Ji Chen has no intention of confronting the Seven Killers for the time being. It would indeed be unwise to confront them.

Put this matter aside for the time being. He doesn't have any good way to target this killer organization yet.

But Ji Chen had already marked this killer organization in his heart.

"Thank you, Brother Chi, for telling me this. If that's the case, I'll leave now and see you later."

When Ji Chen took one step forward, the person disappeared and reappeared thousands of miles away.

Chierbu was immediately shocked. He was shocked again by Ji Chen's speed. In just a few breaths, Ji Chen had disappeared from his perception.

This speed is really terrifying. Fortunately, I didn't challenge rashly just now. If I lose, I will not only be beaten up, but also the clan will laugh if I pass it back.

On a mountain thousands of miles away, Ji Chen appeared here.

He changed his appearance and turned into a young Taoist priest, wearing a green Taoist robe, and he seemed to have some immortal spirit.

If you want to completely evade the pursuit of the Seven Killing Gods, just changing your appearance is not enough. The killers have secret methods for tracking traces and calculating their location.

First, we must completely cut off tracking and calculation, and only use the teleportation array to cross the void. In this way, we can use the power of the void to completely isolate and cut off all relationships.

Ji Chen doesn't know how to carve or build a teleportation array, but he has other ways.

Use the space power of the world in your palm to envelope yourself and completely isolate yourself from the world.

Ji Chen's aura completely disappeared from this world. He took one step and his whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

Not long after he left, three black-armored men tracked him here. However, after arriving here, Ji Chen's aura disappeared. No matter how they searched, they could not find the aura heading in that direction.

"It's strange how it disappeared. There are no traces of the construction of the teleportation array, nor are there any traces of the void formation."

Just when the three of them were confused, a young man wearing a blue Taoist robe appeared out of thin air. This young man was Ji Chen.

He has never been a person who suffers losses. How could he let the people of the killer organization chase him, so he came back again, killed a carbuncle, and collected some interest first.

"It came so fast!" Ji Chen's faint voice sounded.

"Who!" The expressions of the three men in black armor changed greatly.

"The person who wants your life!"

Ji Chen disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment he appeared next to one of them and punched him.


The man was directly beaten and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The other two people were shocked, this young Taoist priest was too fierce.

Their bodies disappeared out of thin air and they used secret techniques to escape.

The killer's rule is to retreat immediately if you miss a hit.

Ji Chen reached into the void with his hands, grabbed them out, and blew them up with two punches.

"Bang bang!"

Two masses of blood mist filled the air.

Ji Chen waved his hand and made a seal, and the true sun fire emerged, burning the three blood mist completely, along with the auras of himself and the three people.

After doing all this, Ji Chen quietly left.

Three killers, three million killing points, plus the killer he killed before, a total of four million killing points.

Four noble-level killers, this lineup was enough to kill their previous selves, but they did not expect that they would directly break through from the sixth level of Feather to the realm of the Supreme in just two months.

The information gap led to their failure this time.

Next time they will probably send a stronger opponent, so be careful.

However, if they dispatch killers according to their current strength at the first level of the Venerable, they can give them another surprise.

But next time, it will be very troublesome, so before that, we must find out who hired the killer and figure out a way to deal with the Seven Kills God Dynasty.

A few days later, Ji Chen returned to Dandong Rongcheng.

King Kong had returned to Dandong with his troops a month ago. He has now become the little bully of Dandong and the number one leader of Dandong ASEAN.

Under his integration, the Dandong Alliance merged into a new sect, and the former Tandong Seven Sects have become a thing of the past.

Now there is only one sect in Tan ASEAN, the Dantong Religion.

I have to say that King Kong does have some management skills. He has learned a lot from Qin Shuai over the years. In terms of management and leadership, Ji Chen is incomparable to him.

The leader of the Dandong Sect is still Ji Chen, and the deputy leader is still King Kong. He re-elected ten elders and integrated the entire Dandong Sect into a monolithic structure.

Ji Chen appeared outside the city lord's palace. In order to cause unnecessary trouble, he directly sent a message to the great elder to ask him to come out to see him.

After all, he has changed his appearance now. In order not to lure the killer to Dandong, he has not restored his appearance.

The great elder Chong came out in a hurry and took Ji Chen into the city lord's mansion.

Today's City Lord's Mansion has completely become the territory of the Dandong Sect.

As soon as he arrived outside the main hall, Ji Chen heard a voice.

"We only came here to discuss with King Demon King. I believe that Deputy Leader Vajra should be able to find him."

"Senior brother, he is not in Dandong Sect, and I can't find him. You can go back!"

As Ji Youth Supreme's name spreads, many geniuses want to compete with him and become famous.

After all, if you defeat the Young Supreme, you can replace him and become the new Supreme.

"Isn't he the senior brother of Master Vajra? How could you not know his whereabouts? Could it be that he was afraid and hid."

Outside the main hall, the great elder explained, "The leader became famous in one battle, and then disappeared for two months. Some people suspected that the leader had returned to Dandong, and those who wanted to challenge the leader found Dandong. If they had not taken the identity of the deputy leader into consideration, I guess I’ve already started.”

The Great Elder looked angry. He had only recently learned of King Kong's identity, and he was actually the apprentice of Qin Shuai of Daxia.

Although Qin Shuai is not the Holy Emperor, his cultivation is close to that of the Holy Emperor and has reached the limit of the Holy Lord. Coupled with his status as Qin Shuai of Great Xia, few people dare to ignore his existence.

This is also the real reason why the big forces did not dare to touch King Kong after Ji Chen left.

Ji Chen walked in and saw three men sitting on chairs with relaxed expressions.

Judging from the auras revealed by the three venerables, they should be in the first or second realm.

Ji Chen had already sent a message to King Kong before he came in, so when Ji Chen came in, King Kong didn't act surprised. He just treated Ji Chen as an old friend and invited Ji Chen to sit down.

After Ji Chen sat down, he looked at the three people across from him, and the three people across from him were also looking at him. They could also feel how extraordinary this young Taoist priest was.

Ji Chen looked at King Kong and asked, "Who are they?"

"The people from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, the Three Great Masters of the Worshiping Moon!" King Kong chuckled and shook his head. There were too many people coming to challenge Ji Chen during this period. Those people came to him when they couldn't find Ji Chen. He Received several waves.

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