
The destructive sword light illuminated the sky and the earth, passing over the ancestor's body and splitting his body in half.

"I let you live so that you can live. I didn't let you die. Even what the King of Hell said doesn't count."

Ji Chen said coldly, and then killed another ancestor.


The ancestor roared angrily, full of fear, but Ji Chen was already coming to kill him, so he could only resist with all his strength.

There was no suspense in this battle. Ji Chen broke through some of the restrictions. His speed advantage and strength suppression quickly killed the ancestor.

The heads fell and blood spurted out. The death of a powerful ancestor shocked countless people.

A true spirit rushed out of the ancestor's body and tried to escape, but was caught by Ji Chen and crushed to pieces.

Without any delay, after killing these two people, Ji Chen quickly rushed inside. The True Dragon Divine Treasure had been opened, and he needed to buy time to avoid being caught first.

In just a moment when Ji Chen fought with the two ancestors, many people had already surpassed him.

After many people felt that the light of the avenue above the sky was incomplete and knew that it was not the True Dragon Divine Treasure, they gave up decisively and rushed to the depths, preparing to snatch the real True Dragon Divine Treasure.

Ji Chen had almost fallen to the back.


A melee is breaking out ahead, with the Holy Lord taking action and even the ancestors fighting. Powerful men from all walks of life are competing, making the world tremble.

As we get closer and closer to the land of inheritance, no one will be polite now. As long as there is a chance, we will get rid of our opponents without hesitation.


As soon as Ji Chen approached, someone stole towards him, and a sword light penetrated the void, stabbing the back of his head silently.

Ji Chen's whole head glowed, exuding a golden divine light.


A crisp sound sounded, and the sword light pierced the divine golden tripod.

The divine golden tripod was placed on Ji Chen's head to protect him.

"You are, the Great Demon Saint!"

The person who sneak-attacked Ji Chen was shocked. The heavy fog blocked his mental perception and ability to detect spiritual consciousness. When he saw someone approaching, he decisively attacked Ji Chen. Unexpectedly, he encountered the Great Demon Saint, the god of death.

The iconic Golden Cauldron is so iconic that almost everyone doesn’t recognize it.

Although this place was suppressed by the Great Dao and everyone was now about the same strength, he still didn't want to face the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen.

This demon saint left an indelible shadow on everyone.


Ji Chen exploded with all his strength, and the power of the years was unleashed, covering the man, and the energy and blood in the man began to wither.


He was extremely shocked. What kind of magic was this that could deprive him of his years? This kind of magic was simply too terrifying and should not exist in this world.

He was frightened and wanted to escape, but found that there was no way to escape.

Soon, his energy and blood were withered, and he suddenly seemed to have aged endlessly.

Within a few moments, the Holy Lord was stripped of all his years, and all the energy and blood in his body dried up and died.

Ji Chen had no expression on his face as he abandoned the withered body of the Holy Lord and continued to move inside.

At this moment, he completely transformed into a demon saint and charged inside, killing gods when God blocked him, and Buddha when he blocked Buddha. He was wearing a colorful divine gold battle suit, wearing colorful divine gold boots, and carrying a colorful divine golden tripod on his head. He was invincible, without any No one can stop him.

He is determined to win the True Dragon God's Treasure.

Along the way, he killed more than a dozen powerful Holy Lords, including several old monsters. For him who was armed to the teeth, and with the power of time, no one could stop him.

In the distance, the sacred mountain is already in sight. The golden sacred mountain is majestic and majestic, with purple air rising. It stands there as if it has existed forever.

Although the fog is very heavy, it still cannot block the majesty of the sacred mountain.

"Finally it's almost here!"

Just when Ji Chen was relaxing, a strong man suddenly attacked him. The closer he got to the sacred mountain, the more serious the crisis became.

After all, those who can reach here are all people with terrifying strength, and the weak ones have been eliminated in the middle.


After a collision, the person who attacked Ji Chen was immediately surprised and frightened by Ji Chen's fully armed lineup.

Ji Chen's whole body was seen bursting with colorful divine light. The boots of seven-colored divine gold on his feet, the battle clothes of seven-colored divine light on his body, and the divine golden tripod of seven-colored divine light on his head.

And he discovered that the person he attacked unexpectedly was the Great Demon Saint, Ji Chen.

Ji Chen showed a devilish smile, and the person who attacked him turned out to be an acquaintance, a powerful monster. When he first entered the secret realm, he sneak-attacked him and surrounded and killed him with others.

"It's a narrow road for enemies!"

Ji Chen took action mercilessly, and after several collisions, he beheaded him.

A huge golden roc was revealed, and Ji Chen put it in a storage bracelet. After leaving the world of gods, he used a cauldron to stew a pot of soup.


The huge divine bird flew close to the ground and headed towards Ji Chen. Its wings spread a thousand meters, like two heavenly knives, cutting through the void.

This magical bird is extremely terrifying. It has actually broken through a restriction. Although it cannot fly, it can fly close to the ground at a terrifying speed.

His wings were comparable to a divine sword and even more terrifying than a holy weapon.

This divine bird is also the only being in the forbidden area that can physically confront Ji Chen.


The divine bird used its extreme speed to continuously attack and kill Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's hands were like knives, and he evolved the supreme attack technique. His whole figure was like a heavenly sword, slashing down.

The destructive sword light cut through the sky and the earth, shocking the world.


Blood spattered, and the divine bird was chopped off and flew around.

Ji Chen did not use the power of years. This divine bird was an ancestor and contained powerful divine power in his body. Ji Chen planned to use him to refine medicine.

After several powerful collisions, one of the wings of the divine bird was cut off, and blood spurted out, spreading into the sky.

Ji Chen quickly killed him. Put his body into the storage bracelet.

Fighting bloody battles step by step, Ji Chen almost bathed in the blood of the Holy Lord as he advanced into the sacred mountain step by step.

The white mist finally dispersed, and the nine sacred mountains were arranged, magnificent, majestic, and magnificent.

This is the inheritance place of Zhenlong Shenzang.

The remaining people were all killed here, and most of them were injured. Even the Taoist Priest Changsheng was injured. Only Ji Chen was intact.

However, he also put away the divine gold cauldron and the divine gold battle suit. It was too high-profile and would be besieged.

A group of people looked at the sacred mountain with twinkling eyes.

After arriving here, the power of the forbidden air disappeared.

Everyone rushed towards the sacred mountain crazily, preparing to climb the mountain. Everyone knew very well that the True Dragon Divine Treasure might be on the top of one of the nine sacred mountains.

A demon clan holy master rose into the air, a pair of wings appeared behind his back, and rushed towards the top of the mountain. (End of chapter)

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