After traveling for thousands of miles, the mist ahead turned into crimson, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the void. The mist contained poison, and an ordinary cultivator could be poisoned to death with just one breath, causing his whole body to rot.

The temperature in this area is extremely terrifying, and magma boils on the ground from time to time. Bubbles popped up.

"Where have we come?" Everyone was shocked, and the temperature became more terrifying as we walked forward.


The huge roar shook the world and made everyone on the ship change color.

"Fire Qilin!"

Everyone looked ahead in shock. They saw a ferocious beast suddenly emerging from the lava in front. It had a huge red body and a body like a lion. It had a dragon's head, an ox's tail, and tiger's claws, and its red scales were shining with luster.

"Oh my God! What I saw, it turned out to be the Fire Qilin, the legendary ancient ferocious beast, the Fire Qilin."

Everyone on the boat was frightened. The Fire Qilin, one of the ten most ferocious beasts in ancient times, with great majesty, appeared in this place.

How can it be?

"This is not a fire unicorn, this is a form of fire spirit. There must be a sea of ​​fire below this place, and a large amount of fire spirit stones have condensed, so that this kind of fire spirit can appear."

"If it were really an ancient ferocious beast like the Fire Qilin, none of us would survive."

"Fire Spirit Stone, one of the Five Elements Spirit Stones?"

"Yes, the Five Elements Spiritual Stone is extremely precious. One pound of the Five Elements Spiritual Stone is equivalent to a hundred pounds of ordinary Spiritual Stone. This is just the regular price. Many places have already exceeded this price. This kind of fire unicorn must be made from the Fire Spiritual Stone. The transformed form is worth at least 100,000 kilograms of spiritual stones, and it is marketable and priceless."


A figure rushed out of the boat and rushed towards Huo Qilin, trying to catch Huo Qilin.

His name is Mo Hongzhe, a powerful casual cultivator, a body refiner, and a master of the seventh realm.

Suddenly, a sword light fell from the sky and struck the man.

"court death!"

Mo Hongzhe made a fist seal with his hand and punched the sky. A real dragon transformed into a dragon, made a dragon roar, shattered the sword light, and flew towards the sky.

In the sky, a man holding a divine sword killed him directly and started a battle with Mo Hongzhe.

At this moment, Ji Chen took action. He stepped forward and came to Huo Qilin's side. He stretched out his big palm and moved towards Huo Qilin to restrain him.

The fire unicorn instantly transformed into a ball of flame, fell into the magma below, merged with the magma, and disappeared.

A terrifying cold air instantly erupted from Ji Chen's body, freezing the magma beneath his feet. The cold air spread quickly, and the magma for several miles around was frozen, becoming icy cold. Then Ji Chen raised his hand and sucked it in, and a huge piece of ice rock was covered with ice. He sucked it up.

A ball of fire spirit traveled through the ice and magma. He was not frozen. Wherever it passed, the ice and magma melted very quickly.

A passage was melted by him, but of course as soon as he emerged from the ice rock, a golden palm directly enveloped him, and runes flashed out, imprisoning him in it.

"Brush!" A sword light struck from a distance and hit Ji Chen's eyebrows.

A young man rode a sacred bird and killed it.

Behind the young man, there were several young men who were also riding on the sacred bird.

Ji Chen squeezed the True Dragon Fist Seal with his hand and punched out, transforming into the ancient ferocious beast True Dragon and letting out a thundering roar. In an instant, he crushed the sword light to pieces, and then crushed it with a crushing force, blasting the young man and his divine bird into a ball of blood mist.

Under the terrifying temperature, the blood mist was quickly evaporated.

The young men behind were all shocked by this scene.

"How could he have such a powerful body and shatter the divine sword with his bare hands?"

"Who are you? We have been tracking this fire unicorn for a long time. You stole our animals and you dared to hurt people. You are seeking death." One of the young men yelled.

Several people formed an encirclement and surrounded Ji Chen, preparing to form a battle formation.

"Your things!" Ji Chen's eyes turned cold, and his figure disappeared instantly, so fast that no one could see clearly.


Blood mist filled the air, and one of them was blown up together with the divine bird, turning into a mass of blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen's figure kept flashing, and the young men surrounding Ji Chen were all blown away one by one, turning into a ball of blood mist.

The remaining people were so frightened that they jumped into the sky and tried to escape.


Several knife wires shot out, pierced through those people, pulled them back, and punched them one by one, blasting them all.

The young man who was fighting Mo Hongzhe was also scared of death. He struck out with his sword and shook Mo Hongzhe away before preparing to escape.

However, Ji Chen suddenly appeared and punched his entire body into pieces.

Then, Ji Chen carried him back to the flying boat and threw him on the deck.

The people on the boat looked at Ji Chen with awe.

Such a powerful team, which was no worse than theirs, was defeated by Ji Chen in an instant.

"You, you are the Son of God..."

The young man caught by Ji Chen stared at Ji Chen in horror.

"Son of God?" Ji Chen was puzzled. What is the Son of God?

"You are not the Son of God!" Seeing that Ji Chen did not know the meaning of the Son of God, the young man instantly confirmed that the other party was not the Son of God.

"You'd better let me go, otherwise my master won't let you go." The young man was still speaking harshly, and the fear just now turned into embarrassment.

"Is your master the son of God?"

"Of course he has hundreds of followers, and each one of them is a youth supreme level existence. I advise you to let me go. I don't care about what happened just now. I can also explain the people you killed. Killed by the fire unicorn."

"Kill me, and you will be hunted by the Son of God. Letting me go will only do you good, no harm."

The young man doesn't want to die here. As long as he can escape, he can inform Master Shenzi that there are not enough people in this boat to be destroyed by Master Shenzi with one hand.

"I can see from your eyes that even if I let you go, you will let us go!"

Ji Chen's cold eyes completely frightened the young man. It was a look full of killing, wildness, and unscrupulousness.

"Tell me about it!" Ji Chen asked.

"say what?"

"Tell me everything you know!"

Finally, under Ji Chen's questioning, the young man told everything.

The Son of God represents an extreme, the talent has reached the extreme. It has the heaven-defying talent of igniting the divine fire and becoming a god. Therefore, it is called the Son of God. The son chosen by God is destined to become a god.

The young man's master is a son of God, known as the Son of Fire, who practices deep in this area.

There is an extremely powerful divine energy of fire nature deep in this area, which is very helpful for cultivation, especially for body training. One day of cultivation can last for several months.

Ji Chen was surprised that there was such a mysterious place. He was a little moved. Nowadays, the killing point was becoming increasingly unable to keep up. He needed such a place very much. (End of chapter)

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