This was a terrible impact. The Donghuang Bell almost collapsed, and the Open Sky Giant Tiger also collapsed in half.

Countless people exclaimed with shock on their faces.

This is the strength of the Great Demon Saint and the old monsters. The terrible impact almost wiped out all the people on the fairy lake.

At this moment, Ji Chen discovered that the light door was becoming dim and would disappear soon.

So he directly abandoned a few old monsters from the demon clan, stepped out and disappeared into the light gate.

"You old beasts, it's best not to die. I'll eat you when I come out."

Ji Chen's voice came from inside the light door.

The remaining demon clan ancestors were so angry that their faces were livid.

Others also discovered this situation. The light gate was about to disappear, and they all rushed towards the light gate.

A melee broke out again, this time even more brutal. The light door was about to disappear, and no one wanted to miss it.

Those who were still watching could no longer wait any longer, and frantically rushed towards the light door.

Finally, at the moment when the Light Gate was about to disappear, those who possessed the Dragon Qi Divine Law basically all entered the Light Gate.

The fairy lake has returned to calm again, but the original fairyland-like environment has now become a Shura purgatory. The fairy lake has been dyed red, and the mist on the lake has turned into a red blood mist.


"Is this where the True Dragon God hides?"

Ji Chen looked at the surrounding environment curiously. The void was filled with various rune fairy lights. Ji Chen felt a powerful suppressive force. The suppressive force of heaven here was even more terrifying.

The mist drifts and the rays shine, making this place look like a fairyland. The purple mountains and spiritual energy transpire, forming a white mist. In some places, it is even so rich that it forms water droplets.

The vines glowed, and there was actually a faint medicinal fragrance floating around.

Further away, the dense energy curled up and down, like a white fairy air permeating the air, blooming with a hazy purple glow.

But the smell of blood in the void ruined the beauty here, indicating that a war had broken out here.

Those who had just entered fought directly to seize the opportunity, and a melee broke out, and no one was spared.

Ji Chen walked in this area and carefully felt the suppressive power of this secret realm. The first thing he needed to understand was how much strength he still had left.

This place is very ancient, strange, and evil. The light shining in the void is all the manifestation of the Tao. It is the light of the Tao that suppresses this secret realm.

Movement, speed, cultivation, mental strength, almost all range of suppression.

"Law of Balance!"

Ji Chen came to the conclusion that there is a law of balance here, which balances everyone's strength and further achieves fairness.

The more powerful the person is, the more likely he is to be suppressed here.

This secret realm is very large. Ji Chen spent a whole day exploring it and found that many places where inheritance could occur were occupied by those forces and strong men. Now everyone is occupying one side, forming a confrontation.

This is very similar to the scene when Ji Chen landed on the island. The big forces divided one side and divided the island.

Not long after Ji Chen came in, he started fighting with those forces. He almost kept moving forward, fighting step by step.

The cultivation base in this place was further suppressed. Not only were the ancestor-level monsters suppressed severely, but Ji Chen was also suppressed severely.

Ji Chen felt that his own cultivation had been suppressed to the level of an early saint, and he believed that everyone else was the same. As a result, those holy masters and saints were no longer afraid of Ji Chen. After all, the more suppressed they were, the more they would treat them. more advantageous.

Especially those who have a grudge against Ji Chen, when they learn that Ji Chen's clone cannot be used in this place, they will certainly not let go of such an opportunity and want to get rid of this potential threat and competitor first.

After all, Ji Chen has at least eight dragon energy divine principles in his body, so he has a great chance.

Ji Chen even encountered a siege. Two powerful people targeted him at the same time. His temple and ancient bronze lamps could no longer be used here. He relied on the Tianxuan Sword and the Divine Golden Cauldron to turn the tide of the battle and kill some people. , broke out of the siege.

In fact, not only Ji Chen was besieged, but those ancestors were also besieged, and many ancestors were even injured.

Once inside, those ancestors were further suppressed. For those Holy Lords and Saints, this was a God-given opportunity and the only chance to kill those ancestors.

Things are not good now!

This secret realm is full of dangers. The further you go, the greater the danger.

Many people have occupied favorable positions and places to perceive the light of the avenue in the void, hoping to understand it thoroughly. Many people think that the light of the avenue may be related to the True Dragon God Zang, or that this is the True Dragon God. Tibetan.

The competition now is who can understand the light of these avenues first.

Ji Chen also found an inconspicuous place, preparing to comprehend the light of the great avenue and consolidate his cultivation at the same time.

In the continuous battle, which started from the Immortal Lake, he was basically bloodthirsty step by step, and he also gained some insights and gains.

"Very profound!"

After one day of enlightenment, Ji Chen felt that the light of the great avenue was very profound, but not very complete. If he continued to understand and practice, it would be considered a small blessing, at least he could prove his own way by circumstantial evidence.

But for Ji Chen, it doesn't mean much. His goal is the True Dragon Divine Treasure, the core inheritance.

Afterwards, he refined all the divine origins he had absorbed and the divine crystals he obtained after fighting all the way.

Ji Chen clearly felt that the chaotic body had evolved.

In this place where cultivation is severely suppressed, every improvement in physical fitness is an advantage.

After resting, Ji Chen continued on his way to the innermost part of this secret realm.

There were also some people, like Ji Chen, who felt that the light of the great avenue in the void was incomplete, so they gave up on enlightenment and chose to continue on the road, heading to the depths of the secret realm to obtain the ultimate inheritance.

Unlike Ji Chen who went on the road alone, everyone else formed a group and formed a strong fighting force. Only Ji Chen and a few old monsters acted alone.

The mist not only blocks people's sight, but also suppresses spiritual sense and perception to a minimum.

This situation is very complicated and dangerous, and you will be attacked by others at any time.

After all, everyone who enters here is now a competitor and enemy. If you kill one more, you will have one less opponent when you compete for the final inheritance later.


In the mist in front, a scream suddenly came, which was so shrill and shrill that it alarmed many people and made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Be careful, there are unknown dangers lurking in the fog."

Someone spoke and whispered to remind his companions.

Ji Chen was not very fast, walking ten meters per step through the mist.

Suddenly, the fog in front became thicker, like an abyss, with a terrifying devouring force. A monk flew into that area and was instantly suppressed to the ground by the terrifying force, almost falling to death. (End of chapter)

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