I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 650 Sensation throughout the secret realm

"Great Demon Saint!"

"It's indeed him!"

Everyone showed a strange look. This young ruthless man had finally obtained the traces and inheritance of the True Dragon God.

"It's unexpected to think that it was him who got the inheritance."

"It doesn't matter, he will always come out and inform Jiehai that the ancient scriptures of gods have appeared in the world, and the Great Demon Saint has obtained the ultimate inheritance. The Great Demon Saint will come out at any time, so that the Jiehai side can be prepared."

Someone started making arrangements, and there was no need to hide it at all. Ming Minggao told everyone that they were going to intercept the creation of the Great Demon Saint.

"Creation belongs to everyone, and the ancient scriptures of gods belong to everyone. If he is willing to publish it, that's all. If he is not willing, then he can only be rude."

"If you can confirm that the Ancient God's Scripture he published is the real Ancient God's Scripture, you must open the sea of ​​​​consciousness for us to search to ensure that there will be no problems with the Ancient God's Scripture."

"It should be so. The Great Demon Saint is too cunning. He will play tricks on the ancient scriptures of gods."

Some people sigh, so what if the Great Demon Saint obtains the ultimate inheritance, he will still make a wedding dress for others in the end.

Each one of them was filled with murderous intent, and they were ready to tear Ji Chen into pieces once he came out.

Due to the suppression on this island, everyone's strength has been leveled, but the Great Demon Saint must leave the island. Once he leaves the island, everyone's strength will be restored. No matter how powerful the Great Demon Saint is, he is just a son of God. It's not up to them.

Let alone him, even if Yaoguang Shenzi and others obtain the inheritance, they may not be able to keep it. There are too many people on the sea of ​​​​the world staring at this place.

"Where are the others? Where are the Taoist Changsheng and the Golden Lion Goddess of War? Why don't they come out? Are they still competing with the Great Demon Saint for inheritance?"

Someone noticed something was wrong. Apart from these divine sons and a few cultivators, no one else came out.

"They are all dead. They were all killed by the Great Demon Saint. Except for a few of us, the rest of them all died inside."


Everyone around the fairy lake was stunned and in disbelief. Many people's expressions froze directly on their faces, as if they were cursed.

"How can it be?"

"This is real?"

A holy master asked. He couldn't believe that the Great Demon Saint could kill everyone by himself, especially existences like the Golden Lion Goddess of War and the Taoist Immortal. They were already the ceiling of combat power in this secret realm. How could it be possible? Will be killed by the Great Demon Saint.

"It's true. Except for a few of us, no one can survive. The Great Demon Saint is too terrifying. He obtained the ancient scriptures of the gods, and under the suppression of the light of the avenue, he broke through the realm of the Holy Lord and laid out a peerless massacre. Formation and wiped them all out."

One of the Holy Lords answered with difficulty.


There was an instant uproar around the fairy lake. The Great Demon Saint obtained the Ancient God's Scripture.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe that the ultimate inheritance of the True Dragon Divine Treasure was actually the ancient scripture of the gods.

They originally thought it might be the scriptures of the Supreme Emperor, or a creation like true dragon blood, but they didn't expect it to be an ancient scripture of the gods. This was a great creation that defied the heavens.

Everyone couldn't believe it. It was just like an illusion, not quite real.

At this moment, no one can remain calm. The ancient scriptures of gods are revealed, and the entire secret realm is about to boil.

"Oh my God, the ancient scriptures of gods have appeared. Isn't this true?"

"The Great Demon Saint actually broke through the shackles of rules and reached the realm of the Holy Lord by relying on the ancient scriptures of gods. Eighty percent of the reason why this ancient scripture of gods is true."

Around the Immortal Lake, everyone exclaimed, and there was a lot of noise and excitement. Some old saint masters were coiled in the void, their eyes were extremely deep.

The news soon spread to Jiehai, causing a sensation throughout Jiehai.

"It's incredible. Gods and ancient scriptures have appeared. What a great blessing this is!"

Some powerful beings stood in the void, their whole bodies shimmering with light. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but the aura emanating from their bodies could tell that their hearts were not so peaceful.

When the Ancient God's Scripture comes out, no one can be calm. The more powerful people are, the more eager they are to obtain the Ancient God's Scripture. This has a fatal attraction for them.

There was a strange color in the eyes of some Holy Lords. There were stars flowing in their eyes. They were vast and expanse, and there was a silent aura of killing, which was intimidating.

"It's really amazing that with the help of the ancient scriptures of the gods, you can break the shackles of the island's rules and break through to the realm of the Holy Lord."

No one will doubt the authenticity of the ancient scriptures of gods. This fact is enough to explain everything.

"I heard that the suppression inside the True Dragon Secret Realm is stronger than outside. In that case, you can break the rules and make breakthroughs. This ancient divine scripture is very powerful!"

An old woman wearing a blue battle suit spoke. She was riding on a huge green luan, and her whole body exuded a cold and sinister aura.

Everyone felt a chill, biting to the bone, like a cold sword tip pressing against their backs, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

"It is said that the Great Demon Saint comes from the Great Wilderness. I really want to go to that world to see what kind of wonderful world it is." The old woman said,

"It is said that the Great Demon Saint has a master of the Holy Emperor. Do you dare to go?" An old Holy Master sneered.

"Why don't you dare? The Great Demon Saint died in the Guixu secret realm because of fighting for the ancient scriptures of gods. No one knows who killed him. Even the Holy Emperor cannot kill people casually!"

The old woman smiled like a ghost, and everyone felt cold and a layer of pimples appeared on their bodies.

"No matter what, he always has to come out, always has to leave the island."

Another old Holy Lord spoke. His body was thin and he stood in the void, very blurry. The tone was calm, but the meaning revealed was obvious. He was bound to obtain the ancient scriptures of the gods.

Someone has already started making arrangements to set up a killing array. Once Ji Chen comes out, he will kill him directly.

Invisible murderous intent permeated the sea of ​​​​the world. Some people who felt the danger instantly shuddered and unconsciously withdrew from the sea of ​​​​the world.

It is conceivable that once the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen comes out, what kind of purgatory this place will turn into will become enemies. Not only the Great Demon Saint will be an enemy, but anyone who obtains the ancient scriptures of gods will be attacked by everyone. Target.

Some people will even use this opportunity to kill their enemies.

The entire island, including Jiehai, is talking about it. Everyone and forces are making intensive arrangements. They don't know when Ji Chen will come out. Once he comes out, it will cause a huge disturbance.

For the ancient scriptures of gods, everyone will go crazy.

Deep in the secret realm, Ji Chen was studying the second temple, the Xiantian Temple.

This temple contains an ancient scripture of gods, and this ancient scripture of gods can directly cultivate one into a god.

Moreover, this is an ancient scripture that can cultivate the innate realm to the extreme, and directly become a god with the innate realm. (End of chapter)

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