Ye Fan quit the chat group. .

Because he still has business, and there are no new people in the chat group, tasks or the like. .

Even the water group has to wait until it grows up.


Among the reluctant farewells of all the members.

Ye Fan is offline. .


Perfect world.

Li Changsheng looked at the newly added products in the chat group.

He murmured thoughtfully: Cause and effect are about to happen, and the fate of the group members will be completely opened!


Covering the world.

Night has fallen.

The endless mountains seem to have no end, and some are just mountains one after another. .

Ye Fan looked indifferent.

Slowly stood up.

The blood of the holy body in the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea is boiling.

Evolved into golden light.

Illuminating the surrounding area.

It was an uneasy night. At midnight, everyone heard a blood-curdling roar. The sound was shrill and loud, and it was accompanied by the sound of chains rattling, making everyone feel cold from head to toe.

In this gloomy mountain forest, it is really scary, like a shackled ghost struggling, the sound makes people feel heart-stopping.

Ye Fan looked calm.

The eyes exude endless divine light.

Looking towards the huge abyss surrounded by nine mountains in the distance.

That is the abyss of the ancient forbidden land.

Ara slave...

The ruthless person hasn't confirmed my identity yet, is he silently paying attention to me...

Clang, Clang...

The huge vibration sound was particularly distant in the dark night, as if something huge was beating the metal, causing the forest to tremble.

The roar was filled with anger, becoming more and more shrill and terrifying. It was hard to imagine what was in the abyss.


Suddenly, there was a violent roar, and a violent earthquake suddenly occurred in the abyss of the distant mountainous area. Endless black mist spewed out, completely covering the sky there, and all the stars and moon disappeared, making it extremely depressing.


There was a vague black shadow, it was hard to tell whether it was a human or an animal, dancing with a thick iron chain hundreds of feet long and roaring up to the sky, menacing and threatening to the world! You can see clearly from such a distance, and you can imagine how thick those iron chains are. The roar is deafening, and it almost makes people in the forest faint to death. The rolling sound waves make people's ear drums hurt.

That thing was bound by huge iron chains and shackles, but it was dancing in the sky and the earth, and the iron ropes were flying across the sky! It was extremely ferocious, as if it was gathering strength, and after letting out a shrill roar, it suddenly dived into the abyss again.

Kangdang, Kangdang...

The sound of the giant bronze coffin being smashed sounded again.


Stop it, you can't open this copper coffin...

Ye Fan's tone was calm.

The figure seemed to understand and became gentle.

He bowed to Mark and left.


Now...don't you want to see me yet??

Think of this.

Ye Fan used his magical power and shouted: I already know all the cause and effect. I am him and he is not me. Although similar flowers are just similar, everything is the layout of reincarnation. When you are in this mortal world, Chengxian, I will take you to explore the truth!

Little girl!


Say it with these words.

A terrifying energy fluctuation emerged, as if it had traveled through the past, present and future.

I saw a woman with peerless grace appear and take one step forward. It was like the ancient goddess came to the world. She was so powerful that the whole starry sky was shaking for her.

Ye Fan couldn't see her true appearance, blocked by the aura of the avenue, and could only see her unparalleled divine body, standing proudly in the world, with a peerless temperament.

Although you can use the [Essence Buff of the Supreme Emperor System] to see it. .

But Ye Fan would not do this. .

Seeing the woman in front of him, Mark suddenly wanted to cry.

The mark of reincarnation always exists, and the memory of being his brother hundreds of thousands of years ago keeps emerging in his mind.

Sometimes, awakening the will of the Emperor of Heaven is not a good thing~

Ye Fan laughed at himself.

This is a woman, but she looks down at the world, with a pair of eyes that seem not to see the emperors in her eyes, but she is the only one who is aloof from the world.

She is the ruthless emperor. She is a ruthless person who competes with the sky all her life. She has talents that are astonishing for all eternity and can kill gods from nine heavens away. However, she does not do it for immortality, but just waits for you to return in the world of mortals.

certainly. . . . .

It's him who's waiting, but it's not him!

Chapter 165: Not to become an immortal, just to wait for your return in the world of mortals, the moved members

The ruthless man has peerless beauty, standing under the eternal starry sky, arrogant in the world.

The ruthless emperor!

The most talented woman in ancient times!

Seeing this woman, Ye Fan had mixed emotions.

He has no memory of being his brother in his previous life hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But seeing the ruthless empress, Ye Fan's Supreme Emperor's System's [Emperor's Will Buff], which was given by the ancestral sacrifice spirit, started to work unconsciously.

The endless Tao Yun body light flows, as if shining on the heavens for eternity.

Endless years.

Pictures kept popping up in his mind.

That was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A young man and his little girl depended on each other.

There are no parents, only a teenager who depends on them. Although they are poor, they are very happy and smile every day.

The boy was Nannan's only relative, and they depended on each other. The grimace mask was their only toy. They did not have luxury jewelry. In order to make the little girl happy, he made a ring for her with a bronze piece. Although it was very rough, the little girl regarded it as a ring. baby.

The ruthless emperor wore braids when he was a child, but the little girl of three or four years old came from a poor family. Her clothes were patched and tattered, and even her shoes had holes in her toes. Her face was dirty, and she only had one pair of big shoes. The eyes are like black gems, arousing pity.

Later, people from the Yuhua Shen Dynasty came here, regarded the young man as a prodigy, and took him away. However, they shook their heads at the little girl's qualifications and allowed her to cry and took the young man away by force.

The little girl cried loudly and ran away with her tattered shoes. The young man begged and begged, and finally one of the people in the group agreed to let her see her off.

Finally, they came to a five-color altar. The boy, a group of people and many young wizards boarded it. They were about to travel far away. The little girl cried, but she could no longer get closer.

Before leaving, the young man took away the ghost face mask, left the ring, waved it at her vigorously, and finally disappeared on the five-color altar. The little girl was left crying sadly and fell to the ground, her little hands covered with blood.

A few years later, the little girl grew up in poverty and always stayed near the altar. One day, when she saw many people returning, she ran forward desperately and saw only the bones of the young man. She was forcibly pulled away and even Unable to take another look, she burst into tears and was never seen again.

The scene ends here!

And that boy was Ye Fan's previous life.

Obsession with Immortality Flowers that look similar may be reincarnated.

Although Ye Fan has... and the will of the Emperor of Heaven.

But it is just the realm of a saint.

To reverse the course of eternity is to go against the will of heaven.

The screen stops though.

But Ye Fan's emotions seemed to have returned to that era.


At dusk. .

The corners of his eyes were already moist.


Brother...Only brother would call me Nannan. Do similar flowers really exist? Why can't I see through your essence?

At this moment, an ethereal voice came into Ye Fan's ears.

Ye Fan looked up.

I saw that the ruthless emperor had appeared in front of Ye Fan.

She has an extraordinary temperament that does not belong to this world. She has an unearthly aura and will transform into an immortal at any time, transcending the world.

Her hair fluttered gently, her moon-white dress highlighted her graceful and proud fairy figure, and her skin was as white as if carved from mutton-fat jade. She was unparalleled in elegance.

The ruthless emperor wore a mask with a ghost face on her fair face, revealing only a pair of beautiful pupils, as clear as autumn water.

This grimace mask depicts the patterns that accompany her throughout her life, her joys and sorrows, her separations and separations, everything about her is contained in it.

On her fair face, only a pair of beautiful pupils were revealed, as clear as autumn water.

At this time, she looked at Mark, her clear eyes containing various complex expressions.


The secret of reincarnation is too profound, but, Nannan, I am your brother, not a similar flower. One day I will become the Emperor of Heaven, and you will become an immortal from this mortal world. You and I will pursue the secret of reincarnation together!

. . . . .

The ruthless emperor slightly nodded his head.

He said softly: After living life after life, I can feel that you are special.

Say it.

The empress gently raised her left hand. There was a ring on one of her delicate fingers. It was made of bronze. It was very simple and not an immortal treasure, but she cherished it very much.

She lowered her head and looked at the ring, with a special light in her eyes.

No hesitation.

She handed the bronze ring to Mark.

Brother...this is the ring you made for me. It will protect you on your way to becoming an emperor~

I can sense something in the dark, but it's very vague. When you become the Emperor of Heaven, you and I will explore the cause and effect of reincarnation together~

Ye Fan took the bronze ring, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the supreme treasure - the bronze ring (emperor level). Because the host and the empress recognize each other, the trilogy of great reincarnation and cause and effect has been initially unlocked.


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