Is it really here...

Ye...Ye Fan, are we saying goodbye...

Could this world full of gods and demons be the legendary fairyland...

Haha, there are many gods and demons. In addition to immortals, there are also demons. If it weren't for Ye Fan, we would all be gone, not to mention...sigh~

When fantasy becomes reality, everything becomes wonderful!!

Maybe you'll meet a legendary figure.

Following the ancient starry sky path created by the gods, we came to the Beidou Star Territory. If it weren't for Ye Fan, I would never have thought that the myths and legends are all true!

Everyone was extremely nervous and full of expectations. They no longer wanted to stay in the copper coffin.

Ye Fan glanced at the direction of the Dacheng Holy Body God. .

Because of his warning, the guy hid in the corner like a good baby. . .

It is estimated that after the copper coffin is reached, this god's thought should just slip away. .

The current thoughts of gods are of no use to me.

If you let it grow, it may become your own great supplement in the future.


As soon as the bronze coffin was opened, everyone couldn't help but scream. This fresh air, even with the smell of flowers and plants, is obviously a bright and vibrant world.

Everyone couldn't help it anymore and rushed out together.

At this moment, they were standing on the top of a mountain, overlooking the distant scenery. As far as the eye can see, there are rolling mountain peaks. On the top of the mountain are strange rocks and vigorous ancient trees. There are also old vines like horned dragons winding around the mountains, full of vitality and vitality.

When everyone saw this, their previous sadness and discomfort were instantly wiped away.

The beautiful environment is indeed an excellent environment for healing psychological problems. Among the group of people who cried sadly before, there was a trace of enthusiasm for life in their eyes.

Although this is Beidou, they will probably never return to Earth in this life.

But after experiencing life and death on Mars, I witnessed the supreme demon and Ye Fan's majesty comparable to the immortals.

Everyone has a new definition of life.

In the past few decades, humans have made endless speculations and launched many space probes in an attempt to search for extraterrestrial life. However, the deep starry sky and the unpredictable universe are like a deserted cemetery. It is eternally cold and dark, and no life signal can be detected at all.

The universe is so vast that it has no end at all. Even if a space probe launched with the current level of human science and technology can escape the gravity of the galaxy and travel non-stop for millions or tens of millions of years, it will still be difficult to reach the other side of the starry sky. .

Compared with the darkness and silence of Mars, this place is undoubtedly a peaceful and pure land.

It's great. We finally got rid of the darkness and desolation and came to such a beautiful divine land.

“Finally, I don’t have to worry and be afraid anymore!”

Many people were cheering, and some even cried with joy. After a series of deaths and hardships, they finally came to a vivid and natural world.

Kiss the sunshine and say to yourself, live well... Even the smart, enchanting and beautiful Lin Jia was moved like this.

In a world full of gods and demons, it's not that easy to survive.

At this time, Liu Yunzhi interrupted everyone's fantasy of a better future with one sentence.


In a way.

What Liu Yunzhi said is absolutely correct. .

Because he has felt a mysterious and strange energy that is constantly extracting everyone's essence and vitality. .

Of course, this power to extract life force is still aimed at cultivation. The higher the cultivation level, the faster the life force passes.

Because this is one of the seven restricted areas of life - the ancient forbidden area!

That is the dojo of the ruthless emperor!

Now that I'm here, I must get the sacred fruits and sacred springs in the restricted area...

Even now that he is in the realm of a saint, these divine fruits and divine springs still play a very important role.


What are we going to do next, Leaf?

Pang Bo on the side patted Ye Fan gently.


Ye Fan did not respond to Pang Bo immediately.

The eyes suddenly became extremely dark and deep, turning into lavender, as if they could see through the past, present and future.

Looking back at the ancient bronze coffin.


Suddenly, the huge bronze coffin behind everyone made a metallic trembling sound, which suddenly affected everyone's nerves, and they all turned around to look.

Most of the nine huge dragon corpses were hanging at the foot of the cliff, and the copper coffins were not far away from the cliff. At this moment, the nine dragon corpses like the Great Steel Wall were slowly sliding down the cliff, and the copper coffins were also slowly being driven along. Glide forward slowly.


The nine huge dragon corpses and the ancient bronze coffin made a rumbling sound as they slid against the top of the mountain, and finally accelerated and fell down the straight up and down cliff!

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. There was a cliff on one side of the mountain. If they had not rushed out quickly when the coffin lid was opened, the consequences would have been disastrous.

After the nine huge dragon corpses and ancient bronze coffins fell off the cliff, they didn't make any sound of falling to the ground for a long time. This made everyone look at each other in shock.

At this moment, there is no longer a huge bronze coffin blocking the view, and the scene on this side of the cliff can be clearly seen.


Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin...The Third Generation Bronze Coffin!! Above the Heaven...

Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, Emperor of Desolate Heaven, one day I will become Emperor of Heaven, and I will definitely fight with you!

Ye Fan, who has a chat group and the Supreme Emperor system.

I can sense something in the dark.

But it's very vague.

Because this involves the most fundamental mystery of covering the sky, perfection, and the Holy Ruins!


Changed back to the original state.

He said to the surprised Pang Bo: Come with me. I may not be able to stay with you for much longer. The Eye of Reincarnation should be of some help to you. I told you that you have a trace of the blood of the Demon Emperor in your body. .”

Ye...Ye... Pang Bo showed a look of reluctance on his face.

Although Ye Fan told himself all this in the copper coffin. .

But when it actually happened, he was still not prepared.


Chapter 161 Ye Fan is not a bad person and can handle it


I will not leave until I have settled you in place. You are such a big person, and we will meet again soon. When the time comes, I will have to rely on you, brother, to establish Heavenly Court!

Looking at the tiger-backed and handsome-looking Pang Bo, he showed a look of reluctance.

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly.

comforted. .

Pang Bo nodded heavily and said: Believe me, Ye Zi! Next time I meet you, I will definitely become very strong. With your divine elephant's prison-suppressing power, I will definitely be able to do it!


Ye Fan slightly nodded: But don't seek death, brother, I have left you with the nine saint marks. If you are in danger, even if it is hundreds of millions of miles away, I will arrive in an instant, so you have to save your time. .”

In the chat group.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Brother Ye Fanzhu did a good job!

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Zi Zi is not bad and can be dealt with!

Rebirth of Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): This is also one of the reasons why he can become the Emperor of Heaven in the future.

Tomb of the Gods - Chen Nan: The road ahead is long. It is definitely good to seek the road and have a confidant.

Swallowing Starry Sky-Luo Feng: I agree.


Covering the world.

Faced with Ye Fan's care.

Pang Bo nodded heavily and said: Don't worry, Ye Zi, I know this!!

Ye Fan would naturally not treat his good brother badly.

Nine saint-level marks were placed on Pang Bo's body.

In the early days of this world, Sendai was invincible.

As long as Pang Bo doesn't commit suicide, there will definitely be no problem.

It's not that he doesn't want to take Pangbo with him.

Pang Bo has his own destiny line and destiny.


At this moment, there is no longer a huge bronze coffin blocking the view, and the scene on this side of the cliff can be clearly seen.

Are we standing on a huge crater? Many people looked surprised.

Because, under the so-called cliff, there is actually a huge pit with no bottom.

It's not a crater. There can't be such a thick volcano.

If you look closely, you can see that there are nine mountains connected to each other, forming an extremely huge deep valley. According to common sense, this should be an open valley that can be seen to the end at a glance, because the nine mountains are not towering into the clouds.

However, when I looked down, I saw a black hole with no end at all, as if I had penetrated directly through the road of hell and hell, which was unfathomable.

The abyss surrounded by nine mountains seemed to be endless. After the nine huge dragon corpses and ancient bronze coffins fell, no echo was heard, as if they would never fall to the end.

“It’s unimaginable how deep it is!”

What kind of place is this? How could there be such a huge abyss...

Everyone was shocked and confused, vaguely feeling that the world was not as peaceful and peaceful as it seemed on the surface.


Ye...Ye Fan, are you leaving us?

Suddenly, a female classmate walked up to Mark and asked.

The voice of this female classmate made everyone look at Mark again.

Their eyes were full of hope, reluctance, and awe.


In this world, there are five great secret realms for cultivation, the Wheel and Sea, the Dao Palace, the Four Pole, the Dragon Transformation, and the Immortal Platform. It is useless to talk about the subsequent realms.

I will stay with you for a while, but you all have your own fate, and I also have my own path. This is an extremely dangerous world. How far you can go depends on your luck. .”

Ye Fan's words sounded a bit wrong.

In fact, he told everyone the basic knowledge of the Tianfa and the path of cultivation.


I's different from the realm in immortality novels~

Nonsense, if it were the same, everyone who writes novels would become immortals!!

Haha, your focus is really strange. Let's first think about how we will live after Mark is gone...

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