An invincible fighting spirit soared into the sky, and through the induction of heaven, it swept the entire universe in an instant.

Beidou Star Territory, Ziwei Star Territory, seven restricted areas of life, and all races in the universe!

At this moment, all living beings were trembling, and everyone was frightened. It was as if they were on a sacred land or a god. No one knew how many living beings worshiped him.

-------- this the breath of the emperor?

How is it possible!!!!!! There has been no emperor for ten thousand years since the Qing Emperor!! In this era where saints have never existed, how can there be the aura of the emperor?

The Ancient Forbidden Land, the Immortal Mountain, the Ancient Mine of Taichu...the Supreme Beings who have been sleeping for endless years in the seven forbidden areas of life suddenly opened their eyes with serious expressions!

Great Holy Body!? Why is this breath so strange!

Not anyone we know! What's going on?

What Ye Fan didn't know was. .

He used the Dacheng Holy Body trial card to shake the entire Zhetian Universe!

I am the Emperor of Heaven! I shall kill all enemies in the world!

Ye Fan felt like a god who overcame everything.

Look up to the sky and scream!

The vast fairy sound runs through the world~

The divine power of the Dacheng Holy Body surges in all directions, making the nine heavens and ten earth tremble!

The moment his eyes glanced at Crocodile Ancestor.

Crocodile Ancestor turned into powder!

No response or mercy was given to him.

Ye Fan killed him instantly!

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission! The host will obtain the cultivation of a saint before exiting the Dacheng Holy Body state!

At the same time, the host Crocodile Ancestor Saint-level Saint Weapon - handed down Saint Cloth, Demon Saint Essence Blood

I saw a black armor emerging from the system backpack, shining with a cold metallic luster.

This level of clothing is equivalent to a holy weapon, and it can also reach level 5 in the chat group, which is enough to resist the explosion of the planet!

And there are 20 drops of demon saint blood.


Ye Fan had no nostalgia and directly exited the state of Dacheng Holy Body.

Good things should be used wisely. .

He knows the preciousness of the Great Eucharist.

Don't waste too much time.

I estimate that the terrifying aura emanating from the newly become Dacheng Holy Body must be felt by all the races in the entire Zhetian World~

Ding! The host has exited the Dacheng Holy Body state, and the Dacheng Holy Body trial card (23 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds) has been put back into the system backpack.

System, look at the personal information!


Host: Ye Fan (Future Emperor of Heaven)

Realm: The fifth stage of Sendai - saint, quality - wave your hand to break the stars and travel across the universe

Physique: Ancient Holy Body (Immortal King in Nine Heavens, Yin and Yang Life and Death Diagram, Green Lotus Seed of Chaos, Stars Shining in the Sky, Splendid Mountains and Rivers, Immortal Golden Body)

The flawless chaotic body (the great road is curtained, there are no bottlenecks in practice, the will of the Emperor of Heaven is inspired by himself)

Characteristics: Physically invincible, invincible at the same level, invincible to all evil

Eye Technique: Eye of Reincarnation, Eye of Holy Body (to destroy all illusions), Eye of Chaos (to see through all essences)

Lifespan: 25/3000 (the ancient holy body has been activated, the flawless chaotic body has been activated)

Supreme magical power: Kunpeng Baoshu (Sun Fist, Taiyin Palm, Hundred Thousand God Feather Sword Furnace, Only True Feather Sword, Jinxuan Ripple Technique, Qingtian Peng Technique, Illusion Peng Technique, Divine Peng Gangfeng, Golden Peng Wings, Kunpeng Speed) , Yang Yin Balance Technique, Infinite Sea, etc...)

Divine Elephant’s Prison-Suppressing Power


Looking at his data, Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction.

It hasn’t been long since I got the Supreme Emperor System.

This has been reached.

I have to say that the system of Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit is really exaggerated.

You can spend a long time on your own. .

It can also be a water group.

Have a drink with the chat group friends!


This...this...I can now confirm that Mark is definitely the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven!

The gods in myths and legends are just like this~~

“It’s so shocking~~”

No regrets in this life!

Ye...Yi Ye is so strong!

Everyone in the copper coffin was trembling with excitement. They saw a scene even more magnificent than a miracle!

The Emperor of Heaven destroys the crocodile ancestor~

There is only endless awe in Ye Fan's eyes!


In the chat group.

Fire Fist Ace: A fish leaps into a dragon, in an instant...

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: Damn, let this guy pretend...

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Ye Fan's future achievements are already incredible, and now that he has obtained the system of the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, it is even further...

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Don't be anxious, the realm can be sought, but the Taoist heart is hard to pursue. Although Xiaofan has reached the realm now, he has not yet obtained the corresponding state of mind. In the end, he still needs to settle...

Li Qiye: Yang Jian is right. Realm is very important, but what is more important is the eternal and supreme Taoist heart. As long as you have the Taoist heart, all the worlds in the universe and countless dimensions can be controlled. Everything you think about is just a concept, and of course, the simplest path is also the most difficult.

The Great Immortal Ma of the Universe said: Senior Li Qiye's Taoist heart is indeed unparalleled throughout history.

Great Master - Muchen: My level is still too low, I can't understand it.

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe - Pluto: Once the realm is reached, magical powers will be revealed. It's better not to think so much now.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Indeed, it's useless to think about it so much. Let's watch the live broadcast first...

Chapter 159: Divine Thoughts of the Dacheng Holy Body, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, Sendai Volume of Emperor Sutra

Covering the world.

Ye Fan injected his own immortal power into the five-color altar.

The Tai Chi Bagua diagram in the sky has taken shape, with the solidity and texture of metal, as if it was cast from hundreds of alchemy.

Around it, the space is distorted, the light is hazy, and the Bagua symbols corresponding to Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, and Kan shine successively, like a set of mysterious and ancient codes shining.

The eight hexagram symbols have flashed hundreds of thousands of times, been arranged and combined repeatedly, and then lit up at the same time, making the huge Tai Chi Bagua diagram become extremely bright!


At this moment, the huge bronze coffin on the five-color altar suddenly made a trembling sound.

Nine huge dragon corpses pulled the bronze coffin and slowly rose into the sky and submerged into the starry sky gate.

The fascinating journey is over.


Ye Fan's guess was not wrong.

Although he changed, he reached the Holy Body in more than a minute.

But the entire Zhetian Universe went crazy. .

I don’t know how many powerful beings were awakened, looking at the direction where the wisp of breath appeared in incredible distance!

My God, has anyone proven the truth?

How could this happen? What a powerful existence this is. The aura of the ancient emperor is filling the air!

It's not one of the nine holy bodies that were invincible in the past... That direction seems to come from that legendary star field...?

Are you talking about the ancient life star of Emperor Fuxi and Emperor Nuwa? It shouldn't be~~Since Lao Tzu and Sakyamuni, there...

That's not right!!! Could it be some hidden senior?? This isn't right either...

Strange! This breath has disappeared again...

Don't think so much~ Judging from the breath just now, this Dacheng Holy Body is in its prime. Even at its peak, we may not be its opponents. Now that the breath has disappeared, don't think so much for the time being~~

In this era, the road to immortality is about to begin. No matter what, we must give it a try!


The supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life talked about it for a while, and then declared themselves.

The appearance of the Dacheng Holy Body made them feel very depressed, but there was nothing they could do. This life was their last chance. .

They will pursue the ethereal fairy at all costs! !


In the bronze coffin, there was only one green lamp swaying faintly, reflecting everyone's sad expressions.

Some female students are sobbing, and some male students are sighing. The road ahead is uncertain and unpredictable. It was getting late, everyone was exhausted and listless, and they all fell asleep.

Ye Fan sat quietly in the coffin, digesting the rewards after killing the Crocodile Ancestor and his own realm cultivation.

At the same time, the essence and blood of Crocodile Ancestor were distributed in the chat group to send red envelopes. .

Everyone in the chat called Ye Fan Shang Dao.


After a while, Ye Fan's supernatural power recovered.

Suddenly the Supreme Emperor system started to remind Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's heart moved and he poured his divine power into his eyes.

I saw that Ye Fan's whole body exuded an unpredictable aura, and his eyes were lavender, which seemed to contain the vision of the bright sun.

Ye Fan looked at the entire copper coffin.

Except for the confused classmates. .

And...the Great Holy Body of God!

Mark's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes emitted an extremely blazing light.

He suddenly looked towards a corner inside the bronze coffin, where there was a dark shadow half-covered behind the person.

And at this moment, the black shadow seemed to notice Ye Fan's gaze, and turned his head, with fear in his eyes.

That figure was ferocious and terrifying, with snow-white teeth, eyes like a dead fish, and a jet-black body. There was no life at all, and the aura of death filled the air!

Dear Holy Body of Divine Thoughts, don't make a sound, don't make mistakes, I will let you go!!

This is a real evil ghost, the most terrifying thing in the world.

But now this fierce ghost is definitely afraid of him. .

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