Fortunately, everyone is still physically strong, and they are all saints with the lowest cultivation level, so they will not fall to death.

Everyone took a breath of cold air. Flying was prohibited in that area and it was a restricted airspace.

Everyone stepped into that area carefully, not only to be wary of each other, but also to be wary of unknown dangers coming from the fog.

After walking a certain distance, a pitch-black river appeared in front of everyone. The pitch-black water exuded a terrifying aura and possessed terrifying devouring power.

The formation of this restricted area is related to this river, and all the devouring power emanates from this river.

"Why is there a river? How can we cross it?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. This place was forbidden to fly, and it was impossible to cross the river.

Someone picked up a stone and threw it into the river.

However, before the stone came close to the river water, it turned into powder without any sound.

Everyone's expressions changed again. There are strong restrictions and laws in this river. This is a river.

This river gave Ji Chen a very familiar feeling, including the environment of this forbidden land, which also made Ji Chen feel very familiar.

This is very similar to the situation of Tianxuan Holy Land and the Styx River. Even the breath is exactly the same. The only difference is that there are no real corpses in this river.

Could this be some holy land or the site of a supreme religion?

Jichen Center guessed so.

Someone searched carefully along the river and found a single-plank bridge on the river. It was made of black wood and shone with a faint black light.

Is this a rhythm that requires thousands of people to cross a single-plank bridge?

However, soon, someone discovered other single-plank bridges further away. There was more than one single-plank bridge on the river.

At this moment, someone walked safely along the single-plank bridge to the other side of the river.

Then, more people stepped onto the single-plank bridge, passed smoothly, and reached the other side of the river.

Ji Chen noticed something and quickly stepped onto the single-plank bridge. However, as soon as he stepped onto the bridge, a terrifying aura erupted, and a powerful force rushed towards Ji Chenzhen.

Someone wants to destroy the single-plank bridge, along with Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold and he punched. At the same time, he evolved a heavenly sword and shot towards the opposite side.


The sword energy was so sharp that it hit the other side directly.

Opposite him, a middle-aged man stared at Ji Chen with the same indifferent eyes, and the aura emanating from him made people palpitate.

That was an ancestor. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ji Chen and destroy the single-plank bridge together, cutting off opportunities for those behind him and reducing competition.

After all, Ji Chen's competitiveness is too strong, and he wants to solve hidden dangers in advance.

However, the single-plank bridge is very strong, shining with black light and Dao lines, and is difficult to destroy.

Seeing that Ji Chen was about to kill him, the man punched directly into the river.


The terrifying fist light shook the river water and formed a huge wave, sweeping towards Ji Chen.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the innermost part.

Ji Chen's expression changed, and he saw that the huge black wave turned into a dark vortex, like an abyss, trying to swallow Ji Chen up.

Ji Chen is in big trouble. The terrifying unknown force is tearing at his body and trying to swallow him up.

However, something even more terrifying happened. There was a vibrating sound in the Heihe River, as if something terrifying was awakening, and the dull sound of iron chains came from the Heihe River.

Ji Chen's expression changed again. Like the Styx River in Tianxuan Holy Land, there were creatures in this black river, which were extremely terrifying.

At the critical moment, Ji Chen used the reincarnation years to cover his body, and finally got rid of the pulling force, and then quickly rushed across the single-plank bridge.

This place not only restricted the air, but also suppressed speed. Ji Chen used the power of the years and found that he had gotten rid of a trace of the restricted power, and his speed was much faster.

He rushed across the single-plank bridge and quickly caught up with the ancestor who had just attacked him.

"You, how is that possible?"

The ancestor was surprised, how could the Great Demon Saint be so fast? This was simply beyond his expectation. Even though his speed was also suppressed, the Great Demon Saint broke through some of the restrictions, which shocked him.

Ji Chen's body is filled with the breath of time, making him invulnerable to all attacks. This is how he can break through some of the restrictions. Of course, it is only a breakthrough in speed.

Holding the Tianxuan horizontal sword in his hand, he struck directly with one strike.

The ancestor also unleashed all his strength to fight against Ji Chen.

At this moment, another ancestor-level monster came towards Ji Chenzhen and killed him.

The two formed a team and worked together to surround and kill Ji Chen.

Ji Chen fought against two enemies without losing any of them, and relied on his speed to do it with ease.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The two ancestors were shocked and their hearts were shaken. They also discovered the faint light on Ji Chen's body. What kind of secret technique was this that could break through the restrictions in this place?

If he had known that Ji Chen could break through the restriction, he would not have taken action against Ji Chen. Now that he has provoked this demon saint, it will be difficult to get rid of him.

Ji Chen's moves were wide open and closed, and the two ancestors encountered an unimaginable crisis.

"Great Demon Saint, you can't kill us. It was just a misunderstanding. If we continue to fight, we will waste time and only benefit others. Even if you kill us in the end, you will pay a heavy price and be killed by others." We have taken advantage of it, so why don’t we join forces? If we join forces, the True Dragon God’s Treasure will be at our fingertips.”

"The chickens and dogs who attacked from behind are also worthy of cooperating with me. If I really cooperate with you to obtain the True Dragon Divine Treasure, I will be the first one you stab in the back. If I kill you, I will still get the True Dragon Divine Treasure."

Ji Chen was full of momentum and fierce. He just wanted to kill these two people in the shortest possible time and then snatch the True Dragon Divine Treasure.


This was an extremely astonishing battle. When I watched Ji Chen fight with others before, I didn't feel much at all. Now that I really faced him, I realized how terrifying this person was and that they were in great trouble.

The two ancestors' laws came out together and turned into a chain of training, penetrating the void and forming a domain world, covering Ji Chen in it, trying to suppress him in this place.

The immortal light shocked the world, and the domain world suppressed them, and the void trembled.


Destructive light burst out. Ji Chen held the Tianxuan horizontal sword and slashed it out. The sword energy that destroyed the world exploded and the domain world was split into two halves, along with half of the body of one of the ancestors. When he came down, the destructive sword energy erupted, directly destroying that half of his body.

The ancestor screamed and suffered unimaginable damage.

He used secret magic to escape.

"Stay, you!"

Ji Chen performed an eight-step kick, many times faster than him, and caught up with him in an instant.

"In that case, let's die together!"

The ancestor was also a ruthless person, with violent fluctuations emanating from his body. He wanted to explode his body and die together with Ji Chen. (End of chapter)

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