Others around him had no expressions when they saw this. They were already used to it. This is how it is in the world of cultivation. The weak eat the strong and the fittest survive.

"You kid, can't you hear me? Do you hear me when I ask you to go in? I think you are toasting me and you will be punished with a drink!"

A man stepped forward with a brown sword in his hand, wanting to teach Ji Chen a lesson.

"act recklessly!"

Ji Chen snorted coldly and looked back. Two rays of sword light shot out from his eyes and sank directly into the man's body. The sword energy exploded in his body and instantly dismembered him into pieces.


Everyone took a breath and was extremely shocked. This young man who looked very delicate was actually so powerful. A single look killed a genius who was at the fifth or sixth level of the venerable in an instant.

"You...who are you?" The remaining geniuses were horrified and quickly backed away.

Ji Chen would never be soft-hearted or sympathetic towards such people. He raised his hand and pressed it out. The huge palm covered the sky and sun, like a sky suppressing it.


Those people were horrified, and the golden divine flower dropped from the golden palm, which had a strong power of imprisonment, imprisoning them in the void, and they watched the palm fall.


The earth shook, dust flew up, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground. Those Tianjiao venerables were directly patted into pieces.

The place was silent. Everyone was frightened by Ji Chen's ferocity. Five powerful sages were slapped to death.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ji Chen with fear in their eyes, and some people who were originally very close to him stayed away from him.

Even the few loners like Ji Chen were wary of Ji Chen. Ji Chen's power made them afraid. He would be a formidable opponent.

In the end, Ji Chen chose to step into the foggy area. Now that he is here, he should not retreat, he must go in and have a break.

"Brother, can we come together?"

A man came forward and wanted to form a team with Ji Chen. After all, Ji Chen was very powerful and traveling through the foggy area with him would provide some protection.

"This foggy area is very dangerous. There are many unknown creatures and dangers in it. One more person, one more guarantee."

Ji Chen stopped, stared at the man, and asked, "How did you know there were unknown creatures here, and how did you know there was danger inside."

He was just wondering how those guys knew in advance that there was a foggy area here, even though they were clearly behind him.

"Well, someone in our sect encountered danger in the foggy area, retreated and told us."

At this moment, a young man walked over. He was wearing a light red battle suit, with a faint glow on his body. He was unusually tall and powerful, and there was a strong aura in his movements. Judging from his aura, he was at least in the seventh realm of the Venerable. Cultivation.

"Friend, I have a flying boat magic weapon here. It is a sacred weapon. It can cross this foggy area. However, I need to control the flying boat to cross. I can't distract myself from fighting those unknown creatures. If possible, how about we work together? I control the flying boat. Crossing the fog area, if there is an invasion of unknown creatures, I need your help to resist."

He spoke, hoping to cooperate with Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's strength was not only recognized by him, but even feared by him. If they could travel through the foggy area together, the chance of success would be much greater.

Ji Chen thought about it and felt that it was feasible. There were unknown dangers in the fog. Although he was not afraid of it alone, having one more person and more protection would allow him to get some information from them, so he nodded.

With the addition of Ji Chen, the young man obviously gained a lot of confidence and invited more than a dozen people one after another to form a strong team.

There were others who wanted to join, but they were all rejected by the young man. The people invited by the young man are all powerful men in the seventh or eighth realm of the Venerable.

Ji Chen didn't express any objection to this. This is the cruelty of the cultivation world. The strong will only team up with the strong. What's more, Feizhou belongs to the young man, and he is the one who makes the decision on this temporary team.

The young man took out the flying boat. The huge flying boat exuded a terrifying aura, like an ancient ferocious beast.

The huge airship was enough to accommodate hundreds of people. Ji Chen and others boarded the airship one after another. The young man started the airship and sailed into the foggy area in the eyes of others with envy and jealousy. He quickly submerged into it until he was completely submerged.

"This flying boat is made from the bones of a saint-level ancient ferocious beast."

The young man introduced that his name was Lin Chao, and he came from a supreme sect in the southern region.

Everyone was shocked. The flying boat was made from the bones of ancient ferocious beasts. The person who made the flying boat was also a ruthless person.

The flying boat was flying in the air, and Ji Chen stood on the boat, observing the front. This fog had a very mysterious substance that could block the exploration of spiritual power. His eyes could only focus on a position more than fifty meters away at most. You can't see clearly from fifty meters away.

Therefore, the person driving the airship must concentrate, otherwise he will lose his way and be completely trapped in the fog, unable to get out.

He also gave himself a name, Chen Jiu, which was Ji Chen's name reversed.

Suddenly, everyone on the boat felt a cold murderous intention. There seemed to be a pair of cold eyes in the black fog watching everyone, with a strong murderous intention.

At this moment, everyone's hair stood on end, their spirits were tense, and they were extremely nervous.

Even Ji Chen's expression tightened. He could feel that there was a huge creature in the mist, staring at everyone, exuding strong murderous intent.

Everyone did not dare to speak and stood quietly on the boat, ready to fight at any time.

Fortunately, the unknown creature in the darkness did not appear in the end, perhaps because of the aura emanating from the ship. After all, the ship was refined by a saint-level beast.

Everyone left the area without any danger, finally heaving a sigh of relief and not having any conflict with the unknown creature.

Although the unknown creature may not be everyone's opponent, it is a very unwise thing to conflict with the unknown creature in this unknown foggy area. After all, no one knows what terrifying creatures will be attracted.

The flying boat continued to move forward, away from that area, and gradually entered the depths of the mist.

The fog ahead actually turned light red. The air is filled with a kind of blazing heat, and you can even see the heat rising from the ground. After the heat rises, it turns into a light red mist.

"Isn't this mist rising from the ground?" someone speculated.

"Is this underground a sea of ​​fire? We must have come to the fire domain!"

The further they walked, the more the fire energy in the air became restless, filled with a pungent smell of sulfur. According to Ji Chen's estimation, the temperature at this moment had reached hundreds of degrees. If not everyone was extraordinary, they would have been affected by the high temperature. Burnt.

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