The next moment, his whole body burned, as if being ignited, and endless divine fire spread throughout his body.

Ji Chen's body began to transform, reborn in the burning, transforming in the ashes, and his divine body was about to be completed.

Divine flames soared into the sky, and the blood, bones, body, and internal organs all turned transparent at this moment and burned blazingly.

His heart turned into a ball of divine fire, and began to transform from the inside out. His body regenerated, and every inch of skin and every drop of blood shone with divine brilliance.

He was reborn from the ashes and received the baptism of divine fire.

Until the divine fire burned all over Ji Chen's body, Ji Chen seemed to have been transformed in the divine fire. All the divine lights in the sky disappeared and returned to Ji Chen's body.

The divine body is completed!

In Ji Chen's heart, there is a ball of divine fire burning brightly, replacing the original heart. The divine fire will not go out, and the divine body will not be extinguished.

Ji Chen has already ignited the divine fire before he became a god. This is the terror of the supreme divine body. If he goes to the extreme and ignites the divine fire, he is destined to become a god.


In the sky, a huge thunderstorm came and hit Ji Chen directly.

The divine body was completed, the divine fire was ignited, and he went against the will of heaven. Ji Chen's way was not recognized by heaven and earth, and he suffered a great disaster.

The magma lake exploded directly, like a vast ocean sweeping across the sky.

Ji Chen rose into the sky, looking up at the stars, his hair flying wildly, his divine body shining with luster, and a powerful momentum bursting out.

He wants to face the great calamity. His way is that heaven, earth and man stand as three pillars and sit on equal footing. Man is man, heaven is heaven, and earth is earth. They do not interfere with each other, and man is independent of heaven and earth.


Another purple thunder and lightning came, and Ji Chen remained motionless, letting the thunder and lightning bombard him, his whole body shimmering with crystal luster.

He managed to resist with his physical body and was not injured at all.

The foggy area shuts off the sky and the earth, and Ji Chen cannot see the calamity clouds.

But the spiritual energy and the divine substance in the entire fog area became restless.

The terrifying thunder disaster finally alerted other people in the foggy area.

"Oh my god, what happened? Someone is going through the tribulation in the foggy area?"

Many people were shocked. Could it be that someone made a breakthrough and actually chose to survive the tribulation in the fog area.

"He is also a ruthless person even though he is going through the tribulation in the foggy area!"

"Let's go! Go over and see which ruthless person is going through the tribulation."

Many people rushed towards the place where the tribulation was to be overcome, wanting to see who was overcoming the tribulation.

Not everyone wants to watch, there are also some people with ulterior motives. If they are in a weak state after passing through the tribulation, they can intercept and kill them. This is also a chance.

There is no right or wrong in the world of cultivation, only life and death. Those who are alive are right, and those who are dead are wrong.

Ji Chen didn't know that his tribulation in the foggy area had alarmed the entire foggy area.

He withstood the second thunder tribulation, and also ushered in the third thunder tribulation. This was no longer a thunder tribulation, but a whole sea of ​​thunder, like a thunder and lightning sky suppressing it.

The thunder sea was vast, the lightning flashed, shattering everything, and it was extremely blazing. The whole world was covered with purple energy, drowned by purple thunder and lightning.

In the sea of ​​thunder, there are big dragons tumbling, heavenly dragons flying across the sky, true rocs flying horizontally, unicorns running around, and divine phoenixes spreading their wings.

Various ancient ferocious beasts evolved from the Thunder Tribulation Avenue. They were like gods, appearing in form and rushing towards Ji Chen, as if they wanted to penetrate this world.


The void was shattered and dilapidated. Ji Chen's divine body was fully developed and he could destroy holy soldiers and hammer saints with his bare hands. These ancient ferocious beasts transformed by thunder and calamity were unable to do anything to him.

Blazing light flooded the area, and every inch of space was filled with thunder and lightning.


Crazy thunder shocked the world, connecting the sky and the earth. The red mist in this space has been completely dispersed by the thunder tribulation. The vast thunder tribulation is like the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens, and it seems like thousands of stars are falling.

In the distance, the people who came over were all stunned, frightened by this horrific scene, and their hair stood on end.

"Is this a catastrophe? This is the end of the world. This catastrophe is too terrifying!"

"Who is going through the tribulation? A certain son of God?"

Even watching from a distance, everyone felt extremely horrified. They could not imagine that this was a natural disaster. It was difficult to imagine what kind of horrific disaster the people who were undergoing the disaster in the sea of ​​thunder were experiencing.

They couldn't see clearly what was going on in the thunder sea. This kind of catastrophe was too terrifying. They didn't dare to use their spiritual sense to detect it, for fear of causing the thunder tribulation and being implicated.

In the sea of ​​thunder at this moment, Ji Chen's whole body shone with golden luster. He was fighting to the point of madness. This disaster was more terrifying than any before. If it weren't for his great spiritual body, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to withstand such a catastrophe.

Before the last thunder tribulation ended, another sea of ​​thunder descended, like the sky cracking, and the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens. The extremely blazing sea of ​​thunder directly submerged Ji Chen. Countless legendary ancient creatures and ferocious beasts appeared in the thunder catastrophe. , launched the most violent attack on Ji Chen.

"It's so scary. How can living beings appear in the thunder tribulation?"

"This is the evolution of the Great Dao, which shows that this person is extremely evil. Ordinary lightning tribulations are not enough to test him, so these ancient ferocious beasts evolved."

"I don't know who is going through the tribulation. Is it some god's son?"

"Probably not. Only Vulcan Son has been to this foggy area, and he has already left."

"Even if he is not the Son of God, he is still someone who can compete with the Son of God."

At this moment, there was a wave in the distance, and a golden figure appeared. This was a young man covered in golden flames, with a pair of golden wings on his back, flashing with divine light. When waving, there was electric light shining, and wind and thunder.

As soon as the young man appeared, everyone was afraid. The aura he gave off was very terrifying. Many people were trembling with fear and their legs were weak.

There were several young people who came with the young man. They also had wings on their backs. They were similar in age and as powerful as the young man. The smell is extremely terrifying.

These people are not human, but they are all very powerful, especially the first young man, who exudes holy power and has obviously become a saint.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ji Chen in the thunder sea with cold eyes.

"This person is physically powerful and has terrifying talents. He will pose a threat to adults in the future."

He opened his mouth to speak, but it was extremely horrifying to the ears of the people around him. Such a powerful person has become a saint, but he is still a follower of others. How terrifying is the master he speaks of.

"This is a sacred fire spring. He should have gained a great opportunity and made a breakthrough here."

"You should be damned if you dare to steal your opportunity!"

I saw the young man taking out a divine bow that flashed with thunder and lightning. The big purple bow was filled with terrifying holy power. This was a sacred weapon.

The young man straightened his bow and shot an arrow.


The void was directly penetrated by the arrow light, and a divine light penetrated the void and shot towards Ji Chen's head.

Divine arrows were like rainbows, the sky broke open and collapsed directly, and a breath of death enveloped Ji Chen.

Everyone was shocked. It didn't look like a divine arrow at all, but more like a hundred thousand sacred mountains suppressing it. The rolling thunder overwhelmed the thunder of the catastrophe. The terrifying aura shocked everyone.

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