A ray of light emerged, showing a variety of colors, like a beautiful firework blooming.

This is a powerful magic weapon, brilliant and colorful, turning into a colorful cloud, covering the sky, and shrouding Ji Chen.

He wanted to quickly deal with Ji Chen, snatch the fire lotus, and then deal with the others, clear the place directly, and occupy this treasured land for cultivation.

Many people came, all for the Fire Lotus. No matter who got the Fire Lotus, they would face the siege of everyone.


Ji Chen suddenly disappeared from the place, like a phantom, disappearing out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared next to the man and punched him directly.


The man was shocked. He didn't expect Ji Chen to be so fast. He controlled the magic weapon and swept across the sky, covering an area of ​​the sky and burying the entire sky, exuding a destructive aura.

But it was all in vain. Ji Chen had already moved forward. In close combat, no one could compare with Ji Chen. He could defeat the holy soldiers.

Ji Chen punched out, shattering the void. The terrifying force directly penetrated the man, and then the fist vibrated and the man was torn apart.

Ji Chenyi was not stained with blood and stood in the void, scanning the powerful men from all directions with his sharp eyes.

Everyone around them changed their colors. They didn't expect this young man to be so powerful.

At this moment, a man in silver came over. The silver battle clothes he wore was a holy garment. His whole body was shining with divine light. The battle clothes were flowing with silver light, covering his whole body, as if he was one with the avenue.

There were no words, and there was a powerful attack. At this time, any words were unnecessary hypocrisy. Everyone who appeared here had only one purpose, to snatch the fire lotus, kill everyone else, and occupy this place to practice.

He held a silver lamp, which shot out streaks of silver rays of light, and thousands of auspicious colors fell down, making him look like a god.

There is no doubt that this is also a sacred weapon with powerful lethality.

The silver light was so bright that it actually covered up the red firelight here, which was extremely bright.

Ji Chen didn't retreat at all, he took a step forward, pressed the mountain and river seal with his hand, and smashed it directly.

The Xuanwu armor he wore was equally powerful. According to his estimation, it was at least a Saint Lord level armor and he had no fear of the opponent at all.

A thunder calamity sacred mountain was suppressed, and the sky was shaking.


The young man in silver waved his silver lamp, scattering a piece of silver light, and the Thunder Tribulation Mountain collapsed one after another.

Ji Chen stretched out his hand, and the Tianxuan sword appeared in his hand. The blade was black, and the texture on it was intricate, but it contained the truth of heaven and earth, as if it had inherited the will of heaven and earth.

As soon as the knife came out, everyone gasped. They couldn't see the material of the knife, but they could see that it was extraordinary.

Ji Chen waved Tianxuan and killed him.

The space was cut open and collapsed directly. The bright sword light illuminated the world and struck the silver holy lamp, directly smashing the silver holy lamp into pieces.

Ji Chen held Tianxuan in his hands and stepped forward. The whole world was trembling. Ji Chen's footsteps were like the thunder of heavenly drums, as if he were stepping on the avenue, which shocked many people's hearts and caused blood to flow from the corners of their mouths.

"This person is so powerful!" Many people were shocked by Ji Chen's terror and quickly backed away.

Some people even thought of quitting. If this young man started clearing the place, none of them would be able to escape.

This is a treasured land for cultivation. Once it is leaked, more people will come to fight for it. Clearing the place is the best way. If it were them, they would also clear the place.

Ji Chen slashed out with a sword, and the sky broke open. The Tianxuan sword was suppressed like a hundred thousand mountains at the same time. It seemed to be able to split the world, unstoppable. In an instant, it split the young man in silver into two halves. The sky was stained with blood, and his body died. .

Everyone was shocked. Ji Chen's power frightened them. He must be a son of God! Otherwise, how could it have such a powerful combat power.

However, the next moment, Ji Chen was seen holding the Tianxuan Sword, maintaining a beheading posture.

At this moment, everyone felt an extremely powerful danger that made their hair stand on end.

Ji Chen was seen holding a sword and slashing in a circle.

A terrifying sword light surrounded Ji Chen and slashed in all directions.

The void was cut open and divided into upper and lower layers. It was unable to heal after being cut by the light of the sword.

Only the circular spot where Ji Chen was standing had the space intact.

The light of the sword was devastating, and all those who had no time to escape were cut in half, and their bodies were broken into two sections. Some had their legs cut off, and some were split in half.

Only those who were not on the same plane as Ji Chen managed to escape, and everyone fled madly with their souls at risk.

This is a demon king, a god of death.

Ji Chen sacrificed the Tianxuan Sword, turned into a stream of light, and began to chase those people.

He wants to retreat here, so he naturally wants to clean up all the people who know this place, so that no one knows that there is such a place.

If it were another powerful person, he would do the same thing as Ji Chen.

The sword light pierced the sky, carrying an astonishing killing intent, catching up with all those who escaped and killing them one by one.

This place was finally quiet. Ji Chen put away the Tianxuan Sword and prepared to practice here.

He took a look at the killing points and saw that they had accumulated 782 million.

There used to be a lot of fire-spirited unicorns and phoenixes tumbling in this magma lake, but they all disappeared from now on, probably hiding deep in the magma.

Ji Chen was directly submerged into the magma, and the magma with a temperature as high as a thousand degrees could not harm him in the slightest.

Ji Chen removed the battle clothes from his body and allowed his body to come into contact with the magma and absorb the divine substance inside.

He swam in the magma, sinking continuously, opening his mind, and endless fire energy and terrifying fire poison penetrated into his body.

Ji Chen ran the Sutra of Immortality to refine these fire-attributed energies and extract the divine substances in them to refine his body.

The amount of divine matter contained here is a hundred times that of other places. As Ji Chen continues to sink, the more divine matter it contains.

Ji Chen relaxed his body and merged with the entire magma. His body continued to sink.

At this moment, a fire unicorn swam past him, then stopped and looked at Ji Chen curiously.

Ji Chen imprisoned him and threw him directly into the space bracelet.

Soon, Ji Chen discovered that there were some red crystals around, the small ones were the size of fingernails, and the big ones were the size of fists.

"Fire Spirit Stone!"

Ji Chen was surprised, and then began to collect these fire spirit stones.

He swam in this magma, refining the divine substances in it and collecting fire spirit stones. When he encountered the fire spirits, he immediately captured them.

Soon, Ji Chen collected all the fire spirit stones at this level, and then Ji Chen continued downwards.

The further down, the larger the Fire Spirit Stone becomes. Ji Chen collects it all the way and reaches the bottom. The temperature here has reached a very terrifying level.

Cracks appeared in the distortion of the void and could not be healed. (End of chapter)

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