Immortal light suddenly appeared, killing everyone and shooting. Many people were swept by the killing light, turned into blood and mud, and died tragically on the spot.

As the formation moved, swords formed by fairy light and killing light shuttled through the formation, intertwining into a sword net. Many people were pierced by the sword and turned into sieves, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

Venerable Golden Lion could no longer hold on, and the battle clothes on his body were completely wiped off, and he was completely destroyed in body and soul amidst the unwilling screams.

The Golden Crow Master, the Saint of the God Refining Sect, the half-step saint of the Wolf Clan, these famous and powerful people are all dying one by one.

This night is destined to be a bloody night.

"Damn it, how could this formation be so powerful?" Everyone's scalp was numb and their hearts were extremely frightened.

Now all that's left in the formation are some half-step saints.

"This little bastard dares to plot against us. If he survives this time, I swear, his life will be worse than death."


The world shook. The original cross-domain teleportation platform carved by Ji Chen turned into a millstone, spinning slowly like a heavenly grinding wheel. Some people who touched the millstone were directly crushed into meat paste.

In the sky, the killing light gathered into a huge heavenly millstone. Slowly turning, crushing downwards mercilessly, the two millstones are getting closer, and the blood is constantly rising.

The most terrifying aspect of the Peerless Killing Formation has been revealed. All those trapped in this formation will have difficulty escaping the fate of being wiped out by the millstone of heaven.

The screams are endless. This is a terrifying scene like Shura. These half-step saints who were originally aloof and powerful, who can control the life and death of others with a single thought, are being tortured and killed at this moment, and each of them is like a bereaved dog escaping in the formation.

The immortal light millstone rotated, and the half-step powers were wiped out one after another, the flesh was crushed, and blood flowed into a river.

This place turned into an ancient battlefield, with blood mist filling the air and a pungent smell. Ji Chen Cui moved the two huge Heavenly Dao millstones and his eyes turned red.

Those in the distance who had not stepped into the formation were all petrified by the tragic scene in front of them. Their hearts were filled with chills and fear, and their clothes were soaked with cold sweat. This was completely the Shura Field. They were glad they had not stepped into it, otherwise The fate will be the same as the people in the field. It turned into blood mist and disappeared into ashes.

"These are all half-step saints, and there are so many talented people who have all fallen here. It's so cruel."

"This Demon Lord Ji is really terrifying. He actually set up a killing formation here to lure everyone here and kill them all in one fell swoop."

Everyone was heartbroken, even Holy Son Tianji and Holy Son Kaiyang were frightened.

"Too many people were killed, which caused a shock." Holy Son Tianji said with some worry.

Kaiyang Holy Son said: "We have already started killing, we can't be kind. Even if Brother Ji lets them go now, they are already dead enemies. Not only will they not be grateful, but they will come back with even greater revenge. Now that they have started, there will be no more." You can't turn around with an arrow, and you can't be merciful. Once you take action, you can only kill them all."

The two millstones of heaven and earth finally come together, and the peerless formation is the ultimate killer, and no one can escape.

The world is silent, thick dark clouds cover this area, the smell of blood is filled, and the strong breath of death flows. The large formation millstones have not dissipated, and the 800,000 kilograms of spiritual stones have not been completely consumed, but the people inside the formation have already They were all wiped out, and no one could survive the crushing force of the two millstones.

At this moment, a ray of sword light suddenly appeared, crossing the sky in the dark night sky, like a stream of light, instantly piercing a handsome man watching the battle in the distance.

Ji Chen used the Tianxuan Sword and began to hunt the people outside the formation.

Those who showed murderous intentions towards him have long been remembered by Ji Chen, and now is the time to liquidate them.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The speed of the sword light was extremely fast, killing more than a dozen talented heroes in an instant. The remaining people were all dead, and a cold air rushed straight to the sky cap, turning into streams of light and rising into the sky.

Ji Chen's sword intention at this moment is enough to cover eight thousand miles. As soon as the thought comes, the sword light will come and kill indiscriminately within eight thousand miles.

The sword flashed across the sky, staining eight thousand miles with blood. In just a moment, all those who had shown hostility to Ji Chen were shot in the void by him.

As for those who were watching the excitement, Ji Chen did not kill them all and allowed them to escape.

Everyone fled, and Ji Chen was the only one left in this world.

Holy Son Tianji and Holy Son Kaiyang have also left. What Ji Chen may have to face next is the pursuit of endless forces. They don't want to hold Ji Chen back or become a burden. The best way at this moment is to leave the demon clan.

The peerless formation was still operating, and Ji Chen stood on the silent land, checking the killing point.

Killing point: 890 million.

A total of 890 million killing points were enough for him to break through to the limit of the Venerable.

It was late at night, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. The soft moonlight fell on the earth, and there was no life in the entire earth.

The killing array had stopped functioning, and one by one Holy Lord-level sacred artifacts were unearthed by Ji Chen.

The divine golden cauldron shimmered with brilliance, and the majestic life energy in it boiled. In the killing array, the life energy of all the killed creatures were swallowed up by this divine golden cauldron, forming a human elixir inside.

The golden elixir sparkles with strong life essence.

Ji Chen raised his head and looked into the distance. At the end of the sky, there were figures, and someone appeared. Looking at this from a distance, they felt a terrifying and murderous aura from a distance, which made them feel cold from head to toe, and they did not dare to get close.

Suddenly, Ji Chen felt a hint of crisis. He looked up, but found nothing.

"Is there anyone at the Holy Lord level spying on you?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ji Chen's mouth. He was sure that there was a powerful person at the level of the Holy Lord spying in secret. Perhaps he was afraid that he had a back-up plan and did not dare to get close.

He had a hunch that this place might not be too peaceful next, and then he disappeared and entered the palm world.

No matter how big the storm will be here next, it has nothing to do with him. What he needs to do now is to quickly improve his strength.

It wasn't until long after Ji Chen left that someone gradually dared to approach. The tragic scene made everyone take a breath and feel chills in their hearts.

On the second day, the news spread throughout Black Dragon City, and spread throughout the entire Demon Clan and the Northern Territory at a faster speed, causing a huge stir.

All those who were chasing Demon Lord Ji perished, and only some who were watching the excitement escaped back.

More than a dozen half-step saints, dozens of venerables, countless geniuses, killers from the Seven Kills Dynasty, strong men from all major forces of the demon clan, saints from the Refining God Sect, princes from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, Golden Lions Venerable, there are also strong men from the Shenhuo Cult.

These are all powerful men who can be named, and there are countless people who fish in troubled waters. The total number of talented heroes who died there is hundreds. (End of chapter)

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