The remaining people were frightened and turned into birds and beasts to escape.

Rays of light rose into the sky and shot in all directions.

They are quite smart and know how to escape separately.

Ji Chen took eight steps into the air, teleported directly, caught up with them one by one, and blasted them all in the air.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Clouds of blood mist filled the air, and no one could escape.

In terms of speed, Ji Chen could leap hundreds of streets ahead of them, and he could teleport directly over a short distance. The two sides were not at the same level at all.

Killing points: 34 million

Ji Chen took a look at the killing points. Together, these people gave him a total of 18.1 million killing points.

"You want to fight me!" Ji Chen looked at Chi Erbu.

This person is very pure, and you can see it from his eyes. He is the kind of person who has a very straightforward personality, a hot temper, but is also very resolute.

It is difficult for such a person to survive in this cruel world of cultivation, but not only did he survive, but he also practiced to the level he is today, which is enough to prove that his background is very unusual.

There are only two types of people who can survive in the world of cultivation, those with ruthless methods and those with ruthless backgrounds.

This Chi Erbu should be the kind of person with a ruthless background. He is also the only person who has not shown murderous intentions towards him.

So Ji Chen guessed that he came to him because he really wanted to fight with him.

It just so happened that Ji Chen also wanted to test his combat prowess.

Unexpectedly, Chierbu showed a wry smile and said, "I am not your opponent!"

He simply admitted that just by the speed Ji Chen showed just now, he knew that he was no match for Ji Chen.

Their clan has a straightforward character, but being straightforward does not mean being stupid. If you insist on beating someone if you can't beat them, that's looking for abuse.

Moreover, the aggressive and decisive character that Ji Chen showed just now suits him very well. He also doesn't like people who are dragging their feet and will do whatever they don't accept.

Revenge on the spot and repay kindness immediately.

At this moment, Ji Chen's eyes turned cold, he reached into the void and pulled out a black shadow.

This was a man covered in black armor. Ji Chen grabbed him out of the void, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

A pitch-black sword appeared in his hand, and he stabbed Ji Chen's throat very quickly, without any fancy changes or fancy moves. He stabbed Ji Chen in the simplest, most direct, and most effective way. .

Even though he was caught by Ji Chen, it still did not affect his performance.

Ji Chen actually sensed danger from this sword.

He struck out with a palm, hitting the side of the sword's body, deflecting the sword, and then punched the man in black armor on the head.


The man in black armor had his head exploded and was beaten to pieces.

At this moment, a black light struck Ji Chen's head from the shattered blood mist.

With a swish, a hole was made in the void, which shows what kind of power this black light contains.

This was the first time Ji Chen encountered such an extreme enemy. Even if he died, he would drag the enemy with him to die together.

He punched out, and his physical strength exploded. The golden fist vibrated, splitting the void, and exploding the black light and the body of the black-armored man together.

Ji Chen was a little surprised at how extreme this man was, like a deadpool who would do anything to kill people.

Chi Erbu's expression changed slightly, "People from the Seven Kills Cult of the Divine Dynasty!"

"Seven Kills Divine Dynasty?" Ji Chen was confused. He had heard of almost all the divine dynasties in the Eastern Region and Northern Region. This was the first time he heard the name of Seven Kills Divine Dynasty.

Chirbu explained: "This is a dynasty of killers, mainly assassinations."

"There is no one in the world they dare not kill. From ordinary cultivators to Holy Lords and Holy Emperors, as long as they can afford it, they dare to kill. Legend has it that they once successfully assassinated the Holy Emperor."

Ji Chen was shocked. He had successfully assassinated the Holy Emperor. How terrifying this killer god was.

"I shouldn't have any grudge against them, right? Did someone invite them to assassinate me?" Ji Chen was a little confused.

Chierbu nodded, "They generally don't easily participate in disputes between major forces. Someone probably asked them to take action, so they targeted you."

"It is estimated that your movement through the tribulation just now attracted their attention. They have discovered your traces. This failure is a serious underestimate of your strength. I didn't know that you had already broken through. Next time they will send more powerful ones." The killer."

"So, they are difficult to deal with?" Ji Chen asked. He knew very little about this killer dynasty.

Chi Erbu nodded, "It's very difficult to deal with. As long as they accept this business, they will keep chasing the target until they successfully kill it. So far, they have not given up on any case."

After a pause, he continued: "Maybe they sent killers based on your previous strength, but they didn't expect that you would break through. The killer they send next time will probably be the Great Master."

"Just in time, I also want to find a few people to practice my skills with!" Ji Chen sneered. Just as he broke through, someone came to his door. It just so happened that he also wanted to practice his skills, look for the bad luck of these killers, and harvest some killing points at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

Now that his strength has greatly increased, he is not afraid of these killers at all. He just happens to kill one by one. Even if he really can't beat them, he still has eight steps to the sky, the fastest speed in the world, and can leave at any time if he wants.

As if he had seen Ji Chen's thoughts, Chierbu said: "Being targeted by the Seven Kills God Dynasty will lead to a real disaster. The Seven Kill God Dynasty's intelligence network is extremely powerful and spreads all over the world. If it is not necessary, Come on, it’s better not to fight to the death.”

"Furthermore, whenever the killers of the Seven Kills Dynasty are dispatched, there are usually more than two. Now if you catch one, the rest will definitely escape. It is estimated that stronger ones will come to kill you soon. If you kill them several times, If you don't die, they will use you as a training stone to hone their new generation of killers."

Chi'erbu's meaning is very simple. It's not worthwhile to fight with them. He knows a lot about this organization. Even people like him who come from an ancient clan are afraid of this organization. This shows how terrifying this organization is.

Ji Chen frowned, it seemed that this was really a tough killer organization.

Who on earth would invite the killers from the Seven Killing Dynasty to kill him?

Ji Chen calculated that the background of his few opponents who could mobilize the Seven Killers Dynasty must not be simple. The asking price of such an organization must be very expensive and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Either the power was very large, but they were afraid of Mr. Fang and did not dare to personally attack him, so they invited the Seven Killers Dynasty.

Either the Seven Killings God Dynasty is also concerned about the Demon Clan’s Phoenix Medicine and took the initiative to take this order from the Demon Clan.

If this is the case, then you really need to be careful.

"It's just a shame to leave like this!"

Ji Chen was a little unconvinced, so he just left. He really couldn't swallow this breath.

He has never been one to take offense.

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