I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 560 Sanctification of the Physical Body

Ji Chen's eyes turned cold. This arrow was indeed powerful. It would have been difficult for him to deal with it before he broke through.


He stretched out his palm and grabbed the divine arrow that was shot towards him, like catching a dragon, catching the divine arrow.


The god's general exploded with a force comparable to that of a thunder catastrophe.

"It's amazing!" Everyone marveled. While overcoming the tribulation, they were able to concentrate on dealing with this thunder tribulation.

In the distance, the golden-winged young man's eyes were cold, and he fired several bows one after another, and several divine arrows shot through the air. The void completely collapsed, and the bright divine light penetrated Ji Chen's whole body.

Ji Chen raised his fist and struck out at the divine arrow that shot through the air.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the divine arrows were destroyed.

Just when the young man was about to continue firing his bow, he found that the figure in the sea of ​​thunder had disappeared.


The young man felt something was wrong. He looked up and saw a god-like figure descending from the sky carrying a sea of ​​thunder.

The young man's expression changed immediately. He never expected that the other party would be able to divert trouble.

Even if they wanted to hide at this moment, it was too late. They had been targeted by the thunder tribulation and implicated.

The people who came with the young man, as well as those who were watching the excitement nearby, were all caught in the lightning tribulation and suffered unreasonable disasters.

At this moment, everyone's expression changed, and their expressions were very ugly. Seeing the excitement, they actually suffered an unreasonable disaster. They saw the thunder calamity coming down, but they couldn't avoid it at all.


Crazy thunder fell from the sky, drowning everyone, and some of them were directly chopped into fly ash by the lightning disaster in an instant. This level of thunder disaster was beyond their endurance.

The power of the thunderstorm suddenly increased, and the heaven and earth collapsed. Tens of thousands of feet of purple light flooded the sky and earth, penetrating the entire sky and earth, and countless ancient ferocious beasts roamed in it.

After thousands of thunder tribulations, the purple light became the only thing in the world. Everyone was like duckweed in the sea of ​​thunder, and was immediately submerged.

"Oh my God, what kind of thunder disaster is this? How come there are so many legendary ancient beasts."

During the thunder tribulation, everyone panicked and was frightened by this scene. They had never seen such a terrifying thunder tribulation. There were so many ancient ferocious beasts. Just one encounter, many people were killed by the thunder tribulation, and their bodies It exploded, and the soul was scattered.

They can't fight it at all.

This was the heavenly catastrophe for Ji Chen's spiritual body to become complete, and it was also the catastrophe for his physical body to become a saint. It was a double thunder catastrophe, and the horror involved was beyond their imagination.


The void completely collapsed. Endless thunder and lightning and blazing divine light made the whole world dazzling. The boundless purple divine fire burned, making the void collapse unable to heal.

The young man who shot the arrow at Ji Chen was in big trouble. He was besieged by several ancient ferocious beasts. He was beaten until he vomited blood and was unable to fight back.

"How could there be such a terrifying thunder disaster?"

He was shocked in his heart. At this moment, he was in the sea of ​​thunder, and he realized how terrifying the thunder disaster was. This is simply not something that humans can survive.

He looked to the side and saw the god-like figure, whose whole body shone with golden light, like an immortal god of war. While fighting against the thunder tribulation, he evolved the seal and understood the origin of the great avenue in the thunder tribulation.

The young man has completely changed his color. What kind of pervert is this? What kind of existence have I provoked?


Without paying attention, the young man was beaten away by the Thunder Tribulation Suan Ni. He spurted blood from his mouth and flew away. Before he could hit the ground, he was hit by the real dragon Lei Tribulation's claw again, breaking his sternum.

He regretted that his intestines were blue, why did he provoke others when he had nothing to do.

The others were even more unbearable, unable to fight back under the attack of the thundering beast. Many people were wiped out without resisting the first wave of thunder.

In the distance, those who were not taken care of by Lei Jie were extremely frightened. Everyone was frightened by this scene. It was too terrifying.


Another vast thunder catastrophe fell from the sky. For those who were struggling to hold on, this was tantamount to a world-ending disaster. The first wave of thunder catastrophe had not passed yet, and the second wave of more terrifying thunder catastrophes was coming. Coming again.

The vast thunder catastrophe was like a piece of sky descending. In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and bones and debris were everywhere. Except for the young man, everyone else was shattered into pieces in this thunder catastrophe.

Such an astonishing scene made everyone watching the battle in the distance take a breath.

The young man was also dying at the moment. This kind of thunder disaster was beyond the scope of what he could bear. At this moment, he finally understood that the person he was dealing with was already at the level of the Son of God. He was on the same level as his master, the Son of Fire God, and he was not able to compete with him at all.

In the sea of ​​thunder in the distance, the god-like figure came over, carrying a sea of ​​thunder towards him.

He could see the indifference in the other person's eyes. It was a kind of superior person looking down on the inferior person, and he was not noticed at all.


A bolt of thunder and lightning rushed towards the man and was blasted by him with a punch. The endless thunder and lightning turned into the most primitive true solution and avenue fragments, which were swallowed by his divine body.

The young man was extremely horrified. The other party was actually devouring the fragments of the avenue contained in the thunder tribulation. This scene really frightened him. What kind of monster was this?

I saw the other party raised his hand and pinched it, and a Thunder Tribulation Suan Ni evolved from him and rushed towards the young man.


The young man's body exploded instantly and turned into blood mist, which was quickly evaporated by the thunder.

A purple thunder bow and a ring floated in the sea of ​​thunder. Ji Chen raised his hand to collect it in his hand and put it into the space ring.

Ji Chen took out Tantai Xuan's space ring and put it on his finger.

Now, he has enough strength and is no longer afraid of being coveted by anyone.

Without other people to hinder him, Ji Chen began to concentrate on overcoming the tribulation. His tribulation was almost over, but due to the obstruction of these people, he used the tribulation to take care of him. As these people died, their tribulation It all fell on Ji Chen, the only one still alive. Although the power was many times stronger, Ji Chen could still withstand it.

These people can be regarded as providing him with 18 million killing points. And his killing points have accumulated to 800 million. With another 200 million, his cultivation will be able to completely enter the realm of saint.

Endless thunder and lightning, blazing divine light, this collapsed sky has never healed. The entire sky was as bright as day, dazzling, the divine fire burned, and the sky burst.

In the end, Ji Chen survived all the thunder tribulations, the void slowly healed, the sea of ​​thunder disappeared, and the world gradually calmed down, as if nothing had ever happened.

All the onlookers had already left, even before Ji Chen's thunder tribulation was over.

They are all self-aware people. They know that they cannot afford to offend this person. When watching people go through tribulations, few of them have good intentions. Once the person who has overcome the tribulation is injured, what he has on him is opportunity.

They were afraid of being liquidated by Ji Chen, so they left early.

Ji Chen also finally succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, his divine body became perfect, his physical body became holy, and he realized his own way.

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