The turmoil outside was similar to what Ji Chen had guessed. Almost all forces were looking for him. Even though two months had passed, there was still an undercurrent surging. The topics everyone talked about were basically related to Ji Chen.

"Has Demon Lord Ji already entered the Divine Cang?"

"Probably not. There is a peerless strong man watching secretly. I didn't hear that he went in."

"Didn't you say that Demon Lord Ji knows the art of transformation? What if he changed his identity and went in?"

"I really can't say for sure. It's possible that he hid in the Divine Palace after the bloody battle that night."

"It is also very dangerous inside the Shenzang. Unknown creatures have appeared. It is said that many geniuses have died and many people have withdrawn. According to them, if you don't have the strength of the Venerable, it is better not to go inside. It is too dangerous."

Ji Chen looked up at the portal above the sky. It was still open and people were still entering from time to time.

Ji Chen also decided to go in and take a look.

At night, the stars are shining like water, falling down, and the whole world is quiet.

Occasionally, a stream of light rises and disappears into the portal in the sky.

Ji Chen also raised his feet and stepped into the air, walking step by step towards the portal in the sky.

He clearly felt a few terrifying auras sweeping over his body. Although it was very subtle, Ji Chen still noticed it.

There are indeed people lying in ambush at the entrance of Shenzang, observing everyone who enters.

Ji Chen sneered in his heart. He had now reached the ultimate level of a venerable, a half-step saint. After changing his identity, let alone a strong man at the level of a holy master, he would not be able to recognize him. Even if he recognized him, he would be sure to escape.

Fortunately, the man in the dark only glanced at it and found no doubts, nor did he do anything extraordinary.

Ji Chen stepped straight into the portal.

Now he is the target of attention and pursuit by all forces. For the time being, he does not want to completely confront them. After he becomes a saint and walks a certain distance in the realm of saints, he will be the enemy of the entire world. , I am no longer afraid.

The moment Ji Chen crossed the portal, it seemed as if he was crossing the endless void.

This portal turned out to be a teleportation formation that spanned the endless void.

Appearing again, Ji Chen found himself in an ancient palace, which was very empty. Ji Chen was the only one walking in the palace, and the sound of footsteps echoed.

After a while, he walked out of the palace. In front of him was a black land. It looked very special and exuded an extremely terrifying aura, which made Ji Chen feel a little frightened.

"Which domain are you from? Why did you come in now?" A voice suddenly appeared. It was an old man with no expression on his face.

Ji Chen was horrified. The old man had no breath at all and was hidden in the void. Even he didn't realize it at the first time. This was at least an old monster at the Holy Lord level.

"I came from the Northern Territory. I am a casual cultivator. I have been in seclusion for two years. I recently came out. I heard about the Shenzang and wanted to go in and have a look."

Ji Chen weighed and said this. He didn't know the old man's identity yet, or whether he was an enemy or a friend.

The old man looked Ji Chen up and down and said, "In that case, let's go in! Remember, if you encounter a creature from outside the territory, try not to cause a conflict and save your life first."

After saying that, the old man's figure faded out of thin air and quickly disappeared.

Ji Chen was surprised. The divine treasure seemed to be not as simple as imagined. Will there be extraterrestrial beings? In addition to the Northern Territory, could people from other regions come in?

This old man is also very mysterious. He seems to know some secrets and specially stays here to remind everyone who comes in.

When Ji Chen saw the old man disappearing, he turned around and walked outside without saying anything.

In the distance is the endless black Gobi, like an ancient battlefield, exuding an extremely permeable aura.

"What the hell is this place?" Ji Chen muttered.

He stepped forward, shrinking to an inch, and finally his figure turned into a small black dot and disappeared on the horizon.

The desolate Gobi desert becomes more and more deserted as you go inward, and the depressing and terrifying aura is frightening.

Ji Chen shrunk to an inch, a hundred miles a step at a time. In this strange place full of unknown dangers, he didn't want to rush across the void, thousands of miles at a time. If he stepped into the territory of some unknown creature, it would be too late to escape.

After walking for tens of thousands of miles, I haven't seen a single human being. The occasional dried blood stains on the ground are enough to indicate that there is a hidden danger here.

Suddenly, several streaks of light flew over Ji Chen's head, bringing up a fierce wind and lifting Ji Chen's clothes.

One of them, after Liuguang surpassed Ji Chen, looked back at Ji Chen.

"You dare to break in there alone, how brave you are!"

"Maybe it's a bait. I don't know if there are strong people behind."

"Even though we came from the back, we didn't see any strong people. Looking at this guy's splendid battle clothes, he is probably a noble son from a cultivating family. It is his first time to come out to practice. I don't know how high the sky is."

"Let's go, forget it for now, we're already late enough, and the opportunity will be taken away by people and goods."

"Wait a minute, there is a fog area ahead. You have to go through the fog area to get inside. There are dangerous bushes in the fog area. There is a bait behind it. How about we let him explore the fog area for us!"

"This method is very good!"

Several people took off directly into the sky, hiding in the clouds, watching Ji Chen.

They thought it was very secretive, but they didn't know that it had not escaped Ji Chen's perception.

Ji Chen ignored him and continued to move forward, just a few clowns.

After traveling for more than three thousand miles, we finally came to their foggy area.

It is better to say that it is a fog area than a natural chasm. The gray fog blocks the void. If you want to continue moving forward, you can only go through the fog area.

In front of the fog area, many people have appeared here, all in groups, and there are also loners like Ji Chen. They are all very powerful and the aura emanating from their bodies is terrifying. No one dares to offend them.

Everyone was hesitating whether to enter the fog area.

Ji Chen also stopped and did not go in rashly. The smell of blood wafted out from inside. Although it was very faint, Ji Chen still noticed it.

In other words, there is a great danger here.

"You, go ahead and explore the way for us!"

The few people who followed Ji Chen finally showed up, no longer covering up, and pointed at Ji Chen to let him go in to explore the way.

Ji Chen glanced at them, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The strength of this group of people is not low. They all look like the fifth or sixth realm of the Venerable. They wear the same clothes and should be disciples of a certain force.

"What are you looking at? That's what you're talking about. Lead the way!"

Seeing that Ji Chen didn't move, one of them yelled.

Ji Chen was alone, the weakest in strength, and he was dressed in black brocade clothes. He looked like he was the noble son of the cultivating family. This kind of man was well-clothed and well-fed, had never experienced danger, and was the easiest to bully.

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