Because my own saint realm can suppress the divine thoughts of this great holy body. .

The cultivation level of this god's mind is not high, because he was cut off by 90% of his cultivation level by Sakyamuni, and his Dao roots were also removed. He suppressed it for countless years. Today's fierce ghosts say that he has reached the Immortal Stage realm. . . ”

Based on the documents uploaded by the group owner and the lively discussions in the chat group, I combined my own analysis.

Ye Fan's eyes lit up. .

The whole body exudes an extremely mysterious aura of chaos.

Look towards the Dacheng Holy Body and think of the gods. . .

As if seeing through everything, the past life of this god was suddenly awakened and reflected in Ye Fan's mind.

There is no doubt about the divine thought of the Dacheng Holy Body. His past life is naturally the Dacheng Holy Body, the alternative enlightened Dacheng Holy Body. It was one of the nine invincible holy bodies in the world at that time.

The purpose of Ye Fan doing this is to search for the secret method of Dacheng Holy Body.

For a moment, Ye Fan's eyes flashed ----- He found the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist is the method left behind by the Eternal Desolate Emperor of the Perfect World!

Ye Fan understood the Six Paths of Samsara Fist and its practice at a glance.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, and the scriptures created by this Dacheng Holy Body that are comparable to the level of the Great Emperor.

Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction. .

Because through observation, Ye Fan discovered the Sendai Volume of the Emperor Sutra of Emperor Zun, one of the nine lords of heaven in the mythical era, in the memory of the Dacheng Holy Body! !

There are also countless secret techniques, such as the single secret realm cultivation method of the ancient holy body.

As well as some secret techniques and techniques contained in some ancient scriptures, as well as the secret techniques and formations created by the Dacheng Holy Body.


The Dacheng Holy Body Divine Mind did not dare to act rashly, and was extremely fearful.

Because the current level of Ye Fan in front of him surpasses him, and the essence contained in it is as bright as the bright sun.

He didn't even dare to look directly at Mark.

This feeling was not even felt by my original self back then. .


Ye Fan has no interest in killing the Dacheng Holy Body God Nian. .

Because it makes no sense.

Guard your gaze.

Ye Fan sat up cross-legged.

Start evolving what you get today.

Dacheng Holy Body God Nian also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Ye Fan's whole body was filled with divine power.

The bodhi seed obtained in Yinghuo suddenly appeared, emitting emerald-like brilliance.

His mind became clear, and gradually a strange voice began to sound in his heart.

And the sound became louder and louder, like the sound of heaven and the mysterious truth.

The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of damage and make up for the deficiency...

The first sentence of this mysterious voice comes from the Tao Te Ching, but what follows is an unheard of mysterious scripture.

Those vast, mysterious and mysterious sounds seemed to come from the ancient times across time and space. At the same time, they vibrated in Zhou Tong's ears and passed into his heart like a yellow bell.

The heavenly sound of the great road is as deep and vast as the abyss and the sea. Every word that is sounded is like the heaven and earth falling apart, resounding throughout the universe. It made his heart shake, his thoughts fluctuate, and he didn't know where he was.


At dusk. .

Ye Fan's Supreme Emperor System issued a strong inspiration.

It was as if he understood something.

Ye Fan opened his eyes and murmured: The Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and came to the earth. Was it the ruthless emperor's doing? Is it just for my return?

According to the information files of the group leader and the inspiration of the Supreme Emperor System, the ruthless person in this timeline should have enough background to become a mortal immortal...

Could it be said that the ruthless emperor had planned all this before, so he left behind these methods?

In order to fight against the nine great gods, the emperor created nine secret techniques. Through the long river of time, he predicted that a similar flower would appear hundreds of thousands of years later. Will I appear?

As worthy of being an empress, I will definitely live up to her.

The empress had planned for herself for hundreds of thousands of years, not to become an immortal, but to wait for her return in the world of mortals.

What reason does he have for not repaying the Empress?

Ever since he joined the chat group and received the Supreme Emperor System from the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit, Ye Fan understood that he was Emperor Ye. .

I am very lucky to have a ruthless empress as my brother-controller. .

Ye Fan held the ancient bronze coffin in his hand, and stood there motionless like the moonlight shining on a quiet lake. An otherworldly and otherworldly aura came out. At this moment, he looked elegant and otherworldly, like a relegated person who could not eat the fireworks of the world. Immortals will ride on the wind and go away at any time.

But his inner world at this moment was not as peaceful as his body. The sound of the Great Heavenly Sound was as profound as the abyss and the sea, and every word sounded like the sea breaking into the abyss, resounding throughout the heaven and earth.

Like ancient Zen singing, like the prayers of ancient gods, they flowed endlessly, cutting through the ancient sky, and slowly flowing into Ye Fan's heart.

It made his heart shake and his thoughts fluctuate.

Ye Fan knows. .

The journey to Beidou, the road to the Emperor of Heaven, has begun! .

In the distance, everyone looked at him silently, with expressions of awe.

Don't know what happened though.

But I can feel that Ye Fan is like a spotless immortal, with a dust-free and ethereal temperament.

Ye Fan's whole body was fixed there. The divine sound was like a bell, distant and vast, difficult to understand, and its meaning was not clear at all. One moment he felt like he was in an abyss of hell, and the next moment he felt like he was entering the pure land of gods. All kinds of inexplicable feelings came to his mind, making him alert and confused.

a long time.

Ye Fan returned to normal.

Everyone had a lot of thoughts in their minds, but they never dared to ask Mark.


Here we come, Beidou Star Territory!

Suddenly, Ye Fanjian opened his eyes, and there was a divine light flowing.


Beidou Star Territory??

Ye...Ye Fan, are we going to reach the Beidou Star Territory...


Ye Fan did not ignore everyone like before.

But a rare jaw head.

It's a vast world filled with gods and demons, and you all have your own destiny.

On the way to heaven, we have been classmates for four years. Our fate has come to an end. When we reach Beidou, your destiny will begin!



There are many gods and demons...?

Ye...Ye Fan, then you...

Haha, Ye Zi is naturally with me~~

I am Ye Zi's good brother!!

. . . . .

Suddenly, everyone heard a strange sound. Although it was very weak and almost inaudible, it shocked people's hearts! The sound of drums seemed to be coming from far away in time and space, dull and full of sadness, and then there was the ringing of bells, filled with sadness, ethereal and real.

Where's the sound coming from?

Everyone was shocked and looked around, but found nothing.

Chapter 160 Ancient Forbidden City

The dull drums and sad bells seemed to come out of the coffin wall, which made people feel eerie.

This...couldn't it be the mournful song for the burial of ancient emperors?

Suddenly, more sounds came, like endless sounds of mourning, as tens of thousands of people worshiped and prayed for a person's funeral.

The death knell rang and the mourning drums rang out, as if a huge funeral was unfolding before everyone's eyes. There was an endless sea of ​​people in the world grieving and praying.

At this moment, nine consecutive high-pitched dragon roars suddenly resounded through the sky, shaking the rivers and mountains, and spreading throughout the earth, as if a real picture was engraved in the starry sky of history...

At this moment, everyone had a strange feeling, as if they had witnessed with their own eyes the scene of an ancient emperor coming to the vast land and sweeping the world, followed by a huge funeral of unprecedented scale.

In fact, there is no picture. All these are the associations that arise after hearing those dragons roaring and hearing the vast sea of ​​people praying. Everyone woke up quickly, and the ethereal sound of mourning was still lingering, making everyone feel a chill down their spines.

The relics of the gods in our hands are shining again...

At this time, divine radiance was shed, and the Buddhist vessels in everyone's hands were blooming with light, but instead of restoring their divine power, they were losing their brilliance as if they were almost exhausted. Thousands of divine radiances flowed out, all rushing towards the walls of the giant bronze coffin, and submerged into the ancient bronze carvings.

The coffin wall is covered with green patina, but it can hardly cover up the ancient ancestors and ancient gods. At this moment, they are all shining brightly, as if they are about to be resurrected, and the carvings of the wild beasts and divine birds They have become lifelike, and these ancient bronze carvings are full of mysterious power.

Look, the starry sky is flashing...

Everyone noticed something unusual there. It was the largest piece of ancient bronze carving, a vast starry sky, and all the stars were shining at this moment. The dim coffin wall as the background did not change at all, and like the dark night sky, it really appeared like a bright starry sky.

There is a thin line flickering on this starry sky engraving. Could it be the ancient road in the starry sky that we have walked?

Everyone gathered around, watched together, spoke one after another, and looked shocked.

This starry sky is as vast as the sea, and many stars are as small as dust, but there are still some special stars that are extraordinarily bright, much more eye-catching than other stars, and attract people's attention.

These seven stars are extremely bright, they seem to be the Big Dipper!

What Ye Fan said is indeed right! Beidou Star Territory! A world full of gods and demons...

I don't know what Ye Fan said about our fate...

Hearing Wang Ziwen say this, everyone stared. In front of the suspected ancient road in the starry sky, the Big Dipper stars shone brightly, which was particularly eye-catching.

There are also many stars as bright as the Big Dipper. After careful identification, a few people showed surprise.

Zhou Yi was not only elegant in appearance, but he had actually read a lot of books. He identified those particularly bright stars on the spot and said, Those are the ancient stars of the Celestial Dynasty.

In ancient China, the starry sky was divided into several regions, and different star regions had different names. Three walls, four elephants and twenty-eight constellations can be used to summarize the star map of the sky.

The ancient bronze carvings in front of us were divided according to this method, and some very famous stars were specially marked.

After seeing this star map, and then looking at the ancient starry sky road, it is really amazing. The ancients were probably not superstitious when dividing the starry sky map. Different stars represent different star fields, and they seem to have very special characteristics. with great significance...

Yes, it seems to be related to the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Maybe it is also related to the source of life...

Everyone was surprised and speechless for a long time.

Look, the shining thin lines on the starry sky map are extending. Does it represent the direction we are heading, the extension and embodiment of the ancient road in the starry sky?

This thin line is wirelessly approaching the Big Dipper!

Everyone was in a daze for a while. They were originally on Mount Tai on the Earth, but only a short time had passed, and they might have been close to the Big Dipper! This is almost dreamlike and very unreal.

In terms of the existing technology of mankind, even if we fly for millions of years, it is impossible to reach the vicinity of the Big Dipper. It is simply impossible to achieve, the distance is too far!

Everyone was stunned and extremely shocked.


At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly spoke.

At the same time, everyone felt that the giant bronze coffin shook violently, as if the earth was shaking.

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