Although it's a lot of fun, once the game starts, I can't stop playing from game to game! !

Before I knew it, it was already noon.

The weekends always go by so fast. Song Shuhang laughed dryly, turned off the game, and habitually opened the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Take a look at it when you turn it on, take another look when you turn it off, and you will be in a good mood all day long!

As soon as the group window opened, he found that Beihe Sanren, who was often online, was indeed online.

There are many chat records in it.

Beihe Sanren: Brother Yao, your alchemy skills are really beyond words. I tried to refine the modified body quenching liquid ten times, and I was able to make eight of them successfully. The effect of the medicine is even better than I imagined. It's a pity that this body quenching liquid is only It is effective for new practitioners. It is not very useful for a Sanren like me, but it is of great use for seniors like Daluo Sect Yuyue Zhenjun and several other disciples who have many disciples. Wait until Senior Yudie and the others receive this elixir. After Fang, I owe you a big favor, Brother Yao.

The wandering monk Tongxuan also appeared and gave a thumbs up.

The Beihe Sanren immediately smiled and said, I forgot, Master Tongxuan, you also have a group of young monks under you. Senior Brother Yao, it seems that there are more people who owe you favors.

The wandering monk Tongxuan smiled again and dived.

Beihe Sanren smiled back. He felt that it was a pain in the ass to practice the 'closed-mouthed chant'. If there wasn't a chat group where Master Tongxuan could send out punctuation points and expressions, he wouldn't even be able to communicate with others, right? Buddhism is such a pain in the ass - so he was right not to be deceived by the great monk into becoming a novice monk!

About ten minutes later, the Three Waves of Crazy Blade came online: Fairy Yurouzi~~Fairy Yurouzi, if you are here, please be sure to respond to me!

At the same time, there was a row of tears and kneeling expressions.

Hey, Fellow Taoist Sanlang has not been online these days. Where did he go to retreat? Beihe Sanren smiled evilly. He was asking the question knowingly.

Shut up like a bird! Sanlang said, his voice choked with sobs: Three days ago, Venerable Spirit Butterfly 'Senior' came to visit me and stayed at my house for another three days. Then, You know, ah, ah, ah...

Haha. Beihe Sanren said that he would never sympathize with Sanlang. People who seek death do not deserve sympathy!

@Lingdie Island Yurouzi, beautiful Fairy Yurouzi, please come out and meet Lang! I have something important to ask of you! Sanlang screamed, and Lang was Sanlang's surname. His lay name is Lang San.

? Yu Rouzi from Lingdie Island came online and played a question mark.

Fairy, you finally came out. I have a heartfelt request - please take your father who is a serious lover of women back home. Lang is kneeling down! Sanlang posted OTZ kneeling down. expression.

Haha. Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi sent a smiling emoticon, and after a while, she faintly said: Is my love affair with a daughter serious?

Huh? Wait, something seems wrong?

Old man? Damn it, is Venerable Lingdie using his daughter's account again?

Click, something is broken? It's Sanlang's fragile mind.

This old guy really has a serious love affair with girls. He often logs into his daughter's account. Is there any way in this world?

... Beihe Sanren felt that the corners of his mouth could no longer stop twitching. Finally, he kindly reminded: By the way, Brother Sanlang. Miss Yurouzi is probably making a new version of the body tempering liquid, right?

Therefore, Miss Yurouzi will not be online in a short time.

Then, nothing more.

The Three Waves of Crazy Knife is offline... It's offline, not offline.

Chi! Song Shuhang laughed happily.

Feel good.

The atmosphere is the same as in a super-dimensional chat group.

Think of this.

Song Shuhang took a look at the super-dimensional chat group.

He found that there were not many group members watching his live broadcast at this moment. .

It seems that Senior Li Qiye’s fate of pretending to be a slap in the face is about to begin...

That's pretty good too.

Otherwise he would not feel comfortable.


Let's go eat. Song Shuhang stretched out his hand and prepared to shut down the Jiuzhou No. 1 Group.

Just when he was about to shut the group down, the Beihe San people in the group said again: Ah Qi, has one of your family's descendants finished the tribulation? Why is there no sound?

Su Clan's Ah Qi replied: We are preparing to cross. It will start in a few hours.

The Beihe San people asked again: Where will we go through the tribulation? Do you want help?

We are going through a tribulation in a suburb of H City. Don't worry, my A-Sixteen is extremely talented. It's just a trivial matter to advance to the third-grade acquired thunder tribulation. You can get through it with just a sprinkle of water. Just wait for my A-Sixteen to advance to the fourth-grade innate. Then I will find an opportunity to challenge you, hahaha. Su Clan's Ah Qi laughed, very relaxed.

I feel relieved when you say that. This little guy, Sixteen, is really talented. The third-grade acquired thunder tribulation shouldn't be a problem for this little guy. Beihe Sanren responded.

After that, the group returned to calm.

Song Shuhang scratched his chin, H City?

Isn’t this the place right next to the Jiangnan area? Speaking of which, the university town where he is located is the area in Jiangnan City that closely connects H City and J City.

H City is a small city in China. However, although the place is small, the economy is extremely developed. It is a well-known shopping paradise in China. It is said that there is nothing in heaven and earth that cannot be bought. Of course, except for those that are illegal.

If we go through the tribulation in H City, can we not see the Jiangnan area?

I'm really looking forward to it... Song Shuhang laughed. Did he actually take what the people in the group said seriously?

How about surviving the thunder tribulation? The weather was cloudless and sunny. There can't be a thunderstorm, right?

Besides, this is not a few years ago, and the current weather forecast is still very accurate. At least the weather in the next three days will be sunny and there will be no thunderstorms or rainstorms.

While the weather is nice, let's go to the bookstore after dinner! Song Shuhang murmured. .

at the same time.

A certain supreme paradise.

Liu Shen's Dharma is astonishing to the world, and the runes of the Great Dao cover the infinite universe.

It's really interesting to go through tribulations and cultivate immortality in this world...

He murmured thoughtfully. .

Chapter 168 I wish I could be as cool as him

Said it many times before.

The world of cultivation chat groups where Song Shuhang is located is a world of immortals and heroes.

But it’s not the traditional world of Xianxia...

Relatively speaking, it is a relatively relaxed and comfortable world.

But it is definitely not the so-called technological immortality.

Because the law and system are still ancient and traditional systems.


The avenue is curtained.

The generated laws, catastrophes, etc. also have unique laws belonging to their own world...

Liu Shen must be particularly interested in this.

Because His main purpose in this world is to collect the Dharma of this world for me.

What's more, Xiuliao is also a world with all heavens and realms.


There are also more people watching Song Shuhang's live broadcast in the super-dimensional chat group.


Watching Song Shuhang's live broadcast is indeed more relaxing and pleasant.

The big world of cultivation chat groups.

After lunch, Song Shuhang went to a nearby rental bookstore to read some books.

He likes reading books, not because he wants to save money on renting books, but because it is his personal hobby - Shuhang feels that it is so much more fun to squat in the corner of the bookshelf in a rented bookstore and read a book!

Of course, in order to avoid being disgusted by his boss, after reading for a long time, he would rent one or two books and go back - as a human being, you must not do everything in a steady manner, but you must keep the flow steady! This will prevent the boss from getting disgusted with him and kicking him out.

After all, it is rare to find a large rental bookstore like the one in front of you that has a variety of books that are not limited to novels.

If it's blacklisted, I'm afraid there won't be a better bookstore near Jiangnan University Town.

It is said that a person's name is very important, and a person lives up to his name. Song Shuhang likes reading books very much, and he doesn't refuse anyone who comes.

Whether it is novels, literary works, classical collections, or even all kinds of boring theoretical knowledge that makes people feel overwhelmed, he likes them all.

Recently, he has been mainly reading some motor vehicle driving skills and attention knowledge in the bookstore. He plans to take advantage of the relaxed freshman class to take the driver's license test. Applying for a driver's license in school is 7,000 to 8,000 yuan cheaper than going out.

Time for reading always goes by very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

So soon... I have to prepare to go back. I have to go to the nearby supermarket to bring some dry food for a midnight snack. We can fight all night long on Saturday night. Song Shuhang chuckled.

After that, he randomly picked up a book and went to the counter to go through the book rental procedures.

The counter is at the exit of the rental bookstore. The sunshade outside was broken today, so the bookstore owner hid in the shade to avoid direct sunlight.

The sun is so bright, it already feels like midsummer. Song Shuhang covered his eyes with one hand and looked up at the cloudless sky. While handing the book he wanted to rent to the landlady.

The landlady is a typical Jiangnan beauty, as if she is made of water.

Her hobby is also reading, and she also likes to hold a book and read it all day long. It can be seen from her clothes that her quality of life is not low, and opening this rental bookstore is just her personal hobby.

The landlady, who usually sits there quietly and reads a book, is simply picturesque and pleasing to the eye. Many ordinary young people suddenly changed their hobbies and transformed from second-class youths into literary youths just to see this picturesque scene.

But it is said that this picturesque side is just the landlady's peaceful mode...

If there is a peaceful mode, then there must be a PK mode or a violent mode. However, Shuhang has not seen him in the six months since he came here.

Okay, remember to come back within two days. For every extra day, the rent will be increased by one yuan. The landlady completed the book rental procedures and waved Song Shuhang to get out of here.

Although they only got along for half a semester, this young man who loved to read and read for half the day left a deep impression on the boss's wife. If this young man hadn't been wise enough to rent a book or two to take care of her business, she would have driven them away with a broomstick.

Hehe. Song Shuhang smiled, took the book, and stepped across the threshold of the rental bookstore.

boom! ! !

At this moment, a deafening sound sounded like an explosion.

Everyone in the rental bookstore was shocked. Song Shuhang almost lost his footing when he stepped out and almost fell down!


Ouch, mom!

A bolt from the blue?

Scared to death. Various exclamations came one after another in the rental bookstore.

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky and found that the originally cloudless sky had changed. There was a dark cloud gathering quietly at the end of the horizon. In the blink of an eye, it covered the small patch of sky at the end of the horizon, giving the appearance of a storm about to come.

Super dimensional chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, are you going to transcend the tribulation? Grandma, the way of heaven is not obvious here. The last time I saw the tribulation was when I was born, but the memory is already blurry. I am so lucky now!

The Great Master - Muchen: Yes, although the chat group has many members nowadays, it is truly a world of immortals. It seems that there is only one person in the world, Brother Song.

Tomb of the Gods - Chen Nan: You forgot Senior Beixuan...

Great Master - Muchen: ...I'm sorry, I really forgot. I'm sorry, Senior Beixuan...

Rebirth of Urban Cultivation - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): No problem, actually, my world is indeed the world of immortals. However, the fate line uploaded by the group owner is relatively small about cultivation, so the misunderstanding is understandable. Yes, smile.jpg.”

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: It's really exciting to overcome the catastrophe.

Song Shuhang: People are a little scared at the scene of the tribulation.

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