Everyone has different thoughts.

Some fantasize about becoming immortals and ancestors, just like the protagonists in novels, while others worry about how to survive in this terrifying world.

Ye Fan is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, which can be seen from Ying Huo's killing of the supreme demon. .

The immortals and gods in myths and legends are probably nothing more than this.

And they are just ordinary people. .


There is half a stone tablet there... At this moment, Zhang Ziling suddenly shouted.

There is a pile of rocks on the top of the mountain, as well as a few vigorous ancient trees, accompanied by a few old vines as thick as buckets. Among the vines, half of the broken stone tablet fell there, and the traces of manual polishing are obvious.

Everyone quickly walked over, pulled away the dead vines, and brushed away the dead branches and leaves on the broken monument. They suddenly felt full of ancient charm. There were three ancient characters engraved on it. The writing was strong and concentrated, as vigorous as a dragon, flowing with the breath of time. I don’t know how many years it has been around.

What is it written about? Many people don't know it.

What does the ancient ban mean? It's completely incoherent. No one could figure out its meaning.


It's an ancient forbidden land, one of the seven forbidden areas of life in this world. You can understand it as a place where even gods and immortals cannot set foot. It has supreme power, but she won't care about you guys.

But this place is very dangerous and will continuously drain your life force, so I suggest you leave this place quickly.


This...where should we run...

I just escaped... could it be...

What should we do...Ye Fan, help us!!


Ye Fan ignored everyone.

Instead, he looked up at the world.

His eyes were full of excitement.

Everyone put aside the fear in their hearts and followed Ye Fan's gaze to the sky.

After all, without Mark, they would not be able to get out of here anyway. .

In the distant sky, there seems to be an eagle circling. It is very special because its whole body is golden. Even though it is far away, you can still feel the splendor, as if it is cast from gold, and its whole body is shining with golden light.

At this time, the golden eagle flew a certain distance towards this area, becoming increasingly clear, and then it suddenly swooped towards a mountainous area. After a moment, it soared into the sky again, with a prey in its claws, and flew towards a cliff in the distance.

I...I saw it right?! After seeing this scene, Pangbo, who had always been carefree, stuttered on the spot.

Others were almost petrified, as dumb as clay and wood sculptures, and couldn't believe their eyes.

How do I feel...that golden eagle seems to be catching a giant elephant under its sharp talons? Li Changqing also stammered, feeling his mouth was dry.

It's not like it seems, but it is! Wang Ziwen took over his words and said: It's incredible to be able to catch a giant elephant! You can imagine how huge that golden eagle is... He couldn't help but feel a little bit at this point. Stunning.

It was obvious that everyone had made a mistake just now. Because the distance was too far, they misjudged its size. It should be a super huge strange raptor.

Because they cannot clearly feel the passing of their life force, they naturally have no such fear. But the golden eagle and giant elephant were vividly presented before their eyes.

Is it the bloodline of the Golden-winged Dapeng? The realm should be as high as the Dao Palace realm. The taste must be very delicious... It's a pity... I still have business to do, so I can't enjoy such delicious food...

A trace of saliva overflowed from the corner of Ye Fan's mouth, as if he missed the delicious food.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Although they didn't know what kind of ferocious beast it was that just flew by.

But they heard Ye Fan say that this was the legacy of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

The legendary roc bird is mentioned in many ancient books, such as the Zhonghuang Jing chapter of Shen Yi Jing and Shui Jing Zhu. The most famous one is Zhuang Zhou's Xiao Yao You .

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it has. It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. With the back of a Peng, I don't know how many thousands of miles it has. When it flies in anger, its wings are like Clouds hanging from the sky.”

Zhuangzi uses Wang Yang's unbridled and majestic writing style to outline the image of a magical bird that can soar ninety thousand miles, which is amazing to read.

Although this golden eagle is not as exaggerated as Zhuangzi said, it is enough to prove that the myth and legend do exist.

Also, Kowloon pulls the coffin, classmate Ye Fan is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, the supreme devil of Yinghuo, and now he is in Beidou.

This scene is not a myth.


Let's go~

Ye Fan's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

have to say.

These people have such big hearts.

He said that this place would suck their life force, but they didn't seem to feel it.

But he was excited about the relics of a golden-winged roc.

This is not difficult to understand.

After all, they are just ordinary people and do not understand the horror of the ancient forbidden land.

This magical creature is more intuitive. .

. . . . .

This is the dojo of the ruthless emperor.

It can also be regarded as my sister’s dojo.

Although they are just similar flowers, he who has awakened the will of the Heavenly Emperor knows the past life, the present life, perfection, and the Holy Ruins, these eras.

It's all reincarnation.

So he is naturally the ruthless brother.

However, it is not certain whether the ruthless people of this era can completely recognize him. .


After Ye Fan finished speaking, he led everyone towards the front.

Through the perception of the Holy Body, Ye Fan can naturally sense the location of the divine spring and divine fruit.

Except Pang Bo and Zhang Ziling were beside Ye Fan.

The rest of the people followed behind.

Although the relationship between Zhang Ziling and Ye Fan is not as good as that of Pang Bo, they are still very close.

In the fate line uploaded by the group owner, Wang Ziling has always supported Ye Fan.

Now because Ye Fan revealed his identity as the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

So there is not so much going on. .

But Wang Ziling also helped him silently, so Ye Fan allowed Wang Ziling to follow him.

Moreover, Ye Fan also secretly injected divine power into him to change his physique. The future achievements of Wang Ziling will definitely be extraordinary.

Although everyone followed Ye Fan. .

There are indeed many thoughts in my heart.

How to survive is a question that everyone is currently considering. The road ahead is unknown and everything requires careful consideration.

Many people grasped the relics of the gods in their hands, but at this moment all the Buddhist artifacts were dim, some were even cracked, and cracks appeared, which meant they were completely destroyed.

The last bit of divine power in the relics of the gods was absorbed by the ancient bronze coffin. At this moment, there is no more divine power flowing around. Holding it in your hand is not much different from holding scrap copper. But no one abandoned it, hoping that the relics of the gods could regain their divine glory and be used in the future. If they could be repaired, it would be their greatest reliance in the future.

Chapter 162 Nine Wonderful Elixir Seeds


I don't know who had a stomach rumbling, and many people felt embarrassed. People always have to eat and drink, and many people moved around, looking for a secret place to go.


I want to save face and suffer... Pang Bo curled his lips disdainfully and said: I still had the foresight to leave my great traces on the Tiangong ruins on Mars. I think even if hundreds of years pass, it will be the only time for human beings to explore the starry sky. One of the greatest testimonies of all!”


The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly.

I wanted to speak, but held back. .

Quickly resolve it in five minutes. If you don't want to live, that's okay.

Ye Fan reminded everyone.

The corrosive power of the ancient forbidden land has no effect on him. .

With his blessing, nothing will happen to Pang Bo for the time being.

It's different for others.


Everyone nodded quickly.

Taking this opportunity to move further away, they all went to solve their own problems in an extremely awkward manner.

Pang Bo burst out laughing after seeing everyone's expressions, and then deliberately coughed heavily in a certain direction, as if he was about to walk over. This immediately made the people behind the big tree tremble, and it was difficult to solve his own problems. It went smoothly.

Pang Bo laughed twice, then squatted down, picked up two stones and threw them out. Li Changqing's angry cry suddenly came from behind the vines in the distance: Who, who is so wicked? At the same time, accompanied by Liu Yunzhi snorted angrily.

I saw this guy picking up another stone and trying to throw it in the direction Li Xiaoman left.

Ye Fan patted Pang Bo on the head to stop Pang Bo.


When everyone is solving their own problems.

Ye Fan glanced at Pang Bo and Wang Ziling. .

Pang Bo and Wang Ziling instantly understood.

Under the leadership of Ye Fan. .

We walked forward for about a few dozen meters. . .

Everyone suddenly discovered that several old vines as thick as buckets surrounded an open space, where there was a one-meter-square spring pool, gurgling like a divine spring of nectar.

Next to the spring pool, there are more than a dozen small trees more than half a meter high. The leaves are wide and green, shaped like human palms, like several multi-armed little people standing there. On the top of each small tree hangs a red fruit, which looks like a cherry but is as big as a chicken egg.

I could smell the rich fruity aroma even though I was still far away.

It smells so good. I have never seen a fruit with such a strong aroma.

The fragrance becomes even more fragrant as we get closer, and even the fragrance from the thousand-year-old wine cellar will be suppressed here.

Leaf...is this?

This is the divine fruit and divine spring. After eating it, your physique will change and you will be able to embark on the path of spiritual practice.


As expected of Ye Zi, good brothers!! Even after becoming the Emperor of Heaven, we brothers were not forgotten...

With such a fragrant fruity aroma, the divine fruit is just different...

Ye Fan, come here too. I guess we will be separated soon. I don't know when we can meet again next time.


Ye Fan tilted his head slightly and picked a red fruit. Holding it in his hand, it looked very attractive. It was crystal clear and seemed to be carved from red jade.

Is this one of the nine wonderful elixirs? It's really amazing, and it actually involves a trace of the law of reincarnation!

Ye Fan's eyes moved, as if he could see through everything.

He took the divine fruit and watched it carefully for a moment, then stored it in the system space.

Although the magical fruit is miraculous.

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