I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 558 The Supreme Divine Body is Completed

Ji Chen sneaked all the way to the bottom and captured more than a dozen fire unicorns, and collected a lot of fire spirit stones.

He decided to retreat here, and the divine substance here was also the strongest.

The Sutra of Immortality is running, the oven of heaven and earth is roaring in the body, the vast divine substances are absorbed and refined, and the supreme divine body is moving towards great success.

Even though the Supreme Divine Body is only one step away from Dacheng, this step is the most critical and the most difficult step to take.

Ji Chen took out a fire unicorn transformed from a fire essence, held it in his hand, and began to refine it, working on both sides.


Divine light suddenly rose up in his body, and the divine substance contained in the fire essence was more terrifying and purer than Ji Chen had imagined.

This is because the Fire Spirit Stone has absorbed the divine substance for a long time, mutated, and became the Fire Spirit. Then it began to independently absorb the divine substance in the magma, and it has already achieved great Taoism.

Ji Chen suddenly discovered a problem. The fire spirit stones here might be more precious than ordinary fire spirit stones.

This is a mutated fire spirit stone, which contains divine substances. It takes a month to practice here, which is largely due to this divine substance.

Ji Chen's whole body was glowing, blazing like a furnace, and a ball of divine fire was beating in his heart. His divine body was close to completion, but the last step was very difficult to overcome. This was a process of sublimation that did not require huge amounts of energy. It only takes spiritual energy and substances, but you also need to understand and find your own way.

The completion of the divine body is also a hurdle for the sanctification of the physical body. If it is crossed, the sanctification of the physical body cannot be crossed, and it will be stuck here forever.

After all, this kind of sublimation is not only physical, but also spiritual and spiritual. It requires the unity of mind and spirit to achieve the most harmonious and empty state.

His killing points are now barely able to support the improvement of his own cultivation, so he can't talk nonsense. As for other skills such as physical fitness and sword skills, he can only rely on his own strength to improve and understand them.

Ji Chen continues to realize that his whole mind is one with the heaven and earth, comprehends the laws of heaven and earth, and uses the laws of heaven and earth to evolve his own Taoist laws.

The laws of heaven and earth, the nature of all things, and the rules of heaven and earth can only be understood and learned from. You must understand your own laws and regulations. Otherwise, after changing to another world, all the rules and laws of heaven and earth that you have understood before will be in vain, and everything will be lost. Start all over again.

This was Ji Chen's realization at this moment. He felt that he had found his direction.

The human body itself is a complete world, and people do not necessarily need to be attached to heaven and earth.

Heaven, earth, people.

Humans can be independent of heaven and earth and coexist with heaven and earth. Heaven, earth and humans stand as three pillars. This may be the basis of human existence. It is also the secret that the human body contains the principles of heaven and earth. It is also the reason why the demon race and some other races want to evolve towards the human body. The reason is the meaning of the existence of special physique. Only when the body is strong enough can one escape from the shackles of heaven and earth. Independent from heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to understand why Master Tantai Xuan wanted to rob that world, and also understood why Tianxuan Holy Land perished because of that world. Possessing a world, refining it, and integrating the heavenly way of the whole world, I am the way, and the way is me.

Time passed quickly day by day in Ji Chen's practice and enlightenment.

The surface of this magma lake was still boiling at first, but it gradually calmed down. The divine substance was being lost rapidly, as if it was being swallowed by something.

Under the lake, Ji Chen sat inside, his energy boiling all over his body, and his blood soaring to the sky, forming a dragon-shaped air column that penetrated the magma lake and penetrated the heaven and earth.

The entire magma lake is like a divine pool that has been unsealed. The divine light penetrates the clouds and penetrates the sky. The world is blazing white, making it impossible to open your eyes.

There are thousands of divine lights, thousands of auspicious colors, and various colors. The entire magma lake is like a peerless divine land where the sky has just opened, surrounded by colorful colors.

Fortunately, this is a foggy area, so such a huge vision did not spread very far. The red mist has the effect of isolating sight and psychic bomb detection. Otherwise, such an amazing vision would definitely attract countless people to watch and think it was something strange. A treasure is born.


Ji Chen's blood was like a real dragon. One after another, it rushed out of his body and penetrated the world. His divine power surged like day and night.

Ji Chen sat under the magma lake, with flying black hair and crystal-clear body, like a god, peaceful and calm.

But the blood and energy in his body were erupting like billions of volcanoes, and the energy and energy penetrated the heaven and earth and penetrated the sky.

This is a scene that shocks the world. The whole world is brilliant and blazing. The golden spirit that runs through the heaven and the earth has become the eternal light between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, the aura of chaos filled Ji Chen's body, covering him up. He had reached the most critical moment, and his skills were running automatically, like a river boiling, like everything reviving.

Ji Chen's whole body was trembling, and the sound of the great heaven was resounding, permeating the whole world, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, like a dusk drum and a morning bell, the vast divine sound was echoing, permeating the heaven and earth.

The chaotic aura around him was hazy, his body was like mutton-fat white jade, and the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram flickered. It was the true fire of the lunar sun and the sun that Ji Chen had absorbed during his Qi training. At this moment, the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram was formed, suspended above Ji Chen's head, slowly rotating.

The Tianxuan Sword, the Divine Golden Cauldron, and the Black Tortoise Armor all appeared and surrounded Ji Chen.

The divine body is about to be completed, and all the debris in the body has been expelled. At this moment, Ji Chen was as ethereal and sacred as a god, inviolable, as if he coexisted with the world and was immortal.

The aura of chaos was like a tide, washing away every inch of Cheng's flesh and blood, making the whole body radiant without a trace of impurities.

The sound of the Tao in his body became even louder, and the whole world resounded with the sound of heaven and earth. His body seemed to be imprinted in the void, and condensed into an immortal body with the whole world.

Ji Chen actually influenced the surrounding world with himself. Within his body, he formed a small world of his own that accommodated all things. He was like an innate god who created the world, taking over his own world and accepting the worship of all living beings.

The small world in Ji Chen's body spread out and affected the outside world, forming a pure land. Ji Chen sat high on the nine heavens, overlooking the mountains and rivers and all things, and the Yin and Yang Tai Chi diagram slowly rotated above his head.


His heartbeat was like thunder, and every beat was like thunder exploding. Powerful life fluctuations spread out, and the entire magma lake seemed to be alive, as if a heart was beating powerfully. The sound grew louder and louder, echoing throughout the heaven and earth.

As the heart beat faster and faster, it finally started to burn like a fire made from wood, like a ignited divine fire, burning blazingly.

Ji Chen's whole person exuded a divine brilliance.

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