
The world of cultivation chat groups.

Thunder roared, making people's ears ring.

Song Shuhang's raised leg retracted again.

At the end of the horizon, the area of ​​dark clouds became strangely distorted. A thunder snake emerged from the dark clouds, rumbling and forming a thunder net.

Song Shuhang had seen thunder, but he had never seen thunder and lightning so densely packed like this in his life - it was like the end of the world. The thunder and lightning in the sky did not flash one after another, but fell together one after another.

The sound of rolling thunder is also distinctive.

As expected of Thunder Tribulation!

Song Shuhang couldn't help but sigh...

Thunder in the Jiangnan area used to sound like a loud bang, followed by a series of rolling echoes. Now, the thunder sounded like firecrackers with a lot of gunpowder added. Boom, bang, bang, bang, noisy and noisy, even the echo was covered up.

Assuming that someone committed an evil act and was struck by lightning, what kind of evil would have to be required to cause such a situation of being struck by thousands of thunders?

What's more, what worries Song Shuhang is that the dark thundercloud has not spread, but has been shrinking at the end of the horizon, bombarding violently, but has no rhythm of spreading.

The roar of thunder lasted for about ten breaths and continued for a long time.

This gives a feeling that the storm is coming more violently.

What a misfortune! Song Shuhang sighed and thought to himself, How about reading for a while?

Generally speaking, even if there is a thunderstorm, it comes and goes quickly. But if the showers last longer, maybe he can read a book again?

Thinking of this, he turned back to the bookstore and prepared to squat for a while.

It was as if God and Shuhang were joking.

When he turned around and stepped back to the bookstore, the roaring in his ears stopped suddenly!

The dark clouds and violent thunder snakes in the sky also dissipated at the same time! It's as if a big hand is painting the sky. When the painting feels unsatisfactory, it wipes away the dark clouds and thunder snakes.

The sky is cloudless again and the sun is shining! It was as if the explosive thunder and the sky full of thunder snakes were just auditory hallucinations and hallucinations.

Someone in the rental bookstore murmured: What is going on?

Isn't it possible that someone really did something wrong and was struck by lightning?

Superstition! The so-called thunder and lightning is just a natural phenomenon...

At this time, a little kid next to Shuhang raised his head. He was holding a children's comic in his left hand, and with his right palm facing the sky, he shouted loudly and in a very heroic tone: Ah, I want this day, no matter how hard it is to hide me, Eyes, I want this land to bury my heart no longer! I want these dark clouds in the sky to disappear without a trace!

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched.

He thought to himself: What a fucking second grader...

He was sure that when this little kid grew up, he would be so shy that he would roll on the floor whenever he recalled the scene today. And the memory of this dark history will haunt the little kid for his whole life. Then when I finally feel that I have forgotten this memory, maybe it will pop up from some corner of my mind someday, making people want to shout: Go to hell, how shameful! some type of. It also makes people wish they could go back in time and beat themselves up for doing stupid things back then.

But it should be said or not, Song Shuhang suddenly felt that it would be great if he could be as cool as this little kid.

Because he himself has a deep understanding of it.

It stands to reason that I joined the super-dimensional chat group and the Kyushu No. 1 chat group.

As the saying goes, the ancestors are not worthy of the law, and the way of heaven is not worthy of fear. My way is the way of heaven, and my law is superior to all laws!

A little kid with nothing can be so cool.

Why not myself?

Thinking about it.

Song Shuhang thought.

Pull it down...

Even if he leaves first, he has two golden fingers.

But he still knows nothing FW.

Let’s wait a little longer.

When he saw this funny little kid, Song Shuhang suddenly remembered the second group of immortal heroes in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

If it weren't for the super-dimensional chat group, he really wouldn't know that all of these second-tier friends were real practitioners...

Otherwise, how many detours would he take?

Follow the fate line uploaded by the group owner.

It’s because I took the wrong path.

It took several months to achieve enlightenment. .

Look, what a waste of time.

‘H City, survive the third grade acquired thunder tribulation. ’

The chat history in the group popped into his mind.

He estimated the position of the horizon in the sky again, and it seemed that the thunderstorm area just now... seemed to be the location of H City?

Even with Song Shuhang's big heart, his heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

It seems like a catastrophe is really coming?

Seeing such a vast scene.

Song Shuhang was worried that because he joined the super-dimensional chat group, his established fate would change.

I quickly contacted everyone in the chat group to protect myself, and even borrowed 100 lightning protection charms from Taoist Lin Fengjiao...

The weather forecast said it would be sunny, but suddenly there was a strange roar of thunder in front of us.

Good guy, my lightning protection talisman doesn't seem to be able to face this kind of divine thunder, but it should be fine. After all, Senior Liu Shen is here, so... just in case Senior Liu Shen doesn't pay attention to me, this... .... Song Shuhang had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Chapter 169 Missed it thousands of times, finally achieved the supreme way, the innate Bagua Yi is all in silence

Shaked his head.

Song Shuhang returned to the dormitory.

First, I checked to see if anything happened in the super-dimensional chat group.

Then I will continue to look at my own golden finger...

That is the Kyushu No. 1 chat group.

In the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat group.

Beihe Loose Cultivator: Ah Qi, is the tribulation over? Has Little Sixteen been promoted?

This sentence was sent more than ten minutes ago, but Su Clan's Ah Qi never replied.

Is nothing going to happen to Thunder Tribulation? Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi said, this time it was her who was called, not her father. Although the little girl has just joined the group, she has a sweet mouth and has already made friends with several group friends who often bubble up.

She knew that cultivators should not underestimate every thunder tribulation. Even if it is a weak thunder tribulation, a big problem may occur if one is not careful.

Probably not, Ah Qi is here. If there is a problem with the third-grade acquired thunder calamity, he can force it to break up. Beihe Sanren said.

It's just that Su Shi's Ah Qi didn't reply, and he couldn't feel at ease.

At this time, an ID that Song Shuhang had never seen appeared. This is an ID named 'Bronze Hexagram Immortal Master': Don't be impatient now. You will know the result after I calculate a hexagram.

The Beihe Loose Cultivator was silent for a moment and replied: That's fine.

It seems that this guy named Tong Gua Immortal Master is playing the role of a fortune teller?

It only lasted about two or three minutes before the Immortal Master of the Copper Trigram came forward and said: Haha, it's okay. The result calculated by this Immortal Master is that the fortune will be good and good luck will come. Su's Aqi and his descendants will definitely be fine. We will just wait for the little ones. Come over here and challenge everyone!

If you sign it, you should feel more at ease, right? Although fortune-telling is not a real thing, it can sometimes bring some comfort to people's hearts. Shuhang thought to himself.

However, after the Beihe San people heard the results of the hexagram, they were not happy, but fell silent.

After a moment, he made a wry smile: It seems that there is something wrong with Xiao Shiliu, so Ah Qi is not online. Is there anyone near H City who can go check on Ah Qi and see if he needs help?

Kuangdao Sanlang appeared and sighed: Since Gua Xian has calculated good fortune, something has really happened. But I am far away from H City, and it will take several days even if I want to rush there.

? Yu Rouzi was confused.

You don't know something, Rouzi Yu. Immortal Master has never succeeded in his predictions. If he predicts great fortune, you'd better prepare quickly, because you are bound to be in disaster. Otherwise, you'd better prepare yourself quickly. , if he calculates that you are in danger of disaster, he can breathe a sigh of relief, because you are expected to have good luck. If one day he calculates that you are in danger of catastrophe, and there will be no recovery, then you can hold a celebration party first. Yes, because this is the time to go out and pick up an immortal weapon! Kuangdao Sanlang explained.

Beihe Sanren's last attack: On the other hand, Gua Xian's fortune-telling ability is indeed very strong. Because as long as you look at the hexagrams he predicts in reverse, it will basically be the correct answer. I remember Senior Liu Shen commented on the hexagrams. Immortal, I have missed it thousands of times, and finally achieved the supreme way. The innate Bagua Yi is all in silence. This means that the Gua Immortal has not made enough mistakes in his calculations...

Immortal Master of Copper Trigram: ...

He really wanted to scream at the top of his lungs and resist. But he also had a dark history all his life, so he was very troubled.

And those words were indeed what Senior Liu Shen said about himself...

By the way, Miss Yu Rouzi, can you ask when your father will come home? He has been a guest in my house for a long time. Doesn't he miss home and his lovely and beautiful daughter? Crazy Blade Sanlang learned this lesson. Be good and didn't open your mouth to seek death.

Okay senior, I have time to ask dad for senior. Yu Rouzi answered politely, but she just gave him a blank check. He didn't say when to ask, and he didn't confirm that he wanted to call his father home.

The three waves of Kuangdao are all living as human beings. How could they not understand Yu Rouzi's perfunctory intentions? Therefore, Brother Sanlang's eyes became moist again.

Are there any divers in City H? Beihe Sanren @called everyone in the group.

The members in the dive all raised their heads and shook their heads. China is so big and there are only so many people in the group, so it’s impossible for everyone to get together.

The Jiangnan area where Song Shuhang was located was close to H City, but at this time he didn't know Su Clan's Ah Qi.

At this time, Lingdie Island Yurouzi spoke up again: I am going to J City to handle some matters. I will first take a flight to Jiangnan Airport and then transfer to J City. The Jiangnan area is close to H City. If you need help, You can contact me at any time... Although I am not familiar with H City, I will try my best if I need help.

That's great. Beihe Loose Cultivator replied.

Passing through the Jiangnan area? Is this girl in the group coming here? Song Shuhang blinked.

The Beihe Sanren said happily: I will find a way to contact Ah Qi. If I need help, I will contact Yu Rouzi.

He had a very good personal relationship with Su Clan's Ah Qi, and they were close friends before they joined the Jiuzhou No. 1 Group. Now the Tong Gua Immortal Master's hexagram made Beihe San people a little confused.

If things are not closed, it will be chaotic.

At this time, the leader of the group, True Lord Huangshan, appeared and comforted him: Beihe, don't worry too much. With Ah Qi here, not to mention the third-grade acquired thunder tribulation, even the fourth-grade innate thunder tribulation can't do anything to him.

It's true. Beihe Sanren sighed: Actually, I wasn't worried at first. After all, it was just a third-grade acquired thunder. It was just the auspicious Shang Shang hexagram from the Immortal Master of the Copper Hexagram that made me worried all of a sudden.

... True Lord Huangshan.

... Three waves of crazy swords.

What Beihe Loose Cultivator said made sense, and the two of them were speechless.

Immortal Master of the Tonggua: Beihe, what do you mean by this? You are just going too far! Do you dare to come to the top of the Forbidden City next full moon night?

Okay, am I still afraid of you being a fake hexagram master? But I won't be free next full moon night. How about setting the time in three months? Beihe Sanren agreed readily: Also, by then How can I find you? After all, you have too many identities. If you change your vest, I won’t even recognize you when you stand in front of me.

The Immortal Master Tong Gua is not only 'proficient' in the hexagram technique, he is also very good at disguise - everyone in the group guessed that he must have often miscalculated the hexagrams before and was hunted down, so he had to change his identity and escape. Over time, I developed a good skill at changing clothes.

Three months is three months! Then just go to the top of the Forbidden City and wait, I will look for you! I can recognize you even if your hateful face turns to ashes! the Immortal Master of Tong Gua said angrily.

Then it's settled! Beihe Sanren was very calm, as if he was convinced of the Immortal Master of Tong Gua.

When Huangshan Zhenjun saw this, he suddenly smiled and said: It seems that Beihe is about to break through. You need a battle as a prelude to break through in one breath, right? You have also stayed in the fifth-grade Spiritual Emperor realm for a long time. , it’s time to break through. On the night of the full moon in three months, if I can find time, I will go to the top of the Forbidden City to host a duel for you. Then, I will prepare some small gifts for you two.

True Lord is really considerate of my heart! Beihe Sanren suddenly became calm. You must know that True Lord Huangshan is an old man, and the things he prepared are definitely not as simple as 'small gifts'.

If something is revealed between the fingers of these old-timers, it will be a treasure that can only be obtained by chance for younger generations like them!

As Zhenjun said, I won't let Beihe get cold when the time comes. I originally wanted Beihe to stay at the top of the Forbidden City to enjoy the cold wind in the middle of the night. Immortal Master Tong Gua said leisurely.

... Beihe Sanren.


This guy is worthy of being a fortune teller and playing with people's hearts. He has a really dirty heart!

At this time, Beihe secretly decided in his heart that in three months he would beat the Immortal Master Tong Gua so hard that even the True Lord would not be able to recognize him!

It's over, the group chat has been quiet for now.


Super dimensional chat group.

Prequel to Baolian Lantern - Yang Erlang: Yang is really looking forward to why this hexagram fairy will reverse his hexagrams. Maybe, this also contains the meaning of the law and the great road.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, grandma is the same, a perfect world of immortals and chivalrous people, I really don't want to poke fun at it.

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