When the news came out, it caused a huge earthquake, which shocked countless forces and sent chills down everyone's spine. Unexpectedly, Ji Chen was so ruthless and set up a killing trap to trap and kill everyone in that area.

Someone went to that area to verify it in person. What they saw was desolate, the earth was broken, and the land was dyed blood red. The terrifying murderous intention filled the area for hundreds of miles. The evil spirit was condensed and it was so strong that it could not be dissipated. Resentment was entangled. It was obvious that they How unwilling I was before I died.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked by the scene in front of them, their hearts were trembling, their hearts were so cold, and even their souls were about to be frozen.

It broke the sky, and all the major forces were talking about it. It was like a huge earthquake, and it spread throughout the northern and eastern regions in a few days.

"Who can tell me if this is true? Even half-step saints have fallen, countless geniuses have died tragically in that place, even the Golden Lion has died!"

"It's absolutely true. I was there and saw it with my own eyes."

"Then why are you okay?"

"I caught up to watch the excitement and stood far away without stepping into the formation."

"It's so tragic. Ji Mozun set up a peerless formation there. Everyone who stepped into the formation died, including the Golden Lion Venerable, the Snow Wolf Venerable, the Saint of the Refining God Sect, the Prince of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, and the Killer God Dynasty. There were more than a dozen killers who were half-step saints, and dozens of great sages like the Golden Lion Venerable, and they all died there."

"That place is simply a purgatory on earth. In that kind of scene, human life is worth less than grass. No matter whether you are a high-ranking lord of heaven, a very noble prince and saint, or a half-step saint who can decide life or death with just one thought, at that moment , they are all ants, no one can withstand the blow of the peerless killing array."

"What a breakthrough! This Demon Lord Ji is really good at it. He annihilated all his opponents in one battle. This time he offended all the forces in the two major regions, the Eastern Region and the Northern Region."

"We can't blame Demon Lord Ji entirely, he has no way out in the first place!"

"So what? There is no absolute right or wrong in the world of cultivation. I just blame him for having so many secrets. It is normal for him to be remembered."

Ji Mozun's bloody battle overnight caused a huge earthquake between the two domains. No one expected that Ji Mozun's methods were so ruthless. Many girls couldn't help but vomited on the spot after seeing the bloody and tragic scene.

In the following time, the turmoil became more and more intense. So many masters and geniuses died, which made all the forces unable to sit still. In some forces, almost all the geniuses of the younger generation died, leading to the annihilation of generations.

"Have you heard that Prince Bai Yue is dead? He was stabbed through the head by Demon Lord Ji and was killed directly!"

"Really or not, if this is true, then the Moon Worshiping Kingdom will not let it go. The two countries are already at odds with each other, and a war will probably break out directly because of this matter."

"It is unlikely that a war will break out directly. After all, they are openly chasing Demon Lord Ji, and they have nothing to say if they are killed in return."

"After all, he was the prince of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, and the saint of the God Refining Sect was also killed in the formation. Coupled with the death of the Sun God Lord in the hands of Demon Lord Ji some time ago, this hatred is settled. Even if the Moon Worshiping Kingdom will not use this as an excuse to directly start a war with the Great Xia Holy Kingdom, it will still pursue Demon Lord Ji."

The turmoil is getting bigger and bigger, and a huge alliance composed of many forces has appeared in the Northern Territory. They want to find an explanation from the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia and let the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia hand over Demon Lord Ji.

They want to take advantage of the turmoil of the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia being promoted to the Kingdom of God, and join hands to oppress and force the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia to make concessions.

In this regard, the Holy Emperor only said one sentence, "Whoever wants to give an explanation, please stand up and I will give an explanation myself."

Emperor Xia only had one word, "Kill!"

The two emperors spoke at the same time to support Ji Chen. The world was shocked and everyone took a breath.

The Holy Emperor personally came to give an explanation, and the sect didn't want anyone who dared to stand up.

Many people have already had a premonition that the great age has come, the kings have risen together, and the era of heroes competing for hegemony has arrived. Even the young supremes and the venerable geniuses are falling in groups. Next, I am afraid that more geniuses will fall. I don’t know who will have the last laugh. I will be proud of my peers and I will be the only one.

"Ji Mozun has completely risen, and no one can check him anymore."

"In just two years, Demon Lord Ji has grown from an ordinary person to this point. He is already unrivaled among his generation."

"Invincible Demon Lord, the era of saints has come."

With the support of the two emperors, at least no one dared to target Ji Chen openly, but the pursuit in secret became more and more intense. Many forces placed orders with the Seven Kills Divine Dynasty and invited the assassins of the Divine Dynasty to assassinate Ji Chen. .

The Seven Killers Dynasty was also under great pressure. Several assassinations against Ji Chen failed and a lot of people were lost. Especially that night of bloody battle, more people were lost, including a seed killer.

The main reason is that Ji Chen's strength has improved too fast, and their information is seriously unable to keep up. Even if they use Ji Chen to train troops, they can't do it. Every time, the team is destroyed.

At this moment, Ji Chen was in retreat in the Palm World, trying to reach the ninth realm of the Venerable. In two full months, Ji Chen went from the fifth realm to the ninth realm, consuming a total of 400 million killing points.

In each realm, Ji Chen tried his best to cultivate to perfection, and then used killing points to break through and advance. The flesh and blood of the Golden Crow Great Sage was almost exhausted.

As for the Shen Zang, Ji Chen is not very keen on going in. If the Shen Zang has not been closed after retreating, it will not be too late to enter. If it is closed and missed, then it will be missed.

After another half month, Ji Chen finally came out of seclusion. At this time, his cultivation had reached the limit of a venerable, which was commonly known as a half-step saint.

The entire flesh and blood of the Golden Crow Great Sage has been consumed by him. The higher the level of cultivation is, the faster it will be consumed. According to Ji Chen's estimation, once he becomes a saint, the flesh and blood of the Black Dragon Great Sage will be left. It probably won't take long.

Now he is only one step away from becoming a saint. As long as he has enough killing points, becoming a saint is just one sentence away.

There are 490 million killing points left. According to past calculations, at least one billion killing points are needed to become a saint.

"If we have another killing array to destroy the enemy, and a ruthless trap, a few kills should be enough!"

However, this idea was quickly given up by Ji Chen. It is estimated that the outside world is trying to find him. If he goes out to show off, there will probably be a powerful person at the level of the Holy Lord secretly taking action.

So, Ji Chen changed his identity again and appeared on the streets of Black Dragon City.

Wearing a black tight-fitting battle suit, a brocade belt tied around the waist, with hair tied high at the temples, a hairband made from the finest divine weapon was held up in the hairband, and a small flying sword was used as a hairpin to pass through the hairband.

It looks like he is a disciple from a cultivating family or a supreme sect.

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