member's world are different...


Most of the group members started to pay attention to the little one.

After all, the little one is the Emperor of Desolate Heaven who will be arbitrary for eternity in the future. .

Perfect world.

The little boy broke out of the Endless Mountains. There were not so many ferocious birds and beasts, and it was relatively safer. Two days later, he arrived near an important town on the border of Stone Kingdom.

Also guarding the little one is a true fairyland incarnation of Willow God.

It is also the incarnation of the ancestral sacrificial spirit Li Changsheng.

In this lower realm, it is enough to protect the little ones. .

Of course. .

This protection is hidden.


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng penetrated all the heavens and realms.

He murmured: It's time to think about becoming an Immortal Emperor and heading to the Holy Ruins Era...


a perfect world.

The ancient country was really too vast. It controlled hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. A single powerful princely fiefdom had a population of hundreds of millions or even more than a billion people. Its territory was vast and boundless.

It is naturally difficult to manage such a vast territory one by one. One can only build a central giant city in the center of each region to deter the situation. Once a riot breaks out in this area, the masters in the giant city will quickly dispatch to quell the chaos like thunder.

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