I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 651 Enlightenment, breakthrough and breakthrough again

However, Ji Chen did not directly convert to this ancient divine scripture. Instead, he integrated this ancient divine scripture and combined it with the Self-Transformation Method to sort out and comprehend an innate ancient scripture that suited him.

Combined with the characteristics of the killing point, this is not difficult for Ji Chen nowadays.

He now has more than 18 million killing points, which he can squander at will.


Ji Chen's body became more and more dazzling, like a true immortal coming to the world, the entire temple turned into an immortal pool, endless immortal light and runes bloomed, drowning Ji Chen.

The body is like a bottomless black hole, swallowing these fairy light runes and refining them into his own body. He is recasting his innate realm, which is gradually reaching perfection.

The surging divine power washed over Ji Chen's physical body. His body became more and more flawless, and the powerful life fluctuations became even more terrifying. His physical body reached an extreme, and every heartbeat was like the roar of the great road.

Time has been forgotten by Ji Chen. He put aside all external things and devoted himself to cultivating the innate realm. When the cultivation of the innate realm was equal to that of the Holy Lord, Ji Chen did not stop practicing.

He pulled the vast amount of energy in the fairy pool into his body, and his body was like colorful glass, clear and flawless, with endless divine glow blooming.

As time goes by, this realm has become more perfect, and his cultivation has surpassed Ji Chen's current realm.

The single cultivation realm is completely different from Ji Chen's previous system realm. There is no detailed level division. Ji Chen refers to the previous realm to measure the strength of the single cultivation realm.

He did not give up his previous realm. While cultivating the innate realm alone, Ji Chen also began to break through to the second realm of the Holy Lord, and the two cultivation methods went hand in hand.

He now has enough resources and killing points, he just needs to keep attacking.

During this period, his cultivation will also show a spurt of growth.

With the consumption of one million killing points, Ji Chen's cultivation quickly broke through to the second realm of the Holy Lord.

Various visions appeared around him, such as the Chaos Divine Bell, the Tai Chi Diagram of Life and Death, and the stars shining in the sky, as if they were evolving the world.

While he is making breakthroughs, he is evolving his world. The path of reincarnation is constantly unfolding in the world, with reincarnation and the alternation of life and death.

Ji Chen did not stop and continued to break through the third realm, then the fourth realm, and the fifth realm.

With each reincarnation, Ji Chen's realm would break through a level. His whole figure seemed to be on fire. The star power in the sky was attracted, gathered like moonlight, and entered Ji Chen's body.

Ji Chen's cultivation was like riding a flying sword, rising slowly, and soon broke through to the ninth level of the Holy Lord.

His world has also evolved into a real world, based on the sea of ​​​​qi. The original sea of ​​​​qi has completely evolved into the world.

After reaching this realm, Ji Chen temporarily stopped breaking through. It wasn't that he didn't want to break through, but Ji Chen suddenly had an idea. He wanted to cultivate all other realms to the peak of the Holy Lord, and then break through the realm at the same time and step into the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Once he enters the Holy Emperor Realm, he will be directly invincible.

There are still 107 billion left in the killing point, which is enough for him to break through to the realm of the Holy Emperor.

There is still a large amount of immortal energy and divine substances left in the Immortal Pond.

Ji Chen directly opened a large hole in his body and evolved it into a world to store these immortal energy and divine substances.


The vast immortal energy and divine substances are swallowed up by the body and stored in the large holes of the body.

After a long time, all the divine energy and divine substances in the entire fairy pond were swallowed up. Then Ji Chen ran towards the third temple.

In the outside world, four months have passed. The number of people around the Immortal Lake and the Jiehai Sea has not only not decreased, but has increased. Ji Chen has not come out until now, which further proves the authenticity of the ancient scriptures of the gods.

The inheritance of the ancient scriptures of gods could not be completed so quickly, let alone nine temples.

Everyone has roughly understood the situation inside from the mouths of the holy masters who exited. There are nine sacred mountains and nine temples. Each sacred mountain represents the inheritance of an ancient scripture of a god.

In other words, there are at least nine ancient divine scriptures in it. This kind of creation is enough to make anyone crazy.

Moreover, everyone also felt that the suppression on the island was gradually weakening. Some people speculated that it might be related to the ancient scriptures of gods and the Great Demon Saint.

Perhaps when the suppression on the island completely disappears, it will be when the Great Demon Saint has finished passing on the ancient scriptures of the gods and comes out.

Therefore, instead of decreasing, the number of people on the island is even increasing.

The news of the birth of the ancient scripture of gods has spread to all parts of the secret realm, and almost everyone is rushing here. Not only are powerful people from all walks of life outside the realm, but even the most powerful creatures in this secret realm are coming.

On the boundary sea, there is a huge undead army stationed, numbering at least tens of thousands. The leader is a headless horseman, holding a dazzling halberd, riding a war horse covered with black armor, staying quietly in the boundary. maritime.

One by one, the Death Temporary Warriors rode war horses, like ghosts, standing quietly on the boundary sea. The terrifying breath of death exuded, and the armor on their bodies was almost rotting away, showing the vicissitudes of life.

The people around them stayed away from them, with fearful and wary expressions on their faces. They seemed to contain a demonic power, like an ancient demon was about to resurrect. Any creature that came close to them would have their blood and essence snatched away by them.

This is a very terrifying force, and no one wants to provoke them.

Uncle Daxia also appeared on the boundary sea, his expression was very calm.

In fact, he was not very calm inside. The ancient scripture of gods was born and was obtained by Ji Chen. This was also a supreme blessing for Daxia. Daxia's promotion to the supreme divine kingdom was basically stable.

But now things seem to be a little out of control. The news has been leaked and too many people have come. Almost all the powerful people in this secret realm have come, all for the ancient scriptures of the gods.

He felt a lot about the powerful ones at the ancestor level alone. He didn't know if there were people who surpassed the ancestor level.

Even if he possesses the Imperial Divine Sword, he may not be able to protect Ji Chen. After all, there are too many enemies to face. For the sake of the ancient scriptures of the gods, these people will risk everything.

In the secret realm, as time passed slowly, one year passed like this. Ji Chen had completed refining the last temple and was preparing to attack the realm of the Holy Emperor.

The seven realms entered the Holy Emperor realm at the same time. This was Ji Chen's grand gesture. Once he enters the Holy Emperor, he will be immediately invincible.

A full year has passed since he started refining the first temple, and this is Ji Chen's longest retreat.

Over the past year, a lot of things have happened in the outside world. Some people have walked out of the world of Shenzang Guixu and spread the news about what happened in the world of Shenzang, which has triggered many strong people to enter Guixu. (End of chapter)

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