
For an instant, the bronze ring exuded endless divine patterns and a Taoist charm that transcended the world that covers the sky, but it disappeared in a flash and returned to normal.

Otherwise, the world of Zhetian will collapse.

This is the power of the system.

At the same time, Ye Fan could feel the incomparable mystery and powerful energy contained in the bronze ring, which could even illuminate the heavens and the world.

After all, this is a quasi-immortal emperor weapon.


The empress naturally saw this scene. .

She didn't expect the moment she gave Ye Fan the bronze ring. . .

The bronze ring exuded a Taoist radiance that she couldn't understand or even awed.

She became even more determined. The Mark in front of her was the brother he was waiting for.

The empress flicks her hair, her bronze mask is cold, and her face is soft. This is a contradictory combination. Her face was beautiful, with only her chin and eyes exposed, which was so moving, but the grimace mask was so lacking in life.

Time passed, dust and sand filled the ground, more than two hundred thousand years were enough to bury everything, but she could still stay in the world, see the world of mortals, and recall the past like smoke.

Her eyes were confused, sad, and gloomy. She looked at the Beidou star field in the distance, and looked into the depths of the stars. Everything had changed, and even the galaxy had broken into pieces.


She turned her head and looked at Mark in front of her.

He said softly: Brother, are you... from the planet Earth?

Ye Fan nodded slightly.


It was he who took the initiative to meet the ruthless person. .

But when he actually saw it.

But he was a little at a loss.

When the empress saw Mark's bewildered look, she seemed to be reminded of the time when her brother tried to make her happy hundreds of thousands of years ago.

That was her happiest time.

Time is like a knife cutting down the genius.'s time for me to go. When the road to immortality begins, let's see you again, Nannan.

The empress did not make a sound, her hair fluttered gently, her moon-white dress highlighted her graceful and proud fairy posture, her skin was as white as if carved from mutton-fat jade, and she was unparalleled in elegance.

He walked forward gently and hugged Mark.

Then the figure gradually faded into blur.

An ethereal voice echoed in Ye Fan's mind.

Brother... I don't ask you to become the Supreme Emperor of Heaven, I just ask you to be safe for the rest of your life~ Stay with me on the road to immortality, and you and I will explore the secret of reincarnation together in the future~

After saying that, the ancient forbidden land returned to eternal silence and terror.

Watching the ruthless empress disappear.

Ye Fan couldn't calm down for a long time.

In the chat group.

The crowd members naturally saw all this.

Everyone could not calm down for a long time.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I don't want to become an immortal, I just want to wait for your return in the mortal world... I don't know why, Bu is a little moved.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: It should be said or not, but Ye Fan's life is actually very good.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Hang: Yeah, I'm jealous. I also want to have a brother-controller like the ruthless empress.

Great Master - Muchen: You have Senior Bai. Although we haven't met yet, to be honest, Squirrel Hang, according to the group leader's documents, it will only be a few months before you become enlightened. So don't talk nonsense here. .”

Imperial Female General-Esdeath: Yes, Squirrel Air, please show some face!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, everyone is right, Squirrel Air, Squirrel Air, you guys, don't play tricks with grandma...

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Huh? Why did I suddenly become a public enemy in the chat group... Forget it, I'm hiding. I want to go back to the Jiuzhou chat group to get familiar with the big guys. There is also the incarnation of the ancestor sacrifice spirit here. ...To be honest, if it weren’t for the incarnation of Lord Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, I might have been kicked directly...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: It is indeed possible. After all, everything's fate has changed since you joined the chat group. There is no guarantee...

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's talk about it next time.


The world of cultivation chat groups.

Song Shuhang breathed a long sigh of relief. .

I tidied up briefly and had some food.

Then look at the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat group...

Just saw this.

Song Shuhang discovered that a new group member had joined the group.

Kyushu No. 1 chat group.

‘Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi’ has joined the Jiuzhou Group No.1.

This name fits the painting style of Jiuzhou No. 1 Group, and a strong aura of immortality comes to my face. That book-mountain-stressing name is definitely a weird thing mixed in.

As soon as the newcomer joined, the Three Waves of Crazy Swords immediately appeared: Hey, the new Taoist friend is a fairy. Show me your photo and report your measurements! If you're pretty, do you want to date me?

Kuangdao Sanlang has been diving for a long time - although he is a goldfish, his memory is longer than three seconds after all. Someone had already warned him yesterday, so in order to avoid being a senior, he carefully dived to observe the situation today.

After hearing from True Monarch Huangshan that the newly joined fairy was the daughter of a good friend, and her cultivation level was the third level acquired, Kuangdao Sanlang was relieved. He is not a 'senior' level person, he can tease her to his heart's content to satisfy his cravings.

There were very few newcomers in this group, so he was holding back very hard.

As soon as Sanlang opened his mouth, Huangshan Zhenjun's face suddenly turned dark.

... Yurouzi of Lingdie Island entered a string of ellipsis, and then sent another sentence quietly: Since it is not early, my daughter has already meditated and practiced on time. Her number is currently on the hook for me, waiting for Huangshan Taoist friends join the group. Well... I have long heard that Taoist friend Sanlang in the Jiuzhou group is charming and eloquent, and seeing him is worth hearing a hundred times. Taoist friend Sanlang, I admire you and I will treat you to a drink some other time.

Kuangdao Sanlang was immediately embarrassed. He was teasing a girl but met her father. There was nothing more shameful than this in the world. He really wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

Fortunately, this senior seemed to have an easy-going personality and could get over the matter with just one word.

Then, the senior said hello to everyone online in the group and asked everyone to take good care of their daughter in the future. Then, he dived and hung up.

Seeing the senior leave, Kuangdao Sanlang breathed a sigh of relief and said cheerfully: Fortunately, it seems that this senior is not someone who can't take a joke. Maybe there will be a chance to talk to Miss Yu Rouzi herself. .”

Chapter 166 The destiny line of the cultivation chat group opens

... True Lord Huangshan.

... Beihe Sanren.

The pharmacist rarely showed up again. He is a man who cherishes his words like gold. He rarely speaks out, but this time he rarely typed four words: Ask for yourself.

... Liu Shen.

Even the trumpet of the ancestral sacrifice spirit Li Changsheng in this world is a little speechless for this death-seeking Kuangdao Sanlang.

? Sanlang was confused.

But the pharmacist who cherishes his words like gold obviously won't explain any more, and Liu Shen basically doesn't care about anyone else except Song Shuhang.

Look at the prefix of the new humane number. Beihe Lottery explained. If you don't seek death, you won't die. Why can't Brother Sanlang never understand this?

Prefix? Lingdie Island? Crazy Blade Sanlang didn't seem to be able to react yet.

Yes, Lingdie Island! Plus he is a senior, didn't you think of someone else? Beihe Sanren reminded.

After a while, Kuangdao Sanlang suddenly realized, and a series of 'kneeling' emoticons appeared in the group: Is it the one who is so concerned about Lord Lingdie?

Lord Lingdie, like Senior Liu Shen, is a powerful senior. He is good at everything, upright and chivalrous... He just likes to care about all kinds of trivial matters with others, and he has reached the pinnacle of carelessness. Others are fussing over every detail, but he is already fussing over every detail!

The corners of Beihe Sanren's mouth twitched in anger: I didn't remind you like that!

True Lord Huangshan sighed. He couldn't stand it anymore: Sanlang, my old friend just hung up, but he hasn't gone offline yet.

In other words... the chat history may be seen.

No, it will definitely be seen!

True Lord Huangshan really couldn't watch Sanlang continue to commit suicide, after all, he was also a junior in his own group.

Oh no, you're done. Kuangdao Sanlang seemed to see the future in the near future, when the Spirit Butterfly Immortal came to visit him and then treated him in various cruel ways. His eyes were moist again. This time he seemed to have gotten into more trouble with a senior?

Sanlang suddenly screamed: Zhenjun, please help me plead for mercy!

True Lord Huangshan gave an indifferent expression on his back.

The people in the group ignored Sanlang's barking like a defeated dog and calmly changed the subject.

The Beihe Loose Cultivator asked the group leader: Zhenjun, how to deal with the 'high pressure on the Book Mountain'? This was invited by Senior Liu Shen.

Well, since it was appointed by Senior Liu Shen, let me do the math and see how to deal with it. True Lord Huangshan replied.

Not long ago, he suddenly became very interested in the study of divination. He studied it for a few months and his hands were itching very much. No matter what I do, I always like to do some calculations.

After that, he started the divination from a book of Tang Poems and Song Ci beside him, reached out to flip it, and started to use the secret technique of divination. The mysterious power pulls out a line of poetry to form a hexagram.

This time the hexagram was started very smoothly. Since Huangshan Zhenjun learned the hexagram technique, this is the first time he has felt so good about the hexagram!

He looked at the results of the hexagrams with joy on his face.


True Monarch Huangshan's face was as sinking as water.

True Lord Huangshan's face turned foul.

Let’s look at the hexagram image: In the sky, I wish to be a winged bird, and on the ground, I wish to be a twig.

I have the impression that this poem was written by a poet named Bai Juyi from the Tang Dynasty. It is a classic and was often quoted later to describe love?

Suddenly, True Lord Huangshan felt that his whole body was not well.

Biyiniao, your sister, Lian Lizhi, your sister! If I still wish to be on the Lianli branch, I might as well hang myself on the southeast branch!

Is it possible that his majestic Huangshan True Monarch is going to perform a life-or-death, earth-shattering love affair with the male ‘Shushan Pressure’? This reminded him of Lord Long Yang during the Warring States Period of China - he suddenly felt as if he had swallowed a cockroach and was even more disgusting.

This must be because I have not cultivated enough in the hexagram technique. After all, I have only learned it for a I should do another hexagram calculation! Yes, it must be like this! Huangshan Zhenjun used the secret method of the hexagram technique again, and the power in the dark stirred again. Poetry.

Another line of poetry was extracted.

This time, the hexagram secret method was running smoothly. Huangshan Zhenjun felt very good about himself. He definitely hit the target!

He looked at the hexagram image.


Zhenjun's face turned pale.

Hexagram: If love lasts for a long time, how can we live together day and night?

Damn you, uncle!

I really don't believe in evil! True Lord Huangshan said again.

This time it feels even better. True Lord Huangshan feels that his hexagram cultivation has reached its peak at this moment!

This time it's a sure win!

He lowered his head to look at the hexagram: Suddenly I looked back, and that person was there, in a dimly lit place.


Take a deep breath, take a deep breath. Huangshan Zhenjun calmly closed the poems of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and looked at the sky melancholy at a 45-degree angle - what a melancholy feeling!

Then, Zhenjun calmly tore into pieces the hardcover version of Tang poetry and Song lyrics in his hand, and nodded vigorously while tearing: I really don't have the talent for hexagrams, and I am not born to be a hexagram master. Therefore, the hexagrams calculated by me must be all Wrong! It seems that the person appointed by Senior Liu Shen cannot figure out any clues based on my deeds. Well! This is definitely the case. It is definitely because he has the karma protected by Senior Liu Shen, so he can't figure it out on his own.

He threw aside the torn Tang poems and Song lyrics, and secretly vowed never to tell fortunes again!

The fragments of hardcover poems were thrown aside, and Zhenjun typed into the group: That Shushan is very stressful...just keep it for now. I just did a fortune telling and found that he is destined to join me. It is not a coincidence that I will add him to the group. , but inevitable! What will happen next depends on his own destiny.

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