Zhenjun used various vocabulary related to hexagrams to prevaricate. As for the results of the hexagrams, even if he were killed, he would never reveal a word!

Damn it, even if there is fate, it must be a bad fate!

Then just keep it. Anyway, he will probably withdraw from the group soon. By the way, what's the result of the True Lord's hexagram image? Beihe Sanren heard that True Lord was learning the hexagram technique, so they were curious about what this senior had figured out.

... True Lord Huangshan: Well, keep talking, I'll leave in advance if there's an emergency.

After saying that, he quickly logged off, leaving Beihe Sanren with a confused look on his face.


Liu Shen, the clone of the ancestral sacrificial spirit, naturally knew why True Lord Huangshan was offline.

As the incarnation of the immortal king level.

Even in this world, He is a ceiling-level existence.

He just finds it interesting.

The world of Xiuliao is a world of immortals and heroes.

But compared to the trilogy world where I live, this world of Xianxia is still a relatively relaxed and comfortable world.

He is quite happy staying in this world.

Here, Song Shuhang's fate line is also opened.

Therefore, the super-dimensional chat group also started live broadcasting in Song Shuhang's world.

At first, some group members were confused.

What's going on in this kind of world? In the fairy world.

But after Ma Daxian’s detailed explanation + uploading the writing materials, everyone understood.

Talk about the big world.

The sun was high and it was noon.

Knowing that Song Shuhang had not recovered from his cold, his roommate asked him to have a good rest and already asked for another day of sick leave for him.

Why does the condition seem to be getting worse? Is it because of the lack of exercise recently that the physical fitness has deteriorated? Song Shuhang asked.

There is a piece of preserved egg porridge beside him, which his roommate brought for him at noon.

Good guy! Song Shuhang sent a good guy card to his roommates without hesitation.

He slept for an unknown amount of time, his chest pressed against his back due to early hunger. He finished the preserved egg porridge in a few times and turned on the computer again.

After habitually opening the chat software, I saw a red dot showing the number of chats by the descendants of the ‘Jiuzhou No. 1 Group’.

Song Shuhang curiously reached out and opened the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, wanting to see what the Xianxia senior middle school 2 group friends inside had talked about all night.

The chat history from early morning appeared in front of him.

The Beihe Loose Cultivator’s questions about the ‘newcomers’, the Three Waves of Crazy Sword’s attempts to commit suicide, and the interesting seniors from Lingdie Island. There is also the True Lord of Huangshan Mountain who claims to have divined fortune and figured out his fate.

Looking at the chat records, the images of several people became fuller in Shuhang's mind.

This True Lord Huangshan is really interesting. If it weren't for Senior Liu Shen, he would probably kick me.

According to the documents uploaded by Ma Daxian in the super-dimensional chat group.

Song Shuhang began to analyze it carefully.


Song Shuhang still maintained his diving state and never spoke.

It's fun to watch the group members make mistakes, but what does it mean if you get involved in it too? I don't make any mistakes myself.

So his plan was to dive and read the chat records, bide his time, and wait for his chance to become an immortal.

According to the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit, the purpose of Senior Liu Shen's existence is to understand the great path of the world he lives in, and to protect himself by the way. He has his own destiny line.

That is, everyone in the Kyushu No. 1 chat group.

So I didn't have much chance to ask Senior Liu Shen for advice.

But it’s okay to let Senior Liu Shen be his face.

This is holding the thigh.

Before you know it, ten days have passed...

June 1, Saturday, Children’s Day.

During this period, the live broadcast of the super-dimensional chat group continued. In addition to sleeping, having sex, having sex, and taking a bath, the chat group would live broadcast and talk about the magnificent mountains and rivers of other immortal caves in the world.

He actually felt quite awkward.

Although when the camera of his free chat group is not given to him, most of the other group members are looking at other group members, such as the little boy who has not become Huangtian Emperor in Shicun in Perfect World, or senior Li Qiye who is constantly training and laying out the cup, or It's Chen Nan, Ye Fan......

But he still felt uncomfortable.

Shuhang's roommates are all half-residents and half-day students, that is, they stay from Monday to Friday and go home on weekends. So when weekends come, he is the only one left alone in the dormitory.

Song Shuhang's cold has recovered, but he still has some nasal congestion and cough. This cough is a cold cough, which is more difficult to recover from. If you don't take good care of it, you will be coughing for months.

It was Saturday off. Shuhang slept until eight o'clock before getting up, and then went to the cafeteria to eat something light.

With nothing to do, I returned to the dormitory.

After turning on the computer, he habitually went to the Jiuzhou No. 1 group to read the chat history. This has become a good way for him to kill time every day.

Unknowingly, it has been more than ten days since I joined this group.

During the ten days of diving, I saw that most of the people in the group were chatting about which secret place they had visited and how much they had gained. Or where evil spirits and monsters appear, they must either be surrendered or killed.

Everything he said seemed true. Song Shuhang thought that if he copied these contents and retouched them, he could post them online as a fairy tale novel to earn royalties.

But after thinking about it, Song Shuhang felt that this was his golden finger, so he should stop doing this. Even if he was writing a novel using the stories of Ye Fan, Chen Nan, and Luo Feng, he couldn't use his own.

Within ten days, Song Shuhang also became familiar with several people in the group.

Although Ma Daxian, the group leader of the super-dimensional chat group, uploaded documents and information, they were all general and macroscopic, and there were no specific details at all.

For example, the group leader Huangshan Zhenjun rarely shows up.

There are also two administrators who have not appeared since he joined the group, Daluo Jiao Yuyue Zhenjun and Qixiu Zhenjun.

Beihe Sanren, the 'information communicator' who is always online, Sanlang of the Kuangdao who is a master of killing, Su Clan's Ah Qi who is always ready to fight when he opens his mouth, and the pharmacist who cherishes his words like gold.

There is also the wandering monk Tongxuan who is always diving, and even when he emerges, he only expresses expressions and punctuation marks. It is said that this eminent monk is practicing closed-mouth meditation. Not only can he not speak, he can't even type. The most he can do is send an emoticon.

There is also Yurouko Haba of Lingdiejima who speaks very normally in this group that is a little bit chuunibyou. There was only one digit difference between her number and Song Shuhang's.

Finally, there was the incarnation of Lord Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit, Senior Liu Shen, who basically didn’t speak much. .

This information was obtained by the enthusiastic ‘Beihe Sanren’ introducing other group members to ‘Lingdie Island Yurouzi’.

He has always thought so.

Chapter 167 The Importance of Danfang

Take back your thoughts.

Song Shuhang opened the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat group.

Anyway, the super-dimensional chat group is also live broadcasting himself.

There is no need for me to see what happens in the super-dimensional chat group...

Your own destiny line is officially opened.

Of course, you should pay more attention to the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat group...


In the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat group.

The pharmacist who cherishes his words like gold said: I have improved a basic elixir recipe.

This is a sentence with nine punctuated words. Until Song Shuhang joined the group, he had never seen the pharmacist send such a long message. So, he looked at it curiously.

The message from the pharmacist came in the early hours of the morning.

Simplified version of the elixir for quenching body fluids: 3 liang of ginseng, 4 liang of wolfberry, 1 liang of morning dew mystical grass, 3 liang of actinolite, 1 23 qian of daughter's incense... 1 liang of fresh Bawangzhi, 1 liang of Jiuyang Red Flame Bamboo Slice into quarters...

A series of forty-five medicinal materials, including the familiar ones such as ginseng and wolfberry, as well as the more unusual actinolite and others that I have never heard of, such as morning dew mystical grass, fresh king branch, and nine-yang red flame bamboo. such as.

Add the medicine into the furnace one by one according to the formula proportion, and smolder for about five minutes; add new medicinal materials, and continue to smolder for about five minutes. Pay attention to the heat! This cycle continues until the liquid becomes a paste. The color of the finished body quenching liquid is black, transparent, and has a strong taste.

Easy to understand!

Shuhang didn't recognize many of the more than forty medicine names, so he curiously checked them online.

Among the elixirs, thirty are common Chinese medicinal materials, all of which are used to replenish qi and blood.

There are also fifteen kinds such as Morning Dew Xuancao, Bawangzhi, and Red Flame Bamboo that I have never heard of. Could it be something that this 'pharmacist' and the people in the group dreamed up?

Good guy, if I had thought that these people were crazy before, luckily I joined the super-dimensional chat group and knew that this was a panacea. I had to remember it... Song Shuhang thought to himself.

Then write it down quickly.

at the same time.

In the super dimensional chat group.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, grandma has written it down. These are unique to the world of cultivation chat groups. When the time comes, buy them in the Super Dimension Mall and earn a prescription, hahahahahahaha!

Fire Fist Ace: Old witch, is it worth being so happy?

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejie, how can you, a little kid in the animation world, understand the importance of the elixir? As the saying goes, when you swallow a golden elixir, you realize that my fate is not determined by fate. Although He said that what the senior pharmacist Xiao Song gave me was not an external elixir, but it was also a very good elixir.

Great Master - Muchen: Yes, the elixir recipe is really important, I also wrote it down...

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Remember +1.


The world of cultivation chat groups.

Song Shuhang continued to download the chat history, and someone was already making the medicine according to the recipe!

Unexpectedly, the girl from Lingdie Island, Yu Rouzi, who appeared to be the most normal in the group, was around two o'clock in the morning.

Yurouzi from Spirit Butterfly Island: Compared with the old version of the body quenching fluid, there are a lot less rare medicinal materials, and the refining process has been simplified too much. Senior pharmacist, to what extent do you need to control the heat? I just tried it and the result was half-way through. It failed. If the medicine is still effective, how different is it from the past?

Effect 2:1. The pharmacist said.

The efficacy of the medicine is only half of what it was before, after all, a lot of precious medicinal materials have been reduced. But being able to prepare body quenching fluid with such common and popular medicinal materials is a huge profit.

I can't explain the heat and specific smoldering time by myself. The pharmacist once again rarely sent a long sentence. Only when it came to the issue of elixirs could he grit his teeth and type a few more words: Also, if your 'Fire Control Technique' is not good, I recommend using fire control magic weapon.

Thank you, senior, I'll try again. Yu Rouzi from Lingdie Island smiled and went diving.

The last speech of Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi was at 2:13 in the morning. If she went to refine elixirs later, she should have already refined several batches of elixirs?

If it were before.

I will definitely think that this is a group of chuunibyou, very cute. .

But it certainly won't happen now. .

Kyushu No. 1 chat group.

Administrator Qixiu Venerable: The formula is very good. I just tried seven furnaces at the same time, and they were all successful easily. The success rate is extremely high. I took some, and the efficacy is almost half of the old body quenching liquid. The effect is a little more. But the cost of the formula is ten times lower than the old version. Although it is only the lowest level of body quenching fluid, it is really a good thing for us now that the spiritual energy of the world is getting thinner and precious medicinal materials are becoming more and more scarce. Pharmacist , keep working hard. If you can improve the third-grade or above elixir recipe, it will be a great merit.

Supplement: The most important thing is that the difficulty of the refining method is greatly reduced, and it can even be left to the medicine apprentice to refine it.

The Venerable Seventh Cultivator is a well-known senior in the group, and his strength is even stronger than the True Lord Huangshan. Moreover, he also has profound attainments in alchemy. In this group, he can be said to be the authority in alchemy. No one can rival him except Senior Liu Shen. However, Senior Liu Shen has shown too little since he joined the chat group. When he made elixirs several times, his praise naturally encouraged the junior pharmacist.

Thank you, senior, for my hard work! The pharmacist excitedly typed out a sentence of more than six words, and he did so very quickly.

Song Shuhang was a little curious in his heart: Has anyone refined their uniforms and used the 'body quenching fluid'?

After copying the thirty medicinal materials on the prescription, Song Shuhang stretched out. He first looked at the weather forecast software in the lower right corner of the computer.

June 1st, sunny.

June 2nd, sunny.

The weather is nice, let's go out for some exercise later. Shuhang felt that his physical condition was getting worse, so he decided to exercise more.

Just thinking this in his mind, his fingers involuntarily opened the game icon on the computer - let's have fun first!

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