I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 652 Want to borrow all the laws of the world

This year, the Guixu world experienced rare peace. Some people made breakthroughs by relying on the opportunities they got, and their cultivation became stronger and stronger.

Now, the entire secret realm is filled with a chilling atmosphere, waiting for Ji Chen to come out.

Ji Chen was in retreat, and there was a powerful sea-like aura dormant in his body. With the consumption of 100 billion points, Ji Chen officially began to break through the barrier.

He is like a god, with a majestic appearance.

Strong blood boiled in his body.

He sat there for a month, but one day, he suddenly stood up, stretched out his arms, and began to develop a terrible way. Just raising his hand made the world miserable.

As soon as the Dao marks appeared, the whole world trembled, and all the creatures in the world felt an inexplicable mourning, and all the Dao fell at their feet.

All six realms have been cultivated to the peak that Ji Chen can practice now. To break through the six realms together, Ji Chen needs a substantive great skill.

He needs to have his own complete Tao. This is the fundamental point. Any other Tao is used to assist and protect this Tao, and Tao also needs Tao to protect it.

This is Ji Chen's Way of Reincarnation. There is no doubt that it is a supreme avenue. At this moment, Ji Chen is breaking through the realm while using the Way of Reincarnation to evolve the secret technique of Wushang.

Obtain the great path, participate in the invincible fruition, and perform the supreme secret technique.

This is a rare opportunity.

His hands drew inexplicable trajectories, the wind and thunder were deafening, the lightning flashed and thundered, as if the world was opening up.

As soon as this kind of Tao came out, the heaven and earth trembled, and all the heavens and ten thousand ways resonated with it.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, Ji Chen's hands drew a mysterious trajectory, and a sacred mountain emerged.

The once mountain and river seals were now evolved by Ji Chen, and their power was unparalleled, as if one blow could crush the stars in the sky and bring down the whole world.

As Ji Chen continued to practice, his hands changed, and a golden divine seal appeared, like a heavenly monument, with golden runes flashing. As Ji Chen's hands fell, it was as if a whole piece of the sky had been knocked over, suppressing all laws in the world.

This is the seal of turning the sky, turning the sky with one hand, messing up the yin and yang with one hand, turning the hand to form clouds, and covering the hand to form rain.

As Ji Chen continued to perform tricks, the four swords that reach the sky emerged, the Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, the Immortal Killing Sword, and the Immortal Absolute Sword.

Ji Chen had evolved the Immortal Killing Sword, and now the four Immortal Swords had evolved together. The four Immortal Swords were arranged in a sword formation, clanking, killing the Immortal to seal its throat, killing the Immortal to pierce its heart, trapping the Immortal to initiate initiation, and decapitating the Ultimate Immortal.

Ji Chen evolved all kinds of methods, from what he had learned in the past, to what he realized on his own, to what he evolved based on his imagination, and he continued to deduce and evolve.

When the Nine Demon Tribulation Blades came out, the demonic energy was everywhere, as if a supreme demon had revived, and I was the only one in the nine heavens and ten earths.

With the blessing of reincarnation, Ji Chen evolved from the first form to the ninth form in one breath, the calamity of heaven and earth.

Demonic calamity descended on the heaven and earth, and the entire universe seemed to collapse.

Ji Chen wants to create a great art, a supreme art of his own.

He merged all the techniques into one and created a supreme technique.

The next moment, Ji Chen's temperament changed again, and he began to evolve into the Tianxuan Nine Swordsman. His whole body was extremely domineering, as if he were a banished immortal. His swordsmanship opened and closed, and the entire sky exploded. The domineering power is boundless and unparalleled. There is a kind of domineering power that can rage against the nine heavens with a sword and sweep across the three thousand worlds with a sword.

Eight steps into the air, breaking the delusion of the gods, and the mind-cutting technique, every technique he has practiced has been evolved by Ji Chen.

All the magical arts were being integrated. Ji Chen fell silent and began to dismantle the various magical arts, study the true explanations, and constantly evolve and reason.

All the divine arts were turned into original runes, and then combined with the ancient scriptures of gods to condense and fuse. Condensate your own method, understand your own way, and create a supreme art.

Ji Chen's speed is getting slower and slower. The ancient scriptures of gods are extremely profound, and the trajectory he has evolved has become more and more complex and profound, but there is a kind of avenue pulsating, exuding a vigorous atmosphere, as deep as an abyss. Measurement.


The great art was just completed and finally had its outline. With a slight vibration, the sky collapsed.

This is a fusion of various divine arts, based on the ancient scriptures of gods and the law of other transformations, and then on reincarnation as the foundation, creating a supreme offensive technique that covers all the laws of the heavens.

The Self-Transformation Method taught to Ji Chen by Tantai Xuan is also an ancient scripture of the gods, and it is a more complete ancient scripture of the gods.

In contrast, Ji Chen felt that the ancient scripture of divine evaluation taught by Tantai Xuan was more complete.

It can be seen from this that Tianxuan Holy Land was once a supreme force that transcended all the worlds. Even this force has fallen. It can be seen that there were terrible horrors that occurred in ancient times.

The fusion of several ancient scriptures of gods gave Ji Chen enough confidence and foundation to understand his own supreme law.


Ji Chen is still continuing to evolve. He needs Nirvana so that this fused art can completely break away from the ancient art and become his own.

He is still continuing to perfect it, perfecting this technique into one that is completely suitable for him.

Ji Chen shook his hands, constantly evolving, looking for the most perfect feeling.

I don't know how long it took, but Ji Chen gradually became clear in his heart and had a feeling. This technique was also gradually perfected, and he had an invincible aura that could swallow thousands of miles.

Every time he moved his hands, it seemed that he was pushing the heavens and the world.

Ji Chen's momentum became more and more powerful, and each move no longer had a fixed formula. It seemed that it was helpless and unruly, but it became more and more oppressive, making the whole world scream, and the sound of the avenue was deafening.

But Ji Chen still felt that he was still a little bit behind, and this technique was not perfect yet.

At this moment, Ji Chen felt that the light of the avenue that suppressed this area of ​​heaven and earth was disappearing, and the secret realm he was in was about to open up.

Instinctively, Ji Chen used the power of the world to cover himself, blocking out the connection between heaven and earth. Now is not the time to overcome the tribulation. Once the tribulation comes, it may disrupt his current state.

"It's not enough. My foundation is not enough. It's just a little bit behind. I need to borrow some help."

The entire secret realm is changing, and there are various visions. An eternal figure is imprinted in the void, sitting quietly like a rock.

In the secret realm, countless people saw such a scene and were all shocked.

"It's the Great Demon Saint, whose true form reflects the heavens. What kind of terrifying secret method is he practicing?"

"The real mysterious land is about to open!"

Everyone sensed that the Great Demon Saint had passed down all the ancient scriptures of the gods and was practicing a supreme method.

In the eyes of everyone, he must have sensed the danger in the outside world and knew that he could not protect the ancient scriptures of the gods, so he simply studied and advanced on the spot, hoping to make ends meet.

But despite all his calculations, he failed to predict that the true mysterious realm was about to open and he would be in danger. (End of chapter)

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